Sunday Serendipity

By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor

A work from the Classical tradition and full of surprises. The aptly named Surprise Symphony by Haydn. A bit longer than usual but worth every minute.

Enjoy the music, but most of all enjoy the day.?

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6 years ago

“I know enough of the world now to have almost lost the capacity of being much surprised by anything” ― Charles Dickens, David Copperfield

6 years ago

jace, not surprisingly another wonderful selection by the trail’s musical maestro.  thank you

6 years ago

Jace… I’ll listen to your selection when I get back from breakfast…  I’m running a bit late this morning.

Pogo…  Congrats to the Cavs…  now both teams have beat the hell outta each other.

6 years ago

6 years ago

she’s baaaack

Sarah Palin (Tina Fey) checks in with Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Aidy Bryant), Kellyanne Conway (Kate McKinnon), Michael Wolff (Fred Armisen), Stormy Daniels (Cecily Strong), Rex Tillerson (John Goodman) and Omarosa Manigault (Leslie Jones).

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

Marvelous choice, Jace…and how are you doing?   Haydn pretty much invented the string quartet.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

Thanks patd for the vids.  I have been waiting for the soprano-style cold open for some time.

The professor has been outed.  rt and greenwald’s intercept do the dirty deed.  Krugman cries treason.  Just like Plame…and the dirty repugs destroying their pretend deep state.  To what end?  civil war and end times…the merging of the nazi-evangelical coalition with faux news watchers applauding the division and chaos.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

From last month, NYT —  broidy the beard is quite entangled with bunnies and the uae.

High on the agenda of the two men — George Nader, a political adviser to the de facto ruler of the U.A.E., and Elliott Broidy, the deputy finance chairman of the Republican National Committee — was pushing the White House to remove Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson, backing confrontational approaches to Iran and Qatar and repeatedly pressing the president to meet privately outside the White House with the leader of the U.A.E.
Mr. Nader tempted the fund-raiser, Mr. Broidy, with the prospect of more than $1 billion in contracts for his private security company, Circinus, and he helped deliver deals worth more than $200 million with the United Arab Emirates. He also flattered Mr. Broidy about “how well you handle Chairman,” a reference to Mr. Trump, and repeated to his well-connected friend that he told the effective rulers of both Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. about “the Pivotal Indispensable Magical Role you are playing to help them.”
Mr. Nader’s cultivation of Mr. Broidy, laid out in documents provided to The New York Times, provides a case study in the way two Persian Gulf monarchies have sought to gain influence inside the Trump White House.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

Collusion?  I think the trumpence junta is treasonous…the selling of the presidency and gop congress.   trump wants to go down in history and he doesn’t care if the world ends with him.

I was happy to finally see an electrical grid infrastructure project.  It is for n. korea, not the US of AA, however.  pompeo bribes the deal.  Anything to get that Nobel prize for the boss.  I thought all of those huge, debt inducing tax cuts were supposed to bring investment home to the US of AA.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

Mr. Cracker has a friend who voted for Trump.  Until last night we had not seen him since the election and were under the impression that he regretted his vote.   Not so much — he kept “screaming” that Clinton was a criminal and at least Trump wasn’t…that man is a maroon from Modesto.   Like all Trump supporters he is completely unhinged and kept saying…you’ll see great things are coming….   scratch him off the party list from now on.
yada yada yada



Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

Nice surprise Jace.   I was basically a classical musical know nothing until you came into my life.  Now I’m practically a season ticket holder to the symphony.  You are the best.

6 years ago

interesting stuff in another book review by the guardian:  Trump/Russia review: Le Carré meets Mario Puzo in Moscow and Manhattan   It’s probably a bad sign for the republic when the only way to write a plausible biography of the president of the United States is to make it read like a cross between The Godfather and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. But that’s where we are in the age of Trump. As the number of books in this genre proliferates – from Collusion by Luke Harding of the Guardian to Russian Roulette by David Corn and Michael Isikoff and more – it’s getting harder and harder to shock a knowledgable (and therefore, numbed) reader. But with Trump/Russia: a Definitive History, Seth Hettena still manages a frisson of surprise from time to time.   For example, did you know that Michael Cohen was introduced to Trump by his Ukrainian father-in-law, who was convicted of a money-laundering-related crime, and that Cohen’s uncle, Morton Levine, owned a Brooklyn catering hall, the El Caribe Country Club, in which Cohen had a stake himself, and which was rented to the first Russian mafia boss of Brighton Beach?   Would you be surprised to learn that some of the earliest Russian mobsters in Brooklyn kept a fraudulent gasoline wholesale business thriving by aligning themselves with the Italian Colombo family – and that one of those Russians, David Bogatin, eventually earned enough from this racket to spend $5.8m on five different units in Trump Tower, the developer’s first important luxury apartment building in Manhattan?   When it went up (with ready-mix concrete from an Italian-controlled mob firm), Trump Tower was one of only two buildings in Manhattan that allowed buyers to be anonymous. This was when Trump got the habit of filling his pockets with the profits of criminals, by selling to everyone from the Cuban swindler Roberto Polo to the Haitian dictator Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier. A former state investigator told Hettena he was “90% sure” Russian buyers were “doing Trump a favor” by buying so many apartments in his building, but Trump’s connection to them was… Read more »

6 years ago

history repeating itself category.  Rachel’s Friday night history lesson for us.

