Hillary, What Now?

20160228_143351The only downside to the Clinton campaign putting down the Sanders threat is that now six months of sitting on her party’s lead lie ahead. The Clintons have some history of stumbling when on top, while surging when challenged. But more than that, how to stay relevant for such a long period without competition, as the Republican contest dominates the news?

Clinton’s carefully worded and teleprompted victory speech in South Carolina Saturday night, congratulating Sanders on a hard-fought race (implying it’s over), declaring that her campaign now goes national and directly targeting Trump’s words, seemed very much designed to be a nomination victory turn, not just celebrating a single state win. I just wonder if she would be better off pretending this is still a competitive nomination battle for a while longer. Now her future primary wins will be deemed uneventful and anti-climatic.

Or, maybe buyer’s remorse sets in and and gives Sanders a bit of a boost.

This calls for extreme creativity. Democrat and Republican bosses both are living in a dream world, not understanding that their traditional models are imploding. Which explains Trump and Sanders.

Independents outnumber affiliated voters. Soon, the percentage of voters self-identifying as independent will outnumber Democrats and Republicans combined. The first party that figures this out and how to deal with it will prevail. Trump is closest to doing that in this cycle. Bernie almost did, but failed.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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8 years ago

I’m guessing that Trump will be a gift that keeps on giving to the Clintons.  He will, without doubt, make offensive comments that raise the ire of even unenthusiastic Dem or Independent voters.
I do agree that 6 months is a long time. Am wondering what Karl Rove is up to this am.

8 years ago

Thank you for this Post, Mr Crawford. Non-affiliated voters are here. Respect us, Candidates, because we hold the power to vote. Or not vote. We’re not fringe or ignorant. We are the new norm.

8 years ago

In honor of it being Sadie Hawkins Day, the musical about nefarious doings in DC seems appropriate.  The scary part is that Lil Abner opened on Broadway Nov 15, 1956

8 years ago

What’s Good For General Bullmoose


8 years ago


Well if it ends up as Trump/Clinton, I would assume the unaffiliated would have absolutely no respect for the garbage that is Donald Trump.

Now if a third party enters into the competition, such as another egotistical billionaire like Bloomberg, all bets are off.


8 years ago

The GOP opposition research team is hard at work this morning, I suspect, and the Clinton mines are rich with half-truths, audience-tailored positions, outright lies, national and international money ties, private emails, American lives and national treasure (wasted on war), and quotes showing she thinks she is above following the rules or even caring about her actions as long as she comes out of it OK.

The Trump mines are fertile, too.   However, he was a private businessman, not someone who was supposed to be in service to the people of this country.

Meanwhile, the media is still trying to figure out the appeal of Trump.  They are too thick to do so and have decided to paint him as the new Hitler, because trying to shame his followers by saying they were shallow, stupid and in awe of his celebrity did not work.

They do not realize how tired of politicians and the status quo the electorate has become because the media is also in a bubble.

Ted Cruz would be truly scary, Trump is not.  Hillary is the third term of the Obama administration.

Please remember how much the Repugz dislike Hillary.  Please remember how many Dems are displeased with her and have not supported her run so far.

Although there are checks and balances in place, Donald will probably cross a line and there will be in impeachable offense in his administration.  We should go ahead and start a poll because he will be the next POTUS.


8 years ago

sjwy – I will not help her in the fall if Trump is the GOP nominee.  I will just stay home and let it unfold.  I live in a red state anyway, although it’s not quite as red and there are even pockets of blue outside of Austin.

8 years ago

Cha ching.

8 years ago

Good morning, Jamie44.

Why people choose to be non-affiliated is up to the individual. For me, it was & is an aversion to Party hacks & Corporate Candidates. There’s eight more months of this; a lot can happen. What a wacky year.

8 years ago

Hi Oldseahag,

I respect you & others on this site. I say this as a friend: You are not helping your candidate.

Good morning, blueINDallas 🙂

8 years ago

“Ted Cruz would be truly scary, Trump is not.  Hillary is the third term of the Obama administration.”


Wrong! Trump is scary, ask any gay person. Ok Trump isn’t scary to you but the majority of women he is. Hence his huge negatives with women..

This i will repost:Donald Trump Vows To Appoint Far-Right Supreme Court Justices Like Clarence Thomas – See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/donald-trump-vows-appoint-far-right-supreme-court-justices-clarence-thomas#sthash.UPAo8yei.SFtamdQg.dpuf

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Congrats to all those who voted for the Oscar winners.  I am nerd and geek, through and through.  It has been decades, roughly 1979, since I last watched a movie in a theater.  I fail to get into the cinematic output of the world.  I do like to watch movies, but only when I do not have anything else to do.  Which is why I have movies like You’ve Got Mail and All the President’s Men and a few others on the shelf to watch during that blank time.

Tomorrow should be one of those days during which all sorts of strange things occurs.  Trump wins, most likely, but I am looking for a surprise in there.  Not all states are filled with angry white guys.  HRC on the win side, yes. But with Sanders pulling a couple states.  My guesses have been all over the place so I will not put percentages down.  Some makes no sense, others make no sense either.

Cory Booker as Veep.  Interesting, but the choice would be ground through the Clinton bureaucracy before floating out as a name.  It would be fun it the campaign named Bill as her choice of vp.

8 years ago

Bernie Sanders Stands Alone as Hillary Clinton Gains Senate Endorsements
By Jennifer Steinhauer

“WASHINGTON — Senator Bernard Sanders.may find himself mobbed as he moves about the nation stoking the flames of all those feeling the Bern. But back here in the Senate, his embers are cold.
About 40 Senate Democrats have lined up behind Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Not one has come forward for Mr. Sanders.
Mr. Sanders’s loner status was brought into sharp relief last week when Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader, declared Mrs. Clinton his pick. “I think the middle class would be better served by Hillary,” he said.
Senate Democrats insist Mr. Sanders is not their version of Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who has failed to get a single Republican Senate endorsement in large part because he is loathed.
Everyone likes Bernie. Honestly! Even, they say, if he is like your father’s childhood friend who sits at the dinner table after everyone has had a second cup of coffee to continue his rant about the earned-income tax credit.”

