Presumptive Nominee Kamala Harris

Just 36 hours after President Joe Biden released his delegates Vice President Kamala Harris has secured the votes of enough Democratic convention delegates to win her party’s presidential nomination.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host

98 thoughts on “Presumptive Nominee Kamala Harris”

  1. In a flurry of virtual meetings around the country state delegations cast ballots to back Harris at next month’s convention.

    In a typical scenario, Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Ben Wikler said 89 of the state’s 95 delegates had declared their support for Harris as of mid-afternoon on Monday. “The level of unity and energy is through the roof,” Wikler told reporters, saying he knows of “no delegate who plans to vote against Vice President Harris.”

    The California Democratic National Convention delegation voted UNANIMOUSLY to endorse Harris. Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi made the motion praising “the selflessness of Joe Biden and the excellence of Kamala Harris.”

  2. Harris showed she means business in her first campaign speech on Monday afternoon at what was the Biden-Harris campaign headquarters in Delaware, suddenly renamed the Harris Presidential Campaign Headquarters…

    “I was a courtroom prosecutor. In those roles I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump’s type.”

    Video —


  3. Bully for her. I LOVE her taking and endorsing the prosecutor versus criminal meme and running with it. 

    BTW the RWNJs are losing their shit over the almost seamless transition from Joe to Kamala. Tough shit, asshats. Didn’t get the chaos you hoped for ?  Too damn bad.

  4. MAGAts spent last week painting a dystopian picture of America and going after President Biden.   Well played, Mr. President.

    Let’s give President Biden an enormous thank you celebration at the convention. 

    Craig – I’ve been reading up on Roy Cooper and he’s growing on me; I’m off of Andy Beshear.  I still think military experience is important to match JD’s rez, though, which leads me back to  Kelly and Secretary Pete.   The evening news mentioned a General, too. 

    I still feel bad for President Biden, the way it went down over the past, few weeks; being sick on top of it all. He’s been in politics for over half a century, so there’s a grieving process, too. He’s been through a lot in his life. I love POTUS Joe.

  5. Genuinely like Mark Kelly.  What would happen to his Senate seat.

    Would Gabby have any extensive duties as second lady?

  6. Kamala’s statement after a majority of Dem delegates endorse her:

    “Tonight, I am proud to have secured the broad support needed to become our party’s nominee.  look forward to formally accepting the nomination soon.”

  7. Jamie, we haven’t found exact timing details but AZ Democratic governor would initially replace Kelly. Then a special election, not sure when.

  8. I genuinely like Pete, but would the country handle a woman and a gay man in the same year on the same ticket?  I would like to think so, but that would be a huge generational leap into the future.

  9. Pete can earn another cabinet post being the effective attack-dog he has been
    He’s got amazing career prospects ahead of him, not on this ticket, though

    Kelly’s like, “well, goddamn, glad that guy wrote that article!”

    Take the gig, plz, Senator 🚀 🇺🇸

  10. Blink

    I agree.  My problem is that I would have liked that ticket in 1968.  It’s taking way to long for the country to catch up!

  11. Sec. Pete could get a multimillion dollar TV contract tomorrow if he wanted one, he’s so good on TV

    Identity politics aside, it’s a unique opportunity to expand beyond the Bidenverse and foster enthusiasm in purple-America


    …and people are going to complain no matter what because people are hardwired to complain

    AND to those who say “what kind of experience does Kamala have that qualifies HER??”

    -Vice President

    that’s a pretty good career track for President

    if that’s too much government experience for you, as the old saying goes, you don’t hire a mechanic to cut your hair, do you?

  12. I just love Mark Cuban for trolling Orange Adolf on TikTok.    Some of that $100 million surely came from him.  

  13. stephen last night:

    Stephen pays tribute to Joe Biden and his historic decision to exit the presidential race, a decision that interrupted Wolf Blitzer’s Sunday fun day, prompted Charli XCX to proclaim that Vice President Harris is “brat,” and kicked off speculation about who will join Harris on the ticket.


    Let’s hear it for America’s 46th president!

