Get Up!

A very different Joe Biden showed up yesterday at a raucous North Carolina rally after the debate the night before.

“He didn’t judge a man by how many times he got knocked down but by how fast he got back up. Get up! That was his phrase, and it has echoed through my life…Get up!”
— Joe Biden about his father, Promises to Keep (Thanks to Ivy Green for finding this)

Trump Lies Aren’t Even Getting Their Pants On

Paraphrasing Mark Twain, the truth is getting its pants on quicker than usual these days — before Trump campaign lies can circle the globe.

Three times in the last week or so Trump’s Republican National Committee and his newsletter, The New York Post, have circulated doctored videotapes supposedly showing President Biden lost and confused. But quick revelations of unedited tape shot that down.

Most recently, a deceptively edited video shot at a long distance from the stage at Biden’s Los Angeles fundraiser prompted this NYP headline: “Biden appears to freeze up, has to be led off stage by Obama at mega-bucks LA fundraiser”.

Fact checkers with a half dozen mainstream media outlets immediately produced live video showing Biden laughing and waving to the audience as Obama reached back to tough his hand and put his arms around his former vice president. They were both smiling and laughing the entire time while engaging with his supporters.

The Biden campaign response to the right wing media ecosphere was swift and severe: “Fresh off being fact checked by at least 6 mainstream outlets for lying about the President with cheap fakes, Rupert Murdoch’s sad little super pac, the New York Post, is back to disrespecting it’s readers & itself once again. Their ethical standards could deal with a little unfreezing.” — White House Senior Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates

Sure, these lies get currency among Trump loyalists who believe anything his camp says — but the real world is at least getting the debunks in real time.

Here’s a doozy from the Trump operative who once renamed lying “alternative facts”. Kellyanne Conway claimed on FOX, “You got Donald Trump in Detroit talking to 8000 people at a Black church”

Videos show the event drew maybe 100 mostly white people. Watch the Video.

Don Jr. got caught yesterday with this lie — quickly corrected on Elon Musk’s X platform where it was posted.