Showtime – 10:00 a.m.

Michael Cohen To Testify Publicly Before Congress On Alleged Trump Lawbreaking

The highly anticipated hearing is expected to dominate the airwaves and could bring portions of America to a standstill …

New York Times:

Michael D. Cohen plans to tell Congress on Wednesday that President Trump is a “con man” and a “cheat” who knew a longtime adviser was communicating with WikiLeaks — and who implicitly instructed Mr. Cohen to lie about a Trump Tower project in Moscow that was underway during the 2016 presidential campaign.
The extraordinary testimony will take place when Mr. Cohen, the president’s former lawyer and fixer, publicly appears before the House Oversight and Reform Committee. An advance copy of Mr. Cohen’s testimony was obtained Tuesday night by reporters at multiple news organizations, including The New York Times, just as Mr. Trump began meetings in Vietnam before convening with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un.

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5 years ago

I’ll be watching…   got a HUUUGE bag of popcorn waiting.   Anyone want some…

5 years ago

patd, if there is one person on this earth who should never speak of anyone else’s military service it is SFB. At least Blumenthal served in the Marine reserves, unlike a dotard I can think of.  And by the way,  WTF does Blumenthal have to do with anything related to the talks with Un?

5 years ago

Jordan is such a jerk!

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

I’d like to associate myself with Jace’s remarks about Jim Jordan

5 years ago

Check out this Bullshit.  Ben Carson hawking a “brain supplement”.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

The Republicans on the committee are so gooper — what a bunch of crap

5 years ago

I admit that I’ve been listening to Cohen’s testimony more than watching it….  but I just noticed something about Jordan…   he’s wearing a yellow tie.  How apropos…

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Jordan is a perv

5 years ago

“Mr. Cohen, Republicans aren’t angry that you lied to Congress on behalf of President Trump, they are angry that you have stopped lying to Congress on behalf of President Trump [paraphrased]” -Jamie Raskin (D-MD)


…couldn’t have said it better myself.

5 years ago

If you listen on NPR you won’t have to look at Jim Jordan’s bad hair-plugs.

5 years ago

Can someone name the Congressman who was quoting the Bible and implying he is a former law-enforcement officer, for me, please?

Nvm- It’s Clay Higgins (R-LA).

From the wikipedia page on him:
“‘Clay Higgins used unnecessary force on a subject during the execution of a warrant and later gave false statements during an internal investigation. Although he later recanted his story and admitted to striking a suspect in handcuffs and later releasing him…’Higgins resigned before disciplinary action could be imposed”

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

The goopers make one’s skin crawl

5 years ago

Congresswoman from WV-

“This hearing is a waste of time…”

-spoken while participating in said hearing

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

The Congresswoman from West Virginia has her petard stuffed up her whatever

5 years ago

Whoever just recommended Matt Gates (R-FL) be investigated for criminal offenses during this hearing expressed my sentiments, exactly.


The GOP is corrupt and criminal, to the core.

5 years ago

I take great delight in watching republicans operate as the minority party?

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Just remember  every time they call Cohen a creep and liar — they are also calling SFB the same

5 years ago

My big thrill was hearing Cohen confirm my belief that SDNY was investigating trumpco. I think they are working up a RICO prosecution.

Invest in popcorn futures, and make a killing.

5 years ago

A North Carolina Grand Jury gets it right and indicts  Dowless.

The political operative at the center of a Republican congressional campaign in North Carolina tainted by evidence of ballot fraud has been indicted by a grand jury on seven counts, a prosecutor announced Wednesday.

Leslie McCrae Dowless, who worked for Mark Harris, the Republican nominee in the state’s 9th Congressional District last year, was arrested and charged with three counts of felonious obstruction of justice, two counts of conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice and two counts of possession of absentee ballots, the Wake County district attorney’s office said.

The charges reflect a swift transition to the criminal phase of a sweeping investigation of mail-in ballot irregularities in the 9th District. They follow four days of hearings last week before the North Carolina State Board of Elections revealing voluminous evidence that Dowless led a scheme to tamper with absentee ballots in last year’s primary and general elections.