  14. John Oliver’s coverage on sunday of the crazy week last week not just here but around the world:

    Last Week Tonight With John Oliver 7/21/2024 | HBO John Oliver July 21, 2024 FULL 720HD

  15. today’s toons

    Attribution: Kamala Harris by Marian Kamensky, Austria


    Attribution: Kamala High Heels On Trump by Ed Wexler,

  16. Lincoln Project out with first ad supporting ‘warrior’ Kamala Harris for President (

    The Lincoln Project, a group established by a group of anti-Donald Trump Republican operatives, is out with its first ad supporting Vice President Kamala Harris for President.
    The ad comes less than 24 hours after President Joe Biden announced that he would not accept the Democratic Party’s nomination and would no longer seek re-election. Following his announcement, Biden endorsed his Vice President as his successor, unleashing a flurry of other support from congressional Democrats, Democratic Governors and even state delegations to the Democratic National Committee.
    The ad opens similarly to the way those Harris endorsers approached news of Biden’s withdrawal — with thanks and admiration for our nation’s current Commander in Chief.
    “No one wanted it this way,” a gruff-voiced narrator begins over footage of Biden meeting with constituents flashing his token smile. “Joe Biden is a good man, a good American, a great President.”
    But, it continues, “time and the burden of the office means it’s time to step aside, to put a warrior into the political arena ready to take on Donald Trump, to face up to the un-American plan Trump and Project 2025 will impose.”
    That warrior, the group says, is Harris.
    “Vice President Kamala Harris is ready, experienced, and as a tough prosecutor, Kamala Harris dealt with men like Trump all the time — rapists, con men, frauds, criminals,” the narrator continues, comparing Trump to such nefarious bad actors.
    “She’s used to guys like Trump, used to putting them in their place.”

    Thank you President Biden for your service to our country and for having the grace to usher in Kamala Harris to finish the job.

  17. jamie,

    yeah, I liked what I read about Roy but I’m now leaning more toward Mark . He’s only 60 which compared to Roy’s 67 gives better prospects (actuarily speaking) for a 2nd term as VP plus more as Prez. 

    p.s. gabby probably would continue their nationwide work on gun safety as the 2nd lady’s major issue. even more important her raised prominence would also increase a desperately needed spotlight on that issue.

    An analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation, a research nonprofit, that relied on 2020 data compiled by the CDC found that firearms were the No. 1 cause of death for children and teens in the U.S. Those deaths included accidents, suicides, and homicides.

  18. Jamie, I agree Kelly is a prime prospect. Helps deliver a key state plus a unique background with national appeal. I would like to learn more about the timing of a special election so that there’s no risk of Democrats losing the seat — and possibly the Senate.

  19. Here is a state-by-state breakdown of the Associated Press survey of Democratic Convention delegates.

    The delegate survey is an unofficial tally, as Democratic delegates are free to vote for the candidate of their choice when the party picks its new nominee.

    No other candidate was named by a delegate in the survey and Harris now appears to have the backing of more than the 1,976 delegates she’ll need to claim the nomination.

    AP will continue to update the survey leading into the opening of the Democratic National Convention on Aug. 19 in Chicago.

  20. Saying Harris failed as “Border Czar” is leading the Trump world’s early effort to target her candidacy.

    She was NOT the Biden Administration’s Border Czar. She was only in charge of relations with Central America aimed at reducing the number of refugees.

    CBS News: “Harris was not asked to be the administration’s ‘border czar’ or to oversee immigration policy and enforcement at the U.S.-Mexico border.”

    In March 2021, when the Biden administration faced the early stages of an influx in illegal crossings at the U.S. southern border, Biden tasked Harris with leading the administration’s diplomatic campaign to address the “root causes” of migration from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, including poverty, corruption and violence.

    CBS News: Harris’ main line of work has focused on convincing companies to invest in Central America and promoting democracy and development there through diplomacy. In March of this year, the White House announced Harris had secured a commitment from the private sector to invest over $5 billion to promote economic opportunities and reduce violence in the region.

  21. After midnight he was still trying out Kamala nicknames, all lame. Now it’s “Lyin” Kamala. Yesterday it was “Dumb As A Rock”, earlier it was “Laughin” Kamala.