I get it, Hillary is  a Democrat who gets things done.. To those on the other thread who expect political purity and nice nice politics, well sorry it’s never been that way. Stop holding Hillary to a higher standard, hell that you didn’t even hold her husband to back in the day.. I want a fighter winner who can go up against that lying racist, anti gay, misogynist Trump.. Nice politics is not gonna cut it..

8 years ago

I agree with blueid that the gopers are going to pillory Hillary any way, shape or form they can think up. so the thread could also read “now what” will happen to her aside from what now she or her campaign will do going forward and what inevitable mistakes these humans make.

putting on the amazing karmak’s turban, I foresee

1.  a number of numbing critter hearings dragging her before them as often as they can to interrupt her campaign schedules to fit into their own. … maybe held regionally in states they need to bolster a weak incumbent.

2. many moles burying their way into state campaign hqs (remember the dirty tricks played on jimmy carter taking that route)

3. the staging of a crisis, international or national, which undermines administration

8 years ago

The only downside to the Clinton campaign putting down the Sanders threat is that now six months of sitting on her party’s lead lie ahead. The Clintons have some history of stumbling when on top, while surging when challenged.”


Too true. Their best bet is to hope and pray that Bill remains quiet and in the shadows and that Obama’s approval ratings go a bit north of 50.

8 years ago

Good morning everyone….

Jamie…  good job on reporting on the Oscars.  I didn’t watch any of it.  I did watch my hockey game…  alas…  my Bruins lost.

But never mind that…  it’s February 29th…   a whole extra day…  and I intend to make the most of it.  Gonna go see what Alexandra Petri has to say.

8 years ago

Hillary Clinton Gets Help From Bill, in Spirit, at Least
By Amy Chozick

“PINE BLUFF, Ark.— It was Hillary Clinton’s final event in the South before the string of contests on Super Tuesday that could set her on a surer path to the Democratic presidential nomination. But there was someone else on stage helping her here on Sunday night, in spirit, at least.
Mrs. Clinton referenced her husband, Bill Clinton, by his first name only, in his home state, repeatedly. Rather than the usual biographical video that plays at Mrs. Clinton’s events, the former president from “a place called Hope” in Arkansas starred in a video that introduced Mrs. Clinton as a “change maker” who put the water crisis in Flint, Mich., on the map and helped children from the early years of her career.” http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2016/02/28/hillary-clinton-gets-help-from-bill-in-spirit-at-least/?ribbon-ad-idx=8&rref=politics&module=Ribbon&version=context&region=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Politics&pgtype=article&mtrref=www.nytimes.com&mtrref=www.nytimes.com&_r=0

8 years ago

I haven’t liked Mona Charen since she was a total B**** to me over 25 years ago, but she finally got something right:

Mona Charen ‏@monacharenEPPC  19m19 minutes ago

#NeverTrump because if a vicious, fraudulent, vulgar, authoritarian ignoramus becomes my party’s nominee, it is no longer my party.

8 years ago

from politico‘s The man behind Ted Cruz’s tricks:

“You bring a king cobra into your bed? You better be a mongoose, that’s all I can say. You bring pure evil into your home. You are who you hang with,” said Cathy Rinehart, a Democrat who ran against Roe’s old boss, Republican Rep. Sam Graves, in 2002. Rinehart says Roe’s political team hounded her in public with cameras (she contacted the police; no charges were filed).

“He’s a son-of-a-bitch,” she said, and questioned Cruz for hiring him. “Ted standing there all saying I’m this pious fundamentalist Christian, and it’s like then you bring in Jeff Roe and he does tactics like that — maybe they’re not illegal but it’s immoral.”


8 years ago

How about we wait for 2 weeks to concede that HRC has this in the bag.  OK, I think for all intents and purposes she may, but we have seen 4 (count ’em) primaries so far.  Let’s say the tea leaves from SC are right and Hillary dominates tomorrow, Bernie sees the writing on the wall, stands by his “Either one of us is 100 times better than [anyone the pugns select]” pronouncement and throws his support behind Hillary.  THEN and only then, does the question of trying to shift focus to a pugn candidate, perhaps not yet selected and remaining relevant arise. Assuming that Trump’s the guy, if the weekend is any indication, it should not be too hard.  Monumental gaffes are sure to continue, and it bears remembering that it is not Trump followers that HRC will be trying to appeal to – it’s solidifying the Dem base, energizing them to vote, and convincing the middle 1/3 of voters that they do not under any circumstances want to entrust the executive branch of the most influential country on earth to a guy who couldn’t immediately reject the support of David Duke.

8 years ago

from post-gazette:  Dirty Tricks are nothing new Surreptitious slander is a bipartisan tactic, though it’s become a mainstay for the GOP

Over the past half-century, the GOP has perfected the dark art of the underhanded smear.

8 years ago

it is not Trump followers that HRC will be trying to appeal to – it’s solidifying the Dem base, energizing them to vote, and convincint the middle 1/3 of voters that they do not under any circumstances want to entrust the executive branch of the most influential country on earth to a guy who couldn’t immediately reject the support of David Duke.”


Spot on. One very influential player with a very sophisticated campaign apparatus has yet to weigh in. Mitch McConnell and company have given the president an opportunity to go out on a very presidential mission that will also allow him to be very partisan, without seeming to do so. He still has a large and devoted following, and he’s a proven campaigner.

