So How Will Trump Blame Obama For This One?

MANCHESTER, England, May 23 (Reuters) – At least 19 people were killed and more than 50 injured in an explosion at the end of a concert by U.S. singer Ariana Grande in the English city of Manchester on Monday and two U.S. officials said a suicide bomber was suspected.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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Ping Pong
Ping Pong
7 years ago

There is no Woo Who this morning.  It is very disturbing of the jump to continue the attack on President Trump.  SAD and embarrassment.   Please get a message to Morning Joe and Mika of the total disregard for the loss of life with their opening this morning.

Living in Orlando and the Pulse tragedy I cannot imagine anyone opening with anything more then to take a moment and morn.  These are young children, little girls that have been targeted by these losers.

Mika,  You owe an apology, even if your MSNBC Leadership want you to continue to drive ratings.  You are much better then to open the show with the political versus the reality that has once again shown the evil face.

God Bless the families in Manchester.

7 years ago

Poobah, he’ll surely find a way.

Drumpf’s budget is out. If you’re poor you’re on your own. 

The White House’s $4.094 trillion budget request for fiscal 2018 calls for cuts that hit Medicaid, food assistance and other anti-poverty programs. It would cut funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which provides benefits to the poor, by roughly 20 percent next year.budget would ­reduce spending on safety-net programs by more than $1 trillion over 10 years.

I wonder how the unemployed miners in WV & KY like him now.

Btw ping, trump’s stupidity doesn’t stop because tragedy occurs. MSNBC was nonstop coverage of the Manchester tragedy overnight and the Today Show picked that coverage up at 7. And for what it’s worth even morning Joe has been going back-and-forth between political coverage and coverage of the terror attack. Get a grip

7 years ago

Joe & Mika are now into bashing Trump in the A block.  They spent months doing it to Hillary every single morning and now are doing it to the Frankenstein’s Monster they are responsible for helping to create.

In the mad scrum for dollars and eyeballs you can’t really expect humanity to take the time to cry over a few young teens whose names no one but their families and friends will remember.

7 years ago

Jamie, mojo this a.m. recounted a peculiar (guess not so peculiar comparatively speaking these days) response from jared when warned of Flynn by joe himself (and Christie)… something on the order of “but he goes with him everywhere… he calms him down”

hard to compute that such an up-tight nervously furtive seeming sort could calm anyone down.  more likely to cause one to be anxious, paranoid and just plain riled up

7 years ago

“It is very disturbing of the jump to continue the attack on President Trump.”

mr. pong, not much different when bad things happened in the world during pres. Obama administration when he was blamed for them happening in between the times he was being blamed for all those other scandals of his and Michelle’s.

Published on May 22, 2017

Here’s a nostalgic look back at the things we used to care about before 2017 rolled around.

7 years ago

ping, young deaths no matter what the politics are indeed sad and should not be used in unseemly ways.

Published on May 22, 2017

The shameful conspiracy theory that won’t distract from Russia.

7 years ago

LOL – until I saw the pic above from the Olberman GQ bit I didn’t realize how quickly Hannity is morphing into Newt. The hair and the jowls are coming along nicely , and well, the nastiness has always been there.

7 years ago

pogo, they both will eventually morph into looking like Giuliani and then, transformed once more to a bat, fly away to their master vampire

7 years ago

if those budget cuts to food stamps go thru, there’ll be far more than 22 young deaths to mourn.

7 years ago

Poobah, enjoyed your Huffpo column today – it reminded me that my dad was born in 1927 and would be 90 in November.  I inherited Dad’s motorcycle and every Father’s day I go take a ride for a couple of hours to kind of commune with him – I’d do the same on his birthday  but more often than not it’s a bit cold here to be riding a motorcycle and enjoy it 4 days before December arrives.

7 years ago

patd…  I’m with you.  If trump’s budget passes…  and he he gets trumpcare passed…   a whole lot of people…  including young and old…  will be meeting the pearly gates sooner than expected.  But we won’t hear a peep from any republicans on this blog about that.  Especially if they’re wearing Christianity on their sleeves.  Like I’ve said…  that kind of thinking fuels me!

