Hillary on the Brink

hrcCNNwebBy Jamie, a Trail Mix Contributor

After more than forty years of public service in one form or another since her 1969 commencement speech for graduation from Wellesley, Hillary Clinton stands on the brink of gaining the highest office in the land. Throughout all of those years she has done what she does best: Kept going. No matter what life threw at her she simply gathered herself up, held to her ideals and stayed committed to doing the best job possible, and kept going.

HRCresoluteOf all the possible candidates for the office, Hillary Clinton brings to this campaign the lessons of a lifetime of preparation and dedication. President Obama laid out this quality, which more than any other has prepared her to take his place when she is sworn in on January 20, 2017.

“There is no candidate in modern history who has been more prepared than her to be president. You know, we don’t go vacationing together. I think that I’ve got a pretty clear-eyed sense of both her strengths and her weaknesses,” Obama told CBS’ John Dickerson in a wide-ranging interview for “Face the Nation” on Friday. “And what I would say would be that this is somebody who knows as much about domestic and foreign policy as anybody, is tough as nails, is motivated by what’s best for America and ordinary people, understands that in this Democracy that we have things don’t always happen as fast as we’d like. And it requires compromise and grinding it out. She’s not always flashy. And there are better speech makers. But she knows her stuff. And more than anything, that is what is ultimately required to do a good job in this office.”

Hillary ClintonWilson Casey in his book, 101 Reasons To Vote For Hillary, said: “The late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher may have been called the “Iron Lady” but Hillary Clinton is the “new Iron Lady”. In our era of politics, in which spin seems to take precedence over substance, Hillary Clinton is an icon for what politics should be about – courage, spirit, and the determination to change things for the better.”

The Democratic Convention begins today.  The lady has five days to make her case to both admirers and skeptics.  One thing is absolutely certain: No one in more than 200 years of men has come to the race more dedicated or more prepared for the job at hand.

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8 years ago

Nice Post, Jamie. Wondering though if “Iron Lady” is a good thing … will always bring memories of Thatcher & the deprivations, rioting that happened in Great Britain, plus the whole Reagan thing. “An American Original” might be a better fit.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

What is the alternative?  As we watch the final big kick in the ass to the nomination?  Let us suck all of the joy out of the day.  In reality, history will report how when the estrogen is in charge, the population goes crazy.  I have read that by the end of the century we will be more of a matriarchal society…that truly the more estrogen in the society?  The calmer things are.  Until then, testosterone infused males continue to bully us.

Meanwhile, for every shootout…think about bern.  Pure bern has delivered the gun onto the public.

In addition to Sanders’ Brady Bill votes, the Clinton campaign referred us to Sanders’ votes against funding for gun research, twice for prohibiting lawsuitsagainst firearms manufacturers (“what the head of the NRA called the most significant piece of pro-gun legislation in the last 20 years,” said Clinton spokesman Josh Schwerin), for increasing the burden of proof to prosecute law-breaking gun dealers, and for allowing firearms on Amtrak trains and in national parks.

8 years ago

Hear, hear!  And you too Jamie have the same qualities.  I admire you and Thank you for staying committed and just keep going here  when some of the attitudes can be so disappointing.  Patsi would be so proud of you !

8 years ago

BW- foolishly watched cnn this morning- it is simply unbelievable how cuomo sets up his questions regarding hillary and likability.  listening to him one would never know she has 3 million more votes than sanders, 1.45 than trump.

and yeah thanks bernie for all you’ve done to stop smart gun control.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

The closer she gets to the WH…the worse it will get.

Bern…on immigration.  There are many reasons he lost and he still doesn’t give a rat’s behind about hispanics.  His outreach?  Joe Arpaio.

Sanders’ no vote against the Immigration Reform Act of 2007, introduced by Harry Reid and co-sponsored by Senators Patrick Leahy and Ted Kennedy, is another position the senator struggles to justify to the Latino community. He claims now that the bill would have created a class of “semi-slaves,” but he didn’t express any concern about the welfare of immigrants after his nay vote. In fact this was his position in 2007:

“What this legislation is not about is addressing the real needs of American workers,’ Mr. Sanders said in a speech on the floor of the Senate in 2007. ‘It is not about raising wages or improving benefits. What it is about is bringing into this country over a period of years millions of low-wage temporary workers with the result that wages and benefits in this country, which are already going down, will go down even further.”

