Clinton Sans Sanders?

Unless something changes, it is becoming clear that Hillary Clinton will have to do without many Bernie Sanders supporters in November. Perhaps it was always in the cards but don’t think Clinton/DNC trashing of Bernie helped matters. NBC/WSJ poll shows 41% of Sanders supporters view her negatively and only 2/3 say they would vote for her against Trump.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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8 years ago


wall st journal: Hillary Clinton’s Complicated Path to the Center
Opening among moderates is blocked by Bernie Sanders and ideologically liberal Democrats


craig, when the pollster reference “Sanders supporters” does that include the republican moles (likely some of the Bernie bros) in the count?


more on the recent negatives in general:

tampa bay times Nearly 6 in 10 registered voters say they have negative impressions of both major candidates. Overall, Clinton’s net negative rating among registered voters is minus-16, while Trump’s is minus-17, though Trump’s numbers have improved since March. Among all adults, Trump’s net negatives are significantly higher than those of Clinton.

cnn in march

The previous highest unfavorable rating since 1984 actually belongs to another Clinton — former President Bill Clinton, who in 1992 had a net negative rating of -17.

8 years ago

Kenneth Starr, Who Tried to Bury Bill Clinton, Now Only Praises Him

By Amy Chozick

His remarks seemed almost to absolve Mr. Clinton, if not to exonerate him.
“There are certain tragic dimensions which we all lament,” Mr. Starr said in a panel discussion on the presidency at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.
“That having been said, the idea of this redemptive process afterwards, we have certainly seen that powerfully” in Mr. Clinton’s post-presidency, he continued, adding, “President Carter set a very high standard, which President Clinton clearly continues to follow.”
He called Mr. Clinton “the most gifted politician of the baby boomer generation.”
“His genuine empathy for human beings is absolutely clear,” Mr. Starr said. “It is powerful, it is palpable and the folks of Arkansas really understood that about him — that he genuinely cared. The ‘I feel your pain’ is absolutely genuine.”


8 years ago

Democratic Party Gives Bernie Sanders Bigger Role In Shaping Its Platform
As his path to the presidential nomination narrows, Hillary Clinton and party officials are granting Sanders and his supporters concessions.
Marina Fang

8 years ago

Craig-that’s  just one poll. the many others have her leading. hillary trashing bernie? its the other way around at this point – she is looking toward the general- “uniting the party and stopping donald trump”.

Craig-  have been wondering – Will you be joining webb if selected as vp?


8 years ago

neither is the dnc trashing him- they are making unprecedented concessions- to an independent! pretty huge olive branch.

8 years ago

SamanthaB was magnificent last night and this morning even the usually fawning AM shows are giving Bernie his well earned title of professional victim originally given to him by Howard Dean.

8 years ago

monday’s polls

Hillary leads sanders 18 points in ca by abc,

the same poll you quoted also says she leads sanders 8 pts. in abc news/wall st journal

sunday’s poll from abc/wapo has her leading sanders 14 pts

also note kabc has clinton leading trump by 14 yet all one hears on tv is that they are tied in the roanoke college poll.

8 years ago

Jamie, thanks so much for linking that.

the bit later in the show starting at 9:26 minutes on frank schaeffer and the pro-life movement beginning was really really scary. no wonder we’re in the pickle we are now.

8 years ago

sorry about the last few minutes of this but the 1st part is good and was more to the point of our thread.

8 years ago

great video jamie.

8 years ago

for pogo & other weaver “fans”

tpm: It Comes From the Very Top

For months I’d thought and written that Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver was the key driver of toxicity in the the Democratic primary race. Weaver has been highly visible on television, far more than campaign managers tend to be. He’s also been the one constantly upping the tension, pressing the acrimony and unrealism of the campaign as Sanders actual chances of winning dwindled.

But now I realize I had that wrong.

8 years ago

First things first. The current issue of The Atlantic arrived a couple of days ago. The cover story is a psychoanalyst profiling the mind of Donald Trump. I think there are no surprises for most of us here; simply sighs of validation.

