56 thoughts on “Show and Tell”

  1. David Horsey’s op ed which accompanied the above:

    Upon retiring after more than 40 years in the military in 2023, Gen. Mark Milley gave a speech in which he said of those who serve America, “We don’t take an oath to a king, or a queen, to a tyrant or dictator or wannabe dictator.”

    No one had any doubt which “wannabe dictator” Milley had in mind. In his position as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Milley worked directly with former President Donald Trump and locked horns with him on more than one occasion. Now, in Bob Woodward’s new book, “War,” Milley has gotten even more direct, calling Trump “a total fascist,” “a fascist to the core” and the country’s most dangerous man.

    Trump has returned the dislike, saying, in a very fascistic way, that Milley should be thrown into prison — just one of many critics threatened with retribution should the ex-president win the White House again. Journalists are among those he would like to jail and, recently, he called for ABC and CBS to lose their broadcast licenses because both networks had the temerity to fact check his lies.

    Trump’s speeches are increasingly filled with the kind of fear-and-hate-generating rhetoric that dictators have long employed. He speaks darkly of “enemies within” who must be rooted out with military force and unleashed police violence. The core of his meandering campaign diatribes is the picture he paints of American communities besieged by murderous, roving gangs of illegal border crossers and subhuman undocumented immigrants who eat their neighbors’ pets, vote illegally and live off taxpayers’ money — immigrants whom he recently described as genetically inferior.

    It is impossible not to hear echoes of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy in Trump’s words, but Trump apologists insist this is just loose talk unconnected with any actions he might take as president. That bit of wishful thinking ignores the reality that this is the man who tried to overturn the last presidential election and unleashed a violent attack on the U.S. Capitol.

    If it is hard for some people to accept that the Republican nominee for president is, at least in style and spirit, a fascist, it is even harder to wrap one’s mind around the fact that close to half of American voters are ready to restore him to power. Some part of Trump’s vast support can be attributed to inattentive, unsophisticated voters and a bigger share can be explained by the misinformation spewed from right-wing media on TV, on the radio and online. That is scary enough, but most chilling of all is the reality that, rather than being misguided or oblivious, a great many Americans enthusiastically endorse Trump’s rhetoric and would be pleased to see an authoritarian take charge of the country to put God back into classrooms, women back into the kitchen, the LGBTQ+ community back into the closet, Black people back in their place and “real Americans” — white, Christian and conservative — back in charge.

  2. VP Kamala Harris held her own during a combative interview with Bret Baier on Fox News, and former president Donald Trump gave dark and confusing answers at a Univision town hall with undecided Hispanic voters.

  3. john tries to warn us, but who’s listening?

    John Oliver discusses the attempts made by Donald Trump and his supporters to undermine the upcoming election, what we can expect after election night, and the greatest “I voted” sticker of all time.

  4. Vice President Kamala Harris sent a pre-recorded video with Molly Shannon as her SNL character Mary Katherine Gallagher to the Al Smith Dinner

  5. Trump Pressuring Rupert To Stop Running Harris Ads

    He wants a state-run media like his idols Orban and Putin. HE IS NOT KIDDING!
    Trump just said on Fox & Friends interview he’s about to go meet with Rupert Murdoch and tell him Fox shouldn’t allow negative ads about him or put any Democrats on air “and then we’ll have a victory, because I think everyone wants to have a victory.”


  6. Elon is now willing to pay $100 per vote instead of $75. Offer valid until Monday. Step right up folks, you can sell your soul to Donald Trump and his favorite oligarch will pay you $100 bucks for it!

  7. This new Harris ad hammers in her closing message. Trump’s dangerous power grab.

    It’s coordinated with their earned, digital and paid media. Must be working in their focus groups, and Trump’s recent obsession with talking about “enemies within” confirms this attack..