8 years ago


Terrific post! I agree with Kathleen’s post at 8:28 and it should be said again, Patsi would be so proud.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

osh…contact cnn…let them know how you feel and what you see….they are so in the middle of a hit job, they can’t see the forest for the trees.  These men are getting so agitated.  Men I used to count on, now sulk and hide during the election.  History will be made without them and really they can keep the history term…own it all.   Roger Ailes really poisoned the woman well in this country…if they aren’t having sex or working?  What good are they?

8 years ago

Here’s the convention line up:

Monday: “United Together” theme. First lady Michelle Obama, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders and Latino activist Astrid Silva, a DREAMer, an undocumented immigrant who came to the United States as a child.

Tuesday: “A Lifetime of Fighting for Children and Families.” Former President Bill Clinton and the “Mothers of the Movement” — the mothers of Sandra Bland, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin and other African-Americans who have died in high-profile incidents in recent years.

Wednesday: “Working Together.” President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. Traditionally, this is the night the vice presidential candidate speaks.

Thursday: “Stronger Together.” Chelsea Clinton and Hillary Clinton.

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is also on the speakers list, but the timing of her speech has not been announced.

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article91585337.html#storylink=cpy

8 years ago

boss, lizzie keynotes


PHILADELPHIA ― Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is this year’s keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention, with a high-profile spot in front of a national audience going to one of the party’s top progressive voices.

Warren is slated to take the stage Monday night, where the theme will be putting families first and highlighting Hillary Clinton’s lifelong work, according to a Clinton campaign official.
Warren is just the third woman to deliver the keynote address at a Democratic convention. Rep. Barbara Jordan (D-Texas) first had that honor in 1976, and Ann Richards, when she was Texas state treasurer, had it in 1988. Richards ― who later became governor of her state ―

8 years ago


Very nice work. Thank you. This is the side of HRC that gets lost in all the Hillary trashing and bashing. It is  also a part of her personality that a lazy media refuses to dig into and report (low ratings) salacious trumps serious every time.

Will enjoy seeing Hillary accept the nomination and very much look forward to Senator Warren’s key note address. The better show the Dems. can put on the worse the republican nightmare will look.

8 years ago

hope folks got to see 60 minutes interview last night. especially what kaine said (about how fitting it would be to have a woman president in 2020 to celebrate 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote) following this from hillary

ny times:
In an interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes” on Sunday, Mrs. Clinton said that when she accepts the nomination, “I’ll be thinking about all the women who came before, all the women who went to Seneca Falls and, for the first time in history, talked about women’s equality and women’s rights, the suffragists, the — the women who knocked their heads against all kinds of barriers and broke through in everything from, you know, space to politics.

“And I hope that it gives other women and girls the feeling that whatever their dreams might be, they can — they can achieve them in this country.”

8 years ago


“…and it should be said again, Patsi would be so proud.” One more time from this side of America, Jamie may we join Patsi in feeling unbounded pride for you!

8 years ago

Huzzah, Jamie.

Looking at the polls following the Rupug convention It is clear that trump got a bump.  It’s not the 5 points they were touting on MoJo, but it’s clearly a solid 3-4. Question in my mind is whether the DNC email story will have enough legs to dampen the bump Hillary should get from the convention.  If so, a pox on the DNC.  (BTW, I agree with DWS that Jeff WEaver is a liar).

I do find it deliciously ironic that there is a connection with Russian hackers – easy to make the argument that trump’s best campaigner is Putin.  From CNN:

Private-sector cyber security investigators hired by the DNC concluded that hackers working for the Russian government were behind the year-long breach of the DNC. The investigation found intrusions by two Russian hacking groups.

8 years ago

daily mail:
‘It could be the last election you ever have’: Human Rights Foundation chairman compares Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin and urges people to be ‘careful who they vote for’

Human Rights Foundation chair likens Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin
Garry Kasparov made comparison in a column for the Washington Post 
The 52-year-old accused Trump of using ‘propaganda of fear and hatred’ 
Kasparov has been chair of the HRC since 2011 and a strong critic of Putin 


8 years ago

Jamie….  bravo….  great post!

