Stephen Colbert is among the millions of Americans who have already cast their vote for president, VP Kamala Harris deftly handled a MAGA heckler who interrupted her rally, and former president Trump subjected his rally goers to a 12-minute screed about a dead celebrity’s genitalia.
and in case you’ve missed hearing from him. Tim that is, not Jon
“These are folks that want to find a reason to not vote for Donald Trump. We need to give them that.” Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz takes a break from campaigning with Vice President Kamala Harris to chat with Jon Stewart about the 2024 election and their outreach to voters who don’t want to pick Trump on Election Day. They discuss the Democratic party’s platform, including middle-class tax cuts and expanding home care, as well as what it means to be a responsible gun owner, advocating for unions, and his favorite place to run in New York City
Trump’s lead on handling specific economic issues has mostly vanished.
New AP/UnivOfChicago Harris leads: +10 on taxes on the middle class +2 on jobs/unemployment +5 on the cost of housing Trump leads: +2 on the cost of groceries and gas +5 on tariffs
I was totally mesmerized watching the rapist felon handling the fry baskets, not just dunking the frozen ones into the grease without splash-back, but also his technique at shaking the grease off the cooked fries, then shoveling the fries into the serving boxes. But I knew the sonofabitch was a phony when he never salted the hell out of the fries in the holding heated box. So when he asked “…and I hope I passed the audition…” the manager showed him the door. He had to buy his 3 BigMacs and double-large fries and 2 chocolate shakes. He paid with his trademark signed $100 bill. He signs his chicken scratch across Benjamin’s face. No kidding.
Republican AGs Want Access to Health Records of Out-of-State Abortion Seekers. Texas’ Ken Paxton Is Leading the Charge. “Republican AGs Want Access to Health Records of Out-of-State Abortion Seekers. Texas’ Ken Paxton Is Leading the Charge.” “At the federal level, the Biden administration has underscored that “women must remain free to travel safely to another state to seek the abortion care they need.” And while shield laws offer an important layer of protection (though it should be noted that they have not yet been tested in court), cross-border abortion seekers were notably “scared that their personal medical information [would] be shared, misused and disclosed without their consent,” according to Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra—chilling their access to lawful reproductive healthcare.” “To address this concern, in April of 2024, HHS’ Office of Civil Rights (OCR) issued the Privacy Rule to Support Reproductive Health Care under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act—better known as HIPPA.” “During the public comment period, attorneys general from 19 abortion-hostile states submitted a formal letter to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra in opposition to the proposed enhanced privacy rule, based on its disregard for fetal personhood. (The letter came from AGs in Mississippi, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Utah.)” “Having identified the fetus as a “patient in the womb” who is ostensibly possessed of a statutory right to privacy under HIPPA, the AGs insisted that the proposed rule is part of the Biden… Read more »
McDonald’s is desperate. They’ll waive the background check, you don’t have to pee in the cup for the drug test, and you can steal directly from the register.
Attribution: Angel Pundits Interpret God’s Will by R.J. Matson, Portland, ME here’s what the “chosen one” had to say about it Trump Tells Christian Voters God Is MAGA, Personally Saved Him from Assassination ‘To Make Our Country Greater Than Ever’ Donald Trump claimed that God personally saved him from the attempt on his life in July so that he could “make our country greater than ever” in a bid to Christian voters. Trump attended a faith-focused campaign event targeting Christian voters in North Carolina on Monday, where he reflected on his personal journey as a Christian, as reported by ABC News. “My faith took on new meaning on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania, where I was knocked to the ground by what seemed like a supernatural hand. I would like to think that God saved me for a purpose, and that’s to make our country greater than ever before,” Trump told supporters at the event. The former president added that he believed Vice President Kamala Harris would be “destructive” to religion. “You don’t have a choice of sitting out this election because if Kamala Harris gets four more years, they’re not going to leave Christians alone,” Trump told the crowd, as reported by ABC11. Trump and his campaign sought to establish him as an advocate for religious rights. In his time speaking to the crowd, Trump also vowed to reverse the Johnson amendment that barred churches from endorsing political candidates, as reported by The Guardian. The former president also pledged to… Read more »
So, I guess the guy (whose name he can’t pronounce) standing behind him who died had it coming to him?
He needs to release his medical records. Inquiring minds want to know about that magic ear.
Was just thinking how to counter Trump’s phony McDonald’s show. Get up before light and spend an entire day going to all of a home health care worker’s stops.
Colin Allred is now endorsed by all 5 major newspapers in Texas and is poised for the impossible a month ago: he’s going to unseat Ted Cruz.
