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2 months ago

in other words:

Attribution: Trump’s Christmas Wish List by Christopher Weyant, CagleCartoons.com

2 months ago

courtesy of colbert Dec 20, 2024

Santa and his workshop are, like America, having a bumpy sleigh ride transitioning to the incoming Trump administration. When Elon Musk is put in charge of Christmas efficiency as part of his D.O.U.C.H.E. program, Santa must either pledge absolute loyalty, or face a gladiator battle of ancient Roman proportions. Will Father Christmas survive? Will Joe Biden stay awake through the entire special? Will RFK Jr.’s brainworms have enough brain meat left to eat this winter? Find out in “It’s A Worm-derful Life,” the new Late Show Holiday Animated Classic! #Colbert #Comedy #Cartoons

Blue Bronc
2 months ago

What else happened over the weekend?  President Biden did a mass commutation of federal death row inmates to life sentences.  That set off the magat chorus doing their best of howling at the moon waltz.  But, that has been overshadowed by the insanity of invading peaceful countries because some cult member told sfb it is good to do.  The orange idiot is at that toddler stage where you can tell a three year old to waddle across to hit mommy with a pillow and they will do it.  The sad thing is formerly real news places like NY Times and CNN are doing the heavy lift of explaining how to invade Greenland and Panama to their cult.  Note: I have not looked at CNN television channel or website in weeks so this is a one off viewing.

2 months ago

Miller must be feeding him ideas from here: 

In Mein Kampf (1925), Hitler dedicated a full chapter—titled “Eastern Orientation or Eastern Policy”—to outlining the need for the new “living space” for Germany. He claimed that achieving Lebensraum required political will, and that the Nazi movement ought to strive to expand population area for the German people and acquire new sources of food.[44] Lebensraum became the principal foreign-policy goal of the Nazi Party…

2 months ago

So when Greenland, Panama and Canada tell trump to fuck off what then?  Travel bans, tariffs, trade bans, anything else?
Festivus was appropriately festive.  🙄
Merry Christmas to all.  Travel safely.

2 months ago

today’s meme…

2 months ago

2 months ago

2 months ago

The Premier of Ontario threatened to cut off energy to NY, MI and WI, after Orange Adolf called them the 51st state. 

As for Greenland, he’s dealing with viking blood. Denmark will show him to be a fool.  His sorry backside will be grass.  

Speaking of Denmark, I just made my great-grandma’s apple cake.  She was from the part of Denmark that’s almost Norway.  

It’s time for other countries to circle the wagons against tRUMPsky.

2 months ago

“Never make an enemy by accident.”

(quote found in my stash, attributed to a friend’s mother)

2 months ago

It’s a Southern Italian (and now Italian-American) custom in which a grand meal of at least seven different kinds of seafood is served before midnight Mass. The fish part comes from the Catholic practice of abstaining from meat on Christmas Eve, while the number may refer to the seven sacraments. Or it could be the Seven Hills of Rome. No one is sure, but the tradition has stuck fast.

2 months ago

It’s really not that difficult.

The rare double celebration presents a conundrum for some who observe both holidays — which to prioritize, how to decorate and what food to serve.


2 months ago

Mrs. P’s family made menacia- fish stew with 7 fishes. Italian Catholics. Go figure. 

Ignore that. Mrs. P said her aunt did the feast of the 7 fishes. Her mom made Bakala- salt cod, olives and tomato stew/soup. She said menacia is what the Italians in and around East Bumfuck call what they serve as fish around the holidays. Her nose as an Italian is in the air.

2 months ago

Pogo, your dish sounds like it saves a lot of work and gets the job done. 

2 months ago

Happy Chanukkah & Merry Christmas! 

2 months ago

Ivy, not my dish. Mrs. P’s mother’s dish. It’s passable but not my cup of tea. Mrs. P claims she just makes it for her favorite child – Mrs. P’s youngest brother. I prefer clam chowder- Maryland or New England (my preference). 

2 months ago