BlondeW…  let’s celebrate the first woman nominee for president….  no need to put down men, IMO.  And Clinton vs Sanders is over….   she won.

8 years ago

Jamie, well done.  please don’t stop flying the good, positive flag in the face of all this negativism. no matter how much better she is than many past and current candidates to some she’ll never be good enough.

here’s shapiro from roll call “Hillary Clinton’s Challenge: Winning the Battle of False Equivalence”

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

For some reason, I am thinking of Lucille Ball today…another strong woman from my past…the first to put together the first names of couples — ‘Desilu’ that we so crave in today’s social media.  A socialist almost communist whom J. Edgar Hoover loved…he only was ticked-off by the Untouchables depiction of Elliot Ness.  And Desi was a serial cheater like Bill, but no one blamed Lucille.  She had an awful childhood…got involved with goodfellas when she was 14…but she was in every American home for decades…bringing the Hispanic to tv in the 1950s.  Desilu invented the rerun…and I owe them a lifetime of gratitude for Star Trek.  My point?  Lucille Ball worked a lifetime…did some good, some bad, had a cheating husband…but we do not crucify her…is she dishonest for portraying Elliiot Ness as a hero?  Probably.  It is only when a woman can be prez and there is no perfect and pure in politics; that we think she should come brand new out of the box with no opinion or no experience or mistakes.  To me it is the wall that has been present in my entire life.  Women only get one chance, but men can keep trying until they succeed.  Yet, strong women ignore this barrier and we may see it removed this week.  As much as I live for the morning glory?  I am so proud to see that we can promote and imperfect human female…we have been doing it with men forever.  So, I will be proud this week and for all who are trying to sully it?  Remember Lucille.

8 years ago

Craig…  your last post on the former thread…   sounds like you’ve hit either a mid-life crisis or a forced retirement and now can’t figure out what to do with your life.  Not to go all Deepak Chopra…  but the only person who can fix it is you.  The president could be someone with the attitudes and values of Bernie Sanders, Gandhi, and Che Guevara all rolled into one and a Congress that follows suit… it wouldn’t matter.  The government can’t fix what ails you if your spiritual core is empty (and no, I’m not talking about religion).  If you really hate D.C….  then leave.

8 years ago

renee (and please listen to her, craig), same thought came to me when I read that comment.  I would add…almost a nag now… craig, write that book about helen!  tell all. purge the bile that has built up. use telling her story to tell yours. use it to get back at the bastards, to get off your chest the wrongs you saw and/or experienced, tell the good as well as the bad.  even if you don’t publish it, it will make you feel better.

8 years ago

oh my RR, you’ve got the tea leaves out this morning, but misreading them. How did reminiscing about my lunchtimes with Lincoln lead to that?

8 years ago

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

PHILADELPHIA — The Post-Gazette is on the scene at the four-day Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, which opens today.

Here is the latest:

9:40 a.m.

Outgoing Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz is being heckled at a breakfast of Florida delegates, with opponents shouting, “Shame!”

The Florida congresswoman announced Sunday that she would resign as the party’s chair at the end of this week’s Democratic National Convention.

Wasserman Schultz is telling the crowd of delegates from her home state during a raucous scene that “we have to make sure that we move together in a unified way.” But supporters of Bernie Sanders shouted at her during her brief remarks to the breakfast.

8 years ago

Bernie bros aren’t going to stop with just shouting… stones will be next.

8 years ago

Craig… oooops…  your last post was about lunchtime with Lincoln…  I meant this…

Here’s my current thinking: after a quarter-century living in this god-forsaken town, I would love to see it shaken to its core because all I have witnessed is nothing but establishment politicians in both parties screwing the middle class, luring them with cynical empty rhetoric at election time. And I am sick of it.

So many of your posts lately seems to have an underlying sadness to them.  It feels like you’ve lost your sense of humor.  If I’m wrong…  I couldn’t be happier to be so.

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

Very good post Jamie!

8 years ago

You might be right, RR, hadn’t really thought about it. Hasn’t been the best year for me, still not over losing mom, probably never will be.

