The infamous Koch brothers reportedly hate Donald Trump, but instead of dropping a dime to stop him they long ago chose to opt out of this presidential campaign cycle. Word is they decided that joining the Never-Trump brigades would only boost his momentum. Sounds like they wimped out, and considering they are certainly not Hillary fans, two of the mightiest conservative donors in the country are on the sidelines.
Won’t they still be spreading the love through donations to Senate/Congressional races?
jack, exactly! that was superb and the very picture in my mind’s eye everytime I hear the guy.
like yesterday’s show where trump shoots blanks at nra convention
Then, up to the podium swaggered Trump like a tough-talking truth teller — but revealing in remarks both narcissistic and obsequious that he’s a toady for votes.
Gone was the Trump who, in 2000, wrote “I support the ban on assault weapons,” and “a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.”
This Trump vows to ban gun-free zones even in elementary schools on his first day in office. And opposes universal background checks for gun purchases. And paints a picture of a society in which everyone must be armed, forget permits, forget training requirements, lest we all be lambs to the slaughter.
Even though research shows putting guns in every person’s hands multiplies risk and bloodshed. Even though his own hotels don’t allow guns. Even though the very NRA convention at which he spoke told participants to leave their guns in their cars. (Not that Trump knew. He said attendees would rise up to stop bad guys in their midst.)
This Trump walks the part of a brave guy who tells it like it is — while he says whatever dangerous drivel the loudest crowd wants to hear.
Just an observation: my daily commute is a half hour drive that takes me from a traditionally Democratic/Liberal neighborhood into moderate Republican suburbs. It isn’t what I see as much as what I don’t see: Candidate yard signs. Bumper stickers.
This is a traditional wallpaper-the-yard-with-whom-you-support area. Rather odd not to see this form of expression as usual. Perhaps social media is filling the void or people are taking a wait & see attitude. Strange, strange year.
This guy?
Thanks for sharing that. A piece of our raucous past.
Contrary to your suggestion that 3 people here might read something you linked, Blue, I for one would love to see what you base your absolutist assertions about Bernie on. I looked for that Huffpo article you mentioned, but it doesn’t appear among the articles that show upon my phone in the huffpo politics section.
And the title to that article is contrary to the current state of polling RCP is tracking. But facts are about as important to Bernie as they are to trump. The article is an opinion piece by Krystal Ball who is a huge Bernie Sanders supporter. It doesn’t have a fact in it, at least not a fact that relates to Bernie getting elected or having any better chance to get elected then Hillary.
“It isn’t what I see as much as what I don’t see: Candidate yard signs. Bumper stickers.”
sjwny, I’ve noticed that too. have a feeling some reluctance to display one’s preference in fear of retaliation. too much road rage out there, too many trigger happy gun-toters and too much angry hatred. we seem to be cowered by neo-brownshirt intimidation tactics.
the violence we’ve seen in both drumpf storm troopers and bernie bullies is especially scary for Hillary supporters. goes beyond school yard style name calling and pigtail pulls when death threats, chairs thrown and signs ripped out of children’s hands become the norm.
I posted an extensive article from the National Review about the disappearance of The Koch bros from national politics, here a few days ago
It was very interesting. It looks like a total rethink on their part. Not only are they staying out of direct participation in the national races but they have quit funding groups like “Club For Growth” and the Chamber of Commerce.. The resaons seemed to be two fold, One they were very disappointed in the bang for bucks , they spent a lot of money and from their POV nothing happened. The other reason was push back from the nonpolitical side of Koch Industries. Their political activities is starting to effect the Koch brand and thus the bottom line.
back in 2014 we saw a lot of voter suppression efforts bordering on intimidation. examples in this huffpo post such as:
In Florida, where incumbent Republican Governor Rick Scott is locked in a tight battle with former Governor Charlie Crist, an Orlando-based PAC called Citizens for a Better Florida Inc. has sent out mailers that threaten to reveal who voted in the group’s next mailing, to be delivered after the election. The front of the mailers state, “Your Neighbors Will Know. It’s Public Record.”
so what was the subliminal message behind “Your Neighbors Will Know”?
hard not to leave worries of slashed tires, rotten eggs thrown, bullet riddled mailboxes or poisoned pets in the middle of the night.
age old tactics to ensure burke’s observation: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Here is the kink to the national review article
Ya know for some reason the font size in the comment box is very small and I often miss typos. But in this case Kink kinda fits for national review.
I was just about to mention that Jack is getting kinky again.
Me thinks that the brothers Koch will continue to spend money on state houses that will vote for any ALEC inspired piece of legislation that comes along.
