The Republican 43rd President won’t endorse Trump. His VP won’t endorse Trump.
The 2012 Republican nominee won’t endorse Trump. His running mate won’t endorse Trump.
Trump’s own VP won’t endorse him.
His last AG won’t.
His last Sec Defense won’t.
40 of his 44 Cabinet members won’t endorse him.
Ex-Trump officials must join forces to tell everyone ‘he’s nuts’: pollster – Raw Story
repeated for emphasis:
“… all came to the same conclusion, independently: He’s nuts,”
NYT: How Trump Is Scrambling to Raise Cash
warning: it’s maher
New Rule: Every bad feeling isn’t a disease and Americans really need to stop pathologizing everything.
less raunchy, no need for ID, here he is with 1 GOPer & 2 dems
Bill and his guests continue their conversation after the show. Topics include Supreme Court ethics, RFK’s running mate, cashless bail and more.
What explains this disconnect???
Quinnipiac is doing swing-state polls that among other things ask people both about the state of the economy and their personal finances. Here’s Michigan, but you see the same disconnect elsewhere.
The cult member sees who all is against Scrump as reasons why they themselves are FOR him.
He could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and that would be a great reason to support him.
So……what this means is that pointing out the flaws in the orange juice merely strengthens their resolve.
Kind of a rednecks vs hippies vibe.
I’d be interested in video of him trying to hit a target. I’d bet he can’t shoot straight let alone hit anything.
Maher seems back on track except when he veers off into his anti-mask-and-covid bullshit rants.
I can’t watch Mace. Did mahar ask her about supporting a convicted rapist for president?
Betty Bowers
Now that we’ve publicly embarrassed Fani Willis over a $4,000 vacation can we turn our attention to Clarence Thomas’s much more extravagant vacations, free tuition for a relative, free home for mom, and a forgiven loan on a $400,000 RV?
He did. He was diplomatic. Her answer was barely plausible, still defending Plumpty on technicalities because she has to. It’s pitiful she can’t speak her mind because her constituents are so blind they can’t see Plumpty for what he is.
I don’t know her story. Was her rapist charged and convicted? If not, does that mean he’s not actually a rapist?
I don’t know anything about her personal rape story. What she said with George Steph is first I’ve heard of it. But her being a victim of rape only makes her support for the convicted rapist more venal.
George S. took hits from her and Maher. Her explanation was George caught her off guard and her teenage daughter was nearby in the studio listening.
Just a female Lindsay Graham.
And any “hits” they aimed at George would be best described as “attempted hit” .
Losers can’t hit.
This is where “hits” should go.
She got him on his past defense of Bill Clinton. I thought that one landed.
Craig – Rent increases and food prices (and size reduction/shrinkflation), and car insurance, and healthcare insurance, and, and, and…despite folks being employed and any wage increases, it all gets eaten up. It doesn’t feel like things are good because folks aren’t able to get as much for their dollar, nor even save anything.
The economy at large and folks’ personal economy are not the same thing. Two years ago, I said we needed price controls. That didn’t happen.
Unable to get away with raising a loaf of bread to $7, they shrunk the size of the loaf but kept the inflated price of $5. Bread was all $4.99 – $5.99 a loaf today. It’s insane.
President Biden and Dems need to make some noise about price gouging…and then actually do something about it.
“Kellogg’s raised prices 14% from Q2 2022 to Q2 2023.” “The company then reported better than expected profits and execs shared plans to spend more on stock buybacks and larger dividends.” “News flash: Corporations have been using inflation as cover to squeeze more money out of you.”
“Russia polling stations vandalized as election sure to grant Vladimir Putin a new 6-year term begins”
All of the mothers whose sons have been sent into the meat grinder. Die, Vlad l, die. I thought he was terminally ill?
none so blind, accentuate the positive, GOTV
wasted effort trying to persuade the “un-persuadables”
Svengoolie time
“A Comedy of Terrors”. A classic 1963 horror flick with a few yucks starring Vincent Price,, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff, Basil Rathbone.
Republicans refuse to pass THEIR OWN border legislation
They wanted, they wrote it, Joe said he’d sign it, and they refuse to pass it just to prevent the president of THEIR COUNTRY from having a political victory. It’s an asinine and self-defeating approach to non-governance and you can’t responsibly vote for it
Joe’s trying, independents, the republicans want conflict and games, not solutions
Trump just began Ohio rally speech promising to pardon the “hostages, the unbelievable patriots” of Jan. 6.
Just called Biden “dumb son of a bitch” TWICE
Evil ugly little man
Joe must be getting to him.
Dumbass calling Biden a dumb sonofabitch drips with irony.
Tells supporters “when you get to Heaven you will get to meet the 55 men who signed the Declaration of Independence, including James Madison and Abraham Lincoln.”
He’s not kidding America.
Trump: “Now, If I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.”
On Fani: “It’s spelled Fanny, like your ass”
Bring back measles and polio. Trump: “I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate”
After trashing Romney, Nikki. others — Trump: “My advisors said sir, you shouldn’t talk about other Republicans like that. I don’t give a shit. They’re terrible”
Sounds like one of his classier performances.
Pogo. i keep thinking he will tighten these speeches and pivot to a general election message. But this one might be the most rambling mess of crazed right wing gibberish ever.
If most swing voters could somehow be forced to watch a portion of these rally he’d be down 20 points. You have to see it to believe how bonkers he really is, and getting worse. It might be better if he did drink, then it could be written off as ‘oh he was just drunk today’.
CNN was actually kind, left out INSANE
What an idiot.
He is on something, no doubt, even if it’s his own secretions.
Well, tRUMPsky sure gave the Sunday shows something to talk about. As far as I’m concerned, his “bloodbath” statement was an invitation to his followers to gear up for violence in November, because he will lose bigly.
It’s the economy, stupid, still applies.
Every day expenditures are sucking any gains right back out of folks’ wallets.
Biden and the Dems need to put their thumb on the neck of corporate greed, or is an EO rolling back prices, possible?
POTUS Joe still needs to do an EO on the border, too.
Just go around the mutha-effing, obstructionist Repugz on everything.
Oh, we have another shutdown looming in a few days, too.
ps – WHY doesn’t MAGAt Mike Johnson have a bank account?
Corporations raise prices and reduce contents and/or quality.
Social Security cost of living raises go up to to partially meet inflation.
Tax deductions are adjusted to partially meet inflation.
Who is getting rich? Corporations and the ultra-wealthy who do not pay their fair share of taxes.
Instead of giving raises to employees or backfilling empty positions, they issue stock buybacks, give a tiny taste to shareholders, but most of it goes into the pockets of owners and execs as compensation for doing a ~good~ job, which was nothing but financial manipulation.
Isn’t price gouging illegal?
My goodness. The media goes wild for Pence saying he will not endorse the rapist. Wow, whoopee, toss my horseshoe and drink a shot. The magats hate Pence, but that is not in any story I have read so far. The five media magats are worthless. Break them up.
Five pizzas in and I made one that was pretty good. Ah, life is good. Have to cook and eat pizzas just to make better pizza!!!
“Stupid is funny” so the magas will keep laughing.
I mean, isn’t this call for a “bloodbath” when he loses the same as when he told the Proud Boys to “stand by” and when he later said they were going to march to the Capitol and they had to “fight like hell”?
This was the first part, the “stand by” directive, right?
I hope multiple departments with three initials are keeping an ear to the ground.
Did he say anything that could violate the terms of his bail?
If tRUMPsky happens to be near the path of the eclipse next month, Melania won’t be by his side to tell him not to look directly at the sun.