8 years ago

pogo, this one today outdoes petri. had to post it in between roflmao. garrison Keillor op ed at wapo:
“Praise the Lord, I’ve seen the dark”

A week ago I felt good about America but no more. Coyotes are running freely in the streets of our big cities, the stock market is teetering on the verge of collapse, the monetary system will soon go belly-up, China and North Korea and Iran have knives to our throats, our schools are in chaos, politicians corrupt, the media stupefied by political correctness, and everywhere you look you hear foreign accents. We are on the edge of the abyss.
I am a lifelong Democrat, or was until I watched the Republican National Convention and the darkness became visible and the pieces clicked into place and suddenly everything made sense. This is scriptural prophecy come to life, the seven-headed beast, the whore of Babylon, the woman with snakes coming out of her head, all of it. It’s here. Now.

8 years ago

The law enforcement presence in Philly appears (to me) to be inadequate. The Cleveland model is the best I’ve ever seen. Hope I’m wrong.

The channels I watched on teevee didn’t focus enough on the role of Cleveland’s Public Square, a place where people are encouraged to vent their feelings within the spirit of the !st Amendment.

At the center of the Square is the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument. I visited it as a youngster and was mightily impressed. You can visit by hitting the link. It was constructed to memorialize our Civil War veterans from Cuyahoga County who never made it back.

8 years ago

Big doings at the convention tonight, Bernie, Elizabeth and Michelle.  Hard to bet that lineup.

8 years ago

PatD, that is a wonderful piece by Garrison.

8 years ago

PatD…  let me echo Pogo…  that Keillor piece is better than anything Ms A. Petri wrote about the GOP convention!  Man…  I really miss his weekly voice…

at least here we have Sturg…

8 years ago

probably more where this came from, she’s got a lot of payback heading her way …

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Driven Out of Chaotic Florida Democratic Breakfast: The outgoing DNC chair was roundly booed and heckled and had to be escorted out by security.

8 years ago

The piece by Daniel Drezner is mediocre, but the photo is priceless.

8 years ago

For the past 20-minutes Hillary has been working the rope-line at the Charlotte VFW Convention after giving what I thought was an excellent address. C-Span was the only outfit that carried it beginning to end. Damn they have a lot of rope!

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Holy Gucifer…my internet crashed while posting a note about Craig still grieving.  I can feel it from here and I join him in his concern about his Dad.   I remember RR posting a beautiful comment about her parents passing and how Rick hadn’t gone through that at the time…it is an experience like no other.  And hubby and I had problems with our remaining parents…their depression over the loss of a mate of 60+ years led to a dementia.  Grief gone in a year?  It is a spiral and you can move in and out once you recognize the triggers.

I just love seeing history made…never will the US have to lift this heavy unless we elect a robot.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Flatus, I am with you on cspan…they did a great job with the reds last week.  Only repug callers were allowed last week and it was an education.  Many callers were from state organizations talking about their state delegates.  The primary system should be about the states as archaic and crazy as they are…only trump and bernie want to homogenize the system to their end, not each state’s desire.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

I also forgot to post about how gracious of a host you are, Craig.  Allowing us to roam free along the trail…letting us have our day in the sun.

8 years ago

Thanks Blonde, I tell you, getting that dog was such a winner. Has been really uplifting for Dad. Those two are having a blast together

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Craig…I agree.  But, I still think you need to call Toby the dog, it will make you feel better, too.  I can tell you of the many calls to my pets and they appreciate it, too.  Woof.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

I read the piece about the DNC emails in Wapo.   The one about Weaver is true…the rest are biased.

8 years ago

Arrrrrgh…..   Our garden has looked the best it has in years.  Rick went to pick the swiss chard we grew for the first time this afternoon and it was gone….    and our string beans have been decimated too.  Said he found deer hoof prints all over the place.    Those goddamn fuckers!!

dreaming of eating venison….

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Watching bern….brothers and sisters.   Let us see him lead his delegates to the truth.