This link points to the web version

8 years ago

Mr Crawford,

We have six more months of this. Throwing tacks in the road wastes valuable opponent’s time & earns oodles of free press & chatter. Wonder what doozy they have as the October Surprise. I know the Clinton Closet is, uh, colorful, chock full of real or imagined hobgoblins. How Secretary Clinton’s staff anticipates/reacts will be interesting. No offense to the good people who are staunch supporters of the Secretary, but mud sticks whenever thrown, whether deserved or not. And people love dirt.


8 years ago

The refusal  of Sanders voters to support HRC in the general simply confirms what many of us have suspected  for some time. This is not so much a broad based grass roots movement as it is a movement designed to put a sharp stick in the eye of the democratic party. Citizens United, wealth inequality, the republican war on women, supreme court appointments have all taken a backseat to personal animus and childish temper tantrums. Let them stay home, I’m sure that they will be very comfortable with a Trump presidency, they have much in common with him.

8 years ago

Question time: If Mr Trump is elected President, what will the blow back be for the Democratic Party (as an institution) & the future of capable, competent women as Candidates for the highest offices?

Is this election a fluke of frustration or a harbinger of a disassociated society of the future?

What does this say about the Media in this country when they were caught flat-footed concerning the rise of Mr Trump? And now executives applauding this Candidacy for the revenue it generates instead of speaking out about the divisiveness left in its’ wake?

8 years ago

Let them stay home, I’m sure that they will be very comfortable with a Trump presidency, they have much in common with him.

Jace…  yup…  they all think with their emotions instead of their brains.

sjwny….  those are all really good questions that’ll take time to answer.

Tony…  I love you too!  Someday Rick and I need to take another trip to Daytona.

8 years ago

The Real China Threat

Robert Reich retweeted above with this comment:  Middle-class American wages have stagnated for 16 years, due to a combination of globalization & Chinese education.

And I answered: Technology wiped out jobs, population tripled in 70 years, globalization looked for lowest costs. All with environmental damage.


8 years ago

jace, I remain optimistic that after the June 7 contests, Bernie will throw his support behind Clinton.  I can’t believe he was give 6 of 13 platform spots, but it is what it is.  btw, 7 beats 6 right?  I believe that the fate of any positions he wants to be parts of the platform will be riding on his full throated support.  He’s made an enemy of DWS – like her or not, she is still the DNC chair.  Making a mess of the convention will not advance his agenda – and I hope he’s been around politics log enough (god, that’s a slam dunk) and has learned enough (now that’s questionable) to understand that politics is a blood sport, and you gotta have weapons to win it.  Maybe his tame contests in VT haven’t brought that home. If HRC wins NJ & CA as the pols suggest, the ONLY weapon he will have is his supporters.  If he can’t deliver them, he won’t get shit out of the convention.  Correct me if I’m wrong.

And Poobah, Bernie’s done his share of unwarranted sniping at Hillary, making comments he will have to walk back and that Drumpf will use in his campaign ads.  It ain’t an ideal relationship, but the mudslinging has been relatively mild, and of late, Bernie is the one with muddy hands.  Some of his less practical supporters may not be able to get over the perceived sights, but life is a series of choices – and the thoughtful ones will realize what the choice is in November.

Or I could be completely wrong.

8 years ago

Reich statement is wrong.

The cause of of the stagnation was the inability of the Republican party to stem the massive loss in manufacturing jobs from 2001 to 2009 we lost a third of those jobs. In 2009 when Obama’s policies started to take effect it reversed itself and we have slowly been gaining back some of those jobs.

Blaming  globalisation for this is like blaming the snow for being in the ditch when you forgot to put snow tires on your car.

Like the snow globalization is what you walk through but you do have a choice in how you handle the problem.

Republicans have chosen badly, Clinton policies didn’t lose manufacturing jobs Nor have Obama’s but Bush and the Republicans………….



