Spicer briefing: Repeatedly pointing to paperwork showing how much smaller Trumpcare is than Obamacare. Yep that’s the problem.
Trumpcare: Just take a nap, that cancer thing will disappear. 100 percent.
Trumpcare: Spitting up blood? Skip the ER, just drink motor oil. Awesome!!
Trumpcare: Put your next 6 month’s wages in a medical savings account. Then you’ll starve to death. Problem solved!
Trumpcare: Need birth control? Go to Canada, don’t expect a return visa.
Trumpcare: Scrap Medicaid, just make Grandma a lawn ornament. Sweet!
aside from letting the ceo’s get more money, I expect the gopers will also do in the 80/20 rule…. that’s the one that requires the insurance co to spend at least 80% on health care and no more than 20% on administration (as in those greedy ceo salaries, plush digs, conference parties in hawaii and such).
here’s some more on that ceo salary bit at mother ones: Holy Cats. The Republican Health Care Plan Is Even Worse Than I Thought.
The plan is bad enough that 4 pugn senators have said they won’t vote for it as it is. If that holds that means nothing in the Senate to send to conference for reconciliation. The fact that it was written in secret, copies weren’t distributed and senators were not allowed to see it speaks volumes.
“Bitches”?? Still, with that?
Has Jeff Sessions been formally charged with perjury, yet? Let me know.
And speaking of more stupidity, in order to try to fund the border wall, you know trump’s big beautiful border wall, OMB has drawn up a plan that would cut the budgets of the Coast Guard 14%, TSA and FEMA 11%. Makes sense doesn’t it? Take money from those agencies that actually do provide some protection for the country from external threats and build a border wall that probably won’t do the same.
Our country is being run by unapologetically lying criminals.
Scandinavian countries have it right. If we had Bernie, we’d at least have someone with a vision.
Any member of Congress who votes to remove anything without replacing it with something better will never get elected, again. Step lightly, bubble-dwellers. Step lightly.
FoxNews has gone full Goebbels-esque propaganda. Watch it as long as you can bear (20 seconds for me), and you’ll think you’re in another (horrifying) dimension. If Fox isn’t lying, they are ignoring.
aww contrary, poohbah, this is what the turnip himself promised his peeps is trumpcare….. and you know turnips never lie 🙂
“Everybody’s got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say,” Trump told 60 Minutes in September. “I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody is going to be taken care of, much better than they’re taken care of now.”
Trump reiterated that goal in an interview with the Washington Post days before taking office.
“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump told the newspaper. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”
Patd, there is no trumpcare. This is Ryancare. It pits the poor and middle class against the rich and insho and under it the rich and insho win. Insurance for everybody…bullscheisse.
Ann Telnaes … brilliant
And Toles.
looks like it’s getting hammered from all sides
Backlash grows against House GOP proposal to replace Obamacare
“widespread resistance from conservatives in and out of Congress, moderates in the Senate and key industry stakeholders”
craig, yeah, even coulter called the replacement bill “crap”
but on another front, btw, it’s international women’s day!
which nbc re-titled Women’s Strike: ‘A Day Without Women’ Events Take Place Worldwide
What would happen in a world where women didn’t exist?
That’s what people around the globe on Wednesday will attempt to demonstrate by taking part in one of the largest-ever International Women’s Day protests.
“A Day Without a Woman,” also deemed the Women’s Strike, encourages participants to skip work or school and avoid purchasing anything in stores or online to show just how critical a role women play in society.
trumped-up care? or tromped-on care?
Maybe someone could explain something simple to me. All insurance costs are based on the premise that the larger the pool, the cheaper the cost per person. Anyone who drives knows that the state insists on a mandate to make sure that all drivers are covered to at least a minimum extent to protect other drivers from the costs of injury to persons and property.
All states have a pool for bad drivers that is divvied out among insurance carriers as part of their service to the state in exchange for getting all the profits from good drivers. In healthcare some people are sicker than others while some go from birth to death with little more than a case of the hiccoughs.
What in the hell is wrong with a huge pool of mandated coverage for everyone in the US with policies that go from the bare minimum to Cadillac coverage in your private suite at the hospital?
Insuring anything is not all that difficult. It’s been done for centuries. The only thing making health insurance difficult is who is getting gored and who is getting all the goodies. The principles are the same.
