Sunday Serendipity

By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor

The music is good, but the visuals are stunning. Must confess that I watched this more than once. Enjoy the dance and enjoy your Sunday!

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8 years ago

jace, indeed mesmerizing. thanks.

worthy read from the observer editorial on Hillary’s “fitness to lead America” in  the guardian



8 years ago

Such Grace.  Thank you Jace

8 years ago

jace, that reminded me of the renderings in dance of evolution and also of flowers opening

8 years ago

Jace that was beautiful!  When I get back from breakfast I want to watch it a second time just to concentrate on the movement of her hands.

Happy belated Anniversary to Craig and David!

8 years ago

We seem to be in graceful movement mode today, so I’m heading for the open seas

8 years ago

wonder if the drumpf knows about this…

abcnews: Mike Pence Says His Role Model for Vice President is Dick Cheney

“I frankly hold Dick Cheney in really high regard in his role as vice president and as an American,” Pence said on ABC’s “This Week.”

Pence said that, like Cheney, he hoped to be “a very active vice president.”

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Pence is delusional.  Maybe he thinks be active is to dry the bloater’s rear after his royal wash.  Truth is I do not see Pence even in the WH after January 2017.

8 years ago

It used to be that one rode a bike with “no hands” for the thrill of it…….now it is so they can look at their phones.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Beautiful Jace.  We like to go paddling under the full moon

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I think Roger Stone planted the bombs in NYC

8 years ago

“It used to be that one rode a bike with “no hands” for the thrill of it…….now it is so they can look at their phones.”


I do that.  It’s fun.

8 years ago

Moon June spoon tune

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Mike Pence running for vp because he could not get re elected gov

he is a fat assed liar and hypocrite even Indiana all white bigoted Indiana knew he was dangerous and wanted him out of the state

8 years ago

The thrill is gone…….lol

I don’t ride a bike much so I just have to do it in the truck.

8 years ago

You would not believe the looks I get from people on the sidewalks……

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


sturge…..I don’t think you are supposed to be on the sidewalk

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Ok maybe Roger Stone didn’t set off the bomb by himself he had the help of Eric and Don jr  –they were having drinks and thinking what they could do to help  like three drunk frat boys

I’ve heard people say this who knows

8 years ago

kgc, funny, only a few minutes ago I just read something about that stone guy and jr setting one off too.  who knows.  might be something there. 🙂

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


yeah you never know do you.  Why won’t they answer questions about this.  Looks like they are hiding something

I know for a fact I read it on Brietbart that Eric just bought a pressure cooker.  He said it was for his wife or whatever

8 years ago

tim kaine on cbs:

Kaine, whose son Nat is an infantry officer currently deployed with the U.S. Marine Corps, said he would not trust Trump with his son’s life.

“I don’t trust Donald Trump,” Kaine said.


“I would trust Hillary Clinton with Nat’s life, with my son’s life,” he said. “And the reason I would, is because she’s had that searing experience of being at the World Trade Center as they were searching survivors, because she’s been our secretary of state, because she was part of a national security team that revived the hunt and wiped Osama bin Laden off the face of the Earth.”

Asked whether he joined the ticket in an effort to help Clinton appear more trustworthy, Kaine demurred, noting that Clinton pitched the job to him as a “governing partner.”

“I’ll tell you why Hillary asked me to be on the ticket. She was pretty plain about it,” he said. “She said that the test of a Clinton administration is not going to be a bill signing, or a passage of something. It’s going to be whether a worker can get more skills, an employer can hire more people, a classroom is a better learning environment for a kid or for a teacher.  It’s fundamentally she wants a governing partner for our positive agenda.”

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

thanks for the moments of natural beauty…now back to the ugly.  Is trump doing debate prep at home with his lazy, plagiarizing wife or are the missus and barron away for the weekend somewhere loving this country? trump may need quiet and after hearing he weighs 236lbs?  Man, muscle weighs more than fat and I am sure when he gets his spray tan for the debate?  They will also paint a ‘six-pack’ on his midriff so he will appear strong and taut.

PS Don’t forget to feed your dogs some fresh veggies and fruit to their liking (avoid onions, grapes and apple seeds).  Some nuts are good, too.  Dogs in this area eat the pecans.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Melania must not poll well for Trump  she hasn’t been allowed out since the convention


Blonde Wino
8 years ago

KGC  the divorce per the pre-nup is probably already prepared…even if elected, I doubt trump or melania or barron would spend a night in the WH…flying home every night to the trump crib.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Like Ahnold as gov — Maria and the kids and the mistress et al stayed in LA

8 years ago

Can you even imagine a house full of Trumps?

8 years ago

8 years ago

abc: Donald Trump’s ‘chimp-like’ antics behind his success, primatologist Dame Jane Goodall says

Drawing on her years of research into the social interactions of chimpanzees in Africa, she suggested it might have had something to do with his “vigorous” and “imaginative” attempts to assert dominance.

“In many ways the performances of Donald Trump remind me of male chimpanzees and their dominance rituals,” she said.

“In order to impress rivals, males seeking to rise in the dominance hierarchy perform spectacular displays: stamping, slapping the ground, dragging branches, throwing rocks.

“The more vigorous and imaginative the display, the faster the individual is likely to rise in the hierarchy, and the longer he is likely to maintain that position.”


As for Dame Jane, she said she would be thinking of one of her research subjects “Mike” as she watched the debate.

