16 thoughts on “Finding Amelia”

  1. Somewhere in the South Pacific is where she crashed.  Any plane debris is from floating ashore.

    Previous thread had a question about making fun of SFB if he has a mental illness or a brain malfunction.  Because his handlers constantly tell us he is doing magnificent if not excellent job.  He has no problems multi-tasking and is stratergerizing better than anyone on Earth.  With those creds he is open to every insult and laugh we can muster.  When the handlers finally say it is over, put the guy in assisted living, then we stop insulting him.  But, even then the door is open for all the handlers who say he is playing chess with the chess masters and beating them.

  2. Sorry folks but the unusually high number of videos posted on our last thread choked our server. Made some adjustments to fix this without paying for more bandwidth, hopefully won’t happen again.

  3. The History Channel expansion on this story on Sunday should be interesting.  On a personal side note, there was once a sheltered group much like this one on Compuserve (before it was swallowed & ruined by AOL).  We referred to ourselves as The Village Elders.  Until I discovered Craig and here, I had despaired of finding an equally intelligent, funny, and worldly wise group.

    One of the members was a British gentleman by the name of Fred Noonan who was probably one of the wittiest human beings ever to grace the earth.  Needless to say this was an alias.  We had a meet up in Pacific Grove of the Elders and he was just as charming and totally silly as on line.  Unfortunately lost track when various family situations for all concerned interfered, not to mention that horrendous AOL invasion.


  4. I seem to recall Trump making fun of the handicapped during the campaign. He deserves no quarter now and he’ll get none from me. I think he is so far gone that he could hide his own Easter eggs. If there were any justice in the world he would be doing a perp walk in a straight jacket.

  5. I’ve always been grateful that no one in my family show any signs of anything other than normal deficiencies of aging  (The aunts had to give up driving in their 80’s) and I have the deepest sympathies for all those dealing with a mentally handicapped elder relative.  Trump is another matter.  You can’t have the disease inflicted on a nation.  It is time for him to go home for “health reasons”.  What we get in exchange will be bad enough, but at least the Trump Crime Family will be given the boot.


  6. Silly stuff but a fun meme simply because Trump is depressing:  Without using numbers, indicate the year you were born.

    I used “Casablanca won the Oscar”.   How about everyone else?


  7. Ooh still love the African Queen.  Great year.  Not to mention that Humphrey Bogart starred in both yours and mine.  Does that make Bogart movies great starts in life?

  8. I’m just saying here folks I am a whole lot more interested in what happened to Amelia Earhart than anything to do with Trump. Has been a fascination of mine since childhood. And it’s sounding like Japan might have some answers. Or if not, clear it up once and for all.

  9. Craig

    Equal on the Amelia Earhart for a whole lot of reasons.  In Westchester CA the streets are named after pioneers of aviation.  One of my early homes was on Earhart.

    BTW, she wasn’t a great pilot.  An early example of publicity vs reality.  One of the best female pilots just happened to be less than average in looks:  Pancho Barnes.  If it had wings, she could fly it and the men pilots truly respected her enough to be featured in The Right Stuff book and movie.  Love the scene in the movie where Pancho schools the earliest astronauts on pudknockers in what was left of The Happy Bottom Riding Club.

  10. Jamie, skilled pilot or not, her bravery inspired the world about the potential of aviation, and indirectly inspired space flight (even though I have now forsaken airline travel).

    I want to know what happened to her.

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