Happy Real Birthday Papa Crawford!

Rick and I are leaving now.  Will be taking the iPad…   might post something…  or maybe not.

7 years ago

I know this is off subject but the new Yorker had a terrific article on her this week and I tho’t we might enjoy hearing a little of her work.  for you all who love good music, enjoy

Published on Jan 9, 2015

Federico Britos presents Hot Club of the Americas featuring Cecile McLorin Salvant interprets La Vie En Rose as a Danzon.

7 years ago

Dana Milbank on the drumpf “pfugh the poor” budget.

The budget claims it balances the budget over a decade without touching Social Security and Medicare, while spending more on national security, the border, infrastructure and more.

How? The budget would eviscerate aid to the poor, and it makes preposterous assumptions about future growth. In other words — a cruelty wrapped in a lie. Mulvaney on Monday acknowledged it’s a “fair point” that Congress will ignore the proposal. But this outrage deserves attention.

Trump, who once vowed “no cuts” to Medicaid, would now cut Medicaid by more than $800 billion, denying support to 10 million people. He lops a total of $1.7 trillion off that and similar programs, including food stamps, school lunches and Habitat for Humanity.

Mulvaney, defending the budget Monday, made a frank admission: “This is, I think, the first time in a long time an administration has written a budget through the eyes of people who actually are paying the taxes. Too often in Washington I think we often think only on the recipient side.”

Exactly. The rich pay the most in overall taxes (even if not by percentage), and they get the lion’s share of benefits from Trump’s budget. The poor and working poor pay little or nothing in federal income taxes — and they would get little or nothing.

The most interesting part of the column is that Mulvaney was grilled and embarrassed (if that is possible) by a reporter for the Russian state sponsored propaganda organization Sputnik.

7 years ago

“This is, I think, the first time in a long time an administration has written a budget through the eyes of people who actually are paying the taxes. Too often in Washington I think we often think only on the recipient side.”

how terribly cruel and unthinking of us heartless monsters and those  stupid people who keep quoting stuff like:   What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.   [James 2:14-18 ESV ]

7 years ago

Toles gets it.

7 years ago

Sir Roger Moore has passed away from cancer at 89.  


7 years ago

RIP, Roger. Thanks for the entertainment.

7 years ago

Pogo, This version makes my many semesters of French worthwhile

7 years ago

Excellent, Flatus.

By the way, Ou est la salle de bains?  That just about exhausts what I can remember from my college French.

7 years ago

La maison de merde?

Still, I recall my greatest accomplishment in spoken French was being able  to order a full breakfast for Kumcho and me one frigid morning in Belgium after having driven through the Ardennes from Germany at the crack of dawn. I sensed that the Wehrmacht was hot on our trail.

7 years ago

I think there were lead pipes in the school Ping and Craig attended together.

7 years ago

America first!  Well, let’s build bombs for the Saudis, then America, right after that!

7 years ago

Beyond losers.  The jerk what done it, anyone who helped him, and, the incomprehensibly sick, idiotic scumbags who now claim responsibility.  You murdered, among others, an 8-year old.  Do you feel like big men now?  Losers, indeed.


Dems need to understand that the old ways won’t work anymore.    I can see 2018 in the distance, but I don’t see party unity.


Bernie backers rage over Calif. Democratic Party chair race – POLITICO

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Supposedly Real Donald trump jr is an orthodox Jewish woman so why isn’t her head covered?

7 years ago

flatus, indeed, that song and that singer sound better en français.  thanks for linking it for us.

I also like cicele’s version of “nobody” even tho it is in English.

7 years ago

Watch Melania Trump Swat Donald Away When He Tries To Hold Her Hand
It was the swat heard ‘round the world.


7 years ago

usatodaynews article and vid with al franken
Published on May 23, 2017

Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) shares stories of his friends and foes in the Senate.

