Our Default Choice

Hillary Clinton had to fight Bernie Sanders to the finish line, and now struggles to keep Donald Trump at bay. For someone who was supposed to have this thing in the bag, she has fumbled her way throughout this process, belying the mantra from supporters that she is supremely qualified, presenting the ultimate resume for office. Her incompetence as a candidate raises a question about her potential skill in office. What’s her agenda? Can anyone name three things she’d do without googling it? All I’ve seen are clueless mistakes that provoke doubt, calling half of her opponent’s voters “deplorable”, questioning whether they are smart enough to do their own research, at the very least prevaricating in her various and conflicting comments about the email mess, dodging the media, obviously to avoid questions about the Clinton Foundation and so much more. No wonder she and her supporters simply hope to run out the clock focusing on Trump. That’s the whole campaign: I’m not Trump. Anybody’s guess who I am. No mandate there. Another president half the country hates.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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8 years ago

so she’s not a show horse, a good campaigner. sooo?

an actor, a charlatan, a schmoozer with the media or a good fella to have a beer with seem to be what is necessary to be considered a good campaigner.  heaven forbid it’s someone who does their homework, is careful with their words, cherishes their personal privacy like a sane normal human, works hard in the public interest and tries to live a life by the motto “Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.”


and btw “deplorable” means that which should be grieved about,  to mourn for, to pity and shed tears for.  as in the deplorable condition of critterville (aka congress).


8 years ago

what a deplorable post…smhwtfa.

8 years ago

one of the worst campaigners was lbj, but no one president accomplished more in the securing of civil rights for women and citizens of color (who added together make up more than a supermajority of this democracy).

neither was hst nor were many of our founders.  few if any of our “greats” would have passed muster in today’s media torture chamber.

consider dreadful campaigner al gore… would he have not been a better prez than dubya (you know the guy everyone wanted to have a beer with)?

8 years ago

for the umpteenth  time, poobah, I like Hillary. I think she has some solid positive programs.

8 years ago

Well I can ignore the Trail today.  Too many days around Craig’s obvious blinders on the subject.


8 years ago

In this crazy, mixed-up year maybe I’m Not Trump is as good as it will get. For whatever reasons these two people ended up at the top of their tickets. The one thing I do know is that the Republican Nominee has built his campaign on hatred & division. I can’t vote for that. I’d rather vote default than vote for a fascist. I’ll take that chance willingly.

The notable Republicans who have come out for Secretary Clinton probably aren’t doing so in support of her ideas as much as a protest against their own Party’s nominee. That’s OK. When political enemies realize the need to throw aside partisanship in the defense of Democracy, America becomes stronger. Perhaps this is what really Makes America Great. Again. And Again. Standing up and speaking out against that which is just plain wrong.

8 years ago

Watched an episode of the PBS series 16 for ’16 last night featuring the campaigns of Howard Dean & Pat Buchanan. Excellent viewing, great behind the scenes stuff. Both men not afraid to say they were wrong & screwed up at key points. Hindsight….

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Happy to post another point of view from anyone….why don’t you change the header to YOUR default choice.   I am offended, but I can’t afford to pay attention here, so I have to eat the headline and accept…wish you would change it.

8 years ago

Question: Which failed Candidate broke your heart? Heh, heh, John Edwards. He spoke at a rally about a mile from where I live. Overflowing crowd! He said the right things & lived the wrong way. Rest in Peace, dear Elizabeth. So sorry for you.

8 years ago

Craig…  it’s as if this is your first campaign you are observing.  And instead of using your intellect to write a column, you are using your emotions.  When one does that…  one frequently appears stupid.  I really miss your sense of humor.

8 years ago

craig- we are all here im sure because we enjoyed your former measured insight and humor.  honestly i considered you one of the last journalists around.  please come back- we love you and miss you!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

1. Better health options especially for women

2. Job re-training for new jobs in green industries

3. immigration reform

and she is not Jim

deplorable they are deplorable and she was right to call themout. I don’t know anyone voting for Trump but based on their own words — they should be categorized that way


8 years ago

I posted a question to an NPR Reporter who wrote a piece about the media coming around to call out the Republican Nominee’s lies:

What is the responsibility of media if, in fact, the Republican Nominee is elected? Woulda-shoulda-coulda won’t fight fascism.”

I don’t expect a reply, haven’t received one.