8 years ago

Or, Pogo, you could be completely correct 🙂

8 years ago


I’m not sure that political parties learn anything from losing. The GOP has learned nothing in fact  they’re doubling down. Dems. would probably write it off as a bad year and a bad candidate and continue on their merry way.

Personally I think that the surest way to remake the GOP would be a Trump win. The party would then be partially responsible for the disaster and would have to change.

8 years ago


The Republicans saw an opportunity. They may not learn as much as adapt. So far that’s the key this year.

8 years ago

Rick and I are leaving shortly for the beaches of southern Maine.  We’ll be back on Friday.  Everyone take care and play nice.

8 years ago


I think you’re right. I just sense that it will be a tougher rift to to get past than was the Obama/ Clinton rift in 08. Obama had more to offer Clinton, than Clinton does Sanders. They also came to respect each other to the point that they worked well together. Not sure that’s in the cards with Bernie and Hillary.

8 years ago


We’ll play nice. You and Rick play safe. Have fun.

8 years ago

If I controlled Clinton’s campaign this is the campaign I would be running today

“Californians have a choice, it is rather stark and clear.

In 2000 a number of Democrats bolted the party and pretended that there was no difference between Al Gore and George Bush.

We know how that worked out

So Californians have a choice and with that choice will determine if we keep the presidency, win the Senate and  maybe take back the house.

So do you make a vote of unity and support Hillary Clinton  the soon to be choice of the Democratic party.

Or do you vote for her opponent and chose discord and  the loss of all we have  created the last 8 years.

This time Democrats can’t pretend there is no difference between HRC and Trump

To win this contest Democrats need to be united and it is California’s job to make the statement of where the Democrats stand.

So it is your choice, Unity or discord”




8 years ago

When Clinton talks to voters she’ll say “I have a plan…” and then give the subject of what it covers. Her words add no substance to the debate. What she needs to do is get people to go to her website and delve into her issue papers where she tackles problems and presents her solutions. “I have a plan…” won’t do it.

Hillary tackles the issues HERE!

8 years ago


That will make a nice ad. Well done. Hope they’re listening.

8 years ago


At least Hillary does have a plan.  That is more than you can say for either of the two men she is trying to hold off with one hand tied behind her back to keep from alienating the whiner or stirring up the wacko to do more than tweet.

8 years ago

tony, thanks for that starr link. boy, he should know given the fine toothed comb and time he was allowed to sift thru anything/everything on bad bill.

“His genuine empathy for human beings is absolutely clear,” Mr. Starr said. “It is powerful, it is palpable and the folks of Arkansas really understood that about him — that he genuinely cared. The ‘I feel your pain’ is absolutely genuine.”

8 years ago

plans shmans. according to some pundits, she’s got too many, talking too much about them and needs a grand theme.  they’d kvetch just as hard and throw stones at her if she, like the st bernard and the drumpf, soley campaigned on big bubbly political theory and spun candy promises.

8 years ago

“If Mr Trump is elected President, what will the blow back be for… the future of capable, competent women as Candidates for the highest offices?”

sjwny, what future?  what competent capable women?  they’ll go back into the closet.

should, god forbid, that disaster become reality, we might as well all don the american-style hijab of long blond hair, pouty lips and five inch heels teetering and tittering to the tune of

8 years ago

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders stood firm on his prediction that the party’s nomination convention could get “messy,” saying a little chaos is good for the country.

8 years ago

it’s not easy being a goper these days. just ask Lindsey who according to

mother jones: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) reportedly spent the weekend urging big-money Republican donors to support presumptive nominee Donald Trump. It’s a pretty shocking turnaround for a guy who was once the loudest—and sometimes only—critic of Trump in the GOP presidential field.


but according to

post and courier’s palmetto politics: U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham couldn’t say it too many times on Monday night from the basement of the Capitol building.
From one scrum of reporters to the next, the South Carolina Republican categorically denied ever telling a room full of Florida Republican donors to back Donald Trump for president.
“All I can say is, I never told anybody to give money to Donald J. Trump,” Graham said. “I’ve told people if I had money to give, I’d give it to the House and Senate candidates. It is important to unite our party, our House and our Senate candidates. If you want to help Mr. Trump, God bless you.”
The comments were his first since Teresa Dailey, a Florida GOP operative, told CNN over the weekend that Graham urged attendees of a Saturday evening fundraising event to do what they could to help the party’s presumptive presidential nominee win the White House.

