Reply Redux

It’s time for Ukraine to respond to modernday Russia and its helper Iran, the modernday Persia, with a revised updated reply of their 17th century response to invaders.

Premiered May 1, 2023 #historymemes#dagothur#joshuagrahamA brief presentation from the Sixth House Historical Society. A collaboration between Dagoth Ur and Joshua Graham to bring you some amusing historical snippets.

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1 year ago

“Donald Trump sues E. Jean Carroll for defamation”

“In a counter claim filed Tuesday night, Trump alleges that Carroll defamed him when she appeared on CNN the morning after the jury awarded her $5 million in damages. Carroll was asked about the verdict finding Trump sexually abused Carroll but did not rape her as she alleged. Carroll said, “Oh, yes he did.”

E Jean was asking for a DNA sample at one point. Maybe she kept the clothes she was wearing? Could his defamation suit against her require him to give that DNA sample and prove her claim?

1 year ago

“The judge, Lewis A Kaplan, rejected the 11th-hour offer by Trump’s legal team to provide a DNA sample to rebut claims Carroll first made publicly in a 2019 book.”

“Carroll’s lawyers have sought Trump’s DNA for three years to compare it with stains found on the dress Carroll wore the day she says Trump raped her in a department store dressing room in late 1995 or early 1996. Analysis of DNA on the dress concluded it did contain traces of an unknown man’s DNA.”

So, now that he’s suing her for defamation, isn’t it necessary for him to provide a DNA sample to prove whether or not it matched what was in the clothes she was wearing?

1 year ago

Don’t mess with them Cossacks, and don’t mess with Zelensky. That letter to Sultans was fun to hear about.

Blue Bronc
1 year ago

Sounds like the twit made twit a screwed up (even more) place yesterday, a whole lotta people got the three day jail lite for being spam. Still trying to find a commonality.
The purge by puttie has started.  One ATV accident and at least three generals in FSB arms.  There is still the matter of actual confirmation, but the absence of presence is partial confirmation.  There should be plenty of updates today and for the next few days. 

1 year ago

Life cycle of a Tyrant.   Once they survive a coup attempt, they have to begin murdering people in large numbers.  Once they begin that, The Doom is near.   

Can’t kill ‘em all Vlad.

1 year ago

75 years ago, scant months after I was born, Shirley Jackson, in The New Yorker magazine, published Today’s Short Story of the Forever, “The Lottery”.

Jackson and The New Yorker were both surprised by the initial negative response from readers; subscriptions were canceled and much hate mail was sent throughout the summer of its first publication, with Jackson receiving at least 10 letters per day.[2] The Union of South Africa banned the story because some parts of Africa still used stoning as a punishment.[3]

The story has been dramatized several times, including as a radio drama, film, and graphic novel. It has been subjected to considerable sociological and literary analysis and has been described as one of the most famous short stories in the history of American literature.[4]

1 year ago


34 years after Donald Trump called for him and 4 other wrongly accused young men to be executed, Yusef Salaam of the Exonerated 5 has declared victory in the New York City Council race to represent Harlem.

Trump never said he was wrong or apologized for the ad he took out in the Central Park 5 case: 

1 year ago

Prigo had the will of the Russian people behind him, from the looks of it.  He should’ve kept heading to Moscow.   He had to know that it might not turn out well, but he shouldn’t have cut bait.  

1 year ago

The Treacherous Path to a Better Russia

For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” U.S. President Joe Biden said of his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, a month after Russia launched a brutal invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Biden’s off-the-cuff remark, which his administration swiftly sought to walk back, did not merely reflect anger at the destruction unleashed by Putin’s war of choice.


1 year ago

“Nearly five months after Alabama Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville announced his hold on Department of Defense nominees, the tactic has become a major flashpoint within the US Senate as institutionalists inside the body are voicing concerns the hold could have long-term repercussions and are openly warning an overhaul of the nominations process could be needed.”