7 years ago

Flatus, have they renamed the White House to reflect the conditions there under the present temporary occupant? LOL

KC, lessee, dad’s a Presbyterian (or claims to be if I remember correctly) and he covers the squirrel in respect for the Jewish faith, but his daughter – the real Donald Trump Jr. – who has converted to Judaism and wife do not cover their heads in respect for either the Muslim faith (her dad criticized Michelle Obama for not covering her head when she and Pres O visited the ME) or TRDTJr’s own.  I suspect there is either a vacancy in the Office of Protocol or the drumpf clan just doesn’t give a crap.

7 years ago

Well of course Ellis HAD to win – and falling short her campaign HAD to allege she was a victim of irregularities.  Now I ask you , is only agreeing to the Bernie! supported candidates the requirement for party unity?  Seems to me in the case of CAL, the Ellis refusal to accept the results of the vote is what is standing in the way of that goal.


Poobah, love the art on the wall of the Resort and Fish Camp.

7 years ago

patd, LOL – Melania isn’t walking near enough to him that people would know they are together, and if there was a thought bubble it would say “HELL NO, keep your hand to yourself.”

7 years ago

That’s a great pic of your pop.

7 years ago

Alzheimer’s .

And his kids know it.

7 years ago

I first encountered Roger Moore as Beau Maverick

7 years ago

If DT’s face were photoshopped onto Thurber’s Airedale, Thurber’s caption for the cartoon would fit right in there.

“Nobody knew exactly what was the matter with him.”


7 years ago

The Berniecrats pain in the ass should just start their own party.


7 years ago

For us functional illiterates, drump’s budget cuts in graphic form.
-33% State Department
-31% Environmental Protection Agency
-21% Agriculture Department
-21% Labor Department
-18% Department of Health and Human Services
-16% Commerce Department
-14% Education Department
-13% Department of Housing and Urban Development
-13% Transportation Department
-12% Interior Department
-6% Energy Department
-5% Small Business Administration
-4% Treasury Department
-4% Justice Department
-1% NASA
+6% Department of Veterans Affairs
+7% Department of Homeland Security 
+9%   Defense Department
 (Sorry for the poor formatting)
And god do I love the Edit button.

7 years ago

In fairness to Ivanka, her head was covered at the Western Wall.


7 years ago

Jamie, thanks – I didn’t see the Western Wall pics.  Yes, she has on a very stylish thing (what the heck is that?) on her head.

Image result for ivanka western wall

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

When thinking of the budget keep in mind him being surprised that not everyone, especially Dems, were happy with him firing the FBI director.  This budget is the whole desire of Ryan.  Ayn Rand would be on fire with it.

The part that gets me, and I was in this position, if you are on SNAP or coming off full Social Security Disability, and told you have to find a job because you will not receive any benefits if you do not.  And, it is the Trump Depression due to his economic decisions, enhanced by the repubs hate the poor regime, there are no jobs to be had, tough.  You are a loser and do not deserve anything from the moneyed one percent.  I was setup, not on purpose, by a person who put me on a track that would end with me losing SSD in 2009,  I was stupid to trust his word.  But, it all worked out.  Obama made hire the disabled and veterans a priority.  I was one hundred percent disabled by the state of Colorado.  I was also a disabled veteran.  A company that handled disabled clients got the contract to get their clients hired by the federal government.  I was hired, the hiring group thought they were getting a second base (square, thick and dusty), and they got an all star.  Surprised them.

But, it was a federal hire.  Something that the floater wants to eliminate.

The people who voted for the floater are the ones that are in the gun site.  They do  not have jobs, there are no jobs and they will lose their medical (medicaid), their disability checks, and their everything because there are no jobs.  Obama kept working to extend unemployment benefits (yay, it helped me for many months), but do not expect the one percent to even care enough to do that.

The only thing the “she said do not touch me”  floater has going is that the Congress will change a lot of the proposed decimation of the economy to reduce the appearance of them getting billions off their taxes and make it look better, but we are getting screwed without any fun.

7 years ago

Can’t seem to make it link but its a good article comes up early on with googling Fred trump jr.

7 years ago


That is called a “Fascinator” … All the rage for wealthy women who might attend royal weddings and Ascot in June while nibbling strawberries


7 years ago

Interesting sturg – it appears the so-called president may be an even bigger dick than I appreciated.