Brexing up is hard to do

As Sedaka sang:
Do do do
Down dooby doo down down
Comma, comma, down dooby doo down down
Comma, comma, down dooby doo down down
Breaking up is hard to do
Don’t take your love away from me
Don’t you leave my heart in misery
If you go then I’ll be blue
‘Cause breaking up is hard to do

The Guardian:
In an attempt to prevent a £9bn price shock to business and consumers while “supporting farmers and producers who have been protected through high EU tariffs”, the government on Wednesday set out its long-awaited pricing regime in the event that the UK crashes out of the EU on 29 March.
Among the consumer goods that will be hit are imports of beef, which will go up by almost 7%, cheddar cheese, up by about £20 per 100kg, and imported “fully finished” cars, which would attract a 10.8% levy, or about £1,500 for an average new car.
Tins of tuna could go up by 24%, imported men’s wool jackets by 12% and men’s, women’s and girls’ underpants made of synthetic fibre by 12%.
The announcements were made in a last-ditch attempt to concentrate the minds of MPs who will be voting later on Wednesday to reject a no-deal Brexit after Theresa May’s 149-vote defeat. [continues]

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5 years ago

Gee, who knew that backing out of a continent wide economic partnership could be so difficult?  It looks like the GB ship of state is under the command of LtJG May. Odd because her resume looks strong. I guess wit Brexit she’s run up against her Peter principal moment

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

patd – sigh

Another day and the obits are not full of good news.

5 years ago

Yeah…  I’ve been reading about Brexit in The Economist.  From what I’ve read that magazine wasn’t in favor of leaving the EU to begin with…  and now they’re very critical about Parliament not being able to find and vote on a solution.  Just goes to show ya that the USA isn’t the only country with stupid people.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Locked up Manipedi gets an extra few years and more coming

I see a pardon coming

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Poor little rich man Manafort picks up a few more years in federal prison.  And, Manhattan NY unseals sixteen indictments for various felonies.  Looks like Paul will need to keep the wheelchair rolling for a while.

5 years ago

UK Parliament Rejects Leaving the EU Without a No-deal Brexit.

A day after rejecting May’s plan, Parliament says it doesn’t want a no-deal Brexit.  Now it will vote on whether to ask the EU for a delay.

5 years ago

I heard the brouhaha about Downing’s post sentencing comments and was struck by the fact that he just lied about what Judge Jackson “conceded” in her comments.  I would not sleep very well tonight if I were he.  Federal judges are notorious for having little sense of humor when it comes to attorneys ignoring their orders and making false statements about proceedings in their courtrooms.  Now I’m not a judge, but if I were and this happened in one of my cases I would have the attorney summoned into the courtroom and it would go something like this: Jackson: Mr. Downing, I have called you back into this Court to address your comments to the press after the trial of Mr. Manafort.  During sentencing I was very clear that the “no collusion” mantra you continually chanted during Mr. Manafort’s trial was a non sequitur and was unrelated to the matters at hand in his trial.  I said so explicitly from this bench before I pronounced Mr. Manafort’s sentence.  You were there and you heard me.  Aside from the offensive nature of your lies to the press about me and what I did or did not concede, what is most troubling to me is that you are a member of the Bar and an officer of the Court and have a duty to this Court and to the administration of justice in it to be truthful in your comments about this system.  You most certainly were not truthful but were intentionally deceptive in your comments.  I am inclined to hold you in contempt of court for making false statements about what I did and did not “concede” in this case when you knew full well that I conceded no such thing.  So that you cannot suggest that I was unclear in my comments yesterday – I did not concede that there was no collusion between anyone and the Russian government or its agents, and that issue was not before me to make any such finding.   Downing :  But Judge you said…” Jackson: Mr. Downing I suggest you not interrupt this Court and… Read more »

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

I think we should stop trying to convince the supporters of the worst elected official on the face of the planet and figure out how to make them want to move to Russia

5 years ago
