No wonder the GOP found Fraud. They looked in the mirror.

Nicole Wallace, Deadline White House:
“NBC News reports that Mark Meadows was registered to vote at an address that he never lived at. Documentation indicated he lived in Virginia and last voted in the 2021 election there, which would make his legislation in North Carolina against state law.”
Former Prosecutor and U.S. Senator from MO, Claire McCaskill:
“I’m dying. They registered at a double-wide trailer he never stepped foot in. It is fraud. You can’t register to vote in a place you’ve never stepped foot. His wife signed him up for a double-wide trailer — he was chief of staff for the president of the United States. Prosecute him. Put him in jail.”


Now, Voyeur

Currently a creepily perverse form of asexual voyeurism has come about watching in real time the horrors of war in the comfort of one’s home, peering through the TV windows at neighbors being violently attacked and we’re rapt but helpless to act.

A line from “The Untold Want” in Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass (with a little creative stretch) comes to mind:

“The untold want, by life and land ne’er granted,

Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.” 



For Ukraine

“The War on Ukraine is an unimaginable tragedy… As a human, and as an artist, I felt compelled to respond in the most significant way I could. So today, for the first time ever, I publicly performed my Dad’s song, IMAGINE. Why now, after all these years? – I had always said, that the only time I would ever consider singing ‘IMAGINE’ would be if it was the ‘End of the World’… But also because his lyrics reflect our collective desire for peace worldwide. Because within this song, we’re transported to a space, where love and togetherness become our reality, if but for a moment in time… The song reflects the light at the end of the tunnel, that we are all hoping for… As a result of the ongoing murderous violence, millions of innocent families, have been forced to leave the comfort of their homes, to seek asylum elsewhere. I’m calling on world leaders and everyone who believes in the sentiment of IMAGINE, to stand up for refugees everywhere! Please advocate and donate from the heart. #StandUpForUkraine” —Julian Lennon
