Sunday Serendipity

By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor

In honor of Bach’s birthday something special and a bit different. Enjoy the music and as always enjoy your day!

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7 years ago

in the words of hawkeye and radar:  ahhhh, bach

jace, even on a penny whistle or jug band, bach would sweetly sound the same.  thank you. mayer’s oboe is different and a delightful change.

7 years ago

aside from his making faux news mad, wonder if this part of the story has anything to do with anything

ny times: Boris Epshteyn, Trump TV Surrogate, Is Leaving White House Job

Mr. Epshteyn, known for his argumentative, badgering style on TV, was a spokesman for the presidential inaugural committee. He grew up in Moscow, and met Eric Trump at Georgetown University.


huffpo also had other news of other wh meanies in “Steve Bannon Thought He Could Bully Republicans On Health Care. He Couldn’t.”

“Guys, look,” Bannon reportedly said. “This is not a discussion. This is not a debate. You have no choice but to vote for this bill.”

Bannon apparently did not count on the fact that House Republicans knew they actually did have a choice in the matter.

“You know, the last time someone ordered me to something, I was 18 years old,” one of the members reportedly told Bannon. “And it was my daddy. And I didn’t listen to him, either.”

In a humiliating turn for Trump’s White House, the bill was pulled off the table just minutes before a vote was scheduled to take place on Friday.

Earlier in the day, The Daily Beast reported that anyone who didn’t follow Bannon’s orders would be put on a “shit list.”

“[Bannon] has told the president to keep a shit list on this,” one official reportedly told the publication. “He wants a running tally of [the Republicans] who want to sink this … Not sure if I’d call it an ‘enemies list,’ per se, but I wouldn’t want to be on it.”

7 years ago

re trumpdontcare replacement from wapo:

Bill Maher had a succinct, if potty-mouthed, explanation for why Republicans’ health-care bill died before it came to a vote — despite the party’s huge congressional majority and seven-year desire to repeal one of President Barack Obama’s signature achievements.

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis) had done more and more to appease the Freedom Caucus, the latest re-branding of the tea party movement, according to Maher on his HBO show, “Real Time with Bill Maher,” which aired Friday night. Over time, that gutting would have left more people without health care than simply repealing the Affordable Care Act “and replaced it with nothing,” Maher said.

“The last version, they had cut hospitalization, doctor visits, maternity, mental health, lab tests, prescriptions, emergency room visits,” Maher said. “Their version of health care was: If you like your doctor, go f— yourself.”

7 years ago

What may have finally happened in the display of the GOP plans for healthcare is that people in general finally sat up, took a look around the globe and said, “If they can have that, why can’t we have that?”.  The internet being what it is, those who use it left and right now have people they actually speak to who think the US not having universal care is just plain nuts.  Politicians who have always been able to assault the true believers with radio, TV and the usual trusted sources are now fining themselves facing town halls filled with voters who simply want to go to the doctor without bankrupting their families.

7 years ago

Beautiful piece Jace.  Thank you for our lovely Sundays.

7 years ago

7.4 billion people, 20 billion chickens, and 400 million pigs.  Cutting of CDC & NIH budgets means a whole lot of people could die.  Of course considering the environment & climate change, the next question would be, is this good or bad?

The Real Threat To National Security

7 years ago

Jace…  thanks for the wonderful music….  always enjoy it.

Loved seeing all those great pictures of all the dogs.  Sturg… you and your pooch have the same beard 🙂

Some conservatives friends are getting pretty pissy about what’s happening politically.  Wish I could feel sympathy for them…  but I admit I don’t.

7 years ago
7 years ago

Mo Dowd on Twump

7 years ago

Jace, as always, thanks for a bit of culture on Sunday morning.

Jamie, thanks for the MoDo article heads up. Great piece.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

As always a lovely Sunday start thanks to Jace.

Pussy Grabber is doing what he always does promise big, fail, blame others and move on to the next scam.   He thinks he can bull and bully his way through and oddly has met his match  in the intractable jerks of the Gooper Party.

7 years ago

Ms. Graham Cracker,

You are correct. #45 uses, loses, blames then moves on to the next batch of suckers.