8 years ago

Destroying Medicare to Save ObamaCare: Hillary Clinton’s “Public Option” Plan
Posted on May 23, 2016 by Lambert Strether

“The narrative” is that Sanders is pulling Clinton left, and one example is Clinton coming out in favor of a “public option” for Medicare. Unfortunately for the narrators, Clinton’s proposal is insultingly unserious, the “public option” has always been a defense against single payer rather than a step towards it, the Democrat nomenclature remains as implacably opposed to single payer as it has ever been, and, most important of all, the “public option” — as a neo-liberal, market-based solution — could have a significant negative impact on Medicare. In other words, Clinton’s attempt to save ObamaCare politically by supporting a “public option” is — to mix metaphors terribly — a poisoned chalice for the health care system, and not an olive branch to the left. Let’s get the narrative out of the way first, and then treat the rest of these topics in order

“The Narrative” on Clinton’s “Public Option” Proposal

Unsurprisingly, the Times headline tells the story as the Democrat Establishment would like it to be told. In re-emphasizing her support for the public option:

Hillary Clinton Takes a Step to the Left on Health Care

Pete Petersen’s [Wall Street billionaire and co-founder of the private equity firm Blackstone Group] Fiscal Times agrees:

Clinton made those comments after coming under mounting pressure on health care reform not only from Sanders, her long-shot rival for the Democratic nomination, but also from some Democratic members of Congress, rank and file Democrats and health care professionals who say she should be more open to changes to address major shortcomings in Obamacare

Bloomberg had broken the story earlier:

At a campaign stop Monday in Northern Virginia, Hillary Clinton reiterated her support for a government-run health plan in the insurance market, possibly by letting let Americans buy into Medicare, to stem the rise of health-care costs.

(Note the fundamentally neoliberal mindset: The state is, as it were, (1) inside the market, instead of (2) the market being inside the state. But if you want “the rule of law,” for example in contract enforcement, you should choose Door #2. Otherwise, the rule of law is for sale, which is more or less what we see in today’s orgy of corruption and looting, supported by official Washington on a thoroughly bipartisan basis.) Bloomberg continues:

“I’m also in favor of what’s called the public option, so that people can buy into Medicare at a certain age,” the Democratic presidential front-runner said during a roundtable with local residents at the Mug’N Muffin coffee shop. “Which will take a lot of pressure off the costs.”

Wow. When Clinton said she wasn’t a “natural politician,” she wasn’t kidding, was she? Heaven forfend that we should have an inclusive health care system that seeks to alleviate suffering “for all.” No, “the costs” is the issue Clinton latches onto. (Of course, if you think “cost” is a good faith reason to support neo-liberal solutions like ObamaCare, you have to deny the existence of a “Medicare for All” system that treats everyone, with equal or better outcomes, at much lower cost, say sixty miles north of Burlington, Vermont.)

8 years ago


ny times Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign requested a recanvass in Kentucky’s presidential primary Tuesday, where he trails Hillary Clinton by less than one-half of 1 percent of the vote.
The Sanders campaign said it has asked the Kentucky secretary of state to have election officials review electronic voting machines and absentee ballots from last week’s primary in each of the state’s 120 counties.
Clinton holds 1,924-vote lead over Sanders out of 454,573 votes cast. The Associated Press had not called the race, despite Clinton’s slight lead, in the event that Sanders might ask to recanvass the vote.
A recanvass is not a recount but a review of the voting totals. It is unlikely to affect the final outcome but could affect the awarding of a single delegate still up for grabs.
The Clinton campaign said Tuesday it have no plans to contest the recanvass.
Clinton and Sanders both picked up 27 delegates in Kentucky and one remaining delegate will be allocated in the sixth congressional district, which includes Frankfort and Lexington. The delegate will be awarded based on final vote tallies and Clinton currently leads Sanders by a slim margin of about 500 votes in that district.

