— Yoda

What is telling is that the 2024 presidential battle will probably be Harris and Haley. The important thing is whether the republican party exists then. This means trying to figure out what the parties will be in the next few years.
Starting with the greedy old perverts. We can be assured that one piece will be the SFB cohort. Will they be the twenty percent? Most likely. If they are any larger that will make the rest of the party smaller, smaller in the view those will form another party under the greedy old pervert label. Another small section of the gop will be the ten or fifteen percent who are “I vote gop no matter what”. This group used to be the GOP party, but has shrunk due to dying off. The next section of the former party will be the evangelical, anti-democracy/anti-abortion types. They are not real goppers, but use them to destroy America the republic. And the final group are the idiots who have no clue what is going on and think the greedy old perverts sound good because it is anti-everything except white males.
All this means is that what was the republican party is no more. It has been blown up.
Now the Democratic Party has some interesting changes coming. Former republicans will be sneaking over, but they need some encouraging words to overcome their shame of being gopers. A new middle of the spectrum group will form, similar to the Blue Dogs. A lot of Dems will be invested in making their lives better.
Behind a lot of changes will be the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. It will change a lot of how the world works. Much of the pain of no employment for millions of people will cause changes. Think of 1930, the Great Depression and what happened from that. We are in the Trump Depression and can only look at what we need to do to make a new world. Every thing the current administration is doing is to make the depression worse. It is to make the thirty thousand ultra rich more rich.
It is time to look for the future “new normal”. We are not there yet. What we do need are leaders who can take us through the hell that is where we are now.