    ABC Fake News is such a joke, among the absolute WORST in the business. They try to make Crooked Joe into a brave warrior because he didn’t have the “guts” to fight it out — He quit! They then tried to make “Sleepy” look like a great President – he was the WORST, and Lyin’ Kamala into a competent person, which she is not. ABC, the home of George Slopadopolus, is not worthy of holding a Debate, of which I hope there will be many!  MAGA2024
    Jul 23, 2024, 12:12 AM

  22. In a statement to CNN, actor/Democratic fundraiser George Clooney endorses VP Kamala Harris:

    “President Biden has shown what true leadership is. He’s saving democracy once again. We’re all so excited to do whatever we can to support Vice President Harris in her historic quest.”

  23. Gee, Orange Adolf sounds desperate. Good. 
    ~Yeah, like he could debate Kamala Harris.~ He would resort to looking like the meanest eighth-grader in school, the one kids hated but some sucked up to out of fear. Same rules; no notes, no earpiece to have info fed to him, stand at his lectern and do not stalk the woman next to him, mute mics.

    Harris/Kelly 2024

    Secretary of Defence Buttegieg

    Secretary of HUD (or something) Beto O’Roark

    UN Ambassador Roy Cooper

    Maybe give ambassadorships or something to Liz Cheney, Adam Kirtzinger, and Mitt Romney.

  24. Craig – I agree about the vibe.  Yesterday and this morning I was thinking back to the summer, June 2008, I was in D.C. for some political event.  The six or seven candidates running did their spiel to the event.  It was obvious that HRC and Obama were kicking high.  I became an Obama supporter then.  Back in Denver with the DNC convention in August, it was Obama world.  The night at Mile High Stadium was rocking.  Lots of people, Hispanic and white, were crying during his acceptance speech.
    Side notes – at the time I was running for political office, the only Transgender person running on issues, not LGBT issues, which is why I was invited to a couple of national things.  It was at the June D.C. event that I almost flattened Obama one day, we were not looking where we were going and almost collided, Secret Service agents were laughing in the background.  The next day I almost flattened Hillary, again we were not looking where we were going.  Secret Service agents and her handlers looked amused.

  25. Clooney had better be hosting a lot of fundraisers for Harris.  
    He needs to do the intro to the thank-you-Joe video at the DNC next month. 

  26. BID, yes, George C. has amends to make to those of us still stung about how Joe was treated. It’s also important for the sake of the new ticket. In effect, Joe is still on it. 

  27. I’ve been rooting for Pete, but Mr. Ivy is swaying me toward Mark Kelly. I’m sure we’ll get his brother campaigning for him too.
    Not all the old white guys voting are republican. 

  28. Gotta love Paul Begala: “Trump is so confused about what to do with Kamala he doesn’t know whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt”

  29. this might be the start of something grand given the big role mexico plays in regard to our border burdens.

    excerpt from Harris bid for White House puts spotlight on foreign policy role as VP (

    But all eyes will be on the potential relationship between Harris and Mexican President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, the first woman to win the Mexican presidency, a role she takes over Oct. 1.
    The pairing of North American women leaders would certainly draw global attention, and could help both incoming leaders solidify their domestic positions.
    Sheinbaum has already butted heads indirectly with Trump, who at a rally in Michigan on Saturday erroneously claimed that current Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador — “a great guy” — is no longer president and mocked Marcelo Ebrard, a former foreign minister who is slated to be Sheinbaum’s trade czar.
    Sheinbaum, who called Trump’s comments profane, would likely have much smoother interactions with a President Harris.
    Such a relationship with the left-leaning Sheinbaum could make Harris’s life easier when dealing with the region’s leftist governments, from neutral powers such as Brazil to U.S. rivals including Cuba and Venezuela.

  30. Prisoners are somehow getting hold of phones and texting and posting from their cells under pseudonyms. The felon won’t have to be deprived of his favorite pastime. You have to keep busy even behind bars. 

  31. I had just gotten some Joe merch – the little rubber band bracelets. I plan to keep wearing them but add a Harris tee shirt and socks if they get them. 

  32. I don’t do yard signs. I think our HOA prohibits them, at least I hope so. I wouldn’t want to see Felon signs in my neighborhood either. I know my former Vestavia neighborhood didn’t tolerate them because my Doug Jones signs disappeared. You have to stick with bumper stickers but even then, you might be putting your car at risk. I know I’ve been tailgated in Alabama due to my bumper stickers. 

