I don’t like Joe Biden

Nash — I’m a left-wing liberal and he’s a conservative. He’s a weak candidate and Trump may beat him.

“Establishment Democrats” are not really Democrats at all but are what used to be called “moderate Republicans.” They are liberal on social issues but conservative on economic issues. Biden is one of them, with a long record of supporting the interests of big business over the interests of workers.

His son’s activities in the Ukraine are a case study in corruption benefiting a family member of a powerful politician. Sometimes Biden rambles incoherently and appears to be unable to speak in complete sentences. This intermittent behavior may be a sign of the early stages of age-related dementia, and I am not the first one to take note of it. Joe also has a creepy sexual problem: he can’t stop putting his hands all over women in public events, as evidenced by many photos, videos, and published comments by women who have been made uncomfortable by his behavior. He has been doing this for decades. He has been told repeatedly that women don’t like it, but he will not, or cannot stop.

I believe that Tara Reade’s charges of sexual assault against Biden have enough credibility to warrant an independent investigation and I am disgusted by the way she has been treated by Democrats who claim to be feminists and supporters of the #Me Too movement. They refuse to apply the same standards to this case that they have applied to cases involving Trump and Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh.

Biden is not yet the nominee. There is still time for the party to choose someone else, so a discussion about Biden’s fitness as a candidate is legitimate. Biden’s supporters want everyone to ignore his flaws. They have very low expectations of what they want in a candidate.

These are my opinions, but I am not the only one who holds them. Many of us in the progressive wing of the Democratic party feel the same way.

If he wins, Biden is NOT going to do anything to reverse the income inequality that has reduced poor people in the USA to third world status. He is NOT going to do anything to stop climate change. All Biden wants to do is take us back to “the way things used to be.” He wants to return to the status quo, to the Establishment Democrats’ economic conservative agenda, just without Trump’s erratic neo-fascism.

But Biden might NOT win. Everyone thought that there was “no way” that Trump could beat Hillary.

I am an Irishman from Boston and politics is in my blood. The “shanty Irish” didn’t wrench control of the City of Boston from the old New England Yankees by choosing “safe” conservative nominees. Instead they chose the sort of people who would today be branded as “socialists.” These people and their descendants gave us “socialist” policies like labor unions, the minimum wage, unemployment compensation, and Social Security. They also believed that healthcare should not be a for-profit business, but should be equally available to all, and paid for by the government. That’s what Boston City hospital is, by the way. It’s a “radical socialist” institution that provides government funded medical care to the poor. You see, we don’t think that this is impossible as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden all believe. All you have to do is tax the rich. It ain’t complicated.

My substantive criticism of Biden here at Trail Mix has been frequently met with scorn and derision. While I am willing to have a rational debate with anyone on the issues, I will not participate in a discussion that descends into personal attacks. I have always had a temper but these days, I keep it under control … most of the time. I have learned that, in some situations, the wisest course of action is just to walk away.

I’m sorry if this has been a long and difficult read for some of you. The Irish, and former college professors, do tend to be loquacious. The Irish call it “the gift of gab.” As my students used to say, “Please stop lecturing. Class ended five minutes ago.”


Author: Nash

Retired business professor. Native Bostonian, used to live in Maine, now living in Oregon. Keeping busy volunteering at two local environmental organizations.

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4 years ago

2020 Sample Ballot

4 years ago

nash, i don’t like vaccine shots either but I take them (even if they’ve low percent success rate)  because I don’t like more the alternative resulting from not taking them. 

4 years ago

So Nash, is there a running mate who would get you on board for Biden? And I can’t think of a scenario for “There is still time for the party to choose someone else”? Can you lay one out?

I’m no fan of corporate Dems either but is what it is, seems to me. Don’t see how this is going to be anything but Biden vs. Trump.

4 years ago

There are things I don’t like about Biden. Some of them are set out by Nash, but exaggerated unreasonably. But I’ve never backed a candidate I didn’t Dislike something about. Joe seems to be too close to the insurance world, but in DE what successful politician who could not self fund wouldn’t be?  Could the bankruptcy bill have been better? Or the ACA?  Yes. Would they have passed without protection for insurers and credit institutions?  I don’t know, but I have my doubts.  Did they broaden protections for me and my friends and neighbors?  I think so. I am not buying Tara Reader’s story. It’s too vague, too many gaps and too many inconsistencies. And the timing of its release was suspect. It doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.  In the end I don’t spend time tilting at windmills.  I make choices based on the Information I have and the options… Read more »

4 years ago

historic day for 3rd branch wapo: The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments by teleconference Monday, taking a historic but modest step into the technological present. Forced from gathering in their grand courtroom because of the threats presented by the coronavirus, the justices will remotely hear 10 cases over the next two weeks. They are drawn from cases postponed in March and April. The justices have not sat as a group since March 9, doing their work and issuing opinions since then remotely. The justices will remain scattered, and the advocates will present their cases from basements and conference rooms in Washington and around the country. And with a live feed going to the media, anyone around the world will be able to listen in. The Supreme Court doesn’t allow cameras in its courtroom, has never allowed simultaneous audio broadcasts and only rarely even allows tapes of its… Read more »

4 years ago




Who had a merger of Bernie Bros, Trump campaign shills, Russian bots, and elite progressive opinion writers on their 2020 Hellscape Bingo card? You’re. Being. Played.