Walz just called Elon Musk “a dipshit”. Walz is on a mildly profane rant; I never saw him like this. He’s really cookin’. He’s in Wisconsin right now on MSNBC.
Maricopa County’s polling place is stocked with heavy first aid equipment and is fortified with thick steel barriers and high pressure water cannons to repel Republican mobs. Think I’m exaggerating? Ha. Nope. Truth.
Craig, I know what you mean; 2 of my daughters did home health care, house to house with medical visits and physical therapy. A greuling schedule.
Wow, that was worth it! Obama’s plane was leaking oil so he had to go in a car, but he was clicking on all cylinders himself. Damn, I miss that man. He was on fire.
New Atlantic report: Trump outraged at bill for murdered US soldier Vanessa Guillen (at Fort Hood). He said he could not pay the money for a “fucking Mexican”…just reported on MSNBC. TRUMP: ‘I NEED THE KIND OF GENERALS THAT HITLER HAD’ Later in the conversation, he made a promise: “If I can help you out with the funeral, I’ll help—I’ll help you with that,” he said. “I’ll help you out. Financially, I’ll help you.” Natalie Khawam, the family’s attorney, responded, “I think the military will be paying—taking care of it.” Trump replied, “Good. They’ll do a military. That’s good. If you need help, I’ll help you out.” At a certain point, according to two people present at the meeting, Trump asked, “Did they bill us for the funeral? What did it cost?” According to attendees, and to contemporaneous notes of the meeting taken by a participant, an aide answered: Yes, we received a bill; the funeral cost $60,000. Trump became angry. “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican!” He turned to his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and issued an order: “Don’t pay it!” Later that day, he was still agitated. “Can you believe it?” he said, according to a witness. “Fucking people, trying to rip me off.” Khawam, the family attorney, told me she sent the bill to the White House, but no money was ever received by the family from Trump. ** “Today—two weeks before an election that could see Trump return to the White House—I’m most interested in his evident desire to wield military power, and power over the military, in the manner of Hitler and other dictators. In their book, The Divider: Trump… Read more »
Dumbass’ reaction to the burial bill for Vanessa Guillen. The Daily Beast.
Guillén, a 20-year-old American of Mexican ancestry from Houston, was buried in her hometown on Aug. 15, 2020. Months later, in December, Trump reportedly asked his advisers in a meeting, “Did they bill us for the funeral? What did it cost?”
When an aide responded “yes” with the bill’s total, Trump allegedly unraveled. “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a f—ing Mexican,” he said, according to people in the meeting who spoke to the Atlantic.
Ivy – If more than 3 houses, take that as a good sign. Adolf’s minions are arrogant and loud, so if there are only two signs, he’s losing ground. Brave is homeowner who puts up a Harris sign when tRUMP signs are present.
Heard that Adolf was relieved there’s a metal scoop for fries. Yeah, nobody is grabbing screaming hot fries to shove into a bag, but not surprised that he didn’t know. “Researchers at the University of Oxford and University College London (UCL) found that people born since 1945 have worse health than previous generations at the same age, resulting in what they call a “generational health drift.”The data came from adults aged 51 or older in the United States and those aged 50 or older in England and continental Europe. It covered several generations, including the Greatest Generation (born before 1925) and Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1959), according to the study.” “We found that Baby Boomers are more likely to have doctor-diagnosed diabetes, high cholesterol, heart problems, and a variety of other chronic health conditions compared to previous generations at the same age,” said Laura Gimeno, a doctoral candidate at UCL and lead author of the study, in an email to CNN Monday. She added that there was also little evidence for improvements in disability rates.” “Younger post-war cohorts, like Generation X, are also at risk of worse health than the generation preceding them, Gimeno said. “Generation X were more likely to be obese, have diabetes, and be in poor mental health than Baby Boomers in their 40s,” said Gimeno. “The fact that we aren’t seeing an improvement here is concerning.” “Body mass index (BMI) was also analyzed, with researchers finding that age-adjusted obesity increased across post-war cohorts – except for those in southern Europe. Levels of grip strength, used to measure overall muscle strength and disability risk, were found to decrease across the US and England but remained… Read more »
He finally goes public.. NYTimes: With Election Looming, John Kelly Speaks Out on Trump. The former White House chief of staff and retired Marine general explained in a series of interviews why Americans should consider a candidate’s character.