Donald Trump Toys With Abuse Of Office In Beef Against Washington Post

Rachel Maddow revisits the history of Richard Nixon trying to use the IRS to audit his personal political enemies and notes the parallels with Donald Trump’s attempt to punish Amazon with higher postal rates because of his personal disdain for The Washington Post.

6 years ago

thanks again Jace

Mueller tide might be rising but will his ultimate findings get 67 Senate votes for conviction and removal?

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

The plot sickens from broidy, the beard, now the center of the uae pay-to-play.

From last month, broidy, new mexico and richardson.

broidy and lifting russian sanctions.

bunny bump from trump, not broidy.   Perhaps, one more reason for the hef-trump feud in 2016.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

trump pretends to avoid war for humanity, but he has been advised that he can’t be tried for treason if we are not at war with any nation.  If the dems get into power?  Declare war on russia for their cyber attacks and then try the sellout and his corrupt cronies for treason.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

trump’s twitter smear of today   Mr. Mueller is watching…this one especially caught my eye —  playing to his base complaining about the witch hunt getting global.

Now that the Witch Hunt has given up on Russia and is looking at the rest of the World, they should easily be able to take it into the Mid-Term Elections where they can put some hurt on the Republican Party. Don’t worry about Dems FISA Abuse, missing Emails or Fraudulent Dossier!

trump also complains about Mr. Mueller’s budget which is much less than cohen or broidy have spent on him —

In a flurry of tweets, Trump bashed the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, claiming it’s a “scam” that has cost nearly $20 million. Five days earlier, Trump tweeted it cost $10 million; the new reference may include the amount his own budget set aside for the probe for the 2019 fiscal year.

6 years ago

bw, the “bunny bump” link made a point re broidy admitting to the affair (result: embarrassment & family turmoil) was the less risky choice than admitting to bribery (result: prison, financial ruin and family turmoil).  their other arguments that he was covering for the twit for access, power, etc also sound more plausible than the one msm have continued to report.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

My codependency with the Mueller investigation has me thinking Mr. Mueller is about four months ahead of all of the news stories.  I watched the Circus (showtime) and saw clips of Mr. Mueller stating — “he likes to put people in jail.”


6 years ago

I took a notion oncet to learn some show tunes…..went and bought a show tunes book…..not knowing at the time how to read charts I pored and pondered and laboriously labored over the chart and fumble-fingered over how to play the tune….This was the first one:

6 years ago

There’s a lot of good ones, but Hamlisch is in a world apart.

6 years ago

This guy was close, of a different neighborhood

6 years ago

good thing Jamie’s on vacation and not reading this


CBS News Nation Tracker poll: Americans give Trump credit for good economy, mixed reviews on N.K.


Meanwhile on the Democratic side, Senator Bernie Sanders carries more positive influence with both Democratic voters and independents than does Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. More than half of Democrats say they’d be more likely to vote for a candidate endorsed by Sanders, while a majority of Democrats say a Pelosi endorsement wouldn’t affect their vote. Nearly half of independents say knowing a candidate was backed by Pelosi would make them less likely to back that candidate themselves.


6 years ago


Have been noticing a resurgence of Bernie posters/bumper stickers lately in my area.

Just reporting what I see. What it means means nothing until fielding candidates & actual voting. Who has the fire & who is yesterday’s news …. will be interesting how the outcome reflects Party hierarchy vs the wishes of Party members. Meanwhile the number of voters registering as non affiliated grows.

Cause? Effect? 😉


6 years ago

I heard a story about that Surprise Symphony long time back how Haydn used to put on his musical pieces for some prince or king or whatnot who would always nod off asleep right after the music started so Haydn decided to “surprise” him.

Way I heard it it came in the first notes of the Andante……

I guess that’s probably how rumors get started…….

6 years ago

Still believe the #1 decision in the voting booth is how is the economy & how is it treating me. Not, how is treating us or you. Selfishness is a powerful thing. If the economy is doing OK come 2018, wouldn’t be surprised if the GOP stays in power. The Republicans let me keep my money. The Democrats take it & give it to deadbeats. 

Selfishness elected a President in 2016 & keeps him propped up. We have no statesmen in government, only self preservation weenies.