  33. Alexandra.

    Trump Team here! When we said that Sleepy, Crooked Joe Biden was too old to be president and should not be allowed to serve another term, we did not mean like this!

    We meant he should not serve another term because he loses to Donald Trump. It just did not occur to us that he might be serious about the stakes of losing and want to put his country first! The thought of a man — especially one who had spent about eight decades on the planet — saying, “There are more important things than my ego” just never occurred to us.

    So, Joe, come back! We didn’t mean it. You are so virile and tall and really, you’re barely four years older than Donald! Four years, that’s nothing! We’re sorry we tried to convince you it was an unbridgeable gulf that would allow us to coast to victory by saying things like, “Be reassured: Our candidate is four years younger than Joe Biden and has been so all his life, and we anticipate that trend will continue!”
    Also, we were joking when we picked J.D. Vance as vice presidential candidate. That was just us having a laugh and not a sign of how confident we felt about the race! Certainly not a sign that we were so drunk with hubris that we threw darts at a board of attributes a candidate could possess, wound up with “Hates Abortion” and “Has a Beard” and said, “Sure!” followed by about three minutes of laughter.

    That was when we laughed at the suggestion of needing votes, when votes were plentiful and hung lushly and abundantly like coconuts on the coconut trees, assuming in this scenario that the trees were just full of them. I wish I’d never heard of coconut trees!

    Imagine the embarrassment of having a whole campaign premised on the argument that “we don’t want some decrepit past-his-primer embarrassing us on the world stage” and then it turns out our candidate is Donald Trump and your candidate is Kamala Harris! What a nightmare.

    We can get rid of J.D. if it would help! Seriously! Joe?

    Excerpted. (Love this woman)

  34. Neither Shapiro, who I wanted to take the mantle if Joe decided what he did decide, nor Mark Kelly would hinder a Harris surge to the top of the polls when this settles down and the giddiness wears off.  I was favoring a Shapiro-Beshear ticket, which is moot now.  Yesterday I saw Andy B. in an interview and he seemed a perfect fit, then someone said he does not fit because he favors coal too much in an environment/ozone depletion era.  Anyone who follows basic politics knows what a force Shapiro is. He does not lose.  That makes him what? Yeah !  A winner.  So between Kelly and Shapiro, I take Shapiro.  It’s being said Alameda County records are being researched and scrutinized, trying to see if Harris sent innocents to the slammer.  If she comes up clean, the Republicans will just make shit up.  

  35. I am a fan of house signs and bumper stickers and have spent many a summer
    weekend afternoon in a parking lot of a union picnic handing them out.   They are the
    mass media of local campaigns.   Where I live there is no point in house signs–zero cars or foot
    traffic.   I’m on the lookout for a good bumper sticker.

    Billionaires fighting
    “Hard for me to support someone with no values, lies, cheats, rapes, demeans women, hates immigrants like me,” Khosla replied. “He may cut my taxes or reduce some regulation but that is no reason to accept depravity in his personal values. Do you want President who will set back climate by a decade in his first year? Do you want his example for your kids as values?”

  36. He’s spitting up this stuff every minute or so. Seems like an intervention is needed .

    Donald J. Trump


    Lyin’ Kamala Harris destroys everything she touches!

    Jul 23, 2024, 11:26 AM

  37. Years ago in a 60 Minutes interview, a young Elon Musk wept over how his original astronaut heroes had hurt his feelings by criticizing his Space X accomplishments. I felt sorry for him then and impressed he’d used that experience to spur further achievements. What happened to that guy? Now he’s a vengeful old bigoted racist who abuses his power and money by underwriting murderous movements and undermining democracy. He’s lost his once genius mind. 

  38. I like house signs, it lets you know how many of your neighbors think like you do. You might be surprised. 
    Also, as KGC said it is vital for local races. 
    I had a Joe flag that I flew in the 2020 election, I put it out yesterday in honor of our President.

  39. I believe he’s just trying to get the extremely IRONIC Lying Kamala nickname to stick. Given his lack of attachment to the truth I there  is no justification in the world for him accusing anyone of being a liar.

  40. My choice is Kelly.  We need a veteran on the ticket, and Kelly is a lot more impressive than Vance.

  41. Boy oh man!  Did you see Tim Walz on Morning Joe today?  That man is fired up!  Best Harris cheerleader I have heard. What a voice, with much truth to tell.  Governor Pritzker was on also, much calmer, but all-in of course to beat Trump in Illinois.