  8. Elon is now willing to pay $100 per vote instead of $75. Offer valid until Monday. 

    So, i wonder what happens after someone signs up- a deluge of targeted advertising or something more sinister?
    i’d bet something more sinister

  9. The problem with the trump/Minwax meme, is that on a surface that pale, to get that rich of tone, one would need a darker hue than Colonial Maple
    pro-tip 🤷‍♂️ 

  10. The neighbor with five flags has lowered the most prominent tRUMPsky flag and replaced it with an American flag.  The various tRUMPsky flags are still there, but the one at the tippy top is now toward the bottom.  The yard signs are still there, too.   I’m taking it as a sign that the idiot wouldn’t fight when Harris wins.  

  11. Some days he’s very close to Gunstock (which is very close to melting Sugar Daddy and crunchy peanut butter).

  12. I am not sure when this was shot, last couple days I think.  Notice the thing under sfb.  It was placed there just before he went on the set and planted his fat ass down.  Speculation is it is a towel or something like used for covering baby changing station or pet training.  Ick

  13. Come to think of it he does prefer to stand or sit on the edge of the chair 😑 
    Harris/Walz 2024 🙏 🇺🇸 

  14. Yeah, you don’t want that on a white couch.   The thing is, if he were a decent human being who didn’t make fun of others, and if he had a logical, credible plan to do good in the world, his smelly backside would be off-limits. 

    ps – Hus unadorned face appears to be “pickled oak.”

  15. Happy happy honeymoon long over, Harris is getting stern and strong. I was scared 4 days ago at 50-50, but when NBC revealed 47-42 for Harris 2 days ago my spirits perked.  Worrying again, I feel that Penna is gone, and Shapiro , not Walz for veep would not have allowed that.  The western Michigan Trump strength is there, and Michigan is a free-for-all.  Wayne County turnout will decide the state.  I think we have Georgia, but North Carolina…shaky.  I don’t know how the machine works in Wisconsin, but we really need it if Penna goes for the rapist felon.  
    I proudly voted for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz and Sherrod Brown and Marcy Kaptur and every other down ballot Democrat.  It sucks that my Big Vote doesn’t mean a damn thing in 2024, but my down ballot votes do indeed.  Maybe some day Ohio will be at least purple.
    Allred is campaigning his ass off against Cruz in the Lone Star, but yeah, close, but Cruz will win by a republican whisker I fear.

  16. One of the sharpest pundits alive, former Bush campaign media chief Mark Mckinnon, just said it best on CNN:

    “I think women are going to save Democracy for us. At the end of the day the number of women crawling over broken glass to shatter the glass ceiling is just going to be historic, especially after seeing Bret Baier’s man-splaining interruptions, something they well recognize. Women are not going to go to sleep on this one, and when we wake up we’re gonna see that women have really made the difference in this election.”

  17. Tester back in the game!

    Montana ranger goes on the record with his account of Sen. candidate Sheehy accidentally shooting himself on national park visit, not the war wound claimed.

    Candidate says he was shot in Afghanistan; ranger witness to gun incident questions that account.

    “He said that questioning his military service was ‘disgusting’. What is disgusting is saying a wound from a negligent, accidental firearm discharge is a wound received in combat”..  wapo.st/48fLKLu

  18. craig, is that a new WAPO story?  earlier details in an april story:

    How the right wing responded to Tim Sheehy’s bullet wound story (montanafreepress.org)