Jack, the Font Sizes button above box can enlarge your draft text
I am enjoying watching John McCain struggle here in AZ. As much as anybody he is responsible for it to be considered normal for know nothing candidates to seriously vie for high political office. Now he may lose to one in the primary. Karma is such a bitch.
Already have a favorite tweet of the day.
Question: Will media report recent Poll showing Hillary in the lead over both Trump & Bernie?
Answer: Heavens no; There’s a fire Berning and a jackass braying. Reality can wait.
The Koch brothers have delayed projects and cost the taxpayers million to fight their worthless lawsuits. They have spent a lot of money interfering in other people’ problems hoping to set precedents that would be beneficial to them
They tried to shield themselves from publicity — but didn’t work and now they are reviled pity that
And MsNBC particularly Mrs Greenspan keeps saying they could support Clinton and of course that is not what they said at all
The answer of course is no. That is not the media approved narrative for this election cycle.
Craig… I know I told you I would do a post on the Kochs after reading Dark Money. I’ve read half way through and then had to stop in order to read a book club selection. I haven’t picked it back up. For me, the book is not an enjoyable read. It gives statics and details galore. The author takes off on tangents and jumps back and forth in the timeline. I had to really concentrate to make connections with all the details. Right now I have no desire to finish it. Instead I’m reading a travelogue by Paul Theroux entitled Deep South… I’m lovin’ it.
“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.” Apparently neither is ignorance.
“The experience of the Nevada Convention demands that action be taken,” said Ray Buckley, the New Hampshire party chairman, who also serves as president of the Association of State Democratic Party Chairs.
He said every state party was “stunned and saddened” by what happened in Nevada, but that state was not alone in seeing “bad behavior” at party events.
Buckley called on the Sanders campaign, along with the Clinton’s campaign and the DNC, to agree to eight new guidelines to ensure peace at upcoming state conventions.
The guidelines called for cost sharing for extra security, more meetings to hammer out issues ahead of time and for senior officials with both campaigns to be on the floor of the convention to help reign in supporters if need be.
He also called on all parties to agree that conventions should proceed “without interruption or interference of any manner,” including “auditory or visual distractions.”
Jaxon Ravens, the chairman of the Washington State Party, added that party officials should take extra safety and security precautions at state party offices.
Several party chairs stood to publicly thank Lange. “It’s not about Nevada any more, it’s about all of us,” she replied.
Lange told MSNBC that she is still receiving threats from Sanders supporters and fears for her safety. She said she has yet to hear from the Sanders campaign.
nbc news Bill Clinton Says of GOP Attacks: ‘They Accused Me of Murder’
“I know the Republicans have been mean to her and they say terrible things. You gotta respect ’em — they’re good at this. They delegitimize the people they don’t like. They aren’t in the habit of attacking people they’re not scared of.”
“They try to sucker punch the rest of us into nominating people they think they can really devour if they get a hold of them,” Clinton said, in an apparent reference to Hillary Clinton’s rival, Bernie Sanders.
Jon Ralston gives a good account of what happened in Nevada. Points out very clearly that Sanders got out organized. Worth a listen.
Sanders needs an exit strategy – fighting to the death isn’t a good idea for anyone
la times Elizabeth Warren could help Hillary Clinton unite Democrats, but her support comes with a price
Trump campaign admits it did not raise $6 million for veterans
By Curt Devin
Yep, no cash ever donated. The man is a flim flam man but the GOP is oblivious.. No taxes released either.. At least Bernie released 1 year, lol.. Yes yes, of course Clinton rules demand that they have put up 33 years taxes…
We disabled veterans are used to such shenanigans. It simply shows that Trump is qualified to serve in high office involving the public purse and the trust of people counting on him to do the right thing ~~~
Yes, you got it.. Not qualified to have anyone’s trust really, especially to do veterans right.. Shameful so low!
tony, perhaps it’s more of a problem for him to admit to what he did with or what might have happened to a lesser amount raised than to say nothing was raised at all. his accountants and lawyers must be miserable trying to keep up with his braggadocio.
think of the tax implications alone during the so called audit going on.
Honolulu Settles Suit From Lesbians Jailed For Kissing
Jennifer Sinco Kelleher
Sanders Campaign Down To Less Than $6 Million In Cash
Also, i think Trump just really doesn’t give a damn.. Trump has his whole life been monied and gets to really be like a dictator.. Ha and GOP like Grace, of course she’s backing him now after saying NEVER TRUMP.. I knew that was coming as she’s easily led.. Grace only cares about Hillary’s accounting of cash. Said she knows what that crook Hillary would bring for everyone but Trump is an unknown and she will take her chances.. I wished her good luck..
the guardian:
Sheldon Adelson backs Trump trip to Israel after $100m pledge, sources say
The multibillionaire and Republican Jewish Coalition are arranging visit before July convention, as Adelson also plans to donate millions to Super Pacs for GOP congressional campaigns, conservative sources told the Guardian
wonder if yesterday’s anti-nutanyahu resignation by the defense minister will affect this trip
Bill Clinton ‘Felt Bad’ For GOP Leader Who Spoke Benghazi
Committee ‘Truth’
Gotta love old Bill..