8 years ago

Deer love our lilies in early Spring; I’m glad they appreciate them. Now, if I could catch the assholes who picked Kumcho’s persimmon tree clean for tenth straight year…

8 years ago

yummmm, grilled venison roulade stuffed with remains of renee’s chard and a side of toasted garlic-buttered  green beans

8 years ago

it’s getting ugly

Bernie Sanders Booed by His Own Supporters Ahead of Democratic National Convention abcnews:

Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders booed today as the former Democratic presidential nominee contender told them we must elect Hillary Clinton.

8 years ago

cbs news: Meet the groups protesting the Democratic National Convention

8 years ago

Renee, I feel your pain – the damn deer eat just about anything we put out to liven up the place – last year they got hungry enough to eat two of our holly bushes.  This is a change.  When we moved out to our current home 11 years ago, there were 8 foot tall rhododendra lining the western edge of the property that were fully bushed out from the ground up.  Now they are stripped bare up to 5 or so feet.  If we put any plants out we pretty much have to spray them periodically wit this deer repellent that smells worse than LP’s old soccer shoes.

BW, could you do updates on the Bern’s address and the dead enders’ hissy fit?

8 years ago

PatD: “Its getting ugly”

These emails opened floodgates. The DNC’s mafia-esque treatment of HRC non-believers this past year is roosting.

8 years ago

craig, wonder if those roosters are the same ones who put the dead horse head in Hillary’s bed in 2008.
btw, who was head of dnc back then? brazille?

8 years ago


Proud of you for getting a rescue dog, seems like it will not only do your dad so much good, but is making you happy too. My last 3 dogs have been rescue dogs, all German Shepherds with special needs and they were great dogs. At the time I thought I was saving them, but discovered they have enriched my life.

Great post Jamie!

8 years ago

Mama, tks, yes rescuing Toby was the brightest moment of my last year. Had never been to an animal shelter, wish I could have taken them all home.

8 years ago

Yesterday in our county, they were waiving all adoption fees. Last I heard they had only three left out of many dozens.

8 years ago

For those with DirecTV channel 347 airs unfiltered convention in HD, no punditry. Probably also on other deliverers, but don’t know their channels. C-SPAN is great but don’t understand why they still haven’t gone HD. Starts at 4pm I think.

8 years ago

Maybe it’s time for Dems to switch from emails to biodegradable fax paper.

8 years ago

At least let DNC Debbie keep a gavel in her hotel room.

8 years ago

from the looks of the booing mobs, she’ll need it to protect herself

8 years ago

PatD….   venison roulade…..  YUM!

Craig… looks like you’ve found your sense of humor this afternoon…  biodegradable fax paper….  ROFL!

8 years ago

Jamie, wonder why C-Span not HD on DirecTV. Watching it looks like I have macular degeneration.

8 years ago

meanwhile, back in the other world

Bloomberg news: A Florida state judge threw out money-laundering charges against a man who was accused of illegally selling $1,500 of bitcoins to undercover detectives, concluding the virtual currency doesn’t qualify as money. 

8 years ago

the new Yorker:
The Donald Trump–Roger Ailes Nexus
The G.O.P.’s Convention was like a four-day-long Fox-fest, full of fearmongering, demagoguery, xenophobia, pandering, and raw anger.
For the unconverted, the Convention was a disaster that will not likely broaden Trump’s appeal. Every night seemed to bring a new serving of fresh hell: Melania Trump’s Michelle Obama imitation, Rudy Giuliani’s Father Coughlin imitation, Ted Cruz’s sententious revenge, the chants of “Lock Her Up!,” the buttons reading “Life’s a Bitch, Don’t Vote for One.” The antic quality of those sessions brought to mind less the savvy maneuverings perfected by Ailes than the stateroom scene in “A Night at the Opera,” but without the hard-boiled eggs.

8 years ago



8 years ago

Protests outside blocking delegates’ entry

8 years ago

Looks like Berniacs on conv floor determined to make trouble

8 years ago

DNC now issuing an apology for screwing Sanders. Talk about too little too late.

