It’s A Wash

Each side got what they needed to say their guy won and stay enthused, what matters most at this point. Undecideds probably still confused, might not even vote.

Instant Polls Debate Watchers.

Who won?


51% Vance

49% Walz



42% Vance

41% Walz

17% Tie

This seems to be the leading clip so far:

WALZ: Did Donald Trump lose the 2020 election?

VANCE: Tim, I’m focused on the future

WALZ: That’s a damning non-answer.


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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host

50 thoughts on “It’s A Wash”

  1. Craig – The clips of Walz are great.  More folks will see those clips than watched the actual debate.  He doesn’t seem wobbly at all on the socials, because the clips are up close.  Very relatable.  

    JD is getting hammered; clips of J6 next to him saying Adolf “peacefully handed over power” on a loop. Not just a liar, an enabler. JD is just dangerous.

  2. Good to hear BiD, you are right that the clips are what matter. Once I “covered” a debate by not watching it live, just wrote up the clips I saw next day. Think that might have been the most accurate way to evaluate the real impact on voters. 

  3. Stephen Colbert delivers his monologue LIVE from New York City following the debate between vice presidential candidates J.D. Vance and Tim Walz.

  4. Thank you for subjecting yourselves to the Veep show. 
    I heard a few seconds before I changed the station, radio was on in the bedroom.  I did not know that thousands of little girls are “drug mules” and overwhelming the U.S. with fentanyl.  Nothing about China dumping tons of it here though.  Fortunately the local classical radio station had a sleep inducing number on and I got a couple hours shuteye.

  5. in case you missed the debate and ignored the vid above,  colbert wrapped it up as:

    In the end, it was 90 minutes of constant talk that made one thing clear. It was like having Thanksgiving with your most nervous uncle and your smuggest nephew. It was unpleasant, awkward and thankfully you only have to do it once every four years.

  6. and here’s kimmel’s take

    Tonight was the Vice Presidential debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz, Fox News is desperate to exploit any kind of oddness that they can conjure up about Tim Walz, the two candidates were pretty polite to each other, CBS opted to not fact check live but to have a QR code on the screen instead so we created our own – just go to, Trump did a play by play of the debate on Truth Social, he was in Wisconsin today where we was in full babble mode, and JD Vance (Haley Joel Osment) has released a new ad making his donut shopping a top priority.

  7. the view from across the pond

    JD Vance and Tim Walz keep it civil in policy-heavy vice-presidential debate – US elections live (

    Walz and Vance clash, politely, at policy-heavy vice presidential debate
    Good morning and welcome to the blog as we wake up to reaction to Tim Walz and JD Vance’s vice-presidential debate which offered revealing differences on abortion, school shootings, and immigration.

    It was a debate that was surprisingly civil in the final stretch of an ugly election campaign marred by inflammatory rhetoric and two assassination attempts.

    The two rivals, who have forcefully attacked each other on the campaign trail, mostly struck a cordial tone, instead saving their fire for the candidates at the top of their tickets, democratic vice-president Kamala Harris and Republican former president Donald Trump.

    The most tense exchange occurred near the end of the debate, when Vance – who has said he would not have voted to certify the results of the 2020 election – avoided a question about whether he would challenge this year’s vote if Trump loses.

    Walz responded by blaming Trump’s false claims of voter fraud for instigating the 6 January 2021, mob that attacked the US Capitol in an unsuccessful effort to prevent the certification of Joe Biden’s 2020 election.

    “He is still saying he didn’t lose the election,” Walz said, before turning to Vance. “Did he lose the 2020 election?”

    Vance again sidestepped the question, instead accusing Harris of pursuing online censorship of opposing viewpoints. “That is a damning non-answer,” Walz said.

    Meanwhile, CNN’s snap poll has viewers split over who won the debate – but Vance narrowly wins. The poll of 574 registered voters saw 51% say that Vance won the debate, with 49% choosing Walz.

    Polled before the debate, 54% of voters thought Walz was likelier to win.