Highlights of this John Kelly bombshell interview: Kelly to NYT on audio tape: “Certainly the former president is in the far-right area, he’s certainly an authoritarian, admires people who are dictators — he has said that. So he certainly falls into the general definition of fascist, for sure.” “He certainly prefers the dictator approach to government,” Mr. Kelly said. Mr. Trump “never accepted the fact that he wasn’t the most powerful man in the world — and by power, I mean an ability to do anything he wanted, anytime he wanted,” Mr. Kelly said. Mr. Kelly confirmed previous reports that on more than one occasion Mr. Trump spoke positively of Hitler. “He commented more than once that, ‘You know, Hitler did some good things, too,’” Mr. Kelly said Mr. Trump told him.On rejecting photos with military amputees: “He would just say: ‘Look, it just doesn’t look good for me.’” On rejecting photos with military amputees: “He would just say: ‘Look, it just doesn’t look good for me.’” This audio clip will be good ad for Arizona. “Whenever John McCain’s name came up, he’d go through this rant about him being a loser, and all those people were suckers, and why do you people think that people getting killed are heroes? And he’d go through this rant. To me, I could never understand why he was that way — he may be the only American citizen that feels that way about those who gave their lives or served their country,” Mr.… Read more »
“Rudy Giuliani must give control of luxury items and Manhattan apartment to Georgia election workers he defamed, judge rules”
“The women, who counted Georgia ballots after the 2020 election, will also be entitled to about $2 million in legal fees Giuliani has said the Trump campaign still owes him, the judge ruled.”
Stephen Colbert is among the millions of Americans who have already cast their vote for president, VP Kamala Harris deftly handled a MAGA heckler who interrupted her rally, and former president Trump subjected his rally goers to a 12-minute screed about a dead celebrity’s genitalia.
My Dad always said presidential campaigns are just a popularity contest. If that’s right, this one is no contest.
and in case you’ve missed hearing from him. Tim that is, not Jon
“These are folks that want to find a reason to not vote for Donald Trump. We need to give them that.” Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz takes a break from campaigning with Vice President Kamala Harris to chat with Jon Stewart about the 2024 election and their outreach to voters who don’t want to pick Trump on Election Day. They discuss the Democratic party’s platform, including middle-class tax cuts and expanding home care, as well as what it means to be a responsible gun owner, advocating for unions, and his favorite place to run in New York City
Trump’s lead on handling specific economic issues has mostly vanished.
New AP/UnivOfChicago
Harris leads:
+10 on taxes on the middle class
+2 on jobs/unemployment
+5 on the cost of housing
Trump leads:
+2 on the cost of groceries and gas
+5 on tariffs
The KAM-LIZ Blue Wall blitz yesterday made front pages in all 3 states
This tableau is a big deal for reaching center-right Never Trump Republicans
Right on schedule, undecided voters are turning against Trump. Voters who made up their mind in the past week break for Harris, 60-36%..
Michigan early voting: Democratic Women Rising
At this point in 2020 (pre-Dobbs) GOP women were turning out at a higher rate than Dem women (3.6 pts).
Right now Dem women have a 5.7 pt advantage.
today’s meme…
A real man of the peoples.
The abortion vote……stand back and stand by. The womens is about to crush it.
Yay womens.
I was totally mesmerized watching the rapist felon handling the fry baskets, not just dunking the frozen ones into the grease without splash-back, but also his technique at shaking the grease off the cooked fries, then shoveling the fries into the serving boxes. But I knew the sonofabitch was a phony when he never salted the hell out of the fries in the holding heated box. So when he asked “…and I hope I passed the audition…” the manager showed him the door. He had to buy his 3 BigMacs and double-large fries and 2 chocolate shakes. He paid with his trademark signed $100 bill. He signs his chicken scratch across Benjamin’s face. No kidding.
Harris campaign internals must look pretty good. She’s doing a rally in Houston on Friday
Republican AGs Want Access to Health Records of Out-of-State Abortion Seekers. Texas’ Ken Paxton Is Leading the Charge. “Republican AGs Want Access to Health Records of Out-of-State Abortion Seekers. Texas’ Ken Paxton Is Leading the Charge.” “At the federal level, the Biden administration has underscored that “women must remain free to travel safely to another state to seek the abortion care they need.” And while shield laws offer an important layer of protection (though it should be noted that they have not yet been tested in court), cross-border abortion seekers were notably “scared that their personal medical information [would] be shared, misused and disclosed without their consent,” according to Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra—chilling their access to lawful reproductive healthcare.” “To address this concern, in April of 2024, HHS’ Office of Civil Rights (OCR) issued the Privacy Rule to Support Reproductive Health Care under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act—better known as HIPPA.” “During the public comment period, attorneys general from 19 abortion-hostile states submitted a formal letter to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra in opposition to the proposed enhanced privacy rule, based on its disregard for fetal personhood. (The letter came from AGs in Mississippi, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Utah.)” “Having identified the fetus as a “patient in the womb” who is ostensibly possessed of a statutory right to privacy under HIPPA, the AGs insisted that the proposed rule is part of the Biden… Read more »
McDonald’s is desperate. They’ll waive the background check, you don’t have to pee in the cup for the drug test, and you can steal directly from the register.