As usual in the Bernie / Hillary argument. Bernie talked a lot for 40 years and did nothing. Hillary tried and got royally bloodied in the attempt, but at least kids got insurance.
In honor of the day, please change TrailMix headline to Trumpcare: You’re On Your Own Bastards.
Also, let’s get #GOPRussianRoulette trending. “Trumpcare” is an oxymoron of a moron.
Craig, I had a good laugh at your title.
I’m enjoying watching the repugs getting hammered. Even watched a bit of morning joe … Something I haven’t done for a couple of years. Course, I’m safe with buying HP coverage… A bit pricey, but a great policy. If I had Obamacare, I’d be scared shitless right now.
Ya know, the conservatives are right. Trump care really is Obama care lite, all the same problems or worse just less funding. The major change is the way subsidies are handed out and no penalty for not having insurance. Then if you get sick you just pay an additional 30% premium for one year. and like magic you get insured.
BTW the dumbest thing the Dems can do is defend Obama care. Come up with an alternative that fixes OC’s major problems and use it for the midterm elections. From what I see Trump care really sticks it to Red states, no on purpose, just their usual idiocies.
This is an article on the impact of the repeal of the ACA on Sonoma County (and a little on California)
Seniors and vets are shit out of luck
Pogo says:
March 7, 2017 at 9:25 pm “….get us healthcare….” Why, that’s positively socialist.
Congressional republican death panels claim that the tomb provides equal opportunities. If you are poor, you get equality faster.
the dumbest thing the Dems can do is defend Obama care.
jack, you’re right about that ’cause Obamacare is really Romneycare. dems should stick to the original plan of Truman’s “socialized” medicine (or even Hillary’s universal healthcare proposed in the early ’90s).
Craig: If it wasn’t so sad, I’d be laughing my ass off at your too true post.
“trumpcare”? Should be called “trump and his henchmen don’t care at all!” The only people that would approve this plan would be Insurance company executives!
This farce of a health plan is just the tip of the iceberg. If we’re not careful, the GOP Congress will completely destroy America as we know it. So much attention is being paid to trumplestiltskins daily insanity that many are taking their eyes of the real ball that’s in play. The people who actually have the ability to pass laws are having a field day. They have many bills on the table to dismantle the government and all the good that’s been done over the past half century+. One bill will end the EPA and another will take away the Dept of Education. And there are many other proposed bills that are just as bad. Don’t forget these are the same a**wipes who voted that trump doesn’t have to show America his tax returns. It looks more and more likely to me that they would prove his ties to Russia beyond a shadow of a doubt!
Food for thought:
Don’t know how familiar trail hands might be with the ideas of Gnosticism, but I found the following article very apropos to what we are seeing and hearing on a daily basis this year. From my point of view, Gnosticism is the very antithesis of all that insanity. But I think we’re probably stuck with insanity for the long haul!
I’ve been studying Gnosticism for over 20 years and probably longer since I was studying philosophical ideas and ideals most of my adult life in one form or another. Many turned out to be Gnostic in spirit even though I didn’t know it at the time.
Here’s the article I’m referring to. Hope some find it illuminating 🙂
What Would a Gnostic Government Look Like?
You don’t drop a bill this big this quick unless either:
a. You know you have the votes or are going to get the votes.
b. You know it’s going to fall flat on it’s face.
Ryan is doing this on purpose. Ryan is a smart guy. He doesn’t want it to pass – that would be even worse. This has been done to get this out of the way – so they don’t have to address it.
Ottawa Announces $650M For Sexual And Reproductive Health
Darn those sane Canadians. Don’t they know we are suffering down here?
The rippers believe that the State has no interest, in the business sense, in the well-being of the citizenry. They believe the State has an interest in protecting US corporations oil assets abroad. rippers count the assets of the few as more important than the health of the many. The republican death panels ought to be an issue in every Congressional District, and Dems should devote assets to finding cute pics of locals who die from ripperhealthcare, for use in the next campaign.
I just keep shaking my head at all of these “so-called” political program experts. The only thing you need to know about any project is that you need three kinds of people.
Idea, Creation, management.