Mike was a chimp who Dame Jane wrote about in her book My Life With the Chimpanzees, who would kick around kerosene cans in order to intimidate rivals and maintain dominance within his troop.

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

patd…a very powerful commercial!!!

8 years ago

nbc: Elizabeth Warren: ‘Nasty Little Bully’ Trump Has ‘Dark and Ugly Soul’

In Cleveland on Sunday, Warren targeted him for “inviting his followers to commit a terrible act of violence on his opponent,” charging only “a little bully who can’t win in a fair fight” would do such a thing.

Warren added that “Trump has led the charge on the “birther” movement and only when his handlers tied him down and made him did he finally admit that it wasn’t true.”

“What kind of a man does that? A man with a dark and ugly soul. A man that will never be president,” she said.

8 years ago

pence couldn’t carry cheney’s keg.


8 years ago

Maybe I mean that pence couldn’t carry cheney’s tunnage. cheney has a pallet for beer. And the other pallet is for his booze.

8 years ago

Stunning to me how this campaign is only about Trump, all we talk about, here too, including what the Clinton camp puts out. So little positive about why Hillary should be elected, just that she’s not Trump.

8 years ago


A different offering today. Reminds me of a Tim Burton character.


A belated Happy Anniversary to Craig & David. How sweet & wonderful you celebrate the events that brought love & happiness into your lives. All the best & many, many more.



8 years ago

Mr Crawford,

Secretary Clinton will get votes by default. It is what it is. She is the last of a certain political generation. If her legacy is taking down someone as unfit & reprehensible as the Republican Nominee, that’s not a bad legacy. I look forward to the future with (hopefully) Elizabeth Warren. The fact that Senator Warren takes on the Republican Nominee in support of Secretary Clinton is an example of commonsense, unity & putting the focus on what battles need to be fought. I also tip my hat to Secretary Clinton because if it weren’t for her taking crap – & Lord knows it’s been a Titanic load – strong women like Senator Warren would still be considered unique. I owe her this for my future & more importantly, our future. I know what battles need to be fought.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

trump is a hostile takeover and ignoring him only increases his publicity tantrums…his new campaign team of ailes, conway, bannon and bossie have already administered the poison to the election.  the repugs were unable to silence him and he is loud and drowning-out Clinton.  Everyone needs to know he a dangerous guy and remind everyone until election day.   This has already gone too far.

I am with SJ…Clinton has the resume for the job.

8 years ago

The world little cares what storms you encountered along the way— but did you bring in the cargo?

8 years ago

My concern is once she’s in and Trump is gone where’s the constituency for a presidential agenda, after a campaign that was only about him?

8 years ago

Well put Jace, and by the way one of your best Sunday picks ever today, watched it 3 times.

8 years ago

Emmys 2016: the complete list of winners

Updated by Alex Abad-Santos
So glad Veep won as well as Mr. Robots
Rami Malek

8 years ago


Isn’t that what it mostly is always about, the Democrat isn’t the Republican? I’ve said before in all my years of voting I’ve only voted for President one time where i was inspired and That was Bill Clinton.. I voted for Gore, Kerry and Obama because they were Democrats, didn’t  care for them very much. This time i’m inspired yet again and it’s Hillary Clinton.. That i have stated over and over again here for many years and why.

Trump has to be talked about by us as we need to get the message out here and to family friends. The man is dangerous and extreme and it can’t be said enough. Right now Bannon and Kelly Ann along with those loser children of his are doing everything they can to turn the page and rewrite history.

We have to expose all  Trumps craziness. Cable news and the vast majority of the media isn’t telling the story.. Or mostly if they do cover his crazy its under the false equivalency banner..

There’s plenty of Hillary greatness here everyday. Trumps of course is what stands out because he’s so extreme..

8 years ago

Martha Stewart: ‘I’m voting for Hillary Clinton’
By Rebecca Morin

Businesswoman Martha Stewart will not be voting for fellow business mogul Donald Trump.
Instead, she will be vote for Hillary Clinton.
Story Continued Below

“This is the most important election of the last hundred years,” she told CNNMoney on Sunday. “We have to be very certain that we elect a person who has experience, knowledge, a base of education in the world of world politics, as well as domestic politics, and so obviously I’m voting for Hillary Clinton.
“We just can’t have a country run by someone who is totally unprepared for what comes.”
Trump and Stewart, both powerhouses of the reality-show universe, have a history of not getting along.
In 2006, Stewart and Trump had a falling out over low ratings from her show, “The Apprentice: Martha Stewart,” which he created and was an executive producer for. Trump has previously said he believes the spin-off dragged down his own show.
Two years after the incident, Stewart said Trump’s actions were “unforgivable.”
“There is so much to know and so much to learn and so much diplomacy and kindness and introspection that goes with that kind of job,” Stewart said. “And it does not exist in the world of Donald Trump.”


8 years ago

I was inspired by Gore. Stop laughing. I’m very eco-minded.

I was inspired by Obama, but felt let down until 2015  when he finally stopped trying to placate the rip ups.

Clinton wants more carbon neutral energy, and wants it manufactured in the coal belt. She says she wants to get the big money out of politics. She wants tighter controls on who can purchase certain firearms.

That’s 3 strikes, with trump caught looking . . . . Actually, if you look closely enough, you can see that it’s 4 strikes.

8 years ago

Xrepub, “Clinton wants” a lot of stuff. I seriously doubt she means to really fight for half of it.