4 years ago

This is a classic case of making the perfect the enemy of the good.   I’m not wild about Biden having been opposed to him throughout the primaries.  In fact, I was opposed to all of the “senior citizen” contenders. If the US was a parliamentary government with no Electoral College, there would be no problem with third parties.  As it is, we are a collection of 50 smaller countries in territories all voting independently of each other and then lumped in an Electoral College.  Under this system, third parties invariably elect someone you definitely don’t want.  Joe Biden is what we have to contest Donald Trump.  Whatever imperfections you find in Biden, he is a damned sight better than the evil that is Trump.  Any vote not for Biden, is a vote for Trump.    Come to terms with it Nash.  Even if you sit home, much less voting for… Read more »

4 years ago

So J. Crew becomes the first national retailer to seek bankruptcy protection following the CV19 emergence.  According to the article, J. Crew has between $1B and $10B in both debts and assets.  Place yer bets on who files next.

4 years ago

Yeah…  what Pogo said in his 7:54.
Craig… you talking about the Joe Biden who you first supported big time on this blog when the whole campaigning thingy started?…   Now you think he’s a corporate Dem and you’re no fan?  What gives?

4 years ago

Call me politically naive if you want. Hell, call me politically foolish if you must.  Joe Biden has been a candidate for a lot of public office. He served in Congress. He was previously a candidate for president. He was a VP candidate. He served as VP for 8 years.  Vetted. Vetted. Vetted. And vetted again. Particularly the last one. Barak Obama is not perfect. But I think he’s a good man. Had these allegations been credible, I believe that someone else is the VP during Mr Obama’s presidency and Joe Biden is finished in politics. A bunch of Duke lacrosse players had their lives ruined by ugly false allegations. Anyone who has a sexual harassment or assault allegation should be heard. The allegations should be fairly investigated. Fairly investigated. Appropriate action should absolutely be pursued in light of credible accusations. To me, these allegations against Mr Biden are not… Read more »

4 years ago

I disagree with the distinguished Hand from West Virginia. I don’t believe the tara reade story because it keeps changing. 

4 years ago

Very well said, Jamie. Mayor Pete was my chosen one until he was no longer a candidate. I absolutely do not want to go through the terrible electoral fiasco of four years ago that resulted 1n Mr Trump being our president. The disposal of my check from the government in favor of the nationally supported Democratic candidate, Mr Biden, was my statement of tangible support for Joe Biden.

4 years ago

The attempt is to inoculate the presidential campaign against the Me Too movement, by proposing that ‘they all do it.’
The Darcy cartoon posted by Ms Pat above makes the case pretty powerfully. 

4 years ago

RR, I’m resigned to corporate Dems winning nominations. Joe better than most. I backed just about all the candidates at one point or another. Think Liz was my last before Joe sewed it up.

4 years ago

Tied in Texas. 

Donald Trump, Joe Biden locked in dead heat for Texas, DMN-UT-Tyler polls finds https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2020/05/03/new-poll-donald-trump-joe-biden-locked-in-dead-heat-for-texas/

4 years ago

thank Rick Wilson & George Conway for this

4 years ago

Ahhhh….  Craig…  thanks for the response.
Look at what I found over on CNN…

4 years ago

Tied in Georgia?!? https://t.co/PBKSqkHrLm

4 years ago

RR, I’ve been impressed with Grisham’s TV interviews, she is really comfortable and personable on air. Higher on her than ever. Especially like her knowledge about and empathy for Native Americans, who are getting hammered by the virus in her state and elsewhere. 4 times more likely to die!

4 years ago

We shouldn’t forget that rippers promoted eva murry’s tale of sexual harassment, too. 
Biden did not attend the Gridiron Dinner at which he was said to have harassed murry. He was home recovering from surgery. A surrogate attended in Biden’s place.
Steeerike TOO !

4 years ago

Supreme Court Live Stream Location for future listening.  Replays and transcripts will be available as well.



4 years ago

My bad news for the day.  I won’t get a stimulus check despite being on Social Security.  My son carries me and his son as a dependents on his tax return because it gets him a better return annually.  Doesn’t work to our advantage this time as we are both over 17.  So this time around a family of three is getting a one time $1200.00.

Other bad news, he got a letter from Trump asking for praise for getting his this benefit.  We were inclined to open it with gloves while masked.

The good news side, is that he is a government contractor at JBLM and getting a healthy paycheck, which is a lot better than a high percentage of others.  

4 years ago

XR, that, too. (Story changing that is)
Changes, inconsistencies – tomato, tahmaaato.

4 years ago

Wednesday is a big Supreme Court case:

Very important SCOTUS arguments broadcasting live on NPR, Wed 5/6, 10 am: Little Sisters of the Poor v. PA – considering Trump admin. rule allowing employers w religious/moral objections to birth control to limit their employees’ access to free birth control under ACA.