6 years ago

Neil (Need I say more?) Sedaka

6 years ago

Neil……..he’s lip-syncing……and they got him looking like a goofball……but guess who’s having fun……..that’s a happy guy….

6 years ago

White people…….eternally clapping on 1 and 3.      Bless their pea-pickin’ little hearts.

Blue Bronc
6 years ago

Words of advice – never buy a boat.

Other words of advice – buy a boat if you want to sit in the engine room pondering “what the hell did I get myself into this time?”

Pulling a 40,000 pound boat against the wind to pull her to the finger pier is rather tiring.

AC circuit works.  Why not the DC?

Seems SFB thinks he is the boss and can order law enforcement to do what you want.  Heard three shits to the wind guilanni is helping stir the pot.  What I like about going to work or play on a boat is that I usually turn the radio to a music channel.  Sometimes I am in cell phone coverage and can do Pandora, or Prime, or other music streaming channel.  That is best, no politics.

Will stupid the orange moron cause a Constitutional crisis tomorrow?  Yeah.  The low one can.  Will he?  Who knows?

6 years ago

I had the neatest little boat in the world one time… was plastic and 12 foot so no papers necessary….lt looked like one of those green peace inflatables……..came with a new Nissan 9.5 and a trailer from which I could put it into the creek by myself……a real gift from the gods…..traded a Mercedes 2001 Diesel for it……..2008 came to visit, the motor got traded for a couple pounds of sell-able crop, and then in direr straits, the boat went on to grace the garage of someone who didn’t really need it after all……

and that’s why I hate republicans.  Oh, but did the republicans take my boat away? Yes.  Greed. Envy. Spite. Fear.

I’m done with boats.

6 years ago

I love that Steampunk set behind Sedaka……

6 years ago

Jace–Thanks for your surprise of the fine work by Haydn. I sure miss Lennie at the helm of the great orchestras. Need I say, Well Done!

6 years ago

I watched yesterday’s wedding three times. I don’t know if the Brits will sort out what love will do to their country. Daughter Sue, her hubby and I agreed, by acclamation, that they should remember one thing. “Don’t Fuck with OUR Princess!”

6 years ago

I like dat, and second da motion…..

6 years ago

Stand by Me…….totally Eclipses Mustang Sally !!

headline NY Daily News, Sunday.

Prince Charles overheard talking to aide-de-camp: Mustang Sally never had a chance, really…….and where are all those Wilbury guys gotten off to?

6 years ago

In elementary school, we always sang “My Country ‘Tis of Thee,” after we said the pledge.  I sang that on Saturday to drowned out “God Save The Queen.”

Did her mother and American guests have to sing it, too?  The camera was on the happy couple and the Queen at the time.

It was a beautiful ceremony, though, and the Brits are probably still talking about Bishop Curry’s sermon.


patD – Brighton Beach? Yep, it’s the Red Mafia, like I suspected. That’s NY real estate.  That’s why Preet Bharara was fired. So many connecting strings, RR could make an intricate weaving.


6 years ago

Sturg, I watched the Queen’s wedding a couple of days after it took place. The family went to the Fairmount Theater in Shaker Heights and watched it on film copied from a master that had been flown from London immediately after the event. We watched her coronation in the same way. Saturday’s marriage equaled ER’s in importance and surpassed it in genuine feeling. I saw the look on ER’s face–she was envious.

6 years ago

Or maybe just old and giving way

6 years ago

The queen is a mensch.  I hope she was nice in person.

6 years ago

Maggie Thatcher had nothin’ on that girl…….

6 years ago

Oh, Hi…. Who are you?

Hi there, I’m Maggie Thatcher, Prime Minister of England

Oh yes, then who’s that lady over there?

She’s the Queen.    Of Englamd. And the realm.

6 years ago

P’ssst…….we are the realm.

Don’t tell anybody

6 years ago

I think Liz 1 would approve.

6 years ago

Liz one wasn’t nobody’s cupcake…,,,.

6 years ago


6 years ago

That’s the kinda thing made Ev-lis what he was……imagine….Ev-lis with a horn section



6 years ago

As this weekend belongs to celebration, and today to music, and there’s a wind from the UK in the aire, I present this:

6 years ago

Full disclosure

When I was stationed in Memphis we used to drink beer and go ride by Graceland

6 years ago

Meridith Willson

6 years ago

Flatus – That was a fun tutorial.

6 years ago

If trump demanded an investigation via twitter or tv, it was just a show biz stunt.

As the bathroom gags used to tell us, the job is never done without the paperwork.

6 years ago

flatus, that was wonderful.  I recommend it to jace to recycle as his serendipitous offering on a  sunday when he can’t decide amongst the musical multitudes.