Attribution: Angel Pundits Interpret God’s Will by R.J. Matson, Portland, ME here’s what the “chosen one” had to say about it Trump Tells Christian Voters God Is MAGA, Personally Saved Him from Assassination ‘To Make Our Country Greater Than Ever’ Donald Trump claimed that God personally saved him from the attempt on his life in July so that he could “make our country greater than ever” in a bid to Christian voters. Trump attended a faith-focused campaign event targeting Christian voters in North Carolina on Monday, where he reflected on his personal journey as a Christian, as reported by ABC News. “My faith took on new meaning on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania, where I was knocked to the ground by what seemed like a supernatural hand. I would like to think that God saved me for a purpose, and that’s to make our country greater than ever before,” Trump told supporters at the event. The former president added that he believed Vice President Kamala Harris would be “destructive” to religion. “You don’t have a choice of sitting out this election because if Kamala Harris gets four more years, they’re not going to leave Christians alone,” Trump told the crowd, as reported by ABC11. Trump and his campaign sought to establish him as an advocate for religious rights. In his time speaking to the crowd, Trump also vowed to reverse the Johnson amendment that barred churches from endorsing political candidates, as reported by The Guardian. The former president also pledged to… Read more »
hmmm those “biblical reasons” must be based on her interpretation in revelations about the anti-christ and the apocalypse — she wants to bring it on?
So, I guess the guy (whose name he can’t pronounce) standing behind him who died had it coming to him?
He needs to release his medical records. Inquiring minds want to know about that magic ear.
Was just thinking how to counter Trump’s phony McDonald’s show. Get up before light and spend an entire day going to all of a home health care worker’s stops.
Walz – Obama rally underway, Madison WI..
Colin Allred is now endorsed by all 5 major newspapers in Texas and is poised for the impossible a month ago: he’s going to unseat Ted Cruz.
Walz just called Elon Musk “a dipshit”. Walz is on a mildly profane rant; I never saw him like this. He’s really cookin’. He’s in Wisconsin right now on MSNBC.
Maricopa County’s polling place is stocked with heavy first aid equipment and is fortified with thick steel barriers and high pressure water cannons to repel Republican mobs. Think I’m exaggerating? Ha. Nope. Truth.
Craig, I know what you mean; 2 of my daughters did home health care, house to house with medical visits and physical therapy. A greuling schedule.
And Obama is up next, Dex. Madison is getting a good show.
Judge ordered “america’s mayor” to turn over his housing, jewelry and just about everything else to the women he owes a lot of money to. I can just see the old drunk sitting at a dive bar with a little hand scribbled sign “will may you for a glass of scotch”.
free reading, shared link.
Musk is a “dipshit”? I believe the label you’re looking for is drug-addled narcissist.
Caring words.
(I believe my daughter would have been one of the survivors.)
Under Trump, Covid families feel like dead left on the battlefield.
Wow, that was worth it! Obama’s plane was leaking oil so he had to go in a car, but he was clicking on all cylinders himself. Damn, I miss that man. He was on fire.
New Atlantic report: Trump outraged at bill for murdered US soldier Vanessa Guillen (at Fort Hood). He said he could not pay the money for a “fucking Mexican”…just reported on MSNBC.
He would leave everyone dead on the battlefield.
We are two-to-one Trump versus Harris signs in my little Colorado neighborhood. Literally. Two Trump signs and one Harris sign. TRUMP: ‘I NEED THE KIND OF GENERALS THAT HITLER HAD’ Later in the conversation, he made a promise: “If I can help you out with the funeral, I’ll help—I’ll help you with that,” he said. “I’ll help you out. Financially, I’ll help you.” Natalie Khawam, the family’s attorney, responded, “I think the military will be paying—taking care of it.” Trump replied, “Good. They’ll do a military. That’s good. If you need help, I’ll help you out.” At a certain point, according to two people present at the meeting, Trump asked, “Did they bill us for the funeral? What did it cost?” According to attendees, and to contemporaneous notes of the meeting taken by a participant, an aide answered: Yes, we received a bill; the funeral cost $60,000. Trump became angry. “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican!” He turned to his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and issued an order: “Don’t pay it!” Later that day, he was still agitated. “Can you believe it?” he said, according to a witness. “Fucking people, trying to rip me off.” Khawam, the family attorney, told me she sent the bill to the White House, but no money was ever received by the family from Trump. ** “Today—two weeks before an election that could see Trump return to the White House—I’m most interested in his evident desire to wield military power, and power over the military, in the manner of Hitler and other dictators. In their book, The Divider: Trump… Read more »
Dumbass’ reaction to the burial bill for Vanessa Guillen. The Daily Beast.
