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7 years ago

“Yeah, we’ve been clear on that from the beginning, and the president has spoken on it,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said when asked if Trump’s position on accusations against the president was that “all of these women are lying.”

hey, all you legal beagles out there, can a wh press secretary successfully be sued for defamation of character?  and would she be able to wriggle out of it, as in this particular instance, because she only confirmed from her podium a question with “Yeah, we’ve been clear on that” rather than specifically utter defamatory words?

the good news: there will be money for plaintiffs’ lawyers to be made in an attempt.  the bad news: taxpayers will be footing the defense lawyers’ bills.

7 years ago

Could  the lovely Sarah be sued? Yeah, but I think she is probably pretty safe from a defamation suit.  She’s just reporting what the PG claims about behavior of his from way back when.  The standard is making an untrue statement to a third party knowing it’s untrue or with a reckless disregard for the truth with the intent to harm the subject of the statement.  I think she touches all the bases except knowing the statement is false or having a reckless regard for the truth.  She’s taking SFB’s word for it that it didn’t happen – 16 or so times. She’s a mouthpiece with no first hand knowledge of whether the statement she’s making is about something that could or could not have occurred (which could be reckless disregard – that’d be a jury question)- because really, does anyone think even SFB would harass her, giving her a basis for knowing what she’s saying isn’t true?  I see that as unlikely.

But now I have to go take my brain out and wash some very disturbing images out of it.

7 years ago

pogo, well thought out with such clarity… you’d make a good law prof.  particularly the last clause of your last sentence: “disturbing images,” indeed, beginning with nightmare of presidential nakedness in oval office sans pink robe….ick.

7 years ago

Just waiting on future developments.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

A beautiful morning glory to the trail.

(mums from the garden)

Jamie, is that one of trump’s victims?

7 years ago

Patd, that’s nothing more than basics that I can remember from a bunch of years ago. I think I’d be a decent prof – I’ve got ‘sperienc to apply And don’t consider myself a super lawyer or anything. Not a lot of arrogance to burden students with.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

While corn maiden suckabee leads the country down this year’s corn maze with dead-end stories, fake trails and enough cover from the true path?   The trumpence junta is about to see the first cut.   After enduring a thousand papercuts to our way-of-life, everyday…from stinky zinke to paranoid pruitt, it is time for a tumble in the barrel.

From the Atlantic

It’s the end of the beginning for the Russia investigation.

7 years ago

Denials of his disgusting behavior are ludicrous! All someone has to do is put together a tape of all his lewd, lecherous remarks over the year and prove he’s a pig in his own words!

7 years ago

I’m betting that statutes of limitation are the reason you don’t see more lawsuits against SFB

7 years ago

Ha!…   so now we know why there was so much “follow the shiny objects” coming from the WH the past couple of weeks.  Figured the investigation was coming close to something for the WH to actually drag out Hillary and her emails again.

7 years ago

Does anyone, for one second, think the good minister Huckabee would allow his daughter (youngest and favorite child) to work under threat of a sexual assault or predation from her boss?

We know these particular Huckabees are good Christians. How? Because they’ve said so. Over and over. Ad Huckabee nauseam Thus, the strikingly beautiful PressSec would never defame anyone, let alone someone of her own gender. Good grief, the woman wears pearls!

Betcha she’s been clutching them this week, as the Mueller news rolled into the formerly White House.

October is my favorite month.

7 years ago

I’m guessing you’re right poobah. Of course it depends on the state.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Pulling the ‘woolsey’ over our eyes.   To me the most puzzling human during this last election cycle is james woolsey.   A green neocon (at least in 2008 and today with Lux capital),   an anti-war, mccarthy supporter, working in both republican and democratic admins, an iranian hater, a hawk, he was caught-up in the CIA scandal of ames (NYT 1994)…the CIA ruskie spy who compromised a lot of agents while working for the ruskies.  woolsey was slow to investigate ames and his wife.  In Sept. 2016, he joined trump’s transition team…worked with flynn which is why he and his wife had been cooperating with mueller’s team.   Forget about his former battles with the FBI, today he is talking.  He is like so many humans of my younger life who turned from hippie to hypocrite.



Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

The Hucksterbees  a family of slimey, not Christians

who can forget when he furnished the gubernatorial double wide with gifts after he registered at Target

7 years ago

Ms. Cracker, I didn’t forget about the double-wide with gift bow, because I didn’t know. Good grief, what scum buckets.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

yup she’s the favorite as opposed to the gun totting dog killer or the one that doesn’t speak to him

They are a truly disgusting family. A bunch of hypocrites and money grubbers. The oldest son acts(badly) in violent dramas and has a giant porn collection

Ugh and Suckabee Sanders is a practiced liar who knows what she is up to

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

<pAmerica’s Best Christian™ and one of America’s worst Christians, Mike Huckabee, explain Laws in Post

7 years ago

Today is our wedding anniversary, and I’m told we are going to a favorite place: Ted’s Montana Grill. So, it looks like Bison Pot Roast or Meat Loaf is What’s for Dinner (as well as the best sweet iced tea in town). Then, back home for my Apple Squares and “Stranger Things.”

