Trump’s Full Castro

MAGA’s Dear Leader talked so long last night his convention lasted into a fifth day, at 1.5 hours the longest convention speech of a major party nominee in modern American history.

And as George W. Bush might say, “That was some weird shit”.

MeidasTouch Co-Founder Ben Meiselas: “Donald Trump said the following at his Republican convention speech tonight:

1. He asked if people knew his friend the “late great Hannibal Lecter.”

2. He praised Hungary’s authoritarian leader Viktor Orban.

3. He said North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un missed him.

4. He attacked the UAW Union.

5. He called COVID “the China Virus.”

6. He said he was buying votes in Wisconsin.

7. He thought Scott Walker was still the Governor of Wisconsin and praised his leadership. The Governor is Democrat Tony Evers who did not attend.

8. He said he was going to “take over the Auto Industry.”

9. He called Nancy Pelosi “Crazy Nancy.”

10. He said he wanted to hold the next Republican Convention in Venezuela.

11. He spread lies about the 2020 election.

12. He bragged that the Taliban called him “your excellency” and said they probably don’t call President Biden that.


Vetting a Veep

something to think about just in case we need a Plan B due to unfortunate circumstances if Joe has to withdraw from the race but stays as President and hands the campaign position, money and staff over to Kamala: Who should she choose as a running mate? Here’s a checklist to use to vet a prospective VP candidate:

Someone who has the necessary nationwide recognition,
is an attack dog,
knowledgeable in foreign affairs,
good credible speaker,
relative youthful and pleasant appearance
knows the White House inside out and how to work the Congress,
but most of all whose selection will stun, entice and intrigue the media, bring back bipartisanship compromise and bridge the national divide gap.

How ’bout Liz Cheney for starters? Ticks off the list as well as ticking off the magaT king and cult.
If not her, who would be your choice to meet those requirements?
