Only One President On TV Last Night

I watched them both. Donald Trump rambling on about himself on right-wing channels. And Kamala Harris stepping up to tough questions on 60 Minutes. (An interview he dodged, which CBS duly noted.)

I’ll save you some time. The only one worth watching:

Milton Watch: A Chilling Warning
Tampa Mayor Jane Castor: “I can say this without any dramatization whatsoever: If you choose to stay in one of those evacuation areas, you are going to die.”

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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3 months ago

let’s hope FL escapes both dangerously destructive windbags in its future.


3 months ago

Tim with Jimmy last night and Kamala does Stephen tonight.

Governor Tim Walz talks about the anniversary of the October 7th terrorist attack on Israel, being a teacher, one lesson he wishes every adult remembered from social studies, being the lunchroom supervisor, building the sets for prom with his wife Gwen, how he became the VP nominee, Donald Trump having thin skin, his thoughts on the gun violence epidemic in our schools and our country, being endorsed by Bruce Springsteen, his enticing way of raising money, ignoring an unknown caller not knowing it was Vice President Kamala Harris asking him to be her running mate, who he has her listed as in his phone, and Jimmy quizzes him on what’s weird and not weird.

3 months ago

and click here for Jimmy’s monologue:

Governor Tim Walz joins us on the show tonight, Donald Trump took a break from bragging to launch another attack on Jimmy for making fun of him at the Oscars, he had an especially flub-filled weekend, he returned to Butler, PA to mention what sounds like a completely made up story about a friend needing a dinner reservation, Elon Musk joined on stage even though they clearly both hate each other, Trumpers have been blaming Democrats for comparing Trump to Hitler even though his own running mate did just that, he has been spreading untruths about the Biden response to the hurricane in North Carolina, Marjorie Taylor Greene is pushing a conspiracy that Democrats control the weather, the official release of Melania’s new book is tomorrow and she discussed her position on abortion with Fox News, and while no former President has ever been more industrious about fleecing his supporters, he is not in fact the first to do it.

3 months ago

BTW, on the walz-kimmel vid, loved the line about food fights in the lunchroom preparing Tim for his time in congress. 

there were other really good asides that unfortunately got buried under audience laughter. any one would make a nifty sound bite between now and election day  and lead-ins to GOTV cartoons like

Attribution: Voting encouragement by Guy Parsons,

3 months ago

Well, whoever came up with Dumbass looking like a melting Sugar Daddy, congrats on a terrific image. 

My UK buddy has a condo in the Tampa area – higher up in a multi story building sitting on the beach looking directly west with a glass front. I suspect it doesn’t have hurricane proof glass. He may find out how good his glass and insurance are. 

And finally, Tim is looking like a solid VP pick now that the campaign has him doing serious sit downs instead of just big campaign events.

3 months ago

Interesting factoid:   MSNBC buying advertising on Olbermann’s podcast.  

3 months ago

another appearance opportunity and campaign promise to bring in more of those suburban mom votes, especially those with aging parents to care for.

Kamala Harris Will Propose Adding Home Care Benefit To Medicare (

Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris on Tuesday will propose a major new initiative: expanding Medicare to cover the cost of long-term care at home.
Such a plan could mean the option of staying at home, rather than in a nursing facility, for the millions of seniors and people with disabilities who need help with the daily tasks of life.
It could also mean physical and financial relief ― and new opportunities for school or work outside the home ― for the millions of working-age Americans who today provide so much of that care on their own without much in the way of outside assistance.
If the proposed legislation is enacted, such a program would represent a substantial boost in federal support for caregiving and, by any measure, one of the largest one-time increases in American history.
Harris will make her announcement during an appearance on “The View,” the nation’s top-rated daytime talk show, according to campaign officials who spoke with reporters on Monday.
During that interview, Harris will present the home care initiative as part of her efforts to address the needs of the “sandwich generation,” the working adults who have aging parents while still caring for children. Roughly a quarter of the American population falls into that category, according to Pew Research.
“The significance of access to home care is something that we hear about constantly,” Nicole Jorwic, chief of advocacy and campaigns at Caring Across Generations and a longtime advocate on disability issues, told HuffPost. “It’s an issue for the aging or disabled person themselves. It’s an issue for family caregivers. It’s an issue for the economy.”
Harris will pledge to finance the home care initiative fully, in part by tapping the savings from yet another reform she has proposed: expanding the federal government’s power to negotiate drug prices directly with manufacturers. The federal government acquired that power just two years ago, thanks to Democratic legislation that Harris supported.

3 months ago

this election’s October surprise might be Helene & Milton.   back in January subsections of an article in politico hinted to such a likelihood.

The Unpredictable But Entirely Possible Events That Could Throw the 2024 Election Into Turmoil – POLITICO

A hurricane meets Jan. 6
By Jacob Soll
Jacob Soll is a professor of philosophy, history and accounting at the University of Southern California. He is the author of Free Market: The History of an Idea (Basic Books).
Not a day goes by without an unexpected climate event: fires in the Northwest, tornadoes in Tennessee and hurricanes in Los Angeles. But imagine, for a moment, that one of these events happens during the upcoming presidential election. Indeed, imagine a monster hurricane hits the Mid-Atlantic seaboard on Election Day, shutting down D.C. and moving into Pennsylvania. Such an event could, very possibly, upend our democracy.
Mother Nature wreaks havoc on the election
By Alec Ross
Alec Ross is the author of The Raging 2020s and a former senior State Department official during the Obama administration.
The latest-breaking event that will shape the 2024 presidential election will be a spectacularly destructive Category 5 hurricane that tears through the country just weeks before the election creating a Climate v. Christ binary in the electorate.
A Katrina-level catastrophe could change the political game
By Eric Easter
Eric Easter is a writer and producer in Washington. He is a veteran of the presidential campaigns of Jesse Jackson, L Douglas Wilder and Howard Dean.
If I’m honest, I think we’re overthinking the whole election process. I think we underestimate the sense of responsibility most people feel when they step into the voting booth, and we’ve seen the evidence of that in recent elections and who’s won and lost across the country over the last four years or so. We’ll see some significant shifts in voting blocs, particularly in the 18-24 crowd, but not enough to change the outcome.
That said, I think this year might bring a major climate catastrophe to an American city — Katrina-level but much worse — that’s going to force us to see the need for having an adult in the Oval Office and a government that works and still exists. But it will have to be something naturally occurring and undeniable. I’m afraid we’re too far gone into our own silos for anything political to change the game.