  8. JD is lucky that Tim is such a nice guy, because he got off easy on not having to answer for his Putin-appeasement, his professional associations with technocrats, and his refusal to apologize for sending one of the communities he represents into chaos based on a (admitted by himself) politically-motivated lie.
    i was personally offended at his insistence on using and repeating the dehumanizing term “illegal aliens” when even most conservatives have moved on from using such a spiteful language, and i think JD from 10 years, ago, would be personally offended by what he said last night, too. i’m not even sure he believes anything he said last night, but i do think he’ll say whatever he thinks he needs to in order to advance his own interests, just like his boss.
    JD is unfit for the office of President, Tim Walz is a proven executive, simple as that
    Harris/Walz 2024 We Can Do This 🇺🇸

  9. JDouché may have edged Coach Walz in the debate by a point or two, but Tim picked up 18 favorability points to 9 by JDouché. 5 weeks from now, to the extent it matters at all, which of those two metrics will matter among the few folks who are still undecided? My guess is the latter. 

  10. i honestly don’t think you’re as racist as trump does, conservatives.  Reject the racism and leave the President box blank, if that’s what you have to do, thanks in advance ❤️ 

    i doubt most of the racist online provocateurs even vote, they’re either paranoids, Russians, or profiteers, show us you’re not them, leave it blank

  11. New Cook Political battleground poll (bipartisan):
    Harris leading or tied with Trump in all but 1 of the 7 battleground states and holding a lead of 49% to 48% overall.
    AZ: 🔵 Harris +3
    GA: 🔴 Trump +1
    MI: 🔵 Harris +3
    NV: 🔵 Harris +1
    NC: 🔵 Harris +3
    PA: 🔵 Harris +2
    WI: 🔵 Harris +2
    Harris Narrows Gap On Economy, Immigration
    Trump has only a three-point lead on a centerpiece of his campaign, trust in handling the economy. Trump has his largest lead over Harris, 51% to 42% on the issue of border and immigration. However, that is a five-point drop from his 53% to 39% lead over Harris in August.
    — Cook Political Report Swing State Project Survey conducted by BSG and GS Strategy Group (September 19-25; 2,941 voters; +/- 3.8)

    NOTE: With the exception of her ahead in NC, it’s amazing how close this is to the actual 2020 results — which were even closer in some states (Biden won WI by just half a point for example)

  12. Key data after VP debate


    – More in touch with people like you? Walz +13

    – Walz grew his net favorability +4 more than Vance


    – 2 undecided MI voters said Vance’s J6 answer lost their vote


    – 5 of 6 undecided PA voters said Walz won

  13. Ah, the mixed blessing of having the office server down for a while. 
    I suppose I could read paper files, but, jeez.
    Chickenshit has to be in rage mode being behind in 6 of the 7 battlegrounds. 

  14. Attribution: Why Leaves Change Leaves in Trees by Christopher Weyant, The Boston Globe, MA

  15. WaPo fact checker banner:

    Fact-checking the vice-presidential debate between Vance and Walz

    Vance dominated on the falsehood meter, with faulty claims on lost children, the environment, inflation, immigration and the Jan. 6 attack.

    The breakdown of the 21 claims Kessler thought needed further examination goes like this:
                     False      Lacks context      Exaggerated    True
    Vance        13                   1                             1
    Walz            1                    1                            2                 2
    About what I would have expected.  Like Kessler said:

    In the vice-presidential debate Tuesday night, Sen.JD Vance(R-Ohio) proved he could match his running mate on the falsehood meter, though with a bit more verve and polish. 

    Touche Douche.

  16. Wisconsin almost isn’t a battleground state anymore.. 

    Marquette Law School Poll of Wisconsin voters finds Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris supported by 52% and Republican former President Donald Trump supported by 48% among registered voters. Among likely voters, it is also 52% for Harris and 48% for Trump

  17. I watched a little of the debate last night. I thought Walz did best when he went into teacher mode and explained complicated subjects. He did worst when he tried to deliver canned responses.  The national media/pundit/political hacks have problems understanding Walz in that he treats his audience as if they had a brain. Something rare in national political circles but essential for local political success.
    JDV, was just a cleaned up racist redneck.

