By WhskyJack, a Trail Mix Contributor
So if that noise we hear is furniture breaking in the West Wing then it is time to make a deal and end this shutdown. For in the end politics is always the art of the deal and the Speaker was taking master classes in the art back when Donnie was putting on his playboy act and being bailed out by daddy.
First, it is time for Pelosi to ditch Chuck. She is after all the Speaker and he is basically nobody. (She should be nice about it. But still, Steny and Chuck, who are equals, should always be 3 steps behind her) The reason is she has to point out some basic truths that if delivered in front of other males would force Trump to get all macho. So a quiet, private, just the 2 of them meeting.
First, She says, “Donald you are bankrupt, You have been there before so you know what that means. In the interest of the country we will let you have a victory. You will get your 5 billion for barrier upgrade, you get your wall but not this year and it is going to cost you.”
Then tie it into a comprehensive package of border security and immigration reforms. Most details will have to be worked out like any other legislation, but should include adequate judges so any immigrant gets to have their case heard in 6 months, not the current yearslong wait. Port of entry upgrades so entry from Mexico is as painless as entry from Canada. Better worker programs, with ones that address issues in this hemisphere.
And since Trump can’t be trusted to keep his word any current legislation to open up the government needs to contain a poison pill to keep him honest.
Past this on to Nancy, I’m sure she will appreciate the advice.