The recanvass is conducted by the state at no cost to the campaign.
A tip in the statewide vote in Sanders’ favor would not guarantee him that last delegate. But if a recanvass were to determine he actually received more votes than Clinton in the sixth congressional district, Sanders could earn the last remaining delegate that Clinton would otherwise receive.


8 years ago

PiT, you get my vote for posting one of the most cynical pieces of the day.  Single payer would be a great thing – and it won’t happen.  There is absolutely NO WAY that a single payer version of any healthcare insurance scheme – aka medicare for all – could get through congress to the desk of the president as long as either the house is under repugn control or there are less than 60 dem votes in the senate.  Having a medicare buy in option is the only potentially realistic option, and I doubt seriously whether even that would be likely if it’s possible at all.  At some point reality has to set in.

The idea of allowing people to buy in to Medicare has been discussed in policy circles and in Congress for decades. Mrs. Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, floated a similar proposal in 1998, including it in his State of the Union address that yearThe strategy has been embraced by many advocates of single-payer health care as a way to move more Americans into the existing government system. An incremental expansion of Medicare was the hoped-for strategy of Medicare’s original authors.

Bernie said it’s a step in the right direction, but not good enough (but then again, nothing short of his own proposals are).

8 years ago


Some very nice intelligent, capable women have long blonde hair, pouty lips & like to wear high heels. Tain’t what’s on the outside, tis what’s on the inside. I get your drift, though. If Mr Trump wins, alas, it will be the biggest High School ever & us dweebs will not be sitting at the popular table. However, I survived that experience before. I’ll certainly survive it now 😉

8 years ago

With respect to Bernie’s pie in the sky single payer proposal, Poobah has it right.

8 years ago

“Tain’t what’s on the outside, tis what’s on the inside.”

sjwny, right you are.

my american hijab jab was just a very non-serious, snarky and probably politically incorrect metaphor reflecting my growing irritation and irrational fear of where we are heading….and  goose-stepping all the way.
which is very hard to do in 5 inch heels.

8 years ago

Flatus, that would be a nice change. 😉

8 years ago

pogo, out of context from the pooh’s quote: “her Senate years — she was respected on both sides of the aisle. Would like to hear more.” got me to thinking and puzzling over how we hear so little good about hillary when evidently so many folks (who worked with her or who observed her with colleagues) know first hand many favorable attributes but are reluctant to pass along that positive knowledge or to dispel the negatives spewed about her 24/7. 

why? why? why? shaking head, mumbling….

8 years ago


The people who have worked with/for her in government often still depend on the government for their financial/retirement and emotional security. I believe Ms Clinton probably told them to transfer ‘your’ loyalties to your next boss and keep our fondness for one another as a pleasant memory. For me, I will always treasure your dedication as something special.

8 years ago


The Townspeople of the GOP

8 years ago

Hillary’s plan is actually quite close to Belgium which is one of the more cost effective European programs.  Considering that the GOP plan for at least 50% of the population is still “die quickly”, it sounds just fine with the distinct advantage of chance to get through Congress.

8 years ago

nbc news cites their latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey Election poll and dwells on the “Nearly six in 10 Americans said they either “dislike” or “hate” Clinton, while slightly more — 63 percent — expressed negative opinions about Trump.” figure but it’s not clear whether this includes (averages in) the info from across the spectrum. how could it when later in the article they note:

Black voters, who traditionally vote Democrat in general elections, support Clinton by an overwhelming 82-point margin (88 percent to 6 percent). This is up 7 points from last week. Hispanics support Clinton over Trump by 35 points (64 percent to 29 percent). Trump is the preferred candidate among white voters by 14 points over Clinton (52 percent to 38 percent). These numbers are consistent with margins from last week’s tracking poll.

non-hispanic whites make up only about 63% of the population….so these “dislike” polls don’t seem to reflect that other 37% who really really like Hillary in overwhelming numbers.