Btw, Volume 6 of The Closer GQ with Keith Olbermann debuted today. He’s always light years ahead on just about everything.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

today we should be talking about how we have isolated the immigrant population in this country and are now dealing with problems started over a quarter century ago…instead we are dealing with bitter humans who are promoting the nationalist chant — those so-called media who are repeating the same mantra.  Drooling over vapid billionaires and their crappy offspring…tweets instead of learning and reaching-out to new citizens.  The trend to isolate and denigrate recent immigrants continues…keep bitching about your right to wave your confederate flag…you should all be deported to some southern state where you can live off of federal funds.  Keep giving trump free reign by kicking the old lady’s ass to the WH.  second, third or no choice….bitter men can’t see that even repugs are voting for her…sane repugs.


She IS my first choice and sanders was a hit job by the nationalists…fueled by assange…now in ruins…2600 parties to defeat TPP?  While jane and jeff go after the big money and isolate staffers.  phony revolution to deliberately hurt Clinton.  Call it what is!  Attack dogs…this is the digitized media and nazi germany was analog…these lies spread faster.  Hate is everywhere, blame the media for accepting the dialog because they are lazy.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

stop watching cable tv

8 years ago

I already wrote why I’m supporting Hillary That Vision Thing

It just gets rather boring when the people who supposedly believe in the same things that you do, spout nothing but the other side’s talking points and never acknowledge other possible interpretations.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

the problems in this election are the problems of the Republican party.  They are the ones who nominated Trump and made it possible for him to be nominated with years of divisive rhetoric and playing to the basest instincts of people.  And to some degree Dems who ran away from tough issues are also to blame.  How many people told Newtie he was full of shit when he started attacking the food stamps — a program to feed people and which also supports local farmers but the media made hash out of it by finding the few food stamp cheaters who do exist.

Instead of being lauded this program is constantly under attack.  In Sonoma County – there are about 80k people who live with food insecurity which party and presidential candidate is more likely to help them?

When you are entitled it is easy to say what’s the difference but when you are struggling whether it is healthcare, housing education or food who is in control of the government is important.  The goopers want to cut all the programs including social security and medicar

I don’t need to google to find out why I support Democrats.  I just have to look around where I live.

And if Clinton struggles as president whose fault will that be?  The lying lazy media who thinks every story has to be about them

Kelley Ann Condom’s nose gets longer every day I keep expecting her to burst into flames the only skill she has shown so far is to bully her way on to shows and lie like a champ Look at her client list some of the most disgusting deplorable people to ever try to be part of government and she is the captured interest of a hedge fund guy. I have yet to see Trump do anything that would make a hedge fund manager hate him in fact I think he and Kelley Ann Condom gave them blow jobs for labor day picnic Her kids will find out who she really is and run far far away
the only good thing about this election is that I never see Mary Matalin the most disgusting republican woman

Trump’s ideal country is Rhodesia 

8 years ago

blueINdallas, Ping Pong, Purple in Tampa …. miss your Posts, miss you. Come back.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Thank you Hillary Clinton for speaking out about the two recent shootings of unarmed black men who were doing nothing wrong

as opposed to the Republican candidate who wants to put more uneducated untrained police on the street

8 years ago

In spite of the fact that many of us have said much about what HRC would do as President and why we support her, we are asked to do it again. This has a familiar ring to it and is getting old.

I agree with KGC’s three and would add:

1. She’ll re-instill faith in our county & mend fences with nations that have become skeptical about the America’s ability to lead in the free world. She’ll accomplish this because unlike the media in our country, leaders in other parts of the world respect her.

2. She’ll appoint a competent advocate to SCOTUS.

3. She’ll be sure that Russia doesn’t influence the decisions made in this country!

I could go on and cite many more items in her agenda but I never thought I’d have to do that here, over and over!

As for different POV, Craig: I’m disappointed that your POV seems to echo the trashy media that HRC has had to deal with throughout this election. They have done nothing but shovel truckloads of sh*t at her for years and she has managed to keep her head and not get sucked down into the mud with the mud slingers. I’ve lived a long time and don’t remember witnessing so much filth passing as journalism. The one they should have been throwing sh*t on, who actually deserves it, has been treated like their media darling. They’ve catered to him, given him a pass at every turn, ignored egregious acts, giggled their way through his litany of outrageous comments and NEVER pressed him on anything!!! But then, he’s male! When he said Hillary doesn’t look Presidential, the media knew EXACTLY what he meant and never called him on it!

I would go further than Hillary went…not only are half of Trump’s supporters deplorable, but the media coverage has been about as deplorable as it gets!