8 years ago

The polls over the weekend tend strongly to bear out this Trump v. Clinton thing that seems to be emerging.  Aside from TX for the pugns (and VT for Bernie, although there aren’t weekend polls for that race), the only names that show in the weekend polls are Clinton and Trump, whether in the states polled or nationally, and the latest CNN national Dem poll shows a dramatic shift to HRC at +17, up from a series of Feb polls at +10, +8, +11, -3, +2. Probably most troubling for Bernie is that Mass. is showing Clinton at +8 in the latest Suffolk poll. Fivethirtyeight now puts HRC’s chances of winning Mass at 88%, up from 61% five days ago.  The trends are  not looking good for the Bern.

One interesting race is Ohio, at least for the pugns.  Trump and Kasich are basically neck and neck (according to 538) a bunch of points above the rest (that is wrt their chances to win), but polling there is scant.

8 years ago

Cha ching!

8 years ago

Jace, very true.  That issue will be front and center and specific for a change thanks to Mitch’s miscalculation (at least IMHO). What is normally an esoteric issue that doesn’t matter to most voters will be concrete, in sharp focus and cast in terms of pugns ignoring and even defying the Constitution while running a guy who by all appearances doesn’t think the Constitution means anything anyway.

8 years ago

Tony – Read,  The America We Deserve.  He’ll be a socially-liberal Republican, as is possible; he’s clearly trying not to paint himself in a corner with his party.

He was for strong, civil unions 15 years ago, before gay marriage even seemed possible.  Again, he didn’t say absolutely he wanted a SCOTUS set-up that could reverse it; he said he’d “consider” wanting a court that looked like that…,not painting himself in a corner with the evangelicals.

He’s the only one who understands Planned Parenthood is an important healthcare organization, even though he is anti-choice.     As to my experience dealing with piggy men in the world goes, he’s seems like he would be about a 3, right next to Bill.

I really thinks he sees America crumbling because the middle class is crumbling.   How he goes about fixing it…well, he’s not Bernie and he’s certainly not green.

8 years ago

Well…   Alexandra Petri never fails to make me laugh…

But seriously, how do we turn this Donald Trump thing off?

8 years ago

from huffpo


John Oliver Demolishes ‘Serial Liar’ Donald Trump, Launches Campaign To #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain

8 years ago


Trump has changed his positions on almost every important issue that he’s stated a position on.  He was pro choice 20 years ago and until he started running for the pugn nomination.  He supported civil unions but has said that the gay marriage case was a terrible decision.  “he said he’d “consider” wanting a court that looked like that…,not painting himself in a corner with the evangelicals” – What mumbo jumbo.  Anyone who believes they know where he stands on any issue other than how bad Cruz and Rubio are and his dislike for Hillary and the email server issue is fooling themselves.  

“Millions and millions of women — cervical cancer, breast cancer — are helped by Planned Parenthood. So you can say whatever you want, but they have millions of women going through Planned Parenthood that are helped greatly,” Trump said. “And I wouldn’t fund it.”

“The frontrunner was responding to Sen. Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) assertion that he cannot be trusted to nominate truly conservative Supreme Court justices. Rubio specifically invoked Trump’s past comments in support of the women’s health non-profit, which has faced elaborate and falseattacks from the right-wing media infrastructure throughout this election season.

“Trump’s odd syncopation of the idea that Planned Parenthood provides essential services to millions of people and that it should be cut off from a key source of funding was not a one-off. His answer flipped repeatedly between praising the organization and promising to doom its budgets.

“I would defund it because of the abortion factor, which they say is 3 percent. I don’t know what percentage it is. They say it’s 3 percent,” Trump went on. “But I would defund it, because I’m pro-life. But millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood.”

That was from Think Progress.  Make sense of it if you can.  He’d defund an organization because 3% of its services – that are not funded by fed funds – are contrary to his new found pro-life position?

If you’re going to defend Trump and attack Clinton, just go ahead and admit you’ve crossed over.  IMHO anyone who thinks Trump would be anything less than a disaster as president and forgives his utter lack of substance on any issue that faces this country might as well go ahead and pull the lever for him and hope to god they are beaten by those who don’t buy his BS. 

8 years ago

pogo, your “Trump has changed his positions on almost every important issue that he’s stated a position on” is exactly what john oliver is saying starting at 15:33 in on his tromp trump above…. just more colorfully.

8 years ago

IMHO anyone who thinks Trump would be anything less than a disaster as president and forgives his utter lack of substance on any issue that faces this country might as well go ahead and pull the lever for him and hope to god they are beaten by those who don’t buy his BS. 

Pogo…  bravo!…  that bears repeating, IMNSHO…

8 years ago

Pat, unfortunately while I was watching the Oscars last night I missed John Oliver. I’ll have to catch up.

8 years ago

If Donald Trump were elected, I would lose all faith in the American public.  Even if he weren’t a vile megalomaniac of the lowest order, just the idea of having a President with a barely 4th grade vocabulary and incoherent speaking style is a personal affront to the nation.

8 years ago

The Tulsi Gabbard resignation from the DNC is no great loss considering her bigoted attitudes towards the GLBT community.

8 years ago

pogo, all 21:54 glorious minutes of oliver’s tromp of trump is above. enjoy.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

private email server both Colin Powell and Condiliar did the same thing..and had material reclassified since they sent  out things  People are only too willing to repeat the lies  might as register as a gooper

She needs to get the purple and red ladies all fired up and the gray panthers and all the other old people who will turn out to vote.  She needs to tend to her base and not engage with the morons on the other side but with the American people Boomer women – retired and annoyed by the patronizing air of those who think they know better when all they have is gooper talking points (notably free of facts after all this is the party that doesn’t believe when you say something is true that it should be.)