3 months ago

Restoring your faith in mankind.  One person on Twitter letting Florida evacuees that he had several acres, was able to take in large animals and areas for them to park with access to water, power, and internet.  All free until filled. 


3 months ago

Credit where credit’s due – Ivy for the Sugar Daddy comment.  Brilliant.

3 months ago

Green Party candidate, Jill Stein, while saying there is no way a third party can win is actively campaigning to defeat Kamala Harris.  Why would a party supposedly dedicated to the environment would nominate this nutjob is beyond me.  Apparently, it is a way to appeal to the Muslim community.  I guess the dimwit doctor needs to keep supporting herself somehow.  


3 months ago

I confess, under duress: it was me who referenced the caramel-colored sucker. 

3 months ago

today’s meme…

3 months ago

My US Army Basic Training buddy Steven DeNike was killed in Viet Nam in December, 1970, age 19 he was.  Through a nearby friend who played rugby with Steve’s friend , from Haslett, near Lansing, Michigan, this friend of Steven’s became my Facebook friend. He has lived in Sarasota for decades, and has written how he is staying there in Sarasota. He is monitoring Milton closely, and still is staying.  Man. I just don’t know what to think about that.

3 months ago

My middle name is Milton…really.  A real bad ass name?  All my life when peers found out this was my name, I was ridiculed…you know, like in grade school.  Now Milton is a feared monster name.  

3 months ago

Like I said, Howard Stern was a great judge on America’s Got Talent. 

3 months ago
3 months ago

It won’t be medical services, she has closed all the rural hospitals.

Gov. Kay Ivey posted on X, that Alabama was actively working to prepare “various state assets” to help in Florida.

“Ahead of Hurricane Milton’s landfall in Florida, here in Alabama, we are actively working to prepare various state assets to be on standby to quickly deploy to Florida, when needed,” Ivey said. “I am praying for our neighbors in Florida. Know Alabama stands ready to help!”

3 months ago

listened to 30 sec of Stern interview so far and i can already tell that these longform interviews are so much better than the 60 mins style “gotcha” format.

hopefully CBS releases the full interview instead of just playing muted video of her answering while overlaying their own commentary

“…just as CP Harris starts getting to the crux of the matter, here’s video of her waving, now a break from our sponsors”

3 months ago

he wants to be Putin’s friend so bad, like a pathetic middle-schooler 

3 months ago

And yet…

“Lying is not acceptable,” she asserts.

3 months ago

I hardly ever catch Howard anymore, but I’ve been a fan since he hit the airwaves through NBC affiliate stations.  Used to laugh my ass off at his shows. He’s one smart son of a bitch. 
And of course CS denies all the stuff in Woodward’s latest that makes him look like the asswipe he is, but let’s see, do I believe Bob or the 30,000 lie man? Tough choice. 🤔🙄🤣

3 months ago

Let’s win both houses, get hyped 🇺🇸 

Turn the page, let’s gooooo

3 months ago

i did laugh when Richard did a craft beer tasting with his ass, but that was years ago at this point
(he correctly identified 3 of 5 craft beers with his ass)
Also cracked up at Olbermann’s Pete Rose joke, his best bit i’ve heard on his podcast

3 months ago

Nobody cares, Mittens. 

“My own view is that I want to continue to have a voice in the Republican Party following this election because I think there’s a good shot that the Republican Party is going to need to be rebuilt and reoriented — either after this election or, if Donald Trump is reelected, after he’s the president,” Romney said. “I believe I will have influence in the party by virtue of saying it as I’ve said it.”

3 months ago

Oh, CBS used airbrushed images of the candidates for the intros to each respective piece, and JDuh and King Dippy benefitted way more from that process, they airbrushed out JDurrr’s eyeliner and half of trump’s sags

Meanwhile, the rethuglicans can’t find any bad pictures of Kamala for their PAC mailers 😆

3 months ago

Nobody cares, Mittens

Actually, i care.  Romney could (have) be(en) the salvation of the GOP, he would be a much better 2024 candidate 
instead they caved to extremists and nominated the unhinged idiot

3 months ago

Putin’s free covid tests being pushed to the top of all my news feeds, whoops! 👍 

3 months ago

remember when it was a fight to get those tests and every drug store was sold out of them? 
cuz trump was giving them to his man-crush

i never want to hear “America First”
from these traitorous rethuglicans again

3 months ago

How, physically, were Putin’s free American covid tests delivered??  Who has what relationship that enables physical transmission of goods??

Lavrov??? He and king dippy sure were chummy

3 months ago


If it any consolation, hurricanes that cause deaths have their names retired.  There will never be another Milton.

3 months ago

i’m no meteorologist, but it looks like Milton took a turn towards Miami

i’ve never seen a hurricane with two leading mini-hurricanes in front of it like this, those look headed for Tampa, as predicted

3 months ago