4 years ago

We’re going to need a bigger DoJ, FBI, and court system to deal with all the trumpies, white supremacists, white nationalists, and polluters. I hope to hell Joe will be up to going after the perps in a big way. I don’t want to see them escape down the ratline to Argentina and Paraguay.
We’ll want to impeach and remove a galaxy of judicial appointments. 

4 years ago
4 years ago

Thank you for the clarification, Mr Pogo. I see that we are in agreement. 
Now, about trump smearing scarborough today, do you have advice for the smeared ?

4 years ago

Yes. Consider the source. 

4 years ago

I don’t like Mondays.  Also, green eggs and ham.

Can i have a cookie, now, too?

4 years ago

The Trump administration is privately projecting that daily coronavirus deaths in the U.S. will nearly double by June 1, even as it presses states to reopen https://t.co/MgwErASyLo

4 years ago

Bink….  what?!…  not even with a fox in a box with some lox…
yup…  but all I have is chocolate chip…

4 years ago

…but i don’t like chocolate chip.  I want everything the way i want it!  This whole place is corrupt!

4 years ago

I’m sorry for the poor quality of those posts, people- i’ve been frustrated and depressed, lately.  Can you guys piss away the entire Democratic process for me, plzzzz?
(satire, lest it be misinterpreted^)

4 years ago

i’m just a rough-and-tumble kid from the mean streets of Pennsylvania.  Therefore: everything i say is valid and excusable.  

4 years ago

I would prefer Beto or Pete, but we have Joe.  I was for Bernie as the choices narrowed in the last two election years.  Somehow Joe sprung out of South Carolina to become the one.  I wish Katie Porter was in the veep pool.She is not.  So give us the charismatic Stacy Abrams or Governor Gretchen, “that woman out in Michigan “.

4 years ago

Speaking of gimmees,
Gimmee Victory or Gimmee Death.  

4 years ago

My latest worries concern the US Debt steadily funded by the annual deficit.  Who owns the Debt.  For the most part Social Security and state and local government entities.  Nothing but bad paper.  Now we are heading for extreme unemployment equal to the Great Depression  and likely to continue for a long time.  Basically no money coming in to support the Ponzi Scheme of bad paper.  Even Moscow Mitch can’t cut entitlements enough.

So which country on the globe will end up with a respected currency?  


4 years ago

I couldn’t agree more with Nash and this morning’s post, Don’t Like Biden.  I’m surprised by the responses to his post.  Maybe not, that’s why I don’t spend much time here anymore.  Too many milquetoasts, and too many news clippers showing us what should be important to us as consumers of media tells.  So, when someone like Nash posts a not as radical as everyone assumes, the messenger is roasted.  Biden is one of the least desirable presidential candidates in the Democratic Party in post WWII history.  Not intellectually curious, no new ideas, and just hoping for a  quick return or even an enhancement to the tRump corruption rampant in our now third world gilded age.  In other words, light tRump.  I will support the Democratic candidate, but I’m holding out that Biden won’t get the required delegates and a new candidate will emerge before the election.  I haven’t a… Read more »

4 years ago

Contemporary dystopian science-fiction predicts future economies will be based on corporate-issued “credits”

4 years ago

Sure, eprof2, let’s pretend we live in a society where the “purity of message” is respected and no one has ulterior motives.
You left ten years, ago, with the other malcontents, led by Brian.

4 years ago

Bink stand down the personal attack please. Eprof is a thoughtful guy, always welcome his contributions. 

4 years ago

How is my last post a “personal attack”?

Oh, “malcontents”? Really?

Ok, you guys can cry about mean people while your government throws kids in cages and dead bodies in tractor-trailers. Enjoy your day!

4 years ago

For starters Bink he didn’t leave 10 years ago, has popped in many times since. 

Prof, vague broadsides against the whole community also not constructive. 

4 years ago

Living in the real world ain’t a lot of fun right now. So I’m going to my made up fun happy place.
Joe Biden takes his oath of office on 21 Jan 2021. Elizabeth Warren is VP. Democrats retain and increase their majority in the House. Democrats sweep to a clear majority in the Senate. Throughout state and city governments, Democrats make real inroads.
In his first 100 days, President Biden signs executive orders undoing much of the really ugly executive orders enacted by the previous occupant. He strengthens the Justice Department and turns it loose to pursue the corruption of the previous administration.
On day 101, he tenders his resignation and we have President Warren.
That’s as far as I get before my happy bubble bursts.

4 years ago

eprof:  “milquetoasts”  vs  bink: “malcontents”

why the trail is so different from most blogs – such gentlemanly banter, erudite and refined disparagements of fellow travelors!

4 years ago

Mnuchin promoting airline travel, on @FoxBusiness today: “This is a great time for people to explore America.”

4 years ago

travis, don’t burst that bubble until after prez warren names grisham or abrams as her veep

4 years ago

“Tour America’s scenic Covid-19 hot-spots, with Steven Mnuchin!”

4 years ago

Oh, by the way, thank you resident milquetoasts and news-clippers for keeping this blog alive through non-presidential election years when few people have a manipulative political agenda to motivate them to participate.  Cheers!