She needs not to count on journalism(sic) in today’s world to do the right thing –that ship permanently sank with the swiftboaters



8 years ago

There is a great deal more material on Trump.  Romney is just a privileged, white male scion of a powerful and wealthy family.    That puts him in the “we rule the world” class of politicians, just ignorant of real life not inherently evil.  Trump on the other hand is vanity, ignorance, and criminality for the sake of personal gain with the mental attitude level of a two year old having a meltdown in the supermarket aisles because he wants the sugar cereal.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


They need to target the individual groups in his base– it shouldn’t be too hard to peel away the religious right – they have sat on their hands before

it also shouldn’t be too hard to paint him as the political opportunist that he is and that is only conservative value is conserving HIS cash

He will be left with his racist base….


8 years ago

And yet, The Clintons accept money from the Saudis and the Sultan of Brunei, all three Clintons make trips to Brunei, and apparently, also lobbying money via the Dorchester Grouo (see lady night’s thread), and Hillary says nothing about their attitudes toward women and ga people.

For pity’s sake, the Sultan of Brunei says he wants gay men stoned and Hillary has nothing to say about that?

She is in nobody’s corner but her own.  She’s self-serving and untrustworthy.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Christy Todd Whiteman said she will not vote for Trump

Maybe she will write in Lincoln Chaffee –

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

And Donald Trump and all the other Republican candidates are so trustworthy

Been there seen that .. a candidate loses in the primary so why bother voting in the general so instead of getting your first choice we end up with everyone’s 3rd or worst choice

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Watching Democracy Now to see how she reports on the SC primary – will the word trounced be used.

Used “staggering”  instead  but seems about to cry then went on to revisit the Gloria Steinem quote even though she has apologized

8 years ago

“The other thing is with these terrorists, you have to take out their families.”  Drumpf.

“That is the front runner for the Republican party advocating a war crime.” Oliver  ~~~Sounds good to me~~~

What’s the defense for that?

8 years ago

You know who doesn’t tailor his messages depending on his audience?  Bernie.   Bernie.  Bernie.


I’m not pro-Trump, I just don’t think he’s the devil.

I don’t think Hillary is evil,  just a self-serving, warmonger who is not competent to hold the office, given her performance as SOS, and who, at best, will be Obama 3.0.

Ted Cruz, on the other hand…a snake in the garden, that guy.  He has no redeeming values as far as I can tell.

If the GOP can manage it, they will find a way to put up Rubio/Hayley.

8 years ago

Turning out to be a good $ day for Hillary. Cha ching!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Trump’s ignorance and willing to lie is breath taking

He is only where he is today because he is willing to use racial divide and fear  but I’m sure he would be fun to have pizza with (NOT) and of course his creepy relationships with the women in his life

8 years ago

Ha! Cha-ching is right. Goldman Sachs. Cha-ching!  Monsanto. Cha-ching! The Sultan of Brunei. Cha-ching!    Hillary’s supporters can, apparently, hear the Clinton cash register ringing, but must be too near-sided to see what it means.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I’m with Jesse Unruh

8 years ago

Cha Ching 🙂

8 years ago

OSH…   🙂

Go, Hillary, GO!

Wipe the dust of that imposter Democrat from your feet…   take on the guy who has a Tribble on his head….   GO!

8 years ago


You and me both!!!

Unlike Blue, I do think Trump is the devil or possible anti-christ.  The idea of that finger in charge a nuclear arsenal considering the depths of his unreasoning self absorption is just plain horrifying.


8 years ago

this time tomorrow, a candidate will be humming

Tuesday afternoon
I’m just beginning to see
Now I’m on my way
It doesn’t matter to me
Chasing the clouds away
Something calls to me
The trees are drawing me near
I’ve got to find out why
Those gentle voices I hear
Explain it all with a sigh
I’m looking at myself reflections of my mind
It’s just the kind of day to leave myself behind….

8 years ago

given drumpf’s penchant for payback, don’t be surprised if/when the mitches ditches him he screws them royally by endorsing Hillary while waving the fickle finger of fate at them on his way out the convention door.

8 years ago

Jamie…  I wrote a post on your blog when this one was down about trying to understand Trump’s supporters.  But what has transpired in Trump’s campaign since then has made me realize I don’t really want to understand them…   they are supporting an absolute despicable piece of crap.  What it says about them ain’t worth thinking about.

8 years ago

Bloomberg: Thomas  Asks Questions From Supreme Court Bench for First Time in 10 Years

Justice Clarence Thomas broke his decade-long silence during U.S. Supreme Court arguments Monday, asking a series of questions during a case involving gun ownership by people convicted of domestic violence.



Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I heard an analysis of  SC t hat doesn’t attribute her win to sleazy underthetable cash

Black women are 60% of the black vote and they voted for her because she campaigned on their issues an sought their endorsements.  Her mailers showed her with local leaders who had endorsed her.  Sheesh when she loses she is  a loser and when she wins she is a cheater —     It might just be she is finally being smarter

8 years ago


guess our beloved poohbah is saying the “local leaders who had endorsed” were bought.  that’s how I interpreted his accusations.  maybe someone from there (flatus?) might inquire and report back.  

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I heard the newest Trump campaign gear is a brown shirt
and they have a little red book of famous quotes by fascists that can be used a coctail chatter with other Trump supporters

8 years ago

kgc, well, at least the bs won’t show so much.

8 years ago

I was so inspired today here that I not only made a donation – I am having a bumper sticker made too.  Hoping to have by tomorrow am to hand out near the school where we vote. I will post art as soon as I can and of course send to anyone on the trail who would like one.  It does however have an image of the Vineyard on it.

8 years ago

Jamie, I’m glad you linked Warren Buffet earlier. Most people don’t realize that he is the billionaire that is leading the movement to have billionaires put their billions to charitable use while they are still alive. Warren has the ultimate goal of leaving this Earth with just enough money to pay his final expenses. The rest of his money is being signed over to Bill Gates, Microsoft’s founder and former chairman, for his management in this effort. Buffet is a good human being.