Somebody has to have a great idea. Most of the time these people have vision but they aren’t all that good at putting the idea into the real world. They can talk and sell, but actually “working” not so much. The creators take the idea and figure out how to make it happen. They are fine in the initial stages, love taking bows for the WOW thing they’ve made, but get bored when the creation has been manifested. Finally you need someone who takes pride in upholding the dream and the day to day slog of keeping it going. If you don’t have all three, it falls apart, never happens, or bogs down.
Time passes conditions change and …. Guess you need a new idea. Rinse and repeat.
The deadbeat is going to cut money for the Coast Guard. Semper Paratus !
It’ll soon be semper pirates.
Dems oppose the piece of garbage that’s proposed, and it’s so bad even republicans won’t support it in numbers sufficient to pass it, and certainly not in the Senate. Now that’s bipartisanship. drumpf (well, Ryan, with drumpf nodding in the background) has done something Obama never could – brought the two parties together on an issue.
xr, yep, Coast Guard, TSA & FEMA – the guy is nutz. Numquam paratus will be the new motto.
When I was sailing up & down the coast of Maine, on the Chesapeake and in the Keys I always liked having the USCG stop by for checks on the boats. Buncha nice folks acting professionally and making the kids on the boats feel good.
This can’t be ryan’s hope to sweep all this politically destructive medical insurance crap under the rug. The trumpers can’t go back to their districts with hopes for re-election if they don’t repeal, and maybe replace, maybe, romneObamcare. ryan rolled out this half-baked and bleeding hamburger prematurely for some damn reason, and I suspect that it is in order to distract from the main issue of the day : russian moles in the White House.
The Canadian border is still open. Shall we carpool to Michigan, get out & start walking?
Jamie – Your idea about bigger pools & a high risk pool makes perfect sense. It’ll never fly in DC.
Can we go ahead and call TOD on Tryandon’tcare?
I’d call it republican ‘care.’ In my district it might be called lewis ‘care.’ if he supports the damn thing.
granny, are gnus the gurus of Gnosticism? always loved this flanders & swann song done by muppets:
from huffpo:
The American Medical Association just announced that it “cannot support” the Republican bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
The AMA announced its opposition in a letter Wednesday morning, hours before two House committees were set to mark up repeal legislation. It comes one day after a slew of patient advocacy and health industry groups including the American Hospital Association announced they were against the House GOP bill ― and it’s one more sign of political trouble for the Republican repeal effort.
“While we agree that there are problems with the ACA that must be addressed, we cannot support the AHCA as drafted because of the expected decline in health insurance coverage and the potential harm it would cause to vulnerable patient populations,” AMA chief executive James Madara said in the letter.
In the detailed letter, Madara raises objections to the key pillars of the Republican plan, including a rollback of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion. “Medicaid expansion has proven highly successful in providing coverage for lower income individuals,” he said, making a point that a variety of public health researchers have.
Madara also pointed out that the Republican bill would reorient federal financial assistance for people who buy private coverage on their own. Under the Affordable Care Act, the federal government provides more money to people whose incomes are low or insurance costs are high ― in order to establish a guarantee of coverage. Republicans would instead introduce a system of flat tax credits, varying only by age, that would reduce subsidies ― sometimes dramatically ― for poor people and those with high insurance costs.
“We believe credits inversely related to income, rather than age as proposed in the committee’s legislation, not only result in greater numbers of people insured but are a more efficient use of tax-payer resources,” Madara said.
The open opposition of so many health care organizations stands in stark contrast to their support of the 2009-10 reform effort that culminated in enactment of the Affordable Care Act.
One reason groups like the AMA supported that legislation was that Democratic leaders had spent more than two years working with them, going back to before the 2008 election, in order to build a coalition that could give reform the political resiliency it would need to pass Congress. The Republicans trying to repeal the law now did not do that.
Of course, there’s another reason the AMA and other groups endorsed reform in 2009. That was an effort to help give people health insurance, rather than take it away.
It’s “Kellyanne’s World” and apologies to Andrew Wyeth.
I don’t think Paul Ryan is that smart, dv. That may be his myth, but I watched Joe Biden hand him his lunch in their VP debate. He’s no brilliant tactician but more soulless conniver who has glommed onto a lying nutter. His Russian Roukette Rx plan stinks. That is all he came up with because governing is hard and he’s anti-government but wants the status and perks. Talentless weasel.
granny, didn’t mean to trivialize or ignore your gnostic sharing. the link is indeed thought-provoking given the times we are in. enlightenment in any form would be a welcome respite.
on a different subject from usatoday via msn:
President Trump accused former president Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower during the campaign over the weekend and now Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., are asking the Justice Department to prove it.