“….holding up the nomination of roughly 250 military nominees – many promotions that would typically be fast-tracked through the Senate. The dramatic impasse is forcing senators to openly question if it’s time for the body to consider changing the rules or at the very least limit the number of nominations that require Senate confirmation.”

“But what makes Tuberville’s hold more dramatic is the fact it also includes a hold on military promotions, which senators argue aren’t political nominees. In the case of Tuberville’s holds, there are now more than 250 military promotions and nominations delayed. Putting every single one of them on the floor would take months to complete. Tuberville’s move stems from his opposition to a Pentagon abortion policy.”

“Holding up one nominee or even a short hold on a handful of nominees has been a way that senators from time to time have exercised a little leverage against an agency that wouldn’t cough up information or an administration that wouldn’t put out a report, but it has completely changed now,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, said. “Now these are holds that are broad and in Sen. Tuberville’s case undermine our national security. That’s a kind of hell-bent on destruction that is one more sign of how broken this Congress has become.”

“We’re trying everything we can think of, but most of all, we’re appealing to other Republicans who we think are reasonable to come to their senses,” Democratic Whip Dick Durbin said.

~Republicans who we think are reasonable~

1 year ago

Presidential candidate, conspiracy theorist and tRUMPsky ally, Crackpot Kennedy, is doing a townhall on News Nation tonight.

“Republicans reportedly view RFK Jr as a tactical threat to President Biden in the early stages of the 2024 nominating contest”

“…when he opens his mouth, as he did for more than three hours on Joe Rogan’s podcast the other day, the inanities that come out are positively Trump-esque.”

1 year ago

“…Kennedy is running as a Democrat in the Democratic primary, while the creators of the Super PAC have a deeply pro-Donald Trump bent — including ties to arch-MAGA officials such as Marjorie Taylor Greene, George Santos, and Herschel Walker.”

“And the Heal the Divide site does not advertise its Republican backing. But a mistake on the group’s website gives away its origins: The site’s terms of service appear to have been copied and pasted from MAGA PAC, a Trump Super PAC, and incorrectly refers to the Heal the Divide site as”

“His bid is awash in support from Donald Trump’s allies in MAGA World, conservative media, and some of the Republican-donor elite. Broadly, they’re hoping Kennedy will make Biden look weak in the primary, hurting his chances against Trump — or whichever candidate emerges from the GOP primary.”

“MAGA influencers and longtime Trump associates such as Roger Stone have praised Kennedy’s candidacy as a way to “soften Joe Biden up.”

“…Steve Bannon also reportedly spent “months” encouraging Kennedy to run in order to energize anti-vaxxers who make up much of Trump’s base, according to CBS News.”

“Management loves RFK [Jr.] coverage because it makes Biden look weak. You can expect a lot of it,” the Fox producer says.

“Before Tucker Carlson was fired by Fox in April, the network’s then-top host would promote Kennedy and argue that the candidate somehow wasn’t an extremist.”

“The ex-president and 2024 GOP front-runner briefly praised Kennedy during this month’s interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier, while getting his name wrong, calling Kennedy “very nice” and a “very, very fine person” who Trump knows “very well.”

“Ironically, the last time America had a failed Democratic incumbent president, Ted Kennedy ran against Jimmy Carter.”

“David Sacks, the South African-born venture capitalist who has donated to Ron DeSantis’ gubernatorial campaign and hosted his campaign launch on Twitter, recently held a fundraiser for Kennedy last week.”

“The far-right anti-gay group Moms for Liberty has also scheduled Kennedy to speak at its annual summit in Philadelphia next week.”

“Kennedy’s claim that he’s running to defeat Trump contrasts with his stance when the 45th president was first heading to the White House. During the Obama-Trump presidential transition in January 2017, Kennedy visited the then-president-elect at Trump Tower in Manhattan — for a job interview.”