8 years ago

Renee- ((( 🙂 )))



Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

 guess our beloved poohbah is saying the “local leaders who had endorsed” were bought.  that’s how I interpreted his accusations.  maybe someone from there (flatus?) might inquire and report back.  

If he is talking about these black church ladies then he is wrong — They talked about why they had endorsed her and it had to do with a life time of work on their issues

8 years ago

kgc, don’t think he means the ladies.  he was talking about the local politicians and party officials…  perhaps the ones pictured in her mailers? if that’s what he meant it kinda broad brushes the whole group.

8 years ago

Great article on Huffpo about Bernie being the true, Dem front-runner because of a) the ongoing FBI investigation into Hillary seeing the need to circumvent our gov’t email system, and,  b) Bernie having a greater chance of beating Trump (by a wider margin).  And as we know, if it’s not close, they can’t cheat.

Bernie 2016!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

the ones picture in the mailers are the church ladies


Someone should put together the trump fact book a chronology of his life things he has said and done

For people concerned about corruption in government to say theyhave no problem with Trump is draw dropping

astonishing – he is one of the most corrupt businessmen and it is his plan to bring those practices to government

not too mention his obvious racism  whether he is one or pretending to be one for voter support

8 years ago

Sue, her husband, and I went to the Gamecock women’s final regular season BB game of the year–they won a lop-sided victory against the folks from LSU. That made a perfect 16-0 SEC record for the year. Their next game will be in JAX on Sunday in the SEC tournament. They are the Nr 1 seed. I have tickets for the first couple rounds of the NCAA tournament that we hope will start here after we finish with the SEC.

Didn’t watch the Oscars. Like BB, I don’t go to movie theaters–our last movie was Jaws.

8 years ago

The very last of the emails will be turned over on the FOIA requests this week.  I fully expect that just as with all the others, there is absolutely nothing there that in any way shows Hillary mishandled the material and that what few were questioned were all classified after the fact by a different Government Department.

The only thing and I know it truly upsets Faux Spews and their minions is the one thing for which she has already apologized as being a mistake:  Using her own server.  The FBI is investigating that server to determine if it was ever hacked and if any of the material on it ever ended up in the hands of any other foreign country or terrorist entity.  So far the answer to that is no.  The FBI is NOT investigating her.

The severely injured right wing will be terribly upset about the above facts until the next time they can write another slanted article accusing her of all the same things on the basis of “some people say” and “unnamed government official” blah blah without even a modicum of proof.  Then they will just proceed for another 30 years of totally unwarranted accusations.



8 years ago

Pat, Katherine, I don’t want to stir the pot on Craig’s editorial musings beyond saying that I fundamentally disagree as to the accuracy of his sources and the ultimate effect such individuals may have had on the ground here in South Carolina.

I spent about an hour at the entrance of my polling place paying attention to the voters of all ages and ethnicities.  As they entered and left the polls. They were pensive, focused, and mission oriented when they walked up to the sign-in table. As their credentials were accepted, you could see the wave of relief and, finally, when their votes were cast, it was Hallelujah! There was absolutely no hint of having been coerced/arm-twisted in the demeanor of any of the black voters I observed; simply joy.

I wish I could say the same about many of the white folk. I sensed more of them were torn between the two candidates.

8 years ago

latin post:  Hillary Clinton Wins Endorsement From Congressional Hispanic Caucus PAC

In a statement released on early Monday afternoon regarding the endorsement, Cardenas said Clinton has been a champion for the Latino community, tackling issues affecting Latinos that are also American issues, such as affordable college, job creation and more opportunities.
“Although we respect Senator Bernie Sanders, he has failed to stand with our community time and time again on issues that mattered most to us, voting against Hillary and Ted Kennedy’s 2007 comprehensive immigration bill six times — effectively killing our ability to make immigration reform a reality” said Cardenas.

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Rep. Ruben Gallego, D-Ariz., said, “Hillary Clinton has been a consistent advocate for comprehensive immigration reform and someone the Latino community has always been able to count on. She’s a progressive who gets things done, while staying true to who she is. Latinos can count on Hillary Clinton — that’s why I’m with her.”

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

The Cracker Household is tense.  Mr. Cracker is a Bernie supporter and I am for Hillary.  In 2008 many white men of my age said – better to have a black man first and Obama was more progressive.  Well all thatturned out to be  a lot of hooha as far as I’m concerned.

What’s the time limit on state dept email crimes — shouldn’t Colin Powell andCondiliar be investigated


Repeating Republican bullsh-t to me about Clinton –all I hear is blah blah blah.

8 years ago

from usnews

Just ahead of Super Tuesday and amid establishment party fears Trump could build an insurmountable lead in his march toward the nomination, Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse has published a blistering open letter explaining his decision not to vote for the billionaire business mogul should he be the party’s pick in November.

Sasse, who has shown a propensity s” href=”https://youtu.be/zQMoB4aUn04?t=3m8s” rel=”nofollow”>for speaking uncomfortable truths about his party, said he would look to find a conservative third option if Trump faces off with Democrat and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the general election.

“Mr. Trump’s relentless focus is on dividing Americans, and on tearing down rather than building back up this glorious nation,” Sasse said in a lengthy post explaining his thinking.

Sasse said his primary concern in deciding whom to support is determining who would best meet the “president’s core calling … to ‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.'”

8 years ago

Repeating Republican bullsh-t to me about Clinton –all I hear is blah blah blah.


Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

I only watched about  30 minutes of the Academy Awards.  I loved Lady Gaga and was pleased that Spotlight won Best Picture!

8 years ago

boss, looks like we’ve been citified.  does this mean we have to spruce up now? suits, ties and earrings instead of robes, grubby tees and fuzzy slippers?