  42. Mark Kelly has a great story.  Hard to see what the psycho could say about him..what lie could he make up?  I think the American public would find it really disgusting.

  43. Now Fat Donald is the funky old reprobate in the room.  Every word will be repeated endlessly.
    A side benefit of all this is Harris gets to tell Gavin Newsom  watch my dust…they have been competing forever  she will win that race .

  44. I think through the election Dems should be in senate whitehouse.   Hold on to your
    petty grievences until after the election.  Let’s elect blue men and women across the country and put an end to Fat Donnie for good.  Let’s humiliate him.

  45. BTW, I was too busy Sunday assembling a closet organizer, varnishing steps and cutting grass to report that Tadej Pogačar at age 25 became the second youngest rider to do the Giro d’Italia/Tour de France double win (Eddy Merckx also did it at age 25, but was 10 months younger than Pogačar) with 6 stage wins and an overall win by 9:56 over Dani Martínez in the Giro and 6 stage wins and a win by 6:17 over Jonas Vingegaard in the Tour. Four giants of cycling pulled off the same feat at age 27, Miguel Indurain, Stephen Roche, Bernard Hinault and Eddy Merckx, and Mercks did that double 3 times, Indurain and Hinault twice, and Fausto Coppi  twice (at ages 29 and 32).  Jacques Anquetil and Marco Pantani also did the double once each, but at the ripe old ages of 30 and 28.  Congrats to Tadej.

  46. Pogo – Good for Pogačar, he has been riding very well for several years.  To do both is very impressive.  I tried to watch but things kept getting in the way. I was going to use the VPN like I have in the past.  Next year.

  47. Dex
    Bink shared this playlist with us back in 2020. I book marked it and play in every once in a while. Using it through here rather than google it is ad free.  so far any way.

  48. you know an inspirational playlist is coming one of these nights!
    A comedian went viral for his story about going out for drinks with Vance- he said “it was like pounding beers with a spreadsheet”. 😆 

    Kamala/StarMan 2024

  49. Where is Mark Kelly? Here’s what he’s been doing as VP talk heats up (

    All those rumored to be in the running for a revised Democratic presidential ticket headed by Vice President Kamala Harris kept relatively low profiles on Sunday.
    For U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., that was a little easier than for the governors also mentioned as possible picks.
    Kelly has been part of a congressional delegation visiting England. While there, he met the United Kingdom’s new prime minister, Kier Starmer, and attended the Farnborough International Airshow, an annual aerospace, aviation and military conference.
    It was the second visit with a head of state in as many weeks for Kelly. Last week he also met Mexico’s outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum.
    Such visits are hardly surprising for Kelly. He has traveled to war zones like Israel and Ukraine and met with Taiwan’s president, who is a source of tense relations with mainland China. Kelly is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and a veteran combat pilot and astronaut, so military-related airshows are not new for him.
    Kelly’s visit to the U.K. was planned long before President Joe Biden shook up American politics with his decision Sunday to exit the race and endorsed Harris to succeed him.

  50. Surprised it’s taken so long, he’s blaming Biden for assassination attempt..

    Donald J. Trump
    The Biden/Harris Administration did not properly protect me, and I was forced to take a bullet for Democracy. IT WAS MY GREAT HONOR TO DO SO!
    Jul 23, 2024

  51. upon quick perusal, looks like AZ gov gets to appoint and is limited to an appointee being same party as vacating senator. the appointed serves until next upcoming general election or ’til end of predecessor’s vacated term expires if general election is so many days in future.

  52. Whaddya think, Mr C?  Is PA THAT critical, because Kelly is too good of a candidate 

    picking a VP candidate to swing a state has always struck me as stupid and cynical but one can’t argue with results

    i feel like i’m being teased with a sports-car when i’m going to end up with a very reliable mini-van, but whatever gets us to point B works 🇺🇸

    (just talked to a PA voter, they told me to be happy with either, they like Shapiro a lot but preferred Kelly 🤷‍♂️ )

  53. Astronaut Kelly is the way to go, what with AZ being a border state.

    Scranton Joe Biden can get PA for Harris.  
    Shapiro is not the guy we need. 