“…Kennedy has courted Ty and Charlene Bollinger, two pro-Trump political activists who held a rally outside the Capitol on Jan. 6 to promote Trump’s lies about a stolen election. The couple, labeled as members of the “Disinformation Dozen” for their prominence in posting vaccine myths on social media, have featured Kenendy in an interview on their United Medical Freedom Super PAC, and as a speaker at their Truth About Cancer Live anti-vaccine conference alongside Eric Trump.”

“But for all of the support and hype from the right wing, Kennedy polls at 14 percent, according to the RealClearPolitics polling aggregator, 50 points behind Biden’s 64 percent average.”

Biden/Harris 2024!

1 year ago

Kennedy go home. 

1 year ago

BiD, submitting a DNA sample is one way to disprove that Dumbass raped E Jean, but (a) he doesn’t have to do that to prevail in his counter claim – there has been a jury determination and final order saying the sexually abused but did not rape her – that issue us res judicata, but whether he raped her is a side issue not necessary for adjudicating her statement made the day after the verdict. 
patd, Ms. Petri almost never disappoints – Brylcreem was my favorite.

1 year ago

Biden is doing live interview tomorrow with Nicole 4pm MSNBC 

1 year ago

Biden mocks Sen. Tuberville for touting funding he voted against: “See you at the groundbreaking”

1 year ago

Yeah, they always show up for the photo op, even if they voted against it.
pogo – Thanks, but darn it.    I was hoping his suit would reopen the case against him, we’d have a DNA match, and the evangelicals still backing him could try to reconcile that in their tiny brains. 

sturg – I’m not sure Crackpot Kennedy’s family wants him back in Hyannis Port.  They need to get ahead of this and show more loyalty to country than blood.

1 year ago

Home is where when you have to go there,  they have to take you in.  

1 year ago

Put a hold on federal funding for Alabama until Potatotown stops obstructing DoD promotions
…pretty frustrating those yokels will get to disseminate GQP propaganda at even higher speeds with our tax revenue while their dumb coach-turned-senator deliberately undermines our military 

1 year ago

Roll Tide over American military families and their ability to plan for the future

1 year ago

Alabama: Chock full of Dumb Ass.

1 year ago

Damn Skippy to that mes amis. You can’t swing a dead cat and not hit a dumb ass in Alabama.

I heard ol’ Tommy called Too-ber-ville today by someone on Andrea Mitchell’s show. Appropriate dontchathink? He was dumb as shit when he was Auburn’s football coach and he’s dumber than shit now that he’s in the US Senate.

1 year ago

Is he at least deferring his salary until DoD confirmations resume as normal?  Of course, right?  

1 year ago

BiD, understand that if you want an opinion on an “liggle” question ask 2 lawyers and you’ll get 3 opinions. 

1 year ago

Bink, Tommy wouldn’t understand your comment. Sarcasm escapes the profoundly stupid without a /s following it, and even then it might.

So…Dumbass is getting ready to learn a fundamental rule about written and recorded comments in court – neither comedy nor sarcasm comes across in written (think texts or emails here – not published works) or surreptitious recordings, and if you have to explain that’s what you were doing you’re fucked – a jury ain’t gonna buy it.

1 year ago

Well, i’ll assume at the very least he’s doing the honorable thing and forgoing federal healthcare benefits since he wants to deny them to servicepeople and veterans
Or, he can submit all of his personal healthcare decisions to public committee for approval like he thinks they should have to

1 year ago

Coincidentally, i’m listening to this program on BBC about Alabaman artist, Lonnie Holley:

‘Sold’ for a pint of whiskey: Lonnie Holley’s mythical life, part 1



Artist Lonnie Holley’s life feels like an American myth: raised in a whiskey bar next to the state fairground in Jim Crow-era Alabama, he wandered the ditches and creeks of the surrounding landscape, experiencing beauty and brutality in equal measure while the greats of Hollywood’s golden age played out on the giant screen of the drive-in movie theatre next door.”