111 thoughts on “Happy Days Are Here Again”

  1. ill take the Veep
    over the creep
    and i can finally get some sleep
    and hope the reticent take the leap
    cuz democracy don’t come cheap
    it’s something you gotta keep
    let’s gooooo

  2. Great video & yeah, Harris is making Orange Adolf very nervous.

    Notice how he still intentionally mispronounces her first name, and he gave her a nickname when folks started calling on President Biden to step aside. 

    When she is POTUS, she can pardon Hunter. 

    President Biden has gone through so much in his life. He didn’t deserve the last three weeks, but what’s done is done. 

    I love POTUS Joe!

    Harris/? 2024

  3. The VP choice is easy – sort of. Needs to be a really white guy who is seen as moderate and can deliver his swing state. Hard part is finding someone who fits that description. PA governor comes to mind. 

  4. Yep, by suggesting we party I mean no disrespect to Joe — one positive outcome of this ordeal is the Democratic convention can now genuinely celebrate his achievements without issues. And if this all works out, maybe his most enduring legacy will be our first woman president.

  5. “…  his most enduring legacy will be our first woman [vice president] and president”

    craig, yep, and the first black woman on the supremes. 

  6. Michigan Democrat Rep. Debbie Dingell, a real pro on her state’s politics, this morning on MSNBC about Harris:

    “I endorsed her because she can do the job. She can go into our union halls and explain our differences with the other side. And millions of voters voted for her on the ticket, and I don’t want them to feel disenfranchised.”

  7. Al Sharpton on his call with Harris last night (MSNBC):

    “She’s being very level headed about this. This was unexpected to her until the last minute. She understands she’s running against someone who doesn’t play by the rules. She knows this is going to be a street fight. She’s prepared for that.”

  8. Ken Burns @KenBurns

    History recognizes actions that are bigger than self. Joe Biden will go down as one of the great ones, having led the country out of the disastrous term of his predecessor and quietly doing good things for all Americans, red state as well as blue, accomplishments that put him up there, in terms of legislative action, with LBJ and FDR. Joe, I can’t imagine where we’d be without your selfless service.

  9. hope the campaign will make some sorta deal with randy rainbow in order to use his kamala camelot parody (with a few updating tweeks) for ads in just the right places.  it helps clear up the confusion on pronouncing her name (which drumpf always mispronounces on purpose) as well inserts into swing voters brains  a subtle musical earworm with some catchy ideas to sway them. 

  10. JOE MANCHIN TO CBS this morning:
    “I’m not running for office.”
    “I’m not going to be a candidate for president… I don’t need that in my life.”

  11. Lame duck or legacy maker? How Biden announcement could affect US relations with foreign leaders | US politics | The Guardian