Sanders Supporters Secure Permits For Protest Near July Dem Convention
Caitlin McNeal
looks like the anarchist wing of the liberal coalition is swinging into action. What ya wanna bet they want to shut down the world like in 68.
That is who caused the most disruption in NV, old cranks not the young folks,
I’m leaving in about two minutes for Publix. Need anything?
Flatus, toss me a soda. I’ll be 32,000 ft above you shortly.
Peach pie if they have one.
flatus, one of their ny style cheesecakes with cherries and whipped cream,,, maybe two. they’re small.
tony, looks like the gopers will also have a few protestors.
cleveland plain dealer
Cleveland on Friday afternoon released requests from three additional groups that are seeking to hold downtown protests coinciding with the upcoming Republican National Convention.
Two of the groups — the “Coalition to March on the RNC and Dump Trump,” and “Stand Together Against Trump” — are opposed to Republican nominee Donald Trump. A third, the “People’s Fightback Center / March Against Racism,” lists as a contact an activist who has protested against controversial local police shootings of black Cleveland residents.
Including the applications released Friday, at least eight groups have requested protest permits for the RNC. Although these numbers likely are over-estimations, the applications — a mix of groups supporting and opposing Trump, among other causes — filed with the city in total estimate more than 40,000 participants, 100 horses, more than 100 cars and other vehicles, and, in the case of a group opposed to nuclear proliferation, one 48-foot inflatable rocket.
Yes, I’m sure it’s still in their blood. Susan Sarandon and her ilk.. Really won’t affect her if we get Trump. Another case of searching for utopia and stamping your feet when it’s not instant..
Oh i missed you. A nice Publix Turkey sub with Boar’s Head on Multigrain bread, scooped out, gotta watch those carbs ?
Speaking of Sarandon, she has an appropriately named movie out this weekend that you can all protest by missing. Unfortunately, the lady is a good actress and it is getting good reviews.
The Meddler
Bahston crim pie……
When they make a movie of DIXIANA MOON I’ll go see another movie.
My favorite theater song
Actually my favorite is the song which follows this one in the show but I couldn’t find it on you-toob.
Saturday seren-duplicity
Well, trailmates, don’t be disappointed, but I did the best I could without pre-departure guidance. This is what I bought:
12-bags of plain PopSecret popcorn
4 1/2 gallon containers of frozen yogurt28 Hebrew National hotdogs
Come ‘n get ’em
Craig, Did you see the Thunderbirds? They were flying out of Shaw AFB in Sumter. Big air show in conjunction with our friends from Canada in their CF-18s
It’s not that Strumpette is so great it’s that the rest of the goopers totally suck
Here’s some bad news – I was hanging around in a hospital waiting room and an another group was talking about the election and basically said Clinton and Trump are the same.
Katherine, were they afflicted with the zeka virus?
Exaggerator won the Preakness
Place Cherry Wine
show Nyquist
4th Stradivari
Life on Social media. There is an organized group of trollers hitting all Bernie & Hillary supporters. I’ve blocked most of them from hitting me, but their plans made interesting reading. Beware if you see one of their IDs
Flatus, did not see that but happily did see my ole friend Dave Barry on the plane, we were in aisle seats across and had a fun reunion. I challenged him to a race to see who could open our meal trays the fastest. I won 2 out of 3. Bob Schieffer one row up, but I figured he might not be into that.
Watching All The Way on HBO. Melissa Leo is incredible as Lady Bird.
craig, that must have been a fun trip. sounds like an airborne boys on the bus adventure. here’s a link to one of
dave barry’s classic ’96 column in miami herald originally published Sunday, June 23, 1996.
It’s time once again for Ask Mister Language Person, the column in which we answer common reader questions that we make up concerning how to use big words irregardless of what they may or may not technically mean per se.
from fishwrap: Seizing the lead at the top of the stretch, Exaggerator splashed past the tiring Kentucky Derby winner and went on for a 3½-length victory over Cherry Wine on a rain-drenched Pimlico Race Course.
Exaggerator’s elusive victory over his nemesis came after four tough losses, including a runner-up finish to Nyquist in the Derby. Nyquist finished third.
“I had a dream trip today,” jockey Kent Desormeaux said. “It was an amazing race and Exaggerator is an amazing horse.”
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