    If the Washington Post’s revelation that Republican U.S. Senate candidate and former Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy lied to a Glacier National Park ranger about the origin of a bullet wound in his arm — and that he has repeated several different versions of his combat injury history in different settings — caused any second thoughts among Sheehy’s supporter or among Republicans more broadly, they’re not showing it.
    Rather, Sheehy responded to the story by attacking the Washington Post and invoking his status as a veteran to claim unfair treatment, and the rest of the conservative sphere has followed suit. That became most apparent when the Sheehy campaign published on social media screenshots of emails from Post reporters working on a follow-up story that was published Friday.
    “The smear artists @washingtonpost are writing yet another hit piece attacking me for serving my country — even asking questions about my medical history and demanding my personal records. I’m done playing the liberal media’s game — here’s how DC ‘reporters’ treat veterans,” Sheehy posted on X.
    The emails show Post reporters reaching out to a campaign spokesperson to let her know they were working on a story about how Sheehy’s military service — for which he was awarded a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star, both unrelated to the gun wound — plays into his campaign. The reporters said they had spoken to former classmates and fellow SEALs who fleshed out some of Sheehy’s background.
    To refresh: the Post’s original story, published last weekend, revealed that Sheehy has made what the Post called “puzzling statements” about his wartime injuries. Most notably, he told a Glacier National Park ranger in 2015 that he accidentally shot himself when his revolver fell and fired in the park. When the Post reached out to ask about a citation he’d received for the incident, he said he’d lied to the ranger in order to cover up a 2012 war wound, possibly caused by friendly fire, that he’d never reported in an attempt to protect his platoonmates from a possible military investigation. Lying to federal law enforcement is a crime, but the statute of limitations has expired.
    The story he told the Post is at least inconsistent with Sheehy’s other public statements regarding his war wounds. He told the Post he wasn’t sure if his injury was the result of friendly fire or not, but in his 2023 book, “Mudslingers,” he wrote that he was hit by a “friendly ricochet bullet.” On the campaign trail, the Post reported, Sheehy has described being shot multiple times during the course of his service. The campaign later told the Post he was “shot” three times but wounded by a bullet only once — on the other two occasions, the campaign said, bullets glanced off of his body armor and his radio.
    The facts aren’t incidental to his campaign. As the Post described in its second story, Sheehy’s war-hero image is central to his candidacy. Images of Sheehy wearing military gear and armed with military weaponry pervade his campaign advertisements.
    “I’m a war hero, a job creator, a philanthropist,” Sheehy said at one GOP event last fall, as reported by the Post.
    The extent of communications between the Post and the campaign is not entirely clear. Sheehy appears to have been fairly cooperative with the Post’s preparation of the initial piece, responding to questions through his campaign, speaking directly to reporters and connecting them with his platoonmates.
    The questions that reporters posed to Sheehy, and that the campaign posted online, appear fairly standard. They ask for a citation for Sheehy’s Purple Heart and for information about an incident Sheehy describes in “Mudslingers” in which he suffered decompression sickness during a dive exercise that ultimately led to his medical discharge from the SEALs in 2014.
    On X, Sheehy described the reporting as an attempt to discredit “every aspect of my service.” And he took issue with the Post giving him roughly 24 hours to respond to the inquiries — a fairly standard journalistic practice designed to encourage a timely response while being transparent about expectations. In the replies, one right-wing social media account posted a picture of one of the Post reporters and said he’d “be in the fetal position if he faced 1% of what [Sheehy] faced on deployment. Insane that anyone listens to these far left activists.”
    Elsewhere on social media, accounts sympathetic to Sheehy identified the park ranger who spoke with the Post. The ranger, a Marine Corps veteran, acknowledged having previously supported Sheehy’s main opponent, Democratic incumbent U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, but the Post story notes that the incident took place long before Sheehy was a candidate.

  19. Tread lightly.  Putin’s other puppet, JD, is on deck.   They willdefinitely Amendment 25 Don-Old, were he to be elected, and quickly.   

    Harris/Walz 2024
    Project 2025 (and those who would foist it upon the American people), never!

  20. https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/18/europe/moldova-presidential-election-eu-referendum-russia-intl/index.html

    “Ilan Shor, a Moldovan oligarch with links to the Kremlin, has said he’ll pay people for working to elect a Russia-friendly candidate and stop the referendum passing.”

    “Since being convicted in absentia for his role in stealing $1 billion from Moldovan banks in 2014, Shor has spent much of his time in Russia, where he has set up a political movement that Moldovan officials claim is attempting to interfere with the country’s presidential election and EU referendum.”

    “Moldova, an eastern European country of some 2.5 million people sandwiched between Romania and Ukraine, has veered between pro-Western and pro-Russian courses since the end of the Cold War.”

    “The war has destroyed their self-identity,” Samorukov told CNN, referring to the country’s Russia-friendly politicians.
    “They don’t know how to combine the new reality of Russia waging a bloody, brutal war against their neighbor, with their past slogan of… Russia as a traditional elder brother of Moldova.”