    Around the world, heads of government and top diplomats had been preparing for a sea change in US policy under a potential Donald Trump administration, guided by his America First views that are broadly skeptical of Europe, unsympathetic toward Ukraine, hawkish on China and pro-Israel.
    But by abandoning a losing campaign that seemed destined to throw the election to Trump, Biden may have a chance to pass on his legacy to a next Democratic administration – if his party can quickly regroup around a candidate that can make them competitive in November.
    “I actually think the announcement puts [Biden] in a stronger position, because the likelihood of continuity of policy into a Democratic administration is more likely now,” said Kori Schake, the director of foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, and a former national security council and state department official during the George W Bush administration.
    Biden will be put to the test on Monday as Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu flies to Washington to address a joint session of Congress and hold a series of high-stakes meetings at the White House that could influence whether he concludes a ceasefire deal with Hamas or contemplates a broader military campaign along the border with Lebanon. The Biden administration wants the ceasefire and has warned Netanyahu against escalating the conflict.
    Last week’s Republican National Convention was attended by a number of European ambassadors seeking to remain close to the Trump campaign. But after Biden’s withdrawal, the momentum may swing back toward the centre.
    “Foreign leaders were all angling to meet former President Trump and the people close to him; now they’ll be scrambling to meet the Democratic challengers and figure out who might be influential with them,” said Schake.
    Netanyahu was already scheduled to hold meetings with vice-president Harris in Washington, said John Kirby, a spokesperson for the national security council, during a briefing last week. Netanyahu would probably also have lines of communication to the Trump campaign, said a European diplomat.
    “I think [Netanyahu] has to balance a bit more what he hears in Washington from the two sides,” the diplomat said. “It’s now returned to being an open question again as to which way the elections will go.”
    The US election campaign comes at a pivotal moment in global affairs, with major conflicts ongoing in Ukraine and in Gaza, both US parties warning of a growing great-power rivalry with China, and European allies unsettled by both a revanchist Russia and a potential America First policy under Trump that could see Washington turn its back on the continent.
    “I think until today decision making in Jerusalem, Moscow, Beijing, or Tehran rested on the confident assumption that the next US president would be called Trump,” said Dr Constanze Stelzenmüller, director of the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution.
    Now that is not so clear, although much will depend on whether the Democrat’s successor campaign, under Harris or another candidate, can quickly get up to speed.
    “Whether that changes now depends on the team the Democrats nominate – and how they do it. But I can see Biden deploying his experience and expertise in an elder statesman role,” Stelzenmüller said.
    Views still vary and much will depend on the coming days. Dr Liana Fix, a fellow for Europe at the Council on Foreign Relations, said Biden himself would be seen as a “lame duck”, adding: “Foreign leaders will perceive him as on his way out: it will make little sense to try and advance any policy issues with him now.”
    Somewhat counterintutively, the next steps for Biden’s power abroad may depend heavily on how his protege and vice-president manages her campaign in the coming days and months.
    Biden and other senior democrats have endorsed Harris, but that support is not unilateral, and others may seek the party’s nomination.
    Meanwhile, foreign leaders will be watching closely.

  12. For the coming battler there are things to look up if you don’t know about them already:  AKA, The Devine Nine, 1908, Pink and Green, and then there is the dance that goes with it.


  13. in his upcoming talk to the nation sometime this week, I hope Joe quotes some of LBJ’s remarks on a similar decision, particularly those starting around 4:00 in on the video below:

  14. Sounds like all of the early delegate committals for Harris got to Manchin. Good.  

    Harris will bring continuity.  There will be a transition in administrations, but it should be a smooth one. 

    Let’s celebrate POTUS Joe in August. 
    That moderate Dem with name recognition and a military background is named Pete Buttegieg.

    I don’t know how moderate Kelly is, but he has name recognition beyond the party, too.

    I don’t know how moderate Duckworth is, but she may have a name recognition issue, but her service puts JD Hamel-Vance’s to shame.   (His real daddy is Putin.)

    Just read Andy Beshear’s wiki page, and it’s underwhelming and a couple of ethically dicey things were noted.  It’s not going to play well with environmentalists and progressives…but the orange alternative is worse, which is where the focus needs to go. 

    Stop Project 2025/Agenda 47/Putin’s Puppets

  15. Buttegieg would also make a great Secretary of Defence.

    Can we bring Beto up from TX to handle education or environmental oversight?

  16. Kamala doing remarks at 11:30, how she comes across gonna be critical, this will be almost the first impression for lots of people who see the clips out of it

  17. VP needs to be someone not a house member or senator, House Reps and senators need to be where they are.

  18. Hillary Clinton:

    “I’ve known Kamala Harris a long time. This brilliant prosecutor will make the case against convicted felon Donald Trump and the Project 2025 agenda to take away our freedoms.”

  19. Is Mika pushing for Mayor Pete? She playing the clips from his Friday night interview with Bill Maher. 

  20. With Kamala on our ticket, and an inside-man on theirs, how can we lose??
    i believe (…3…4)
    i believe (…3…4)
    i believe (…3…4)
    i believe that we can win!
    let’s gooooooooo 🇺🇸 

  21. Under/over on JD and King Dipshit absolutely loathing each other?  i say by the end of the week
    i promise JD still believes everything he has said about trump, and i guarantee trump hasn’t forgotten a word and will never forgive him 👍 

    …ain’t no way that Vance was his choice, so i wonder, WHO IS REALLY RUNNING THE REPUBLICAN PARTY??

    i demand cognitive testing on their very very old candidate

  22. Republicans on tv making the usual asses of themselves. 

    I see them creating a new scapegoat with a premature hearing primarily for the purpose of their own grandstanding, not keeping anyone safe.

