The Dividers

Attribution: Powder keg by John Darkow, Columbia Missourian

… including those intra-party bomb throwers


100 thoughts on “The Dividers”

  1. Former congressman Adam Kinzinger recalls the events of January 6, 2021 and admits he was surprised to see Donald Trump take total control over the GOP in the runup to the 2024 presidential race. Stick around for two more segments with Rep. Kinzinger.


    Former congressman Adam Kinzinger points out that Trump’s running mate J.D. Vance has been highly critical of America’s support for Ukraine in the war against Russia. Stick around for more with Rep. Adam Kinzinger.

  2. more of stephen last night

    Stephen’s LIVE monologue continues with a look at Trump’s pick of running mate and the shocking ruling from the federal judge in the former president’s classified documents case.

  3. The non-surprise pick of  Vance for veep, a few of us guessed him a while ago on twit, is very weird using normal human logic.  Pondering this for a few hours gave me a few thoughts.  The first one is that sfb is actually worse mentally than we think.  The guy holds a grudge whether he was purposely offended or not offended, just he had to think he was.  He tries to hurt individuals, racial looks, nations and states for retaliation of those offenses.
    Vance has a long list of “slights” against stupid, any one of them enough for the orange blob to be offended.  Although Vance has changed from never-orange to orange-fits me good, sfb has never let himself forget the grudge.  This is what got me pondering, why did the absolute dictator “pick” Vance when he could have had any of many others who had been a Kool-Aide drinker from the start?
    Then I remembered he had done this before.  But, only recently.  Again, why?  It is not that he needs them, and there is no political advantage to bringing them back to favor. Also, his track record of backing candidates is not that good.
    Looking back we have seen a rapid decline of his mental facilities, well noted in the media (not the far right wing nut job scribblings).  Perhaps he is more far gone and does not remember grudges? Maybe certain of his handlers is doing the work of picking and the cabal convince the orange idiot that he did not have the dislike in the first place. Limited information intake is a big part of sfb, so a bit of careful feeding could result in him not knowing anything.
    The family history might be taking sfb down now.  Perhaps he does not know his family, which is my some of the notable grifters are not around? Lots of things to think about.

  4. BB, perhaps it’s the effect of the pain killer he must’ve been prescribed when the docs repaired his ear and for use during the recovery.  Opioids have been known to affect judgement as well as produce enhanced feelings of well-being .   Drumpf did seem unusually subdued on the convention floor there with JD…. uncharacteristically (especially for a pathological narcissist) mouthing “thank yous” to the crowd. 

  5. Vance Believes Presidents Can Ignore Court Rulings

    In a February interview, Vance said that Trump should “fire every single mid-level bureaucrat” in the US government and “replace them with our people.” If the courts attempt to stop this, Vance says, Trump should simply ignore the law.

    “You stand before the country, like Andrew Jackson did, and say the chief justice has made his ruling, now let him enforce it,” he declares.

    The President Jackson quote is likely apocryphal, but the history is real. Vance is referring to an 1832 case, Worcester v. Georgia, in which the Supreme Court ruled that the US government needed to respect Native legal rights to land ownership. Jackson ignored the ruling, and continued a policy of allowing whites to take what belonged to Natives. The end result was the ethnic cleansing of about 60,000 Natives — an event we now call the Trail of Tears.

    For most Americans, this history is a deep source of shame: an authoritarian president trampling on the rule of law to commit atrocities. For Vance, it is a well of inspiration.

  6. Pat, I’ll be relying this convention week entirely on your cartoons and the mental images you draw with your descriptions since I cannot bring myself to look upon the visage. On Saturday after the near-miss, he may as well have been a vampire with the blood dripping into his mouth. All that was missing was his fangs. That was enough pictures for me. 

  7. craig, not surprised about JD’s jackson quote.  more than likely his Appalachian ancestors were some of the recipients of the cruelly confiscated Cherokee lands.

  8. Ivy, more than ever humor is a mental health imperative.  glad to be of service. 

  9. patd – you bring up something important, especially in elderly people.  The effect of a physical attack.  Especially being shot at. Withdrawal into a shell.  Can’t be hurt if in the shell.  Is he cognizant of the near success of the shooting? Maybe in a diminished mental state he could be finally understanding of how close he really was to death, in spite of the 4X4 pad on his ear.  Whoever thought that would make him a martyr missed the point, just as the shooter missed too.  I won’t even bring up what a target that white pad is.