    Bink – If Kelly is VP, what  about “Upward Together”  or “Excelsior” ?

  54. Pretty sure the Biden Administration doesn’t direct the Secret Service’s operations although the director serves at Joe’s pleasure.  Fucking moron.  BTW, Reagan didn’t fire John R. Simpson after he was shot.

  55. No question PA is mission critical for Dems, just like the rest of the blue wall, MI and WI. Shapiro is tempting but Kelly or Cooper can appeal to working class whites in all three states.

  56. Team Kamala should slow down the elimination process, “which qualified Dem out of a field of many” is a really good top-story to lead a news-cycle

    just leak a 3rd name 😉
    or leak “having a really hard time choosing between these amazing candidates 🤷‍♂️ “

    leave repugs spinning their wheels also

    juke ‘n jive let’s goooo ✌️ 🇺🇸

    (leak Shapiro announce Kelly e.g., omg so many good plays 😋)

  57.  Craig – Joe Biden is from Scranton, so I think he can deliver PA.    Shapiro just looks very mid next to Kelly.   Again, we need a veteran on the ticket to counter JD.  Plus, Kelly already has name recognition. Josh who? 
    Harris/Kelly 2024  Upward Together 

  58. The Antisemites will have a field day.  Doug Emhoff is Jewish.  Shapiro is Jewish and Kelly and Gabby were married by a Rabbi family friend as her father is Jewish.   

    Rabbi Aaron who had married them, said this prayer for Giffords when she was in surgery.

    In the name of God, our God of Israel, may Michael, God’s angel messenger of compassion, watch over your right side. May Gabriel, God’s angel messenger of strength and courage, be on your left. And before you, guiding your path, Uriel, God’s angel of light and behind you, supporting you, stands Raphael, God’s angel of healing. And over your head, surrounding you, is the presence of the Divine.



  59. The way things are going for Elon, 45 mil a month may turn out to be a stretch.  Advertisers don’t like X.  Liberals won’t buy his cars.  The site is bleeding membership as usage is way down on conversations with other sites more appealing for that, so it is becoming a news site.  


  60. omg set up a working White House at the Steamtown Mall or University of Scranton for the remainder of your term President Biden. It would be so good for the city. You could keep your ear to the ground for Kamala.

    Joe returning home after a lifetime of service to revitalize his once proud birthplace is one hell of a story

  61. “What’s been reported in the media is simply not true,” Musk told conservative commentator Jordan Peterson in an interview. “I am not donating $45 million a month to Trump.”
    The Tesla co-founder added that he doesn’t follow any “cult of personality” around Trump, but feels the former president showed “great courage” after surviving an assassination attempt.


  62. Bink – Great idea!  Will the Biden Presidential Library be in Scranton?

  63. we can spread the love all around, let’s gooo
    It would be cool to turn Scranton from a punchline to a place of consequence and history, not to mention THE OPTICS
    ty BiD let’s goooooooo

  64. Panic Mode…

    Sean Hannity: “You need to understand what’s happening. This is her honeymoon period. She is experiencing a sugar high.. It’s a honeymoon, a sugar high but mark my words it will be short-lived.”

  65. hey speaking of “manufactured enthusiasm”, i bought a coconut on the way home, gonna make some low-key Kamala swag
    IYKYK 🌴 

  66. I really hope it’s Kelly.  Shapiro’s wiki page underwhelms me, and that’s all I have to go on. Zero name recognition.  

    Let President Biden secure PA. 

    Harris/Kelly 2024
    Upward Together!

  67. A really great opportunity is the upcoming convention.
    Open with the tributes to Biden
    There should be a show of strength by and for women and the announcement of some kind of women
    march,bus caravan to DC anything with lots of women together getting ready to vote to protect their rights .  Focus on voter registration in the swing states of this election.
    Honor Organized Labor and the commitment to Democratic values
    Youth  If they could get him David Hogg.  
    Some representation of minority issues without using big tent  the Goops are trying to make transgender an issue and it should be made clear that is bullying and it should not be tolerated.  
    Then the salutes to our candidates  including the senate candidates  maybe a gov or house race and a local race too.   Build up to vp  
    And finally Kamila night and send home really happy and ready to go Democratics.
    My convention agenda  yours?

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