  18. What do you get when you send a racist redneck to Yale? JD Vance or what ever his current name is.

  19. If I had to pick a ~favorite~ JD tall tale from last night, it would be that all of the houses are off of the market because illegal immigrants are living in them.  

    So, they come here and get paid poorly to do jobs nobody else will do, and they are inhabiting all of the houses all over the country? 

    It’s the corporate investors buying up the houses and keeping them off market to make inventory scarce and drive up prices.   I believe the new law gives them several years to reduce their holdings. Why, when we need housing now? 

    Rent is high because of the algorithm of an app fixing prices.  Illegal? 

    There are several houses and quite a bit of land for sale around here, but it’s all double of what it was 6 or 7 years ago.  Property taxes are crazy, yet states are going to funds from legalized gambling to pay for public schools.  Nuts.


    “He was born James Donald Bowman in Middletown, Ohio, on Aug. 2, 1984, his middle and last names the same as his biological father, Donald Bowman.”

    “He was adopted by his new stepfather, Robert Hamel, and his mother renamed him James David Hamel.(The only birth certificate for Vance on file at Ohio’s vital statistics office reads James David Hamel, according to information provided by the state.)”

    “He would spend more than two decades as James David “J.D.” Hamel, and served in Iraq as a US Marine – Corporal James D Hamel.”

    “He decided to change his name again, to Vance — the last name of his beloved “Mamaw.”  (The official name change reportedly didn’t happen on his wedding day in 2014, as the book implies, but in April 2013, as he was about to graduate from Yale.)”

    “Vance made the final alteration to his name after joining politics in July 2021, removing the periods from “J.D.” 

    The guy is a regular George Santos.

  21. It’s evident….WALZ is a real human who’s educated and not stupid, while Vance is a phony human who’s educated but not smart.  He should get himself a truck and then go wait in it.

  22. This is how you know a campaign is satisfied with debate performance. If they weren’t he’d go into hiding… 

    Walz is ramping up his schedule: The campaign said he’ll travel through Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona and add more media hits, sitting for two national TV interviews, a podcast and a late-night TV appearance.

  23. Kamala would have been disappointed had Walz felt it necessary to lie about something while Stump would have been disappointed had Vance felt it necessary to tell the truth about anything.  

  24. JD’s douchiest moment was calling Tim Walz “man” in a very contrived effort to seem normal, glad i listened on “radio” cuz the visuals are creepin’ me out, man

    In an internationally televised Vice Presidential debate, you call the guy “Governor”, JD, for future reference, not that you have a political future

  25. I think a lot of the Harris – Walz campaign strategy in both debates was to not get in the way of an opponent who is trying to shoot himself in the foot. It was one of the reasons that Walz doubled down on the Minnasota nice last night. I was also disappointed that they muted Walz’s mike just as they were getting a good back and forth on immigration, not letting Walz fact check JDV.  And at that time somebody needed to. 

  26. JD’s douchiest moment

    Was that moment when he walked out on the stage to when he walked off.

  27. Walz is my favorite kind of politician, when dealing with him you will always know where he stands/ it is in his face. I’ll bet he is a bad poker player.

  28. Much fun in this DOJ doc today, and Pumpkin in full meltdown.

    Quite the nugget here.. 

     From p. 142 of Jack Smith’s filing:

    “Upon receiving a phone call alerting him that Pence had been taken to a secure location, [PERSON 15] rushed to the dining room to inform [Trump] in hopes that the defendant would take action to ensure Pence’s safety. Instead, after [P15] delivered the news, the defendant looked at him and said only, “So what?””

  29. i’ll say, Mr. J, without belaboring the point, that everyone i talked to today had the same impressions without me leading them, so i’m not of a unique perspective, which heartens me 😮‍💨 
    Harris/Walz 2024 Humans For Humans 🇺🇸

  30. Ari Melber is about a pain in the ass.  His guest is “Ambassador” Sondlund.   What a piece of greasy dreck.   
    Giving that schmuck a platform to speak is just shitty.  

  31. Bink isn’t trying to pick one moment a bit like identifying the stinkiest dump in an outhouse? It really doesn’t matter the whole place stinks. 

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