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

The banner design is good, but on my iPad it is very fuzzy…

8 years ago

Poobah, regarding Harrison, I don’t get it.  I looked at the Star article  Virtually every article I’ve seen (and me just a rube from WV) talks about Harrison being an employee of the Podesta Group and identified him as a DC lobbyist as he was going for the SC Dem Chair.  I’m guessing Clyburn was instrumental in getting him the Podesta job, and the ties to Clyburn and his Yale/Georgetown education probably didn’t hurt in getting the gig.    I do agree with one thing in the WT article – his SCDP bio should list Podesta in his background.

8 years ago

I will not give up my sweat pants no matter what anyone says…   so there…

Craig…  wow…  you can’t miss that logo…   looks great.

8 years ago

Love the new crisp header.  We do still need an easier way to like/quote/reply/respond to the comments from others if that is possible in our current state of high security.

8 years ago

Craig, I understand exactly about the situation you ran into. If it’s any consolation, the outsiders from Hillary’s campaign backed-off in favor of locals who better understood local sensitivities. The really big deal was getting Clyburn. He was very smart in his use of campaign materials choosing the lists of people who had supported house and senatorial candidates. Although, I was adjacent to his district, I answered Hillary when asked who should be President then gave him a worthwhile campaign donation. I think this was repeated five or six times in the past  month or so.

He messed over Hillary last time. Like a good girl, she waited her turn.

I do have your back.


8 years ago

Craig- it looks good, like an old newspaper.

8 years ago

It looks as if Maureen Dowd has more NY Times company

Meet the NYT Editor Who Regularly Misleads Readers About Hillary

8 years ago

I dunno, the Hillary picture really isn’t up to the standard of the rest of the masthead.

8 years ago

Now this is the ugly side of Texas voter suppression:

More than half of registered voters don’t have the required ID to vote

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

patd – Justice Clarence Thomas broke his decade-long silence

Well there goes that office pool.  I guessed he never would.

KGC – with HRC you know what you are getting.  Right now I will go with that as the best reason.

Craig – Very nice banner.

What is Super Tuesday good for outside of betting on the winners and losers?  I will probably quit that after tomorrow, or at least until after the nominations are settled.  I still need whoever is in power in Syria to quit.  That would help my balance of shares.

It looks like there is a great media push to dump Trump by any means possible.  NY Times has a few articles up now.  I subscribe to WashPo (of course) Sunday and online, Annapolis Gazette (local and Maryland legislature) daily and online, Baltimore Sun weekends and online and the Los Angeles Times online.  I spend about thirty-five to forty-five dollars each month on the media.  Although much reduced from it’s heyday, these papers are important for the one or two columns a week that provides a little bit of good information.  As much as I enjoy online, such as The Daily Beast, reporters who used to work at one of the papers, the daily’s have a lot of info, including Dilbert.

8 years ago

bb, dilbert?  only Doonesbury would be worth that much a month.  hope maintenance on the trail here is part of that budget (hint hint).

as to Clarence, not sure if they checked it was really him talking or a ventriloquist behind the curtain.

8 years ago

The live -shots they had of that bar in Columbia that featured that same old guy in the background day-after-day, no matter which party was under discussion, just made me wonder why we don’t have little cubicles in these places for the regulars who can’t drive? Something like they used to have in old Chinese opium dens.

8 years ago

flatus, booths do the job.  altho’ those little den beds would be nice at times.

8 years ago

Poobah, I understand.  BTW, like the new header – looks almost newspaperish.

8 years ago

Sad news about the death of Craig Windham of NPR. Always enjoyed his work.

8 years ago

8 years ago

Hillary looks strong, but Trump’s beginning to look inevitable.  He’s got a 33 point lead over Cruz in the latest national  CNN poll. That margin is over twice the support Cruz has. How long is the end of the world after the coming of the Antichrist?

8 years ago

pbs newshour: Secret Service agent and photographer scuffle at Trump rally

8 years ago

Suggested furnishings by Picknell William Lamb:  The Opium Den

Click to enlarge

8 years ago


The New header is perfect… Where is the donate tab now?

8 years ago

pogo, are you sure end of times hasn’t already come and gone and all the good people have been whisked away in the rapture.  just us baddies still around doing our baddie stuff like ruining the planet, over populating, playing video games, warring (or is that whoring?) and electing drumpf for prez.

8 years ago


Oh Blue,

Wow, Grace was spouting Fox  so called news talking points today and i come home to catch up on TM and your doing the same thing.. You’re a Bernie supporter, he never spouts this nonsense about Hillary.. What did Bernie say about the damn emails????

Oh and we will have to agree to disagree on Trump being all in for gay rights and women’s rights. Trump is a racist that doesn’t know what the KKK is or David Duke, please. The latest he had a bad ear piece, lol, funny he repeated David Duke’s name and the KKK, wow…Color me not convinced..

8 years ago


I agree the header is great. / “A tyrant’s foe, the People’s friend” – my avatar made me write that 😉

8 years ago


I agree. The header is great. /  “A tyrant’s foe, the People’s friend” – My avatar made me type that 😉


8 years ago

Jamie, Ritz-Carlton redecorated?

8 years ago


Hi sjwny

Yes it’s so nice.. Love the boldness of it..

8 years ago

Don’t Assume Conservatives Will Rally Behind Trump
By Nate Silver

8 years ago

Joe Scarborough: Donald Trump Playing Dumb About The KKK Is ‘Disqualifying’
“I mean is he really so stupid that he thinks Southerners aren’t offended by the Ku Klux Klan and David Duke?”
Paige Lavender

Joe finally sees racism where Trump is concerned, better late than never


8 years ago

patd, not being religious, I operate on faint memories from my childhood church and Sunday school “studies” and whatever I pick up in movies.  For all I know I’m with you as one of those left behind.  Either way – how long do the end times last after the evil one arises?

