Anticipating April Fool Foolery

from raw story:

When Anonymous declared “total war” on Donald Trump in early March, the hacktivist group set a countdown clock, calling on “everyone to target Trump websites” on April 1. But that may not have been its real objective.

Regardless of what, if anything, is planned for April 1, the actual attack may have already happened. That’s because the hack appears to be not of any website or technology but rather of Trump himself.
Whether or not Anonymous succeeds in dismantling – or even tries to attack – Donald Trump’s websites on April Fools’ Day is probably irrelevant. By cleverly goading Trump into calling for a law enforcement response against people who have only distributed already-public information, Anonymous has already begun to undermine his antiestablishment brand. That’s a pretty good trick.


Faux Outrage

By WhskyJack, a Trail Mix Contributor

So Donald’s aide pulled a reporter out of his face after she aggressively pushed passed his security. LoL

I wonder how many bruises her elbows left on her fellow reporters as she worked her way into position?

I don’t think that is going to lose him any votes.


If he had punched her in the face, stomped on her a while? Maybe.

For Trump supporters this is just the establishment faking up a controversy to drag down their candidate.

In my opinion there is more than just a little faux outrage going on here. But then that is the modern campaign.


Trump, Abortion Foe, Eyes ‘Punishment’ for Women, Then Recants (NYT)

By Craig — Trump walking back abortion punishment statement recalls Bush Sr. on punishing women who get abortions (1988): “Of course there’s got to be some penalties to enforce the law, whatever they may be.”

Unlike with Trump, GOP elites rushed to the microphones to revise, extend and clarify Bush’s remark.


Laughing on Goat Hill

By Pogo, a Trail Mix Contributor

So I was watching Rachel Monday and her take on the Alabama Guv Robert Bentley (the hard of Dixie) having his recorded thoughts about his physical improprieties with a staff member played out on national cable news.  I’m LMAO and Mrs. P. from OH thinks it’s not funny. As a friend used to say, au contraire, Pierre.’s sketch comedy group agrees…with me.

ValSiNJReally, what’s not funny about the head of the family values party in the Heart of Dixie – my home state – having his comments about kissing, pulling his employee close, touching her breasts and how he loves it, loves it, loves it played out on a national cable political station? And having fired his Secretary of Law Enforcement who blew the whistle on the affair? And HE’S NOT GOING TO RESIGN! Really, is there anything in politics funnier?


A Reason to Campaign

By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor

The history of the Obama Presidency has yet to be written and the final judgment yet to be made.

However Obama’s place in history as a campaigner is firmly in place and most would agree that as a campaigner he has few if any equals. Not only is he good at it, but from all appearances he seems to really enjoy it.

How is it then, that a Republican Senate with a tenuous hold on their majority could possibly believe that a full scale stonewall of Obama’s Supreme Court nominee could have any benefit to them politically? I guess that when your approval rating is somewhat south of Small Pox you have nothing to lose.

I can’t remember a president in my lifetime who has been handed the cover to be so partisan in such a presidential way — by campaigning for his right to appoint a Supreme Court justice, while at the same time making clear that the only way to avoid this impasse is to elect Democrats in general, and a Democrat in particular to the presidency.

No one is better suited to make that case than is President Obama.

For Obama and Democrats, at least in this instance, Republican obstruction may just be the gift that keeps on giving.