8 years ago

in a way this maher bit is too close to the truth to be funny enough to laugh off

Donald Trump / Adolf Hitler Speech Parody – Bill Maher

8 years ago

craig, you may want to review this old abc news story from 2014 “In Demand: Washington’s Highest (and Lowest) Speaking Fees”

Topping the list by a longshot is billionaire birther and infamous reality-TV host Donald Trump. “The Donald earned a staggering $1.5 million per speech….

reading further down, it’s incredible to me that condi rice and ms. half-gov got almost as much per speech as Hillary. not the same, but beyond what i consider comparative value.

8 years ago

Obituary from last March that I missed with the passing of the writer & singer of one of my favorite songs:  Steve Young at 73

8 years ago

also from that old abc news story, sad to see sarah, larry summers, david plouffe and other unworthies in comparison make more in speechifying fees than colin powell and madeleine Albright.  as jimmy would say: “life is not always fair”

8 years ago

more speakers speaking $200,000 and over fees

would you believe larry the cable guy? the gubernator? al pacino?  why?

8 years ago

yeah, that Clinton foundation they are a sickening bunch, did you see how much money they bilked out of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation?

Shame on Hillary for donating  all that money to charity, shame shame shame.


BTW wasn’t this the same post as when the book came out, now it is the movie but as I remember the source is still the same. New York Post and Good ole Rupert.



8 years ago

BTW, Having a Clinton at your company event  makes you a player A bit like a super bowl ad but for a lot less money.

It is a bargain.



8 years ago

So it should get interesting



8 years ago

So Renee is  going to the beach in Maine. Ya know when I was in Maine most of the beaches had grains of sand the size of your head.

Have fun.



8 years ago

jack, you may enjoy reading this 2011 piece by thesmokinggun
“Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire
The Donald is a miser, not an “ardent philanthropist.”

btw, have either Bernie or drumpf released any more income tax records beyond Bernie’s for 2014 and Donnie’s from way back when?
just for the record, how many years of returns have hill and bill made public? how many? sickening isn’t it 🙂

8 years ago


Mitch McConnell’s Laziest Senate In History Will Work 6 Days In July And August      
Mitch McConnell has taken the Republicans in the Senate from not doing their jobs to not even bothering to show up for work.
Taxpayers are spending millions of dollars on salaries, benefits, and staff for a Senate Republican majority that is only going to put in three full days of work in two months over the summer.

Republicans have scheduled themselves to work the fewest days for a Senate in 60 years. Not only is their obstruction of President Obama historic, but their laziness is also unparalleled in modern America political history.

If Republicans want to really cut back on waste, fraud, and abuse within the federal government a good place to start would be the salaries and benefits that they are being given, but aren’t earning.


let’s see, how much are we paying these sinecurists?  and who pays these slackers $174,000 + benefits and percs for doing nothing? we do.  now that is sickening.

8 years ago

thanks Pat,


Craig sorry about being a little shitty this afternoon. I’ve been fighting a cold for the last week. I’m running on a short fuse, so if you hear about a mass shooting in this neck of the woods , trust me, They had it coming.



8 years ago

BTW, has Hillary released the transcripts of her paid Wall Street speeches?  What about those deleted emails?



8 years ago


You and Poobah have it exactly correct (will not use the word ‘right’).  In the current mix, no Democratic President will be able to get anything worth its salt passed by Congress.  I blame the Democrats during the 2010 and 2114 elections for allowing the Republicans to take over as many State governorships and legislatures because they wouldn’t go vote.  The net result of the Democrat’s not voting was the massive gerrymandering effort that will be difficult to change.  At least in 2010 Florida pasted a State Constitutional Amendment that reduced gerrymandering to a large extent.

8 years ago


I hope you feel better soon.


8 years ago

HRC”s money making has been an issue ever since her cattle futures profits. If a man had made that money it wouldn’t even be a point of discussion. Republicans can’t tout the amazing benefits of the ‘free market’ when it suites them and then condemn HRC for taking advantage of it. I doubt she benefited any more from her speeches than Trump did from his strategic bankruptcies. And I am certain that her speeches caused a good deal less misery and economic disruption.