    OMG, they’re referring to the candidate as “the president.” I don’t know who that guy was.

  23. Look into Vance’s so-called “Appalachian” childhood.   Find out about the 4bedtoom house in the suburbs he called home.  So I’ve heard.

     Vance grew up in a 4 bedroom suburban home in Ohio, in a family that earned a little over $175k/year in today’s dollars and paid for his golf lessons. He eventually overcome this tragic upbringing to attend Yale Law School.

    Neither poor, rural, nor Appalachian. Just a grifter.
    —James M Thomas

  24. Sturge: Again, I haven’t read the book and I won’t, and I am not defending his adult grifting, but I can say that having a parent and/or living in a home with untreated active addiction whether it be alcohol or other drugs, is like living in a battle zone no matter how nice the house. You can’t underestimate the damaging effects on children caught up in it through no fault of their own. 

  25. Ivy… I’m with you.  Addiction doesn’t care about your gender, age, religion, money… etc., etc.
    I don’t like Vance…   but his parent’s addiction is not his fault.  His being an asshole is though…

  26. I don’t doubt his mother the nurse allegedly using her position to procure drugs, and that that was plenty rough; just the “hillbilly” part.  It was certainly not Dogpatch.

    But whatever culture he grew up in, he didn’t escape it.

  27. “Addictions and corrupt systems are dysfunctional, and they make people lie.”
    – Melody Beattie

  28. Ah, the scenic Appalachians of Ohio

    My fav nature spot besides the Rockies of Kansas

    The Florida Alps are pretty nice too 🥸

  29. Exactly, Renee. Look at the Trump “kids.” Totally messed up in spite of the luxury they were raised in. 

  30. Birmingham is the foothills of the Appalachians. The culture is wide and strong and, like any dysfunction, multigenerational. 

  31. “High atop Red Mountain”. Doug Leyton and Tommy Charles.

    Leyton on Charles: “He never takes a bath….every Christmas he chisels off his socks and stands them on the mantle..”

  32. Vance was a pr guy in the marines  nothing more  He never really served

  33. Are MAGAts stupid enough to let their nastiness make Harris POTUS before Biden’s term is up?  Do they really want to run against Madam President?  Their hate will eat them alive. 

    Who’s running the MAGAt Party? It’s Putin, with help from his boy toy, Fluffy Carlson, and assorted MAGAts in Congress.

  34. Gretchen Whitmer

    Today, not only am I fired up to endorse @KamalaHarris for President of the United States, I’m proud to serve as a co-chair of her campaign. 

    In Vice President Harris, Michigan voters have a candidate they can count on to lower their costs, protect their freedoms, and build an economy that works for working people. Donald Trump is a convicted felon who stokes violence, overturned Roe, and drove our economy into the ground. We cannot let him anywhere near the White House.

    Vice President Harris, you have my full support. Let’s win this.

  35. I understand the folks who wanted an open process for naming Biden’s replacement.
    But I really really really do not want SFB back in the Whitehouse.
    This is so much better.  A rolling out of endorsements and really excellent
    statements to go with them.    They should all be as good as Whitmer’s.

  36. “Christianity will go,” Lennon was quoted as saying. “It will vanish and shrink. I needn’t argue about that; I’m right and I’ll be proved right. We’re more popular than Jesus now; I don’t know which will go first – rock ‘n’ roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It’s them twisting it that ruins it for me.”

    Birmingham disc jockeys Tommy Charles, left, and Doug Layton of Radio Station WAQY rip and break materials representing …
    Read More

    The comments received little attention at the time until they were reprinted that July in “Datebook,” a teen magazine in America. On July 30, 1966, Tommy Charles and Doug Layton of WAQY in Birmingham announced that they were no longer playing