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1 year ago

Ah- poetic license.  Fair.
Kinda weird what Nancy Mace yelled after yesterday’s thread title, does she read trailmix?
Stay classy, Nancy 🤢 

1 year ago

I had great hopes for Nancy Mace after she quashed the hopes of The Citadel assholes to remain a female-free zone.    (First female to graduate therefrom).   

Then she came out as a Republican. 

Then she came out as a Chump-Licker Republican.

Then she just came right out as an Idiot.  

So all I hope for now is that she never ever wins another election.

The main problem here is that SC LOVES to elect idiots.

1 year ago

That Christie speech was actually profound, might be remembered in history as the eulogy of the Republican Party, because no way it is surviving Trumpism.

Blue Bronc
1 year ago

Christie has a habit of talking by “hot mic”.  I am trying to remember back to when he quit running in 2016 if there was one then.
It was an interesting few days after sfb said he would do his closing.  Pundits, ex-whatevers, lawyers and the interwebs all joined in on offering advice.  It was the judge clarifying what limits a closing had to adhere to that squashed the orange blob’s dream of being something he is not.  So, we do not get to hear the judge inform him his night will be in jail for political campaigning instead of closing.

1 year ago

Joe now above his 2-point 2020 win in PA

1 year ago

Older voters could save America

1 year ago

At least PA seems to be dismissing the orange slime bit by bit.  Good.  Now if only the old farts in Michigan and Arizona get a clue Joe may have a fighting chance.
I had to drive back and forth to a hearing this morning and spent over an hour in the car listening to the rehash of the Nikki-Ron spitting contest.  Good lord, neither of them sound like they are presidential material.  

1 year ago

Sturg – Mace clearly attends the MTG School of ~Charm~

1 year ago

WaPo coverage of Trump’s rant:

Donald Trump’s attorney Christopher Kise revived a request for the former president to be able to give his own summation Thursday, to which New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron had said no the day before.

Engoron asked Trump if he would agree to stick to case-related subjects — the same sticking point that led to Engoron’s earlier denial — prompting Trump to begin ranting from his courtroom seat.

“What’s happened here, sir, is a fraud on me,” Trump said. “If I’m not allowed to talk about [the political motivation] — it really is a disservice. I would say that’s a big part of the case. I would say it’s 100 percent.”

Engoron asked Kise to “please control your client,” but Kise did not appear to make any effort to do so.

Trump also railed against New York Attorney General Letitia James (D), and reiterated his misleading claim that he was denied a jury. At one point, Engoron audibly sighed into his microphone and gave Trump one minute to wrap up his remarks.

“I know this is boring to you,” Trump said. “You have your own agenda. You can’t listen for more than one minute.”

Engoron also challenged Trump on a claim that he had never been in trouble with banks before. “By the way, you said you’ve never had a problem — haven’t you been sued before?” Engoron said.

“I should have won it every time,” Trump shot back.

In all, Trump spoke for about six minutes, until Engoron said the defense had used up its allotted time, and they were going to break for lunch.

“Okay, it’s one o’clock. … Mr. Kise, this could have been done differently, and there would have been much more time,” Engoron said.

Attorneys live for days like this.

1 year ago

“Mr Kise, please control your client.”

1 year ago

All for the (political) show.

1 year ago

Engoron also challenged Trump on a claim that he had never been in trouble with banks before. “By the way, you said you’ve never had a problem — haven’t you been sued before?” Engoron said.
“I should have won it every time,” Trump shot back.

Translation – Well, yeah, I might have lost, but I disagreed when I lost.

1 year ago

But wait, there’s more…

“Your honor, look. I did nothing wrong,” Trump said during his remarks, which lasted about six minutes. “They should pay me for what we’ve had to go through.”

Trump and his attorneys say no one was defrauded and deny any wrongdoing. Trump, the leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination this year, has repeatedly accused James, a Democrat, of being politically motivated.

Well, tell it to the appeals court.  The Hon. J. Engoron has already ruled that you DID do something wrong and that you get to pay for that.

1 year ago

He should get a break for his courtroom outbursts. He’s obviously in deep mourning for his late mother-in-law who’s not even in her grave yet. 

Blue Bronc
1 year ago

Ivy – that is giving him a lot of credit. 
Right now we have a situation going on which probably should include the Secretary of Defense, that is the escalation of response to the Houthis attacks and boarding of ships in the Red Sea.  Should the Secretary, and by extension the military, be sitting with the president, like in West Wing?  I am sure the super double dooper Teams connection is in use tonight. As I write this it is the middle of the night where the bad guys are, a good time to do stuff as the U.S. has superior night vision. If the drone and missile sites are being destroyed right now, this is why I am critical of the general/secretary.  If all is according to media reports he is good to go with a laptop.

1 year ago

He was so choked up about the mother-in-law that he almost remembered her name.  

1 year ago

I wonder which hole at Bedminster for the eternal rest …..,

1 year ago

1 year ago

1 year ago

Oscar was redesigned with orange fur for his premiere on the first season of Sesame Street in 1969, and only changed to green for the second season. Oscar explained that this change was due to his vacation at Swamp Mushy Muddy where it was so damp that he became covered in slime and mold.



1 year ago

George Martin sits in with the Beatles. 

1 year ago

John, Paul, George, George, and Ringo.