Here’s three things DT will do if elected:

1. Lead us into a war.

2. Benefit financially from making an alliance with Putin and in any other way he can.

3. Use American to make himself and his businesses great again!

Hillary cares about America. She cares about average Americans. She cares about me! I love thinking about my President being someone who really wants to make a difference. Trump only cares about Trump!

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

foul on the law and order candidate and how his garbage becomes mainstream think….trump condemns Tulsa shooting by making reference to FEMALE officer choking under the pressure.  He saw the video and of course, just like Hillary, benghazi, iran…a female cannot perform under pressure….look at her she is at death’s door and lock her up.  I know that may seem boring to you, Craig, but I think it needs to be pointed out….especially since I do not see that many male comments here this morning besides you…a hit job on women….along with pretty much everyone but white scared humans.   Keep putting the old lady down…yawn, it is getting boring to me, too.

PS  How about the citizen who shot and killed a black man with his pay to play cop wannabe? (it was about a year ago).  trump probably elevated that guy at one of his OK rallies!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

And she is a woman

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

There is nothing about Tump that isn’t deplorable

I wonder how the condom will explain away this

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

I am going to look for trump’s tax returns and some male input.  not to be found here today.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

If I were a donor I’d want my money back.  Ha, ha…that is funny, okay I will go for the bait craig….sanders outspent Clinton and lost big…he tried to unseat five dems via his phony revolution and nationalist push…and lost.  As I have commented before, Clinton does marketing and downline marketing for the dem candidates…trump does pr and cheap press…no marketing of repugs or anything f0r the downline party members. His superpacs are spending $$$$$$.  keep kicking hillary’s ass and I doubt if you gave any money to HRC, but, if so?  I hope someone gives it back to you.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

What about the 1 billion dollars in free ass-kissing time that trump has received   where did you factor that
she had to spend the money or be wiped out completely

not one fact checked until about two weeks ago

trying to think like a deplorable — you are on track
do you already have a post written on how she lost the debate?


8 years ago

Sorry folks but lay off Craig, he has a valid point. She is again running a pisspoor campaign.  She has done an excellent job of demonizing Trump, Nobody likes him but the opposition has done an equally good job of demonizing her.  What she hasn’t done (and it is frustrating) is  give us reason to vote for her. All of us who are long time supporters know what she stands for and understand where we differ with her and have accepted that you don’t get everything. But if you are under forty you  don’t know her except from the constant attacks by both the left wing and the right wing..

So why isn’t she out there saying  “this is why you should vote for me”

Why isn’t someone out there running an ad campaign  promoting all the good the Clinton Foundation has done

It is just mind boggling stupid



8 years ago

BTW, that rant has been building for sometime };-)



8 years ago

“In spite of the fact that many of us have said much about what HRC would do as President and why we support her, we are asked to do it again.”

granny, not to worry. it’s our quadrennial test for us rats here in the lab.  we’ll see some real cage rattling as soon as jack gets thru chopping up 4 cases of romas, flatus comes in from lawn work, tony un-gags his coworker and who knows what where nash, eprof, cody, cajo are and what devilment solar, bbronc and pogo are upto.  and just wait til purp and bid get here….. fur really flies.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I guess a white man would have done a better job

you are both full of shit and have o idea what you are talking about just repeating the memes of the mass media

you are worse than the deplorables because you have no excuse

8 years ago

Craig, since you are not a donor, why criticize without offering constructive criticism? As others have pointed out, and I well know, you are a media professional’s professional. Be positive. If nothing else, loss of the Courts would be a tragic event for America and American minorities in particular. Let’s steer her in that direction.

And, trickle-down doesn’t work for the vast majority of Americans–but it looks great to the Trump wannabes.

And, the fool would have Korea and Japan develop and deploy nukes? It would be an easy task for either nation as they have nuclear power and the intellectual capacity to do anything they put their minds to. But, is that what we want or what the world needs? More nuclear powers on hair trigger?

8 years ago

“What she hasn’t done (and it is frustrating) is  give us reason to vote for her.”

jack, is not superior competency, experience, training, actual success in achieving good governmental goals enough of a reason?

8 years ago


Then call our bullshit with facts,  ad hominems don’t count.



8 years ago

uh oh, time for a kibble break… but watch out for the 3 poison ones.

maybe a cuddly puppy pic would help?

