Sunday Serendipity

By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor

A very old song with very contemporary performers. The results might just be sublime. Enjoy the day enjoy the season and enjoy the music!

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8 years ago

Woo Hoo !

Good Morning, Jace. It’s a lovely selection.

8 years ago

jace, beautifully haunting and hauntingly beautiful.  thank you.

8 years ago

forgive me for breaking the mood, but… it’s Saturday Night Live!

8 years ago

and now, jace, time to light that 4th advent candle… btw which one is it, peace or love?  after that snl we need both.

8 years ago

sweet tune

remember the banana tree I planted a couple years back? Just noticed its about to punch out 50 or so

8 years ago

Wow! I’ve never seen bananas on the vine.  Banana bread for everyone in Orlando!

patD – Did you see the final vid on SNL?  Hillary making an appeal to an elector.

One TX elector actually resigned, rather than vote for Trump.  Another claims to be switching their vote.

Yep, a wacky season from beginning to end.   But to paraphrase Michael Che on WU, isn’t NOT giving Trump the EC win scarier, at this point, than voting for him?  What would happen to our country if he wasn’t given the win? Yep, the whole season has been absolutely bananas, and not the tasty kind.


8 years ago

Today’s Google is in honor of what would have been Stephen Biko’s 70th birthday.  He was only 30 years old when he was murdered 40 years ago and became a principal figure in the fight against South African apartheid.  One of my all time favorite films revolves around that story.  If you have never seen Cry Freedom, please make the effort.  It is easily available even to the extent of the whole thing being posted to You Tube.

The film closes with the escape from South Africa of Donald Woods and his family to bring the story to the outside world.

8 years ago

yep BiD, they are pretty. And they have a nifty way of signaling when they’re ready for harvest: Those little flowers on the end just fall off.

8 years ago

Blue is right about this year.  I’m absolutely sure that a whole lot of people now regret their Trump votes (well gee it was just an anyone but Hillary protest you weren’t suppose to take it seriously).  The crowds at the “Thank You but Praise Me Egocentric Sociopath Tour” are smaller than the original rallies, but they are the hard core that could be ginned up into rampant violence against anyone suspected of being a libtard or member of the “wrong” race.

At this stage about all we can hope for this that there are enough Members in the House who even though they might share his political positions are still sane enough to vote for impeachment.  Any other suggestion I might make would be decidedly illegal.

Does anyone know where I can get a ring once owned by a Borgia?  (Sarcasm for any one without a sense of humor surreptitiously reading… Maybe)


8 years ago

A wonderful rendition, Jace. I, in my innocence, had no idea who Alison Krauss is. Now I know!

8 years ago

Flatus…  I didn’t know her either….  what a beautiful voice!  Jace…   you outdid  yourself with that one.

Nope….  never had a potato pancake.  I googled menus from many restaurants at least a 30 minute drive from here….   none on the menu.  Guess there aren’t too many Jewish people living around these parts.   But I do know what nisu bread is….   makes the most spectacular french toast!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Lovely way to start the day


If we can’t be a world power we are the world’s joke

8 years ago

For those not familiar with Alison Krauss whose Grammy Awards are only less than Quincy Jones (and maybe Beyonce by now), have fun looking for albums by her and her wonderful group Union Station

8 years ago

“…isn’t NOT giving Trump the EC win scarier, at this point, than voting for him?  What would happen to our country if he wasn’t given the win?”

bid, if no candidate receives the requisite 270 votes in the electoral college the whole mess goes to critterville. you know the real mess experts.    being the gopers want to continue the reign they will vote for him or pence.  their vote for the twit is only temporary so he and pence will be inaugurated and they then will impeach said twit, pence becomes prez and ryan installed as vp.

more fun and games might occur in critterville just before biden has to announce winner according  msn/ nytimes story “The Electoral College Meets Monday. Here’s What to Expect”

At that point, Mr. Biden will ask if there are any objections, and lawmakers can then challenge either individual electoral votes or state results as a whole. If an elector has chosen to vote against state results, that is the moment when lawmakers can petition to throw that vote out.

Objections must be in writing and signed by at least one member of the House and one member of the Senate. If there are any objections, the House and Senate then immediately split up to consider them and have just two hours to decide whether they support the objection or not.

bedlam begins

8 years ago

BTW, Union Station’s Dan Tyminski was featured as lead of “Foggy Mountain Boys” for the movie Oh Brother Where Art Thou

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Glad your banana plant is doing well.  The last week was not kind to my banana plantation.  Seven Fahrenheit did not do it kindly.  Next year is the cry of the farmer and banana republic.

You can tell the floater did not attend any recent security briefings.  He said the Chinese should keep the underwater drone.  He has no idea what it is or what is inside it otherwise he would have chartered a flight to China to pick it up.  The bloated psychopath  is going to get a lot of Americans killed before he  is hauled off on treason charges. The Kremlin on the Mall is not a joke to me.  It is a fear of what the guy will do to have his huge ego stroked.

8 years ago

I have been away from the news lately. Even with friends down here who usually love talking politics. They just shake their heads in disbelief and change the subject.

8 years ago

rr – Grandma’s potato pancakes were made from leftover mashed potatoes, egg, a little flour, and sometimes a little grated onion. She fried them in lard or bacon drippings.

Craig – Ever had banana fritters?

OT someone mentioned Trump’s supporters saying he would “get things done,” but no specifics.  With all of the partisan gridlock & politicians being beholden to big donors, maybe they just meant that he has a better shot at negotiating with Congress, etc., on his own terms, in a way that nobody else could do.  What that will look like remains to be seen.