    “Moldova’s national police chief, Viorel Cernauteanu, said earlier this month that more than 130,000 Moldovans had been bribed by a Russia-managed network to vote against the referendum. He said more than $15 million had been transferred last month alone, to buy votes and even to pay people as much as $5,500 to vandalize public buildings, Reuters reported. “It is clear that Russia is financing this,” Cernauteanu said.

  21. Just heard the interview he left.  Um, he said Harvey Weinstein was “schlonged” when he got time for sexual assault.  They can’t let him loose. 

  22. i believe 👏 👏 👏 
    i believe 👏 👏 👏 
    i believe 👏 👏 👏 
    i believe that we can win! 🦅 
    let’s goooooo Harris/Walz 2024 🇺🇸 

  23. So far today Donald Trump has:

    – said Harvey Weinstein got “schlonged”

    – said Lincoln could’ve prevented the Civil War

    – compared J6 rioters to Japanese-Americans during WW2

    – said he wants to defund public schools that teach about slavery

    – said he wants to arm teachers

  24. Bait taken.

    Q: “Kamala Harris says your staff says you are exhausted. That’s why you’re cancelling events.”

    Former President Trump: “What event did I cancel? She doesn’t go to any events. She’s a loser…She should have been last night with the Catholics…I’m not even tired. I’m exhilarated. She doesn’t have the energy of a rabbit.”

  25. I wouldn’t waste Minwax on that slug.    I’d just spray him with that stuff in the septic tank.  

    Minwax, by the way, is the preferred stain for cabinet work.

  26. After he loses, maybe he’ll let his lap dogs pass the border bill.  

    Will he let his senate marionettes pass the border bill after he loses the election?

  27. lol, Fox is trying to show a trump rally in Detroit but the audio isn’t working at the venue so trump is just standing around on the stage, expressionless, like an idiot 😆

  28. audio back on, trump says he won’t pay the bill to the venue

    this guy is so stupid, there already are huge tariffs on cars, that’s why foreign manufacturers build domestic factories

    now he’s playing lengthy ads that make the audience tune out, he’s lost his touch with the rabble

  29. ah didn’t mean to step on you, Mr. C, this guy’s got terrible speechwriters

    they should be writing the “about” pages for websites

  30. out of steam already, the nazis are going to have to push him across the finish line 
    Happy Birthday, Madame Vice President! 🥳 🇺🇸

  31. Remember how the Spinal Tap gigs kept getting shittier  and shittier till finally they were playing a weekend dance at an Air Force base?     lol

  32. this fox subchannel now running an Elon Musk rally in PA, he is not an effective public speaker, spouting incel nonsense and mars colony lies

    sure hope this guy doesn’t successfully buy our society, he’s got issues

    these appearances can’t be good for the mystique-fueled brand value that is the lynchpin of his fortune because he doesn’t come across as very smart, “the street” is watching

  33. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2024/10/11/tesla-stock-sheds-60-billion-why-wall-street-isnt-initially-impressed-with-robotaxi-event/
    “Tesla Stock Sheds Almost $70 Billion: Why Wall Street Isn’t Initially Impressed With Robotaxi Event”
    “Sacconaghi, who is among the most pessimistic mainstream Tesla analysts with a $120 price target for the shares, noted among the missing details were an app for Tesla’s self-driving cab service, no major update on regulatory approvals and concerns Musk’s promise of Cybercabs by 2026 may prove to be “overly zealous.”
    Elin’s deliverables are made out of marshmallow fluff and baloney. Why have an event if there’s no there there?  He’s a welfare queen who lives off of the government and other people’s hard work. 

  34. The maggers are tired too. They don’t want to talk about it, but they’re ready for it to stop. 

  35. Ivy, I suspect that when he saw that “crowd” in Detroit That under all that goo, his face at first just ghostly turned a whiter shade of pale. (Apologies to Gary, Matthew and the whole Procol Harem bunch.)

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