  10. the Comperatore family declined

    I wanted to feel sympathy for the family, but when I read they rebuffed the real President’s condolence call, I said, they’re on their own. This is the real tragedy of divided America. I know bereavement, and surely the bereaved are not in their right mind, but that’s not how you act when sympathy is offered. 

  11. He’s a true sadist. Nothing brings him such pleasure as inflicting pain or humiliation.  When he’s somehow boxed in so that he can’t it makes him throw ketchup and berate people near him.  
    It’s the cruelty.

    The magats…..they first became adherents when they saw him humiliated by the “uppity” black president. They at that point became orange slaves. Laughed at by a black man. Stump didn’t know it at first, but when he DID, he picked it up and ran with it.

    “Mamaw and Papaw were unionDemocrats (except in 1984, when Papaw voted for Ronald Reagan). In Hillbilly Elegy, Vance described their political outlook as: “All politicians might be crooks, but if there were any exceptions, they were undoubtedly members of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal coalition.”
    So, J Doofus benefited from unions, but now wants to destroy them.
    “To understand me, you must understand that I am a Scots-Irish hillbilly at heart,” he wrote in Hillbilly Elegy. This Scots-Irish legacy entailed “many good traits … but also many bad ones. We do not like outsiders or people who are different from us, whether the difference lies in how they look, how they act, or, most importantly, how they talk.”
    So, one thing hasn’t changed. 
    “Another significant moment of his time at Yale: meeting Usha Chilukuri, his future wife and the mother of his three children. The couple married in 2014 and held a separate ceremony where they were blessed by a Hindu pundit…went on to clerk for Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and then-D.C. Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh.”
    Oh, the ties that bind. “Liberal or moderate” as compared to right-wing fascists on the court, maybe.

    “During the 2016 election, Vance emerged as a vocal critic of Donald Trump: “I’m a Never Trump guy,” he told Charlie Rose in October 2016.

    Aaaand, if he ever had a moral compass, it’s gone haywire.

  13. We can only hope the numbers are wrong because they’re all bad.

    General Election

    Arizona – 🔴 Trump +7

    Georgia – 🔴 Trump +4

    Michigan – 🔴 Trump +2

    North Carolina – 🔴 Trump +4

    Nevada – 🔴 Trump +4

    Pennsylvania – 🔴 Trump +3

    Wisconsin – 🔴 Trump +5

    YouGov A+

    900 RV 7/12

  14. Orange Adolf is saving his condolences to the widow as a prime time shout out.   

    ps – He was neither a hero nor a patriot, but a Kool-Aid drinking fascist, who was so “devout” in his MAGAism that his widow refused a condolence call from a man who actually cared. They are the ones hell bent on remaining divided. OK, if that’s what they want, be careful what you wish for.

    Stop walking on eggshells.
    Project 2025 don’t care!

  15. Th good news is he picked Vance. Since ETTD it will be a real  pleasure to see what Crump turns him into.   He’s got it coming.

    Book of the Month:
    CRACKER CULTURE, Celtic Ways in the Old South.
    by Gerald McWhiney, University of Alabama Press.

  16. Lol, Sturge.

    I kept the cracker book, didn’t send it to 2nd & Charles during the book purge.

    Plus this one that ‘splains a lot:

    I also recommend Jim Webb’s book, “Born Fighting.”

  17. Craig – Do you really think they are polling any black voters, or anyone under the age of 40? 

      If J Doofus was supposed to sway young voters, they need only a quick tutorial on that dangerous schmuck.

  18. Sturg – Vance has promised to do what Pence would not do in J6.  
    Whatever he has been promised and/or whatever sickness in his mind has changed his view of Orange Adolf, it has already happened.  

  19. Do we know of any instances lately where the polls were all fulla crap?  I think we can point out a few if we give it a whirl.  

    Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead.
    Russia, Sadism, project 2025, Abortion.
    Hammer it.

  20. At least the widow pointed out Trump had not called.

    She’s better off not to hear from him. He would be incapable of focusing on any wounds but his own, no matter how minor.