The bipartisan pair — who are chair and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism — sent a letter Wednesday to the FBI director and the acting deputy attorney general asking for specific information regarding the accusation. Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente is in charge of the Russia probe because Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself last week from any investigation involving Russia and the Trump campaign.
“We request that the Department of Justice provide us copies of any warrant applications and court orders — redacted as necessary to protect intelligence sources and methods that may be compromised by disclosure, and to protect any ongoing investigations — related to wiretaps of President Trump, the Trump Campaign, or Trump Tower,” wrote Graham and Whitehouse. “We will be glad to review any such applications and orders once they are disclosed, and proceed as appropriate with the oversight the President has requested.”
“As Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, we would take any abuse of wiretapping authorities for political purposes very seriously. We would be equally alarmed to learn that a court found enough evidence of criminal activity or contact with a foreign power to legally authorize a wiretap of President Trump, the Trump Campaign, or Trump Tower.”
Thanks for the compliment, but it wasn’t my idea. Variations on the theme have been in existence since the 1600s. The simple form is get lots and lots of people in and pay out to fewer people than the money you get in. The history of things like the life insurance of the Tontine system, protection of investors in ships and cargo with Lloyds of London, and guilds and unions such as the Actors’ Fund.
It is always the same: What does it cost, who pays, and who benefits? At it’s heart it comes down something the libertarians and extreme right can’t seem to understand: Anything that benefits all must be paid for by all.
“Anything that benefits all must be paid for by all.”
Jamie, maybe like clean air and water? roads and bridges?
won’t be surprised when the critters start privatizing tornado warnings and health pandemic alerts… user fees for those who survive
Mr Doodles Dog
Ryan is a particularly loathsome political type and unfortunately both sides seem to have lot of them, though the right wing is a rather unique form of the breed.
You know the kid. He’s glib, good looking, teachers like him, he spouts what they want to hear. Usually financially settled and often ends up prom king. His logical abilities and information are as wide as necessary but shallow and memorized to be repeated ad nauseam. There is a sense of entitlement to all the good that society dishes out and view of others as being somehow defective. Most don’t age well.
Ancient Chinese and Babylonian traders could secure insurance for their goods as early as the 3d and 2d millennia BCE respectively.
Vaughan, E. J., 1997, Risk Management, New York: Wiley
Pat, privatizing tornado warnings is a great idea !
Midwesterners like Mr Jack, Solar, and I could really clean up . . . er . . . so to speak.
Here’s an article about the tax implications of the “Ryan Impoverish the Poor so the Rich Can Have Another Tax Break Health Insurance Plan” (don’t really think there’s a good acronym for it and not sure whether to call it RyanCare or DrumpfCare – or maybe PGcare). Guess who gets a windfall and who gets hurt? Remember, it’s Ryan’s Plan (was that too big a hint?)
Poor people are unAmerican
Joe Kennedy III had a pretty good name for Ryan & the GOP’s crap plan: “An act of malice.”
Jon Huntsman as ambassador to Russia. Is this supposed to give Trumpco a look of openness or credibility with regard to Russia?
Mo Brooks, idiot congressman from Alabama, is on TV saying that three weeks is plenty of time for trumpcare or Ryancare or whatever the fuck you want to call it to pass. Chris Hayes pointed out that Obamacare was nine months in the House and 11 months in the Senate and Brooks, being the idiot that he is, still says yeah three weeks there’s plenty of time to consider the bill. You know the bill they had locked in a room last week and wouldn’t even let senators see.
Great news. I found out today the groundhog season is always in season in West Virginia. Tomorrow high of 62, Saturday half that. Damn rodent.
KC I love 1% care. Thank you.
Today is a special day for women. I celebrated by seeing the movie Hidden Figures…. Great movie! I highly recommend it.
State Department is to be cut by 37%
The russian foreign ministry will take over those duties.
When asked if he approves of the cuts, Secretary tillerson said, “Da.”
mike flynn finally registers as a foreign agent benefitting Turkey, of all places.