8 years ago

looks like we’re back up.  sorry, didn’t mean a literal break. but here’s a cute puppy anyway

8 years ago

I’m not bored by the other viewpoints.  I’m bored with constantly defending a candidate in opposition to those viewpoints when they are uttered by people who supposedly believe in the same things you do when they do it nonstop, one sided, with unequal coverage, and make demands that have never been required of any other candidate ever.


8 years ago

I agree with Ms SJNY, cuz john edwards broke my heart.


8 years ago


Where is the ad buy  saying that?

Not in this state, it is all attack Trump all the time. They are good attack ads, but they don’t give anyone a reason to vote for her.



8 years ago

Here on the trail, we’re talking past each other. There is a huge gap between the quality of the person and the quality of her campaign.

Three New Reasons To Be For Clinton

Craig doesn’t have children, and so the SCHIP legislation Ms Clinton tirelessly promoted as First Lady probably isn’t the first thing that pops into his mind when he hears her name. Maybe it should be. Clinton’s campaign for children and families took character. She could have stayed home and baked cookies, or gotten drunk every day, as a couple of first ladies did in my time.

As Sec’y of State, Clinton took, and still takes, punches for the Benghazi murders. She could have thrown the CIA and Navy under the bus, but she didn’t. Considering that crap storm the rippers generated to destroy Ms Clinton and the President that took character.

On the other hand, deadbeat don is shifty. Shifty, I tell you. Shifty, believe me. YUUUUUUUGE SHIFTY.

8 years ago

jack, while i’m looking for the ad here’s her op ed in today’s ny times: Hillary Clinton: My Plan for Helping America’s Poor

8 years ago

Published on Sep 20, 2016

8 years ago

Published on Sep 20, 2016

8 years ago

Published on Sep 17, 2016

8 years ago

I don’t care that Craig or anyone else chooses Hillary as the default candidate so long as they choose her over drumpf.  And I don’t take offense to being challenged about why I would vote for Hillary.

Clear light of day – if Hillary is elected and the Senate doesn’t flip, she’ll be more than a bit hamstrung.  We’ll see 4, maybe 8 years of continued pugn obstruction and she won’t get shit of her agenda enacted, which would be a shame.  We’ll not see (1) the middle class tax reform she proposes, we won’t see (2) energy subsidies directed toward clean and renewable energy development, and we won’t see (3) more liberal justices and judges appointed to the Federal bench – which are the 3 things in her agenda that mean the most to me.

Again, this election, like every other in memory, is a choice between two candidates.  If Hillary’s elected and the Senate flips, she may be able to get some things done.  If she’s elected and the Senate doesn’t flip, see above.  If trump’s elected, we are screwed.  I don’t need 3 reasons to vote for Hillary – I only need one – doing so will help keep an unqualified sociopath out of the white house and may save our country from four horrendous years of insane governance. If that’s not good enough, repeat it 3 times.

8 years ago

Published on Aug 31, 2016

8 years ago

Published on Sep 9, 2016


8 years ago

okay, jack?  not one of those which are now airing are negative or are only about the drumpf.  don’t know why they aren’t showing up in your neighborhood.


8 years ago

The guy you thought would be a great president couldn’t stand 5 minutes in the spotlight.  Not to be critical…

8 years ago

8 years ago

altho’ my favorite is morgan freeman narrating “all the good” back in february

8 years ago

“Another president half the country hates.” -half the country hates Obama because he’s black and they’re racist, Craig, no matter how charmingly they tell you over a plate of grits and a bottle of sod-y.  Wake up.

8 years ago

Pardon me, this is what happens when you troll your own forum.  Shutting up.

8 years ago

He’d been the veep candidate, and presumably well vetted. He actually lasted 6 minutes 12 seconds. I didn’t get my money back.

8 years ago

Some of you may be interested in this article from Bloomberg…

TV Ad Spending Reveals the States Where Trump & Clinton Are Fighting Hardest

8 years ago

okay us lab rats (at least some) have had our say.  now can we junk this test for a pokemon showdown or some other more funner test, boss?  how ’bout a maze with a beautiful white house at the end and a band playing “hail to the chiefess”? and maybe some skittles…

8 years ago

Jack….   last week you said (paraphrasing) that Clinton could walk on water and there’d still be media that would criticize her.  She obviously isn’t the best campaigning candidate…  I’ll give that to both you and Craig.  But the media is doing a hack job on her, IMO….  yes, including Craig.  It’ll be interesting to see how the debate this upcoming Monday gets covered.  If she does a good job, I won’t hold my breath waiting for the media to finally spin something positive for her.