    “In an unprecedented address, Sean O’Brien, the president of the powerful Teamsters union, delivered remarks at the Republican national convention (RNC) Monday night.”
    “In addressing the RNC, O’Brien broke with most major unions in the US, which have overwhelmingly thrown their support behind Joe Biden.”
    “During his speech, O’Brien thanked Donald Trump“for opening the RNC’s doors” to the union – whose leaders have never spoken at the Republican national convention…”
    What was he promised personally?   Trying to throw his weight behind the part of union busting.   Jimmy Hoffa must be rolling over…somewhere. 

  22. Rob Royer
    He didn’t try to kill trump. He did what he was hired to do and they killed HIM for it.

    A republican tried to kill Trump but somehow it’s the left’s fault?

  23. Craig – Are they actually polling union members, black and Latinx voters, women under 35 or 40? I just don’t buy it. 
    Vote blue no matter who!
    Stop Project 2025! 

  24. How many times lately has every single poll been wrong?
    Anyway;   There is nothing to do at this point but fight.    

  25. What does ‘JD’ Vance stand for? Trumps V.P. pick has changed his name several times (

    … JD Vance, 39, has a unique and evolving naming history that reflects his personal journey.
    Born James Donald Bowman in Middletown, Ohio, Vance’s early years were marked by significant changes. After his parents divorced, his middle name was changed from Donald, his father’s name, to David. This was just the beginning of a series of name changes that Vance would undergo.
    During his teenage years, Vance adopted the surname of his stepfather, becoming James Hamel. This name is reflected in his 2003 senior yearbook at Middletown High School, where he was known as such.
    As an adult, Vance decided to honor his maternal grandparents by legally adopting their surname when he married his wife, Usha, in 2014, becoming James Vance. Despite these changes, Vance has always preferred to go by “JD,” a choice he maintains in his official U.S. Senate biography, which spells his first name as JD.
    However, Vance’s popular 2016 memoir, “Hillbilly Elegy” – which was adapted into a Netflix film directed by Ron Howard in 2020 – lists him as JD Vance. This spelling was also used by Trump in the recent announcement of Vance as his running mate.
    The evolution from James Donald Bowman to James David Vance is a testament to his complex personal history and the influences of his family. ….

  26. I watched all, oops, wrong word, none of the RNC convention and plan to repeat that the rest of the week.  The 5 second clip I saw this morning of Dumbass standing in front of his kids (the 3 that still talk with him) definitely was uncharacteristically placid for him.  Must be the meds.

  27. The battle ain’t the polls.  The battle is the Supreme Court, the US House of reps, and all the apparatus the republicans are trying to set in place for stealing the elections.  Which is also how I view the polls. 

    I hate being down on the polls but when I see what CNN and the NYT have done, and how many times the polls have been unreliable, I just have to consider all of that to be suspect. The only counter to all the forces arrayed against us, the people, is voter turnout.
    Corporate media

    I believe the voters see all this and are aware and are just not being reached by the polls. Kansas, for instance, the red wave which never came, Etc.

  28. Asshole Adam Schiff has lost my vote  I think I’ll vote for Barbara Lee.
    He Called for Biden to get out but he is responsible for the moron Steve Garvey being in the senate race.
    Arrogant and stupid bad combo.

  29. I know… hope I’m right.  Me too. 
    But it won’t be because of Biden or No Biden……..It’s bigger than that….it looks looks like it’s going to rest on the people’s, yes the pipples’…..ability to think.

    The magats are a very loud minority.
    And that’s about it.
    People are sick of the sadism and the meanness.
    And Schiff is out.

  30. I have a prediction.   Landslide Biden.     The women come out, the minorities come out, the unions come out, the regular sane people come out, the never-thumpers come out.   It’s going to be a landslide.  

