We’re upgrading some things around here for better security, functionality and, what the heck, some change for the heck of change. A new WordPress platform, new blog theme, and some other stuff. As always these things are a work in progress. Glitches expected. Fixes to be made. Let me know if your have problems: help@craigcrawford.com
Oh, this is interesting. I’m going to have some ice cream then retire.
granny, here’s your favorite pundit
I’ll watch the site’s evolution with an open mind.
Just testing the edit function.
okay, so the video posting works… and works great, thank you, boss. let’s see if the image posting works. here goes with a cree proverb in need of heeding by totus…. you know, the twit who tweets twat.
Let’s see…
Slick, Sleek & Sassy.
Are you the handsome gentleman wearing the hat?
mendacity seems to be the rage
I would have given Time Magazine props if they had gone with their second choice & headlined it as The People’s Choice.
Would have been true, would have been provocative, would have summed up this election year brilliantly.
Of course their choice makes sense on a pedestrian safe level. Which is the problem … which is why their choice is their choice … snake swallows tail …
Hey tony, oldseahag, blonde wino, solar, ping … new swanky site needs some neat, wonderful voices to help “christen” it. I’ve got the champagne bottle. Need your hands to help lift it.
SJ, I’m the shorter guy wearing the cap. Handsome? Thanks. Mrs. P sez so – I’m skeptical.
more trumping down truthiness
from politico:
Trump transition team members had to sign a code of ethics with a pretty significant lobbying ban, but they’ve also had to sign a non-disclosure agreement to make certain they keep all of their work confidential, according to a copy obtained by POLITICO.
The agreement legally bars transition staffers from disclosing info about major portions of the transition work, like policy briefings, personnel material, donor info, fundraising goals, budgets, contracts, or any draft research papers. It also demands that if anyone on the team suspects a colleague of leaking material, he or she must tell transition team leadership. And it gives the Trump team grounds to tell those who run afoul of the rules: “You’re fired.”
If anyone is caught giving away info about the transition, he or so could face a court order to force them to stop, the Trump transition NDA says. Paid staffers, consultants, and volunteers all had to sign the document, one source close to the transition said. A Trump spokesperson and incoming White House Counsel, Don McGahn, did not respond to requests for comment.
This practice of using a non-disclosure agreement dates back to the Trump campaign and even his businesses. The campaign non-disclosure form differed slightly, according to past news reports, because it also included a “disparagement” clause which prevented campaign staffers from saying anything demeaning about Trump. The same went for the agreement for those who worked for Trump’s businesses. The transition non-disclosure that POLITICO obtained does not include a so-called disparagement clause.
well, at least they are free to disparage… to disparage their role empowering him if not him himself.
Poobah, you after feedback or want us to give the site a few days to settle in? If you want it, the site rotated my posted pic 90 degrees counterclockwise and it took a while – probably 390 seconds or more – for my short response to SJ at 8:29 to load.
But this one loaded right away.
I suppose Time had to make the Loathsome Elect the POTY rather than dumping him into the POTTY. It will make the checkout line at the supermarket difficult for a week. I will be interested in seeing the sales figures above the arrive in the mail whether you like it or not figures.
Magazine sales will be yuge because It Will Be So. If there’s one thing this President-elect knows it’s publicity. Probably has employees buying up every issue they can find as we speak.
Keep the presses rolling! Believe me!
interesting little tidbit buried in wapo story today Trump’s unpredictable style unnerves corporate America
As president, Trump will be subject to the Stock Act, a 2012 law that requires elected officials, including the president, to publicly disclose any stock transactions worth at least $1,000 within 45 days.
soooo, will congress critters repeal this or will we finally get to see some drumpf disclosures?
boss aka poohbah, the site is slowing down again … could it be the one too many videos and images posted (seemed to cause for me noticeable slow downs before on old trail configuration) or too many urls/cites (we use to be limited to five per comment)?
Definitely want your feedback, gonna tinker a bit now
I like this new layout.
I like the new look – crisp & clean. The avatars are easier to see. Flatus, you, like Pogo, are looking good.
The site looks awesome!
One nitpick though…. how many comments on an article doesn’t show unless I click on the headline.