8 years ago

Donald Trump Secretly Told The New York Times What He Really Thinks About Immigration
The details? Release the transcript. UPDATE: Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have called on Trump to ask for the tape to be released.
Ben Smith
“On Saturday, columnist Gail Collins, one of the attendees at the meeting (which also included editor-in-chief Dean Baquet), floated a bit of speculation in her column:

The most optimistic analysis of Trump as a presidential candidate is that he just doesn’t believe in positions, except the ones you adopt for strategic purposes when you’re making a deal. So you obviously can’t explain how you’re going to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants, because it’s going to be the first bid in some future monster negotiation session.”

8 years ago

In A Houston Megachurch, Bad Omens For Trump And The GOP Come November
At the Latino and youth services at Lakewood Church, fans of The Donald are hard to find.
Howard Fineman


Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Just updated this computer to Windows 10.  It has been a long journey since Windows 386, Windows 3.0, and production Windows 3.1.  The reason I know those early versions is that I was a beta tester.  Back then beta testing was not just dumping out something to the public.  It was handing off the working version to a few people who could run it through its paces.

Although Windows 10 is a last of its kind version, it seems to be stable now – use Windows 10 SP 1

I have been reading all sorts of hate to each and every politician running for president.  Most important issue to me is to support Dem candidates.  No indies, no Repubs.  This election is probably more important than 1972 and Nixon.  And that is why a Dem must be the winning candidate.

8 years ago

Plouffe to Clinton: Stop micromanaging
In an exclusive interview for POLITICO’s ‘Off Message’ podcast, Barack Obama’s master strategist says Trump will be the nominee – and a dangerous one, at that.

“I think that’s a likely possibility: that Hillary Clinton could beat Donald Trump by an unheard of margin, nationally, of 6 to 10 points,” he says. “But if that’s not the case and he’s competitive, where he’ll be competitive is in the Upper Midwest, in the Ohios, the Wisconsins, maybe Pennsylvanias of the world — maybe Iowa and Minnesota even, potentially.”
Plouffe is quick to say, “From an Electoral College standpoint, I don’t see a Trump path,” but he’s equally quick to say the greatest threat posed by Trump is his unpredictability. Plouffe is a guy who likes to make a plan and stick with it, and Trump makes that a near impossibility. “Trump is a wild card, and you just don’t know,” he adds.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/david-plouffe-hillary-clinton-trump-2016-219947#ixzz41bUTPO1w

8 years ago

Tony – Good article about Lakewood.  That congregation is very diverse and multi-lingual.  But if others, like the person interviewed, move to Ted Cruz because he’s the “real Christian,” that scares me more.   (By the way, I was not spouting Faux talking points, that was a Huffpo article that brought up the emails.)

I will be so happy on Wednesday, when the political ads go away.  Rubio and Cruz are spending a lot of money.  The only Trump ad has been a compliation of old clips of him saying he identified most closely as a Democrat, and, thought Hillary was great.   I did not see who paid for that ad.

Big storms in OKC tomorrow; just a bit of rain in D.

Yaay! Mr. Crackers!  Bernie 2016!

8 years ago

Pogo & Patd

Not only do I intend to be “left behind”, I will probably get “lost in translation” if they come hunting for me.  I’m with Mark Twain on heaven.

Singing hymns and waving palm branches through all eternity is pretty when you hear about it in the pulpit, but it’s as poor a way to put in valuable time as a body could contrive.- Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven

8 years ago


Lol, Blue,

I listen to XM radio Progress Left when Grace isn’t working.. The Bernie supporters are a good portion of the callers and they repeat Fox news talking points regarding Hillary and Bill constantly.. I know you’re not watching Fox, lol, cause you like myself don’t have cable.. My bigger point is this nonsense has seeped into the consciousness of American politics. It’s 25 years of it… Lots of Bernie supporters are going there because they feel it’s a tool for them to win.. Bernie does not do this.. In the end if Hillary wins the nomination Bernie will support Hillary and will be doing everything to get her elected.. Believe me that’s who he is..

You have a clear choice to make if Bernie doesn’t prevail, don’t vote or vote for that nasty Trump.. I will not like you any less regardless of what you do, say it loudly. All i can say is it’s great this time around to really admire and respect the candidate i support.. You feel the same about Bernie.. I don’t however envy you if Bernie loses.. Been there with Obama is 2008.. Awful choice but for me Supreme Court rules my decisions..


8 years ago

Maybe they could go ahead and go already……..

The leave us behind people, that is……

Y’know……”Git ‘er done”

They’re just procrastinating. Ain’t that a sin?

8 years ago

PatD – That Secret Service agent really man-handled that reporter.  It looked like the reporter/photographer was following the people who had been ejected from the rally.  I thought the SS was supposed to physically protect the  candidate.  (Hmmm, the SS.)   Do candidates have any control over how security agents conduct themselves?

It looks like Ted Cruz will win Texas by about 10 points, followed by Trump. Rubio is pulling up a distant third.  Barely a mention of Carson and Kasich, as they sing in the Gilligan’s Island, “and the rest.”

If Trump’s campaign has finally gone too far, I guess the Repug convention will be interesting.  There is no way right-wingers will stay home in November.  I think the RNC  can totally get away with usurping Trump.

They will put up Rubio (they hate Turd, too) & Nikki Hayley.  That will help Hillary.  Rubio is a horrible debater.  Maybe he was good in 10th grade, but he didn’t progress beyond that level.

Anyway, Wall Street wins.

8 years ago


Good news, thanks for sharing.. Gonna donate some more to Hillary tonight.. Last time by the time primary was over i had given $1000.. The campaign now send me emails with my tally given so far, ha ha.. This time with all the negativity i may have to up the ante.. He he.. :0)

8 years ago

George Kennedy died. Cool Hand Luke was a remarkable movie.

8 years ago

“There is no way right-wingers will stay home in November.”

You got that right, especially if it’s Hillary.. She will be all the motivation they need vote..

