Sunday Serendipity

For Juneteenth:

I went looking for music to celebrate this week’s festivities and discovered an amazing modern 21st century composer. Her name is Valerie Coleman and she was born in Louisville KY, in 1970. If her wiki page can be believed she, like Mozart, is a child prodigy except Mozart had a musician father to push and guide him where as she bootstrapped herself through the love of music and youthful exuberance. She had written 3 symphonies before she was 14 all composed on a small electric organ. I spent most of the afternoon listening to her music and picked four for your enjoyment today.

The first performed at Lincoln center, Fanfare For Uncommon Times. Plus 3 other performed by her wind quintet, Imani Winds. Imani is a Swahili word meaning faith.

Enjoy, Jack

Sunday Serendipity

Today is Decoration Day for the cemeteries where my parents and grand parents are buried. It is a little town about 50 miles north of here. I will be leaving flowers on their graves this morning. Both cemeteries get by with donations so I will leave a donation too. As I never have and because I have the means, it will be a sizable one to make up for all the times I let others carry the burden.

In remembrance of missing friends and those gone before us today’s selection is: Requiem in D minor, a Requiem Mass by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Have a blessed day, Jack