Commander in Chief? Asshole.
… didn’t read that magnificent bastard’s book
Ivy – If more than 3 houses, take that as a good sign. Adolf’s minions are arrogant and loud, so if there are only two signs, he’s losing ground. Brave is homeowner who puts up a Harris sign when tRUMP signs are present.
blue, i could put one up and even the score but i prefer there be no public signs. On the other hand, my refrigerator is covered.
most of the hard-core republicans in my hood have NOT put out signs for the racist dummy, so i’m proud of them
The coast here went for Nikki Haley, no telling which way they’ll jump.
Guess Ivana was telling the truth about The Donald’s choice of bedtime reading.
Let’s hope we don’t end up with a Marcos-style lockdown, and we get to go straight to the happy part.
* Wore my People Power Revolution shirt to vote and they were none the wiser.
He spreads contagion everywhere he goes.
Heard that Adolf was relieved there’s a metal scoop for fries. Yeah, nobody is grabbing screaming hot fries to shove into a bag, but not surprised that he didn’t know. “Researchers at the University of Oxford and University College London (UCL) found that people born since 1945 have worse health than previous generations at the same age, resulting in what they call a “generational health drift.”The data came from adults aged 51 or older in the United States and those aged 50 or older in England and continental Europe. It covered several generations, including the Greatest Generation (born before 1925) and Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1959), according to the study.” “We found that Baby Boomers are more likely to have doctor-diagnosed diabetes, high cholesterol, heart problems, and a variety of other chronic health conditions compared to previous generations at the same age,” said Laura Gimeno, a doctoral candidate at UCL and lead author of the study, in an email to CNN Monday. She added that there was also little evidence for improvements in disability rates.” “Younger post-war cohorts, like Generation X, are also at risk of worse health than the generation preceding them, Gimeno said. “Generation X were more likely to be obese, have diabetes, and be in poor mental health than Baby Boomers in their 40s,” said Gimeno. “The fact that we aren’t seeing an improvement here is concerning.” “Body mass index (BMI) was also analyzed, with researchers finding that age-adjusted obesity increased across post-war cohorts – except for those in southern Europe. Levels of grip strength, used to measure overall muscle strength and disability risk, were found to decrease across the US and England but remained… Read more »
He finally goes public.. NYTimes: With Election Looming, John Kelly Speaks Out on Trump. The former White House chief of staff and retired Marine general explained in a series of interviews why Americans should consider a candidate’s character.
free link..
Highlights of this John Kelly bombshell interview: Kelly to NYT on audio tape: “Certainly the former president is in the far-right area, he’s certainly an authoritarian, admires people who are dictators — he has said that. So he certainly falls into the general definition of fascist, for sure.” “He certainly prefers the dictator approach to government,” Mr. Kelly said. Mr. Trump “never accepted the fact that he wasn’t the most powerful man in the world — and by power, I mean an ability to do anything he wanted, anytime he wanted,” Mr. Kelly said. Mr. Kelly confirmed previous reports that on more than one occasion Mr. Trump spoke positively of Hitler. “He commented more than once that, ‘You know, Hitler did some good things, too,’” Mr. Kelly said Mr. Trump told him.On rejecting photos with military amputees: “He would just say: ‘Look, it just doesn’t look good for me.’” On rejecting photos with military amputees: “He would just say: ‘Look, it just doesn’t look good for me.’” This audio clip will be good ad for Arizona. “Whenever John McCain’s name came up, he’d go through this rant about him being a loser, and all those people were suckers, and why do you people think that people getting killed are heroes? And he’d go through this rant. To me, I could never understand why he was that way — he may be the only American citizen that feels that way about those who gave their lives or served their country,” Mr.… Read more »
“Authoritarian” is too benign a word to describe him. Too many syllables. Nondescript. Conveys authority and strength which many people approve.
Donald Trump needs to be defined more crudely. Despot. Dictator. Tyrant. Nazi.
Entitled sociopath.
“Rudy Giuliani must give control of luxury items and Manhattan apartment to Georgia election workers he defamed, judge rules”
“The women, who counted Georgia ballots after the 2020 election, will also be entitled to about $2 million in legal fees Giuliani has said the Trump campaign still owes him, the judge ruled.”
Maybe Drudge can make it stick