Btw, wondering if the clueless wonders in the GOP who embraced this fascist as a Republican realize that “To Serve Man” is a cookbook.


Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

SJW    laughing out loud

7 years ago

Re: Bannon’s Sh*t List

If I were an insecure a-hole my List would have:

70,000 names in Pennsylvania

13,000 names in Michigan

30,000 names in Wisconsin

Since I don’t have a List & never will I’ll work positively towards the betterment of my country by supporting & voting for competent Candidates instead of plotting Cromwellian revenge crappola.

May I be your Anne of Cleves, Sir Steve?  That worked out well. At least for Anne.





Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

alternatively, you could call for the thousands dumped from the voting roles to haunt the gooper halls of congress as ghost voters –particularly in Wisconsin where it cost Russ Feingold his seat and where the county elections officials should go to jail for violating the voting rights of the citizens they are supposed to be helping.

7 years ago

…those who simply sat on their hands made this possible. Those folks can now begin to reap what they have sown.

jace, indeed those folks who were too busy, too bored, too much in denial, above it all etc. are the folks I fault for this mess.  the registered voters who didn’t vote, who sat it out for who knows what reason, probably out number all the bernies, steins, indies and the otherwise vengeance crowd who actually made the effort to stand up for something.  even tho’ they and the trumpsters voted wrong imho, they at least voted.  this is (or was the last time I looked) a democracy.  votes count, but you gotta vote for your druthers to be counted.

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Life is good, recovering well from shoulder surgery, just in time to get stuff done around the house and yard.  It feels good to be doing active things again.

Strangest tweets today is the the senile old man handed Merkel an invoice for $375B for NATO costs.  Very stupid fool there.  At least he/it does not spend a lot of time in the WH, cuts down on idiotic acts.

With Flynn flipped it may be possible to have #45* in a perp walk sooner than expected.

7 years ago


LOL – Around here “To Serve Man” is family code for someone about to make a big mistake.  Of course we were major Twilight Zone fans.

7 years ago


The credit for the MoDo link goes to Sturgeone.


7 years ago

The dog ate my list.

7 years ago

How about,

1. <em>Serve the Man,</em>

2. <em>Observe, the Man,</em>

3. <em>Ecce Homo</em> ?

7 years ago

A li’l trouble with my #@%&* new laptop. dell. grrrrrrrrrrr

7 years ago

Nice hat, Mr Sturgeone.

7 years ago

bannonov wrote up a shit list cuz these guys gave him a case of the hellzapoppin’ shits.

Godunov for him.

7 years ago


Congratulations to the SC men for a great game against FL – on to the Final Four.

7 years ago

XR, I’ve had a bunch of issues with the Dell laptop I got a little over a year ago – the problem I have is it takes forever to boot up – sometimes as long as 10 minutes- claiming it is installing updates.  It drives me crazy when it does that.

7 years ago

South Carolina has an outstanding men’s basketball team, and now they have won the East Regional to advance to the Final Four to take on Gonzaga. I’ve watched Gonzaga through the whole season and South Carolina only during the tournament, but I’ve learned enough. This is going to be a great game, with two teams committed to defense.

I’ll root for the Zags, but it won’t surprise me in the lease if the Gamecocks continue their march.

7 years ago

sturge, thanks for making my day with dowd.  it took 6 months for her sweet revenge:


Donald J. Trump


Wacky @NYTimesDowd, who hardly knows me, makes up things that I never said for her boring interviews and column. A neurotic dope!
   Donald J. Trump


Crazy Maureen Dowd, the wacky columnist for the failing @nytimes, pretends she knows me well–wrong!

1:29 PM – 17 Sep 2016

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Wow.  whew. Stuff that would have been completed in twenty minutes forty years ago now take close to two hours.  Uck.  At least the canopies are up, ready for Spring, Summer, Autumn and Fall.  Of course back then I had working hands, shoulders, knees, back and muscles.

The floater is saying Ryan is a good man and there was nothing to his “Ryan is a bad guy” tweet and the faux snooze “dismiss the incompetent fool now” realty show.  Guess the next thing is a Trumpf© “almost like a Ka-Bar ” knife in the back.