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Congratulation to the Doodlesdogs sounds like a lovely evening.

We have no plans usually there is a big Halloween party fundraiser for the volunteer fire dept but there is a feud going on and there is a rump event but we are Switzerland and we will be at home

and dinner isn’t going to be anything to write about either  we are talking refrigerator  bingo

7 years ago

bw re Woolsey in sheep’s clothing: ya think we could be dealing with our very own “tinker tailor soldier spy” philby type on this side of the pond?  or is he the George Smiley character?

7 years ago

Keep up the good work, Mr & Ms Doodlesdog

7 years ago

A suit for either slander or libel would have to show a monetary effect caused by the attack. This is very difficult to calculate as the lawsuit must be filed so shortly after the event.

I believe that on of the women the pussygrabber assaulted is mentioned or shown in the pussy grab video. It could be a basis for at least one slander or libel suit, depending on whether the smear was oral or via some medium.

7 years ago

dinner/supper?  gonna roast colorful roots with a dead cow wrapped in dead pig strips sprinkled all over with parsley rosemary and thyme….no sage

which reminds me of a song I heard somewhere, but without a dead cow and pig involved.

7 years ago

wapo editorial today:
Is this who we are?

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

In honor of your Snoopy pic

Mrs. Peanuts house burned down in the recent fires.  But I think most of his stuff is at the Snoopy Museum and ice rink

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

In honor of your Snoopy pic

Mrs. Peanuts house burned down in the recent fires.  But I think most of his stuff is at the Snoopy Museum and ice rink…

7 years ago

XR, in at least some jurisdictions damages are presumed in defamation suits and the jury decides how much to award if the plaintiff can prove the other elements. It seems like BS, but in general defamation suits are not often successful and frequently don’t pay enough to make it worthwhile for plaintiffs attorneys to bring them.

7 years ago

craig, here’s another, but newer, article wondering samething

the guardian: Women accusing Trump of sexual harassment are lying, says White House


Trump’s accusers and others have pointed out that the president, however, has faced no consequences for the public allegations of misconduct that women raised last year. Some of the women who came forward with claims against Trump during the campaign spoke to the Guardian this month about watching Weinstein and others fall.

“Mr Trump was able to slough off the whole thing and that was very disappointing,” Jessica Leeds said in a recent interview. (She had accused Trump of assaulting her on a plane in the early 1980s). “I wish personally that the Weinstein story would have some effect on the Trump story, but to some degree Hollywood and the glamor machine is kind of a different category.”

Cathy Heller, who told the Guardian last year that Trump forcibly kissed her when they first met, said: “Many of the women who accused Weinstein are famous actresses and I think because of that, their stories had more heft. Ordinary women put up with this all the time.”

Asked about the recent revelation that the Trump campaign had been subpoenaed over a sexual assault allegation, the president said: “All I can say is it’s totally fake news. It’s just fake. It’s fake. It’s made-up stuff, and it’s disgraceful.”

7 years ago

Thanks for the anniversary wishes, TrailMixers.

When we got married, we took off on a honeymoon road trip through central and north Florida, spending time in state parks and the occasional hotel. (Shout-outs to the majestic Don Cesar, the atmospheric Wakulla Springs Lodge and a wary nod to Cedar Key’s Cedar Inn Motel’s haunted “Richard Boone Room” — unfit for man or Palladin ghost). We had cast our absentee ballots beforehand for Dukakis, realizing we would return to Reagan. Still a good decision in my book.

Will we have our own version of Guy Fawkes Day this year? We have a sort of Rump Parliament, courtesy GOP.


7 years ago

One of my favorite phrases from elementary school biography books about famous American heroes from the library:


7 years ago

I’ve always wanted a Linsey-woolsey suit.

7 years ago

Pat…….how many you feeding?

7 years ago

I have a sneaky feeling that this game is being played out far above our collective pay grades.

7 years ago

A Timeline chart so you can keep track of powerful men behaving badly:



7 years ago

The motto of my favorite high school, the one I came THAT close to graduating from, and the one which did graduate Stephen Colbert—an episcopal/military school founded by one Anthony Toomer Porter after the civil war—

One word in bas-relief on a huge metal plaque affixed to the clock tower:


7 years ago

It was very close…..it was touch and go……but in the end I failed Sacred Studies due to lack of attendance and they withheld the parchment.