  31. i mean Biden was up in some of those polls with the same methodology so even if theyre inaccurate he’s trending down

    Polls were startlingly accurate in 2020, some were off by a percentage or two because that’s how statistics works. they are probabilities not predictions

  32. “Rob RoyerHe didn’t try to kill trump. He did what he was hired to do and they killed HIM for it.”
    One of
    the benefits of anonymity is not having one’s name attached to dumb thoughts like that.  The whole incident is on video, thousands of witnesses

    i can only speculate but the “Accelerationist” motive seems the most plausible, these loons have been on a bullshit diet for 8 years, the young shooter probably knew nothing but bullshit his whole life being raised in a trump household, i hear the kind of nonsense being spread around middle-class Pennsylvania

  33. i aint no Cicero but i’d venture that spreading bullshit publicly aint how a nation recedes from the brink

  34. So much for the weaponized DOJ fantasy. They’ve now convicted president’s son and a Dem senator.

    Nice job, Craig; that’s how you do that, folks 🫡 

  35. Hey even Olbermann is having messaging trouble, some good points today but he’s at a bit of a loss, raise your game Keith. Clarity of focus

  36. The same YouGov poll showing Biden behind shows Dems ahead in Senate races. 

    Arizona -🔵Gallego +8

    Michigan -🔵Slotkin +9

    Nevada -🔵Rosen +7

    Pennsylvania -🔵Casey +12

    Wisconsin -🔵Baldwin +7

  37. BiD, to your question about poll demographics. Here’s the breakdown of YouGov respondents in Georgia. As in the other states looks like they got about the right mix compared to past turnout, one reason they get an A+ rating from 538 (4th highest rating out of 277 pollsters for accuracy and transparency).

    Male — 45%
    Female — 55%

    Under 30 — 17%
    30-44 — 24%
    45-64 — 36%
    65+ — 23%

    White — 62%
    Black — 30%

  38. Olbermann is better than 99% of podcastsrs because he actually takes the time to script his 👍 
    Most others just yammer extemporaneously  and it’s evident

  39. Unless Dems gamble on a different nominee we’re stuck with a lot of voters who think he’s too old and feeble for the job, and he’s not doing anything that changes their minds.

    Old Beats Crazy is all we got.

  40. …difference between now and 2016 is everyone has tasted trump’s bullshit and none but the zealots enjoy it

  41. Liz Cheney on X: “JD Vance has pledged he would do what Mike Pence wouldn’t – overturn an election and illegally seize power. He says the president can ignore the rulings of our courts. He would capitulate to Russia and sacrifice the freedom of our allies in Ukraine. The Trump GOP is no longer the party of Lincoln, Reagan or the Constitution,”

  42. More Liz: “Vance claimed that Trump could defy rulings of the Supreme Court as President. Vance also admitted he would have done what VP Pence refused to do on January 6th—help Trump illegally seize power. That’s tyranny. Neither Trump nor Vance is fit to serve.”

  43. so we know who the shooter was, there is seamless video of his corpse on the roof. We know he was raised in a conservative Pennsylvania Trump household. We know he was conservative publicly and a social pariah.

    Which is more likely: he was a mentally-ill radicalized conservative with easy access to guns in a society infected with gun violence due to such easy access or an Iranian agent ?

  44. Many questions to be answered:   Why wasn’t that building secured?  How was he allowed to get on the roof and take his shot(s) when ground MAGAts were yelling and pointing him out to security?  It’s that was happening outside of the rally, why weren’t SS inside the rally immediately notified and on top of SFB?   Was the shooter just mentally ill/tired of being bullied/unable to see a way forward in life?  Why does it all seem so convenient for everyone but the shooter and the collateral damage?  

    SFB is napping through the convention.  I still think he’s not going to be the candidate on Election Day.  

    Eyes on the prize, folks.

    tRUMPsky/Putin’s D-Bag/Project 2025 Never!

  45. Every time CNN or MSNBC replay this Trump-to-RFKjr video it sounds crazier and crazier to me. What is he talking about???

    “When you feed a baby, Bobby, a vaccination that is like 38 different vaccines, and it looks like it’s meant for a horse, not a you know 10 pound or 20 pound baby, and then you see the baby all of a sudden starting to change radically. I’ve seen it too many times. And then you hear that it doesn’t have an impact.”

  46. those questions are answered
    dumb cops, overtaxed secret service from these idiotic rallies in the heat, confused chain-of-command due to multiple agencies on-site

  47. Craig,

    It isn’t 38 different vaccines.  Infant vaccines are the DPT diphtheria (dip-theer-e-uh), tetanus (tet-nuss), and pertussis (per-tuh-sis). These 3 diseases were very common before vaccines were found and caused many deaths every year. The MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) and Polio.  