8 years ago

Question now is whether Bernie can control what he started. His tweet just now to supporters: “I ask you as a personal courtesy to me to not engage in any kind of protest on the floor. It is of utmost importance you explain this to your delegation. — Bernie”

8 years ago

OK, Captain Obvious here: Jill Stein supporters are insufferable 😉 I respect folks who truly believe but also are based in reality, whatever their political stripes. Key words here: Based. In. Reality. Not the people who refuse to accept that their candidate doesn’t have a rat’s ass chance but STILL are going to vote Stein, well, just because it puts the shiv into HRC. This is all that matters to them at this point. Screw the rest of America. Who cares if Trump is elected & millions of our fellow citizens feel threatened simply because of who they are. Hey, I have issues with HRC too, but there’s only two Candidates with a real shot to win & I’ll vote for the one who isn’t named Trump. Well, just because.

Wrote this a couple days ago but Green Voters, do some heavy lifting & start running for local offices, then State before going to President. Who wants to move into a house that has no foundation? Expecting the rest of us to hold it up for you? Dream on …..


Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Jamie – very good post.

Something to keep in mind when reviewing the e-mails.  Bernie was not a Democrat until a couple months ago, even then he did not update his website with the wonderful “D” until weeks after he changed parties. Of course one should never put anything in an email one does not want read in public.

The Bernie people are a shame to their name.  It is one thing to cheer or boo, but what they are doing is disrespectful.

8 years ago

Dems sure didn’t mind whatever Bernie called himself when they needed his vote in the Senate party caucus.

8 years ago

Good move having Sanders supporters introduce platform and rules votes. Both easily passed by voice vote. Things might be settling down

8 years ago

Huh? Nate Silver now says Trump ahead.

8 years ago

SJ, yes.  Green party my ass.  At the federal level they are a fart in the wind – no disrespect to their candidate.  Based on what I’ve seen, and granted it’s not much, they don’t do the heavy lifting required to put people into down ballot positions, so they don’t have support among elected officials.  As of 2012 there were 134. Nader is the only GPUS candidate to capture over 1% of the vote in a presidential election, and he got 2.74%.

Bernie got booed by his bots?  How’s that for irony – and now it seems he’s begging them not to make a scene on the convention floor.  Sounds to me like Bernie can’t deliver what would be expected in exchange for the platform concessions.

Between the idiocy of the B’bots and the fallout from the DNC emails, this isn’t likely the week we thought it would be just a couple days ago.  BTW, is there any evidence that the DNC acted on the preference for Clinton? For instance, did the DNC question Bernie’s religiosity publicly?  I didn’t hear it.  Did the DNC raise money for Clinton but not Bernie, run ads, do anything to advantage her over him?  And puhlease answer me this: Did the DNC do anything that enlarged Clinton’s vote count or suppressed Bernie’s? If they did any of the above, maybe Bernie’s argument that the system is rigged has merit.  If not, how exactly was the “system” rigged to favor Clinton over Bernie?

Superdelegates you say?  If superdelegates were required to vote as the proportion of votes each candidate received, Bernie would have gotten 160 delegates more overall than he got, including super delegates. (he got 43.21% of the vote, there are 4763 total delegates, he got 1894 total delegates, 160 less than an overall proportional voting would result if all delegates were bound proportionally.  He would still have been 323 delegates short of winning. If it was done state by state, he would not have done that well because of the lopsided victories and 210 delegate edge HRC had in 4 states (NY, CA, GA & TX) – where HRC would have gotten an additional 91 supers under proportional voting. So I ask again, how was it rigged against Bernie?

8 years ago

Dem stage backdrop looks like a chained link fence. Thought they were against The Wall.

8 years ago

Four more months of this?  I’m not gonna make it.

8 years ago

For starters Pogo why won’t the Iowa Democratic Party still not release the raw vote totals.

8 years ago

Good post, Jamie, btw.

8 years ago


8 years ago

The media in their endless ratings game is beyond contempt and i will hold these so called liberal pundits responsible if the trump nightmare plays out.  i am furious- have switched from cnn to msnbc, hardly any better.  the bernie brats should have their diapers changed and be put to bed without their supper.  disgusted.  craig- you were the best there was , wish you’d get back to your craft.  the country needs you.  and personally i would like to see you be part of this historical moment, despite your current mood, your past work helped to bring us here.

8 years ago

Michelle; “Here’s the thing, what I admire most about Hillary is that she never buckled under pressure.”

8 years ago

Michelle so amazing they should adjourn the convention right now.