8 years ago

Early voting begins on Friday here. Sweetie & I will vote early. Sweetie keeps wandering around, shaking her head, and muttering, “How can he be a candidate?

I’ll let you know which candidate we choose. chortle.

8 years ago

renee. you know full well they’ll dub him a winner even if he wets his pants, lights farts in response to questions and/or cries because she’s smarter and can answer them.   they’ll say she’s a loser cause she’s uppity, bitchy and not lady like enough,  adding frumpy and old for good measure.

8 years ago

Anywhat, with MN opening the polls on Friday, Ms Clinton will sweep to an unreportable early lead. The only way she can blow it here is to cheer for the Bears on Oct 31st.

8 years ago

Xrep….  did you see the football game this past Monday night….   OMG…  the Bears suck  🙂

patd… were you describing drumpf or Eric Cartman…

8 years ago

Jamie, thanks for that link to the media’s Clinton rules.  this line from it is so true and so prescient having been written last year:

…the media can definitely weigh down — and even destroy — a candidate. The emphasis on a candidate’s flaws — real or perceived — comes at the cost of the candidate’s ability to focus his or her message and at the cost of negative attention to the other candidates. This is a problem for Clinton, and it seems unlikely to go away.

8 years ago

renee, is there a difference?

8 years ago

xr, how ’bout them Vikings beating the packers!

8 years ago

patd, you mean the Vikings with Sam Bradford and without Adrian Peterson (at least after his injury)?

8 years ago

im bummed that craig isn’t writing his posts that were so profound and thought provoking- he  had the gumption to say what the others in the press wouldn’t or couldn’t.  honestly don’t know why he isn’t writing about the deplorable press.  anyways, i sure wish i could be tweeting him…

8 years ago

patd- love your 2:29 post- so would patsi!


8 years ago

If you were asked the same question repeatedly only to have every single word sliced, diced, and parsed and treated as if a use of a synonym is either a position change or lie, you might get a little snippy.  Then there is the whole matter of the “apology” … my God, change the reporter and get a demand for a different wording because she hadn’t “properly” apologized to their exact specification.

If the “F******* Media” wants respect, how about a little from them in the first place.  There is a difference between a reasonable question, and stalking as if they were the hounds and she was the fox.

8 years ago

“…vengeful and dismissive treatment of reporters by she and her staff.” – Handsome Guy

But, but, trump has been even more malicious, and the reporters seem to be broken to the bit and halter. No ?

8 years ago

craig- i don’t blame the media for her failings- i blame them for their own unethical, misogynistic , unprofessional drama seeking bullshit.  walter must be rolling in his grave.

8 years ago

Rodgers & Bradford spent an awful lot of the game on their backs. I can’t say enough good things about Bradford’s performance. Maybe with a passing threat, the Vikes running game can cut loose.

8 years ago

boss, I’m with xr’s “But, but, trump has been even more malicious” unless that’s what the media likes… s&m?  at least she’s not threatening suits, barring attendance to public events, calling them vile names.  he won’t even let them travel with him.  no apology from him no matter how egregious the slur, lie or scam.

btw, can you be more specific about the “arrogant, vengeful and dismissive treatment” of reporters by she and her staff? has she (or her staff) in public, broadcast before crowds that the press are “scum” or particular journalists are “losers”? why the double standard and actually more than double if these slights are only rumor….why must she not only refrain from denigrating them publically but is expected to kiss up to them privately?

8 years ago

All that said, the print and tv (‘cept for the blatantly pubuglican) outlets have been less friendly to the shifty deadbeat than they were before the Great De-Birther Decree And trump Hotel Infomercial.

I hope this will eventually help to make Ms Clinton seem more ‘media-friendly’.

8 years ago

still think he’s gonna chicken out of the debate at the last minute.

perhaps dust off one the reasons he used to get four deferments ( see ny times: Donald Trump’s Draft Deferments: Four for College, One for Bad Feet).  “oh no, can’t stand. feet hurt too much….  no, no can’t sit or she’ll be the same height…  no no too hot, too cold,… I want my blankie… chris, bring my blankie.”

8 years ago

well now, what do we have here?

raw story: Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul clash over bill blocking weapons sales to Saudis

A  bipartisan group of senators, led by Republican Rand Paul and Democrat Chris Murphy, introduced a joint resolution seeking to block the arms deal, expressing concern that Saudi-led air strikes had killed civilians in Yemen, worries that the deal might fuel a regional arms race and concern that Congress was giving up its power to declare war.

and in the guardian: Senators consider vote to block US arms deal to Saudi Arabia – report

Rand Paul calls country ‘unreliable ally’ after Democrat Chris Murphy criticises US support for Saudi intervention in Yemen’s chaotic civil war

8 years ago

I’m with Pat.