8 years ago

Tony – I think in a few weeks, to wait a respectable amount of time, Obama will put up a SCOTUS nominee.   I know that the next Prez will probably have to do the same, though.


8 years ago

User-supported (with a hyphen), or is that not done on headers?  Looks good!

8 years ago

Kathleen, this from your Peter Dau piece is true from what i’ve heard and read.. I also agree in Hillary’s “artful smear”…

“And make no mistake, Bernie’s campaign message and the behavior of his supporters have become less about something and more against someone. His path to victory runs right through Hillary’s integrity.
Tad Devine, Jeff Weaver, Cornel West, Killer Mike, and other Bernie aides and surrogates have led the charge against Hillary’s character, calling her honesty into question with no justification or evidence.”

8 years ago


Agreed, the Republican’s have no shame and def feel they will block President to his last day in office..

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

Tony…I just made another small donation.    It looks like I will give more this year than in 2008

8 years ago

The video of this was run on CNN- no comment that I heard as yet,but  talking heads yammering away about Trump. So very ugly. Goddess help us. Hecklers disrupt Trump rally, photographer shoved to the ground.

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

I don’ believe Robert Reich has been a pal of the Clintons for many years.

In April of 2008 he endorsed Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton.

During Bill’s personal difficulties during the awhile House years, Reich vilified President Clinton on every show he could schedule.

To my friends and family, Reich is the antithesis of personal loyalty.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Donald Trump sees no problem quoting Mussolini if  he likes the quote

8 years ago

The Clinton’s real friends are at Goldman Sachs, Monsanto, etc., and are infusing plenty of money into her campaign without anyone here pitching in.

Wall Street 2016!

8 years ago


Lol,  no surprise about Robert,  love him regardless..  Doesn’t sway me at all,  dreamers vs realist..

8 years ago

Crackers – Trump is quoting Ghandi, today.  How’s that for diversity? ?

Oh, the anti-Trump ad running from some Super Pac also includes a clip of him promoting single-payer, in addition to lauding Hillary.  Maybe he is a Clinton mole who has infiltrated the Republican Party.

NASCAR is supporting Trump. ~Quel surprise!~

8 years ago


Wow.. A bunch of nonsense..  Seems a shame,  I feel for you.  Hopefully you feel very good..

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Trump is the replacement for the Confederate flag

8 years ago

Oh Blue, lov you but your posts make me sad… This race between Bernie and Hillary has changed you..Neg neg posts.. Hope it works for you but i don’t think so..Wow, the tone of your posts.. Good luck to you..

8 years ago

Goodnight folks- so looking forward to tomorrow and being able to vote for Hillary.  Its been a long time coming!

8 years ago
8 years ago


You go Kathleen,

I have till the 15th in Florida.. Hillary is a winner.. The nay sayers, bad luck..

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Rachel   Maddow did an ass-kissing interview with Bernie’s latest endorsement  no follow up questions at all

Rep  Tulsi Gabbart is very impressive but most of what she was saying was a distortion of history and Clinton’s record.  I guess the Michele Anderson race baiting tactic is over and now the Bernies are attacking Clinton on her war record…the mistake here is once again demanding an apology…sounds so familiar

So now we can expect daily blogistan posts blaming Clinton for the entire mess in the middle east coming from Democrats and this very attractive member of Congress former military calling Clinton a enemy of the people who had to go to war.  Seriously.  Looks like a desperate move to me.  I think Clinton takes all the big primary states and Bernie and pals have to decide how bitter a loser he is going to be

8 years ago

oh and I almost forgot- cha ching!

8 years ago

Tony – By a Clinton mole, I mean to help her, obviously.  It makes as much sense as anything else in this crazy season.

I only want what is best for us all, unlike those on Wall Street.  I hope, if she becomes Prez, she proves me wrong.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I hope, if she becomes Prez, she proves me wrong. bid

me too

8 years ago

As well as Hillary is doing, it is her supporters who seem bitter that not everyone is all in for Hillary.

Bernie is the only candidate for change.  That is the truth.

Wall Steet 2016!

8 years ago

Craig – Ha! And yet I’m sure her English is better than the second languages most of us speak.   She does seem more self-aware than her hubby in the interview snippets I’ve seen.  (Not too difficult.)

8 years ago



Am I taking it the correct way you prefer I don’t exchange with Blue?

8 years ago


Am I taking it the right way and you prefer I don’t exchange with Blue? Please just let me know???

8 years ago



Your blog say what you will.. I so very much disagree with you!!!

Negative to me is to personally slam Hillary all day.. My opinion.. Look over the thread and most threads, where is the neg anti Bernie personal slams? I must say, i’m shocked. You said you would drop the hammer at personal attacks, i attacked no one.. Intolerant, ok your entitled to your opinion..

8 years ago

Confession time for this Independent.  I have cast my lot with Hillary. I haven’t donated to a presidential candidate since McCain in 2000. Today is different, I see the realities. I DO NOT WANT TRUMP and I will do whatever I think is plausible to staunch it. If it takes some funds, so be it!

I haven’t always been a fan… but Hillary 2016! I am onboard.

8 years ago

Craig, I think we will know more tomorrow but it doesn’t look good now for the rational types. Things have very seriously gone off the rails.

Hanging on and chinstraps are all the rage these days.

It’s funny, my sister is a staunch Republican and we have drawn-out discussions of this presidential race. She doesn’t like Trump… and me being the devil’s advocate, I love to defend his views. It’s a hoot! She doesn’t like Hillary either.

It is gonna be one of those elections.

8 years ago


Poobah, LOL!  I don’t think speaking was her shtick.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I hardly think that an anti choice anti immigrant candidate is without masters-he may not be pandering for money but he is groveling for votes and from people who are worse than big money donors


amazing to me that people are willing to vote against their own interests for incredibly petty personal reasons

8 years ago

new thread