8 years ago


I’m still having roof problems because of pigeons. Go after them any way you can. If you need help give me a call.

Have shotgun will travel.

8 years ago


Just a quick ps. I work cheap. All I need is room, board and bail money.

8 years ago

Jace, in DC you’ll need that bail money if you start firing shotguns at pigeons.

8 years ago

Jace, he’s got bankruptcies and speeches- at a cool $1.5 MILLION per. The bankruptcies, priceless. Plus there’s that issue of his tax returns. He’s a disingenuous lying sack of pus.  I guarantee he doesn’t pay north of 30% in fed taxes and doesn’t give 15% to charity…unlike Hillary.

8 years ago

Pigeons. .. first cousins to morning doves and nothing more or less than urban sea gulls.  As birds go, they suck.

8 years ago


“HRC”s money making has been an issue ever since her cattle futures profits. If a man had made that money it wouldn’t even be a point of discussion.”

Your exactly correct.. So ridiculous.. So much misogyny, its everywhere. A few day ago my friend Seth a Bernie supporter tells me regarding HRC, “all she wants to do is win and gain power” OMG.. I said to him, i know to you and many straight men you feel it’s an attractive quality in a woman if she wants to win and be in a power position.. All of this outrage at HRC for making big money, never surprises me.. Seems some folks should re-direct their outrage in the direction of the real enemy..

Here’s Donald Trump, Lying His Orange Face Off About Donations To Vets
“Why should I give you records? I don’t have to give you records.”
Jason Linkins’

Tuesday morning, on his Instagram account, Trump deflected the criticism (onto the Clinton Foundation) and called the media “dishonest” for pursuing the story. He then restated his claim that he’d raised $6 million for vets, despite the efforts of his own campaign manager to walk that back.
In response, Washington Post campaign reporter David Fahrenthold took to Twitter and shared an excerpt from the transcript of an interview that Post reporters conducted with Trump “earlier this month,” in which the paper’s national business reporter, Drew Harwell, repeatedly questions Trump on the veracity of his claims pertaining to these donations.
In response, Trump basically lies himself silly.

8 years ago

Washington had it’s primary that doesn’t count for Democrats today.  Bernie won the caucus.  At the time of closing, Hillary is beating Bernie by a 1000 votes.  I’ll keep you posted.



8 years ago

WA Caucus was 73% Bernie to 27% Hillary

WA Primary with 75% of vote in tonight Hillary has 54% while Bernie has 46%.  This is why I hate caucuses.



8 years ago

im so sick and tired of these wankers going on about hillary and the speech money.  then they have the utter gaul to say they support womens rights and equal pay.  well if that were the case they would be complaining that hillary, with all her life experiences, is only paid 225 thousand while men like trump and bush are paid over 1 million.  i have yet to hear that said once by pundits, no intelligent thought on the subject yet.

and as for the transcripts- 1 out of 3 exists- but one can only imagine there must be something so heinous and diabolical in those 2 other speeches that they surely could never, ever come to light.  you gotta hand it to the clintons- they are quite skilled at silencing people.  i wonder how many hundreds of attendees they have paid off to keep quiet about them.

8 years ago

jamie- what is the point of voting in a primary if only the caucus counts?  so glad i don’t live in a caucus state. ma rules are very simple.  however i do know a bernie supporter who was unregistered as a voter – so whined about voter suppression. i don’t quite understand how a 55 year old man can be unregistered- other than a life of apathy. so silly, it is made very easy here to register- even  when we renew our mv license.

8 years ago

Why Democrats will unite in November: Column
Dan Carney

But the concept of Clinton limping into the Democratic convention is overblown. If Republicans can coalesce around Trump, who is far more unpopular in their ranks than Clinton is with Democrats, then surely the Democrats can unify behind her. And if they want a model for how this is done, they should start with the race eight years ago.

8 years ago

New Thread