8 years ago

bid, also depends on what “done” means and will it be well- or over- or un-

8 years ago

bid, was this the bit from snl you meant?

8 years ago

For those freezing their feet off, this Christmas offering is for you. Prance around the tree if you are up to it


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

bananas foster

8 years ago

In Panama, KumCho and I made marvelous banana cream pie with indigenous bananas. And we had an old-fashioned ice cream maker. We were able to get ice at the side door of one of the Panama Canal Company warehouses. Our vanilla ice cream made the best sundaes with whatever fruit that was available.

8 years ago

Enjoy the cinnamon sparkles

8 years ago

i’m so hungry…

8 years ago

The cold version and why people get fat during the holidays.

8 years ago

The confirmation hearings get more interesting by the second:  Tax Dodge, Insider Trading, Colluding traitor or just another business man:
Leak reveals Rex Tillerson is director of Bahamas-based US-Russian oil company

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

The confirmation hearings get more interesting by the second:  Tax Dodge, Insider Trading, Colluding traitor or just another business man:  Jaime

Trump is appointing people in his own image

8 years ago

gross description of that image

8 years ago

PatD – Yes, that’s the SNL piece.

Yoi can also make “nice cream” by putting frozen nanerz in blender.

8 years ago

Jaime Harrison is trying to organize a demonstration at the SC State House for 8am tomorrow. It will be really difficult to get around the area because of traffic clogs. I think I may try–usually I can park Rosie where I wish and nobody objects (except a fireplug or crosswalk–neither of which I would ever do).

8 years ago

unless he settles or somehow wriggles out of them, looks like the twit has 2 depositions to endure before his anointment.  first one in a couple of weeks on the d.c. hotel chef lawsuit and the other (tba) on the protesters who were attacked at rally when he ordered “get them out”

can you imagine putting him under oath?    another one of those “depends on what is is” thingys or worse sure to happen.

8 years ago

is garrison Keillor here trying to make us feel better, that the tyrant-to-be is really toothless?

…some Republican in his retinue should point out that the president does not “run” the country. He doesn’t even run the government. There is a legislative branch involved, a judiciary, there is Twitter, “Saturday Night Live,” the dishonest press, and many many others.
Presidents are royalty and we measure our lives by their reigns but their effect on the country in general is greatly exaggerated.Take me, for example. Mr. Lyndon Johnson’s Selective Service System more or less governed my 20s and now that I’m old and shaky, his Medicare is very helpful, but for most of us, presidents are part of the scenery, like the great stone heads on Easter Island.
We remember their voices, as done by comedians. Their so-called legacy is mostly as cartoons. The disasters they caused fell mainly on foreigners. The marble temples erected to worship them are a bad joke. 

And now, after eight years of the most graceful and articulate chief since FDR, we get this crude showman with the marble walls and gold faucets. Most of the country dreads him as he slouches toward Washington to be inaugurated. I worry what effect he’ll have on children. Everything Mrs. Moehlenbrock told us — no pushing, no insulting, no lying, no crude talk — Mr. Trump does on a daily basis. But how will he actually affect my life? Not much.

8 years ago

Thanks for the banana recipes. Will come handy because we’ll never be able to use our harvest before they spoil unless give them away.

BiD, banana fritters? don’t I have had

8 years ago

It was -4 this morning

This was the song of the day around here

8 years ago


good music here today, Flatus, I love the Piano guys. I bought their Christmas album last year, need to dig it out.


8 years ago

8 years ago

Banana fritters are  like potato pancakes; just sub mashed bananas for the taters & fry in vegetable oil.

8 years ago

home for Christmas……or New Year’s Eve …….maybe Easter?

8 years ago

Cannot look at that pic of John Glenn without thinking of this other famous “astronaut”.

8 years ago

Sturg, a much better pic for our times

8 years ago

Announcer: …and what did your special space suit cost?

Jose:  my espace suit cost 18 thousand dollars.

announcer: wow, that’s very expensive.

Jose: Well……it came with two pair of pants…….

8 years ago

Luckily this year only has 13 more days in it.  Now it’s Zsa Zsa Gabor at 99.  


8 years ago


Basic Banana Fritters recipe:

1/2 cup milk
2 bananas, mashed
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons baking powder
2 eggs, beaten
1 tablespoon margarine, melted
1 quart vegetable oil for frying
1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar

In a mixing bowl, combine the milk and bananas. Sift in the flour, salt, and baking powder. Thoroughly mix in the eggs and margarine.
Heat the oil in a large skillet to 365 degrees F (180 degrees C).
Carefully place spoonfuls of the mixture into the hot oil and fry until brown. Flip the fritter and continue to brown. Remove fritters from the oil and drain on paper towels. Dust the fritters with confectioners’ sugar and serve while warm.

8 years ago

Katherine is my favorite Conservative Christian Climatologist.  Actually she may be the only Conservative Christian Climatologist.  In any case I asked her what she thought of the appointment of Scott Pruitt as EPA director.  Her answer:

Katharine Hayhoe Like making Richard Dawkins the Archbishop of Canterbury?


8 years ago

The best banana daiquiris are made with backyard bananas. Why not add some twist to it (a cherry on top, add a blue umbrella) and serve Banana Republics (your own cocktail!) over the holidays?

The yellow bananas could signify Trump’s hair and character (or lack thereof).