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Patd – yes the basics of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy are here and have been for as long as the Russians and Soviets have existed, earlier if you go back to the 1700’s and all nations which existed back then.  You are most likely thinking of the Soviets and current version of the Russians. Yes. Very true.  How do I know? Just happen to know. For grins, every time I make a nasty comment about SFB or Putin,  one of the Russians attacks my website.  They are so predictable.  But, in the fight (not a game) of Spy vs Spy, things can get nasty.

Jamie – I was in eighth grade.  Our teacher, and all teachers were called to a conference.  Minutes later she returned – crying.  Then the announcement was made, President Kennedy had been shot.  A bit later we were dismissed for the day.  We made our ways home.  Turning on the television is when I learned the whole story.  One of the strange things of being older is I do not remember a lot of details about life decades ago.  So when I search online I am often surprised at what we considered “breaking news” or hot topics.   A few years ago my group celebrated a thirtieth birthday of a co-worker.  We, the rest of the group, were asked to think of what would happen on our thirtieth birthday (tells you a lot of my co-workers were very young) or if we were older than thirty, what happened during that year. For me I was sixty-one and had no idea what happened in 1980.  So I did a quick search.  Who would have known that Mt. St. Helen’s blew; or that the U.S. Olympic hockey team beat the Soviets?

The best things in life are when you enjoy them and make your life happy.  Sitting on a boat does that for me.  The surprise is I just spent my sixth year anniversary on board my sailboat.  Yay.  Happy anniversary.

7 years ago

Ninth grade study hall, Maj. Sydney F. Walls presiding, fluent in 14 or 15 languages……kid runs in yells “Kennedy’s been shot!”, runs out…..I think to myself,  “How on fucking earth did Henry Kennedy, my classmate, manage to get shot, did something go horribly wrong down at the armory with all those old Springfield ’03’s?”

but then the news filters thru and it’s quiet…..everything slow, go home now..,,,

i get home and I’m out in the furrowed field farting around with a stick when a kid comes over from down the street, “I think they oughta give the guy a medal!” he says……

I figured he was probably just listening to his old man, and his old man was crazy, most anybody could tell that…..

really creeped me out.

7 years ago

That was a seminal day in the evolution of my distaste for creeps……….

7 years ago

And yes, of course, I hate it even more when it turns out that I was the creep.after all…..that’s always a drag…..lol

7 years ago

If you look around the table and cant spot the mark—-the mark is you.
—Sock-eye Walsh, Myrtle Beach

7 years ago

“You have to take all the scent off the trap.”

7 years ago

It’s not like I give a rat’s ass, now is it…….

7 years ago


7 years ago

Mr DD: Happy anniversary! As for the Hucksters, we know that actual “good Christians” don’t run around telling the world what good Christians they are. Their actions speak for them. Actions speak for bad Christians too but, unfortunately, their shouting about how good they are drowns it out sometimes 🙁

Jamie: Quite a list there on Axios. The rest of the page is pretty interesting too. I want to know how sfb picked which JFK papers to release…I’m quite sure he didn’t read them LOL!

What’s for dinner…I went to a birthday gathering at a restaurant for lunch. I ordered a huge chef’s salad and had half of it boxed to take home for dinner. Then I dropped it getting into the car and it tumbled onto the ground…not a pretty site and not fun to pick up either. I had leftover chicken for dinner!

7 years ago

Happy Anniversary Mr & Mrs DD

On the menu side of things, Thursday was the youngest Grandchild’s 21st which we celebrated at Black Angus and are now in recovery from great food leftovers of steak and prime rib.

On the Kennedy assassination the story written by my son for the year of his birth Starting Out

For myself, I was a bookkeeper at a carpet company in Hollywood when the switchboard operator got the news.  Our head salesman had to explain to the Iranian owners why they had to close immediately and stay closed until after the funeral.  Interesting cultural exchange between the Catholic and the Muslim who was not unkind, just sort of bewildered by why everyone was crying.

7 years ago


Vanity Fair took the suit possibilities away from you with the “Shitty Media Men” list


7 years ago

And the Twitter version of same  which is now thanks to trolls injuring the women it was meant to help.

7 years ago

Watching The Wonder Lands on CNN.  This episode about Alaska and the threat to the salmon fisheries by the Pebble Mine development.

Which do we want more:  Minerals for cell phones etc for 7 billion people or fish for them to eat? It’s times like this I start thinking a really good flu pandemic might not be a bad idea.

7 years ago

Mr. P and First Lady are bickering a bit as they do the nestorations in DC for this year’s egg laying.


7 years ago

Headmaster Edward (“Steady Eddie”) Read called an impromptu assembly at which he announced the assassination, and said that it appeared we were not at war. I believe that then went to our next classes. Lower Schoolers may have gone directly to lunch.

We had a mix of Krag Jorgensens and Manlincher Carcanos.