    Here is the schedule for all the recommended vaccines.  Birth-18 Years Immunization Schedule – Healthcare Providers | CDC

    While it is suspected that there might (emphasis on might) be some connection with the autism spectrum in genetically susceptible infants, this remains unproven as there are so many other potential causes from genetic and modern environmental conditions.  

  48. Biden at NAACP just said he’s proposing major Supreme Court changes, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code.

  49. hey i don’t wanna trivialize former-guy’s injury but Jesus died for your sins he didn’t get nicked in the ear for your sins
    just sayin

    “Under scrutiny for spending the duration of Hurricane Beryl 8,000 miles away on an economic development trip to Asia, Gov. Greg Abbott is defiant — insisting his absence did nothing to hinder Texas’ disaster response.”
    “It wasn’t just a matter of his physical presence. It needed his 100% focus,” Angle said. “Instead, he was contemplating the dessert at one of his nice dinners in East Asia.”
    “Disaster after disaster, Greg Abbott doesn’t handle it very well,” Angle said.

    “Nearly 3 million electricity customers lost power in Texas after Hurricane Beryl swept across the southeastern portion of the state Monday.”“Tuesday morning — eight days after Beryl ripped through southeastern Texas — 88,000 CenterPoint customers lacked electricity.”

  51. Did Smashmouth give permission for that gawd-awful, chicken-fried version of “All Star” at the convention?   

  52. Ron Filipkowski
    Editor-in Chief,

    “At the Trump Unity RNC so far we got a puppy killer & an OnlyFans model who promotes Satanism as keynote speakers, Trump rolling in like he just survived the Tet Offensive, Rudy falling to the floor, Gaetz yelling at McCarthy, and McCarthy saying Gaetz paid a minor for sex. MAGA!”

  53. ~Way to dial down the rhetoric and call for unity you fascist asshat~

    tRUMPsky/Project 2025 Never! MAGAts

    ps – I did not agree to dial it down.

  54. You heard it, folks.  JD says that cat ladies are running this country “effectively.”  

    He sounds like the grand duke of the incels.

  55. the Nazis have rebranded Project 2025 with an equally or possibly more ominous title: “Agenda 47”
    …hits all the same fascistic notes, at least people will know what they’re voting for, for the last time


    “As he prepares to accept the GOP nomination, questions linger about his contentious ‘Agenda 47’ plan and how it’s just Project 2025 in disguise.”

    “Trump’s Agenda 47 is strangely laid out in 46 videos on Trump’s campaign page. As The Washington Post noted, “Very few people discuss the elements of Agenda 47, Trump himself very much included. That’s largely because they were created for and targeted at the Republican presidential primaries, not his actual bid to unseat President Biden.” The last time Agenda 47 was updated was in December 2023.”

    “One notable proposal is the creation of “freedom cities” on federal land, which is envisioned to include flying cars.”

    He’s promising the MAGAts flying cars?

    “In addressing homelessness, Trump proposes creating tent cities on federal land where the homeless can be relocated.”

    No flying cars for the unhoused, I guess.

    “Law enforcement policies include reinstating the controversial “stop-and-frisk” practice, deploying the National Guard to restore order in liberal-led cities, and investigating prosecutors who refuse to punish disorder.”

    So, a military state.

    “Trump’s agenda plans to crack down on gender-affirming care for minors, ban critical race theory in schools, and introduce a tax credit for teachers who undergo firearms training to address school shootings.”

    “His immigration policies include ending birthright citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants and fully securing the southern border.”

    “As the convention unfolds, both supporters and critics will scrutinize Trump’s “Agenda 47” and its alignment with Project 2025. The convention aims to solidify Trump’s base while addressing the broader American electorate’s concerns, setting the stage for the upcoming presidential election.”

    The broader electorate’s concerns are not letting tRUMPsky sell out our country to the highest bidder.

  57. so i just asked someone “hey remember how people said maybe trump’s experience might change him by broadening his perspective”, and they were like, “yeah…”
    so i tried to read aloud to them the trump post from today that Craig reposted here, but i couldn’t get through it without laughing because it’s so absurd and even more so aloud

  58. The phone call between SFB & Bobby Brain Worms was extra weird because the video of it looks like it was a recording from a sting operation in the late 70s.

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