By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor
A few threads back our fearless leader floated a theory that just might explain the unprecedented disrespect shown the President by the Republican Senate. They view him as 3/5 of a president keeping to their vaunted “constitutional originalism” … for indeed, back in those days a black man was considered only 3/5 a person. So that answers why his administration was only valid in their eyes for 57.6 months. After that they could care less.
As usual Craig was spot on. Too bad he wasted this insight on us instead of on the air with the Iman so that it could have been heard by a larger audience. But perhaps there’s a book in it or at least a full fledged thread devoted to the outrageous disregard the Senators have for the 65,455,010 voters of 2012.
GOP Debate Tonight
CNN 8:30pm ET
You, Me and The Apocolypse.
Enjoy the debate; I look forward to your review. Yes, would be nice to have Craig’s unique view at large.
Sad to see George senior looking so out of it.
538 debate live blog
weak post on the reason the obamanation has little respect. Just look at the result of his, Hillary and what’s his name sec of state’s results !
Agree, Seeing President Bush in such a state is sad. Love that they are there to support the process. Maybe also to try and temper Trump? With Jeb out and Trump’s attacks on Jeb will this have any impact?
He looked better in this view.
Good for Trump if Cruz wins Texas, keeps him in the race bedeviling Rubio
We dont need singers promoting their careers at debates, especially when just an excuse for the network to go to commercials selling drugs, cars and fraudulent travel sites
Holy Concealed Weapon…Cruz looked like he was going for his weapon during the Star Spangled Banner!
Ben Carson has become the ice cream man, nice music, no purpose.
Can Rubio ever get a close shave?
What’s your favorite flavor?
Cruz looks more like Joe McCarthy every day.
Trump talking up swiss cheese. Makes sense.
Did Kasich get an opening statement? Or just talk to himself.
Trump “trumps” Rubio: “I’m the only one on this stage who has hired people.”
Rodman….opening the door to North Korea under Trump.
Carson & Kasich are the Zeppo & Gummo of this debate.
Rubio and Cruz attacking Trump just giving him more time.
Vaudeville is back!
Community service after your 65 hour a week job??
I like Kasich but he comes across like the sheriff’s deputy who tells him he needs to get more sleep.
Carson makes me sleepy.
Instead of a wall, why not Wallmart across the border? Turn the wall into a profit center.
Wolf has no control…where is that dingy bell?
Kasich is reasonable.
They are taking our business to other places due to the failure of our current government.
The Hate Behind Donald Trump’s Success
Trump is so perfect for the low info voter..
Rubio is getting Trump
Good Rubio going after him..
Rubio looking desperate. He should be.
And here goes the Pompous Cruz… Please mute the TV
And Trump liked when Marco zinged him…
Is Telemundo trying to pump up the Pompous Cruz?
What a softball
RNC clearly stacked room with Rubio cheerleaders.
TV Muted with Cruz on
Immigrant underwear.
Biggest laugh of the night…party of diversity!
Why did Cruz bring up his father’s underwear? Creepy!
Rubio is hitting the key points and is showing a strong presence.
Just Mute the TV when Cruz comes on
Mitt Romney’s underwear.
Kasich looks like Ned Beatty’s little brother.
If Kasich did not have the neurological twitch he would look more presidential. And as previously stated we are subject to uninformed voters.
Should we have a qualification that you are informed to vote?
Kasich: “Economic growth is not an end unto itself.”
Huh? What does that mean?
Rubio looks like an idiot trying to explain that up is down. His immigration gymnastics make my head swim.
Trump wins all the illegals he’s hired and would deport.
Craig that Walmart across the border idea has actually happened in spots. People from either side walk in. There is a counter that separates the two halves. In other places there wasn’t even a counter/wall. People came to shop on either side and went home. Current law has actually destroyed border economy and opened it up to the drug dealers.
Conservative hand wringing begins.
Nobody on this stage is making sense. More like an audition for a dumb people Jeopardy.
There is a reason a repug cannot hit a homerun.
Cruz is obviously not talking about Republican appointees on the court now.
Religious liberty will be a litmus test. Blah blah blah blah blah. What the hell is Hugh asking?
Hugh is an insomniac.
Learned a new Spanish phrase for Mr. Trump: Tonto Pendejo
Pronunciation: Toe – En – Toe; Pen-day-Ho
Nice version: Silly Fool
Actual translation: Decidedly not nice
Peace, Marco. Kasich is hot after defunding Planned Parenthood in his state.
Hugh Hewitt is trying to rehab his image from years of right wing radio. He didn’t make sense then. Nothing has changed.