Dowless was charged with low-level felonies, which under North Carolina statutes are punishable with sentences ranging from six months to two years, depending on prior records, Freeman said. Court records show he was convicted of fraud, perjury and passing a worthless check in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

This is too rich for words. But from that last paragraph we can see why an NC preacher/politician would employ Dowless – it’s exactly who what has become teh repug party wants in an operative.

BTW, Mark Meadows is one slimy prick.  Trying the old he can’t be a racist because he has a black employee gag (the friend meme expanded to business and government employees).

xr, I too think RICO is a fair guess, although they may be looking at more garden variety crimes like bank fraud.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

aoc doin alright

5 years ago

KC, I heard her questioning of Cohen and agree with you.  She acquitted herself well.  I only heard the last couple minutes but they were direct, crisp and to the point.  Had to drive the repugs nuts.

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

I only caught a few scattered minutes, unfortunately those happened to be the greedy old perverts foaming at the mouth rants.  What the freaky ones fail to understand is that their tears do not play well anymore, the evidence is 2018.

You know who must be screaming and ready to do a heart attack?  SFB is sitting in VN and has no way to break the news cycle and get in front of it.  The time difference is big enough to smother anything he can cook up, probably including ending WWI and the American Civil War.

5 years ago

Hope our Russian River contingent is staying above water.

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Jaime44 – While listening to the few seconds I could stand of the gop fools all I could think of was how is Putin taking it?  So far nothing was about him directly.  But, I am guessing in the closed conferences Cohen must be spilling a lot of beans.  What would be a blast to hear is Manafort talking about the Russians.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago


We are high and dry   thank goodness the rain has stopped.  We don’t live along the river anymore but in the coastal hills  Our problem is all the roads out are blocked by slides

5 years ago

I don’t think cohen had much to do with the campaign/russian crimes. He seems to have been too busy putting out old fires to start fresh ones.

Mr Pogo, yup, trump/trumpco face bank, wire, mail, tax, and campaign fraud. So far, there’s not a  hint of odometer fraud.

5 years ago

Thanks for the links, patd.


My recommended method of information consumption for this type of event exhibited its limitations, today, as i couldn’t always identify who was speaking, and though i appreciate the service, NPR didn’t make an effort to identify speakers during the hearing, which was a failing of their broadcast.


All the Republicans that spoke during the Cohen hearing should be ashamed of themselves and by my estimation are involved in a concerted effort to cover-up criminal offenses by Trump and his henchpeople- unfortunately, i think they are incapable of feeling or expressing shame: i’ll be ashamed for them.  Disgusting.

In the interest of balance, i wasn’t particularly impressed by many of the Democrats’ methods of questioning and lamented the obvious attempts at bias-confirmation, by some (not all), particularly the one woman, whom i still can’t identify, who called Cohen’s testimony “a story of redemption”. Spare us the dramatics, Congresswoman, and just get the facts for us, please.


5 years ago

1. Maybe it’s a story of redemption. I’ll just wait for the book reviews to find out.

2. I inadvertently left out insurance fraud. How could I do so, when the very phrase is redolent of avarice, intrigue, guile, violence, theft, murder, coverup, arrest, trial, and punishment ? This is the first drama, from Cain murdering Abel to insure that Cain’s sacrifice would be the best. Fast forward to the insurance fraud that burns at the center of  the movie Body Heat.

5 years ago

Other insurance crimes in movie ‘culture’ :  Double Indemnity (1944), Weekend at Bernie’s (1989), Sleuth (1972), House of Wax (1953),The Fortune Cookie (1966), Malice (1993), Double Indemnity remake (1973), The Infernal Trio (1974), Styx (2001), Sleuth remake (2007), The Big White (2005), Black House (2007), Restitution (2011), If Looks Could Kill (1996), Save the Tiger (1973) and The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946 and 3 remakes so far !)