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

I am down to one good Hillary sign.  I have given away a few and had  one stolen out of my hands in downtown Salem.

It is a bit more dicey campaigning on the streets this year.  Lots of young men with big pickups with big tires…very angry group.  I don’t think they can deal with a strong woman.  They don’t bother this man.

In Oregon their are multiple times more supportive people I come in contact with.  Hillary has this state, but we need a big Democratic turnout to make sure Gov. Kate Brown wins her race.

NBC poll just announced…Hillary leads 43-37…Hillary leads among white, college educated men by 1 point…Romney won that group by 21 points.

8 years ago

od, be careful.  more and more it’s as tho’ we are reliving the late ’30s in austria and germany with thugs like your “Lots of young men with big pickups with big tires…very angry group” intimidating folk, tearing signs down and in some cases assaulting opposition supporters.  it can happen here… we’re well on the way.  one thinks twice in this gun-toting country of ours now before putting out a sign, wearing a Hillary tee shirt or  campaign button.  no way can one feel comfortable with a bumper sticker that the car won’t be keyed or worse.  the hatred and the fear are  palpable.

8 years ago

what do you mean you don’t know?

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

Thanks patd…thank you…I am being careful…only very public places with lots of people…I hate telephoning people so this sign thing is perfect for me!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I think media treats her poorly but they always have because she is long past being a shiny new toy.  And she does well with them answering questions so I would have had more public availabilities and of course as they do tie them to specific subjects.

I heard a reporter coverng Trump say it’s not Trump — it’s not Hillary.  She should run a bunch of ads saying she is the person big business and corrupting influences fear the most – she is the one they have gone all out to destroy.


Sorry folks but lay off Craig, he has a valid point. She is again running a pisspoor campaign.  She has done an excellent job of demonizing Trump, Nobody likes him but the opposition has done an equally good job of demonizing her.  What she hasn’t done (and it is frustrating) is  give us reason to vote for her. All of us who are long time supporters know what she stands for and understand where we differ with her and have accepted that you don’t get everything. But if you are under forty you  don’t know her except from the constant attacks by both the left wing and the right wing..
So why isn’t she out there saying  “this is why you should vote for me”
Why isn’t someone out there running an ad campaign  promoting all the good the Clinton Foundation has done

Where is there a fact in this statement?

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Bernie and Elizabeth working the younger voters and gee been working on this for  awhile

Older black women are a better bet and vote at a much higher rate
young people are the smallest number in the Dem Coalition – of course in a close election every vote counts.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Tweety what a jerk– Clinton said there was a problem with the shooting – but Trump said it today so all of a sudden tweety is on the Trump bandwagon   – what about the part of the statement where he made disparaging remarks about female officers


8 years ago

Holy shit! I miss a couple of days on the trail and come back to a kerfuffle.  WTF?

8 years ago

On my way to bed and thought I’d check out the latest comments on this post.

Thank you pat & Jamie for posting the lovely positive Hillary ads that apparently haven’t been seen by some trail members.

Pogo I love this: “If trump’s elected, we are screwed.  I don’t need 3 reasons to vote for Hillary – I only need one – doing so will help keep an unqualified sociopath out of the white house and may save our country from four horrendous years of insane governance. If that’s not good enough, repeat it 3 times.”

Jamie, that vox article makes me want to never trust or respect journalist again. I grew up with watching and reading what journalists had to say as an every day part of being the child of an Intelligence Officer and an American. I took it for granted that most of them had integrity. I just don’t think these are the same breed of people that I grew up with. 🙁

Lastly…what came first the chicken (sleazy media attackers trying to destroy Hillary) or the egg (Hillary says enough is enough and won’t engage them in a way that’s to their liking) They’ve been on her like white on rice for nearly 30 years. They never got over the first lady, this uppity woman, trying to create a better health care system. I say good for you Hillary! I hope she freezes them out when she gets in the White House.

Good night all!

8 years ago

Where is there a fact in this statement? 

If you can’t see it I can’t help you. But then you have been blind to Clinton’s problems for some time. Even attacking folks here who pointed out her decline in the polls. I’m not a blind cheer leader.