… so because of the 3%, I would defund Planned Parenthood and the 97%. So much for not sucking up to the base.
There is the essence of narcissism…having it both ways. Trump…Planned Parenthood helps millions of women…but that abortion thing!
Sadly, last week the Pope and Scalia missed each other by hours here in the borderland. Scalia was a devout Catholic as is the Pope.
Republicans should hope for low ratings tonight. This crowd looks like graffiti spray painted by drunk aliens.
I swear when Rubio talks…Trump has his Saul Goodman face on!
Build a wall with Mexico? But, destroy the walls between states for health insurance????
Great night Hillary…
Lines…walls…excuse me, I am getting dizzy.
Rooster fight…where is the dingy bell?
Hillary went to bed !!!!
Trump is really dumb!
Rubio got Trump again
Stop it Kasich you are making sense again
Where is Cruz?
Healthcare is not a right! Dr. Carson over charges!
Me Watching the GOP debate:
Health empowerment accounts? Wtf is that?
This is all funding and very little about true Healthcare reform.
Who is going to call out the self abuse of the American population which is the major cause for healthcare cost to increase.
Carson became rich through that system. I guarantee he overcharged as he now defines it.
Wolf caves…
Healthcare is not a right, he is correct. But did you hear his full statement. It is a responsibility that we need to achieve!
Good Lord wolf giving that guy the time he demands? What a bunch of shit.
Loved the comments without the actual debate as a point of reference.
Wolf’s lost control.
What a load of crap. Environmental protection left to the States? Really how does that work? Do we have to repeal wind?
A true repug happening tonight.
Does Trump answer or does he attack?
Wow he started with an answer and next the attack….
Hi-poppa-low-um & Low-poppa-hi-um. Huey P. Long comes to mind a lot lately.
I thought they all wanted to get rid of the IRS
Don’t blame the candidates.
Horrible job CNN
This is almost as weak and lame as the Democratic fake debates
This has hit my funny bone tonight…these guys are hysterical.
John Kasich actually made sense for a while. They won’t call on him again
Back to Bernie and Chris. Bernie is still solving everything with his one issue of income redistribution.
Cruz walked right into that. The Biggest Loser.
Wolf’s been under rip up control since elder bush defeated the US in Iraq.
Bernie and Chris? Oh, that ran here 3 hours ago.
I love seeing Cruz trying to out man trunp. Good luck with that. And there’s rube trying it out think trunp. Yeah that can happen, but no one’s going to notice or care.
…..and wonder why more folks are registering as Non-Affiliated? 😉
Cruz kinda walked into that 65% – 80% left hook. He couldn’t see that coming?
Jamie, don’t forget political revolution of young people?
Oh, good. AIPAC suck up time.
Is trump going to throw jamie dimon out of the country. Man, that guy brought in financial diseases.
Is Carson still on the stage?
This reminds me of arguments I’ve had in front of judges with the biggest asshole that I practice against, whose whole strategy is the talk over you and you’re starting to make points.
kasich is going oust baby kim. No, now he’s backing off. No, now he’s getting aggressive again. No, now he’s backing off.
Dr. Who?
ben admits that Israel is his lovechild, but wants to be fair to northKorea and all the other children, too.
Hewitt looks like he belonged in a Quinn-Martin show from the ’70s. Corrupt Governor or something.
cruz : John Kerry is more anti-Israel than Zachary Taylor was
trump : America should be the biggest mercenary force.
cruz just attacked bush ? Don’t write Czechs.
trump : I’m the only guy here who was around when Israel stated. It’s my baby.
Next on BBC:
Dr Carson 1, All Others, nil.
It isn’t a lie if you believe it.
The reds
the liar, the pettifogger, the sockpuppet, the racist, and the father of Israel.
kasich: wants the Prez to unlock the phone.
cruz : a judge’s signature and probable cause (an anonymous tip sent on an apple phone) are sufficient under the 4th Amendment.
trump : build a wall between us and Puerto Rico. (snicker)
The way TV schedule was here I was remote clicking between CNN & MSNBC … Dali was less Surreal
I agree with Ping. cnn was terrible.
Winner : kasich
Loser : ruby
5 scariest words in this campaign: Cruz’ first day in office
After watching the CNN Republican debate tonight, I am ashamed for the loss of our country’s common civility.
Oh blah blah blah blah blah Israel blah blah blah blah blah Israel blah blah blah blah blah North Korea blah blah blah blah blah blah
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It’s been a while since I’ve viewed Trailmix & I must say it was very entertaining. I can’t remember another political time like this.