Sometimes there is a good reason to spend most of the weekend news free.  Just tune in for a few minutes of tweets and then bail out.

FYI: Netflix is dumping seasons 1-4 of Bones April 1.  For those of us who do not watch television you will understand this.  This is one program I never knew about until accidentally clicking on it on Netflix a few weeks ago.  It is enjoyable and fun.  As someone who is like “Bones” Temperance Brenner, it is fun to see a glimpse of how I tend to act in the world.  But the big draw are the special effects corpses. They are wonderful, with a weird sense of humour.


7 years ago


I’m pleased to hear that you are healing despite yourself. Does this mean you will be ready for football season? Golly, that was a day or two ago. After you finish mending the shoulder, get to work on the foresail. While you’re doing that, I’ll have another beer.

7 years ago

Pogo & Travis, I’m amazed by the competence shown by the male Gamecocks. My favorites, the Gamecocks women’s team has been superlative in their effort. They’ll be playing Tallahassee late tomorrow for the Stockton championship. I hope they whup the ‘Noles as soundly as they did Quinnipiac yesterday.

Both the women and the men in the final four will be extraordinary.

7 years ago

My disgust with Trump and his cohort has left me nauseated for the last several weeks. What have I fought for? Why did Kumcho study so hard to be perfect when she took her citizenship test? Have I been stupid in the examples we chose for our family and their families?

What do we do to achieve a non-violent solution to this disaster sooner rather than later? I want to know; I demand to know.

7 years ago

wish they would’ve run the numbers in wapo’s story today on how much taxpayer money went to his enterprises and forget about the golf.

For the eighth weekend in a row, President Trump has visited a property that bears his name. He has done so on 21 of the 66 days he has been in office, meaning that for the equivalent of three full weeks of his just-over-nine weeks as commander in chief, he has spent all or part of a day at a Trump property — earning that property mentions in the media and the ability to tell potential clients that they might be able to interact with the president. And, despite his insistence on the campaign trail that he would avoid the links — “I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf,” he said in August — he has made 13 visits to his own golf courses since becoming president, likely playing golf on at least 12 of those occasions.

Below, a breakdown of Trump’s visits to his properties. They include:

• Trump International Hotel in Washington.
• Trump National Golf Club in Potomac Falls, Va.
• Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla.
• Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Fla.

7 years ago

1 seed North Carolina will round out the Final Four after beating 2 seed Kentucky. So the games are:

1 Gonzaga vs 7 South Carolina
1 North Carolina vs 3 Oregon

The pundits will tell us that UNC is the favorite, but I think any of the four can win it all. That’s why they’ll play them out next weekend.

Flatus – Best of luck to the South Carolina women!

7 years ago

Congrats to both Carolinas for making it to the Final Four. Alas, I was rooting for the losers today, my two home states: Florida and Kentucky.

7 years ago

Playing catch-up again. Had to quickly get through a few days so I’ll just do a few random thoughts I had along the way.

Jace: I definitely came to check out today’s musical offering and it didn’t disappoint! Bach is always a winner. Thanks 😀

Craig: Do you have any info re the Hillary graphic you posted Fri & today? I’d love to meme it or do something special and put it on a product in my store but, of course, I can’t unless it’s public domain or I have permission from the creator (no, I don’t mean God) Anyway, let me know it you have a link or a name. Thanks.

re pets for trumplstiltskin: He has never had a pet and I don’t think he ever will…and he shouldn’t. I wonder if there’s ever been a study of whether people with severe narcissism own pets. I’ll bet it’s a very low percentage if any do!

I forget what all else I thought of on my way through the last few days of comments but I do have a few dog memes I made over the years. One of them goes back to around the turn of the century (2000) LOL! I’m going to put them in the next comment and let them stand on their own.

7 years ago

I’m trying to post 3 pix but it looks like it’s only doing 1 so I may have to do it in 3 installments 🙁

7 years ago

Yep, that’s what it did so here’s #2

7 years ago

#3 is one of the first memes I ever made.