How many times have we heard the current occupant of the White House claim that we’ve rounded the corner in our battle with Covid-19? Hundreds? Thousands? I don’t know – I sort of tune it out anymore. What I do, though, is look at the case and death statistics daily as reported in the Washington Post Covid-19 tracker. Well, a review of those statistics Monday morning suggests that yes, we have turned the corner – but it appears we’ve turned the corner in the wrong direction.
There are a couple of days each week that tend to be standouts in the data – Mondays tend to be the lowest (or one of the 2 lowest) days with respect to reported deaths and Wednesdays tend to be the highest (or one of the 2 highest) days with respect to reported deaths. So I thought I’d look at Mondays and Wednesdays beginning on Nov. 2 (first Monday in November) to see what’s happening as we go forward. Chose that date because we were told (hundreds of time?) by the current occupant of the White House that we would not hear anything about Covid-19 after Nov. 3 – Election Day. That clearly has not been the case, but it serves as an appropriate starting point. So here’s the reported death numbers on each Monday and Wednesday in November and December, plus the 7 day average on Wednesday each week:
Dates Monday Wednesday 7 Day Average
11/2, 4 450 112 927
11/9, 11 582 1549 1074
11/16, 18 622 1849 1220
11/23, 25 871 2279 1663
11/30, 12/2 1033 2798 1600
12/7, 9 1324 3140 2276
The only “bright” spot is that the 7 day average following the Thanksgiving Holiday was down a scosh – a result of reduced reportings during the 4 day weekend.
Yep, corner turned – toward greater numbers of dead Americans. Thanks, “President” Trump. Now, YOU LOST. GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR WHITE HOUSE.
“…we were told (hundreds of time?) by the current occupant of the White House that we would not hear anything about Covid-19 after Nov. 3 – Election Day”
pogo, at the end of that, you/we just didn’t hear him as he muttered “from me.”
incredible that he hasn’t once acknowledged and bemoaned the passing lately of more americans each day due to covid than occurred on 9/11. perhaps somewhere in that infantile brain he realizes his guilt for negligently causing most of those deaths and can’t face it.
et tu, vlad?
how dearly
CaesarD’ump lov’d him!this was the most unkindest cut of all…
the cuts continue
There’s got to be a morning after If we can hold on through the night We have a chance to find the sunshine Let’s keep on looking for the light
Maureen McGovern
We are finally approaching the last struggle and climbing to the exit of these terrible four years.
Vlad’s congratulatory statement sounded more like a veiled threat. It would be good for everyone involved if you work with me. Work with me and maybe nobody gets hurt.
Back to the work at hand. Georgia. Hmmm, a neo-nasty posting a pic of himself with Loeffler on a Rushun site.
BiD, most likely (if there eventually is one) mitch will mutter his congratulations in the same veiled threat way as did vlad.
NYTimes best of late night:
“Huge news. Just moments before tonight’s taping, the Electoral College officially certified that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election — again. He did it; he’s still the winner!” — STEPHEN COLBERT
“Great, the guy hasn’t even taken office yet, but his election victory is already in its second term. We’re going to be seeing articles about Biden fatigue before Christmas.” — SETH MEYERS
“This is a relief. I would hate to start another week of shows without talking about the same election results we’ve all known for the last month and a half.” — JAMES CORDEN
“At this point, Joe Biden has won the election so many times, he’s our 46th through 51st president.” — STEPHEN COLBERT
“This is also big news because this means after six agonizing weeks, the election is finally over. Stick a fork in the president; he’s done. Also, keep that fork handy because poking him in the butt might be the only way to get him out of the White House.” — STEPHEN COLBERT
Legendary Dancer/Choreographer Ann Reinking Dies at 71 | TheaterMania
Well, with Dumbass’ puppet master Vlad congratulating Biden, Dumbass is done. See Colbert’s fork comment above.
Pogo — and I don’t have much faith people are going to behave any better for Christmas, if anything all this premature vaccine celebration will make them think it’s all over, but most of us won’t get it until at least the spring, maybe early summer.
trumpers are dumb…. well…. because they are….
I managed to get myself suspended from Twitter for something truly dumb. I’ve appealed, but we will see if it gets reversed. Considering some of the things I’ve seen on there, it is ridiculous.
Jamie in Twitter jail??? Free Jamie!
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) officially addressed Joe Biden as president-elect on Tuesday, saying in a speech on the Senate floor: “The Electoral College has spoken.”
Poobah, I am sure you are right about the Christmas rush we will see. I expect another spike in early to mid January, much like we are seeing now. I can say this – I don’t care which vaccine is made available to me – I’ll be near the front of the line to get it. BTW, the 7 day average for deaths (2480) is 239 higher than it was at the prior peak in the Spring (2241 on 4/15) and 5.3 times higher than at is low point (463 on 7/6). Disastrous pandemic messaging, guidance and management from the Trump WH & CDC (although I suspect CDC has tried to work with the states to do a better job at the state level).
I’m not just in jail. My account is totally suspended unless Twitter reverses it. There must have been a ton of complaints for one cited tweet from the Trumpistas.
My SIL and x-r were I’m sure following all the guidelines. I want to know how they got it. My personal guess is the asymptomatic are the spreaders. Plus the masks are good but need to be part of hand washing and staying 6 feet apart. I wish we would hear from xr or sweetie
what was the tweet?
I think the biggest policy error was to abandon the idea universal testing.
Hopefully, Twitter reverses the nonsense they have done to you. It’s all so ridiculous as they allow Trump to spread lies and hate daily.
Joe & Jill on Colbert this Thursday
Jamie, I think the tRUMP troop got Biden’s dogs account suspended, too.
Where are Bink and Flatus?
Buttigieg got Transportation Sec
jamie, if she’s still locked out from her jail & suspension, ms mc-ninny is a fellow inmate of yours. warning: when she offers to share her drink in the clink, don’t take it. there’s a whiff of kool-aid about it.
will he be the 1st openly gay that high up in an administration?
kinda ironic: someone came out of a closet and years later publicly goes into a cabinet
Georgia Biden rally live now:
Thanks for the shout-out. Have nothing positive to say, ergo…
wapo oped:
Mitt Romney and Joe Manchin: How we compromised on covid-19 relief
Joe at Atlanta rally attacks Perdue and Loeffler for supporting Texas lawsuit to disenfranchise Georgia voters. “Maybe they should be running in Texas”
We don’t want ‘em.
Biden in Georgia: “Send me these two men and we will control the Senate and change lives”
What was the song playing over end of the rally?
China and Russia have had a vaccine for months, fuck “giving Trump credit”
Yay, i did it
State of NY gets to see tRUMPsky’s docs.
Granholm, Energy Sec.
Trump is begging his supporters to fork over cash for the Georgia runoffs.
There’s just one hitch: Trump’s new political machine is pocketing the cash — and the campaigns of the Georgia senators aren’t getting a cent.
…and many of his idiot followers will donate to him “for” the Georgia senate runoffs. Frankly, I’d rather see this grift work than seethe money to go to Perdue and Loeffler.
Have you seen the Proud Boys? Thugs, I tell you, thugs. Out looking for a fight. In Minn. they’re buying old churches to be covered by the 1st Amendment. This movement will continue on like the Tea baggers did but go underground into the holes they live in.
A coup and overthrow of Democracy is damned scary. But Michigan did the right thing by stripping that guy in their legislature of his committees for implying there’d be violence on a radio show. Pelosi should should do the same to the 126 in the House that signed on with trumpity.
Tip, as a man of few words (at rare times) they are white racist assholes. Nothing more, nothing less.
Here, hear, POGO! Yep, well said!
Tip, they are just the assholes I grew up with 50-60 Years ago. They haven’t changed, and they want to go back there. Scared shitless that Black people are gonna make decisions that they have to live with. They are idiots.