So is your 401k supporting the firearms industry?

By Whskyjack, a Trail Mix Contributor

Florida Retirement Pension Plan had a $4 million stake in gun manufacturers

Just how invested are you in the firearms industry and do you want to be?  It seems we all are profiting from mass killings. Think about it.

The Barrons article: We’re All Gun Owners, and Here’s Why

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Draining the swamp

By Whskyjack, a Trail Mix Contributor

It looks like Mueller has decided to use his position to drain some of the Washington swamp. Republican lobbyist Manafort and company aren’t the only ones in his gun site. He is also after Democratic swamp dwellers as well. Tony Podesta, brother of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign chairman John Podesta, is feeling the pressure.

All I can say, “it’s about time”

From USA Today:

Reports: Tony Podesta leaves lobbying firm amid Robert Mueller probe

A thought

By WhskyJack, a Trail Mix Contributor

We were out politicking a bit this weekend. One of our councilmen/wannabe Mayor was having a birthday/fundraiser. He has come through for us several times and, as he is also first in line to be our next Mayor, we attended.

But, he isn’t the point of this post. It was the band he hired for entertainment. Three old white guys dutifully going through boomer nostalgia. Not into it and neither was the audience.

As we were starting to leave they launched into a Stevie Ray Vaughn song. Mrs Jack decided to stop and listen. They were butchering it but there was enough rhythm to keep a steady beat and dance. So I extended my hand out to Mrs Jack to ask if she wanted to dance and we started.  First on the crowded deck (people moved chairs and tables for us) then out on the lawn. Interesting thing was the more we danced the better the band  became. By the end of the song they were doing a decent job.

As I thought about it later, a little appreciation does wonders — especially when your dream job starts to be just the same old same old.

I wonder how many of our Congress critters and elected officials at all levels start feeling the same way. None of them started out to be hacks.  But everyday the same old routine and what do you get?

Hey we can’t all be Stevie Ray but with a little appreciation and encouragement maybe things can be better.

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GA Fall Out Buck Up

By Whskyjack, a Trail Mix Contributor

Goodness, did you all really believe a Democrat could win a solid Republican district?

Grow up. Politics is a rough sport. The Democrats went into the devil’s lair and grabbed old Nick by the beard. It was a good night.

But get real, come 2018 there are 435 seats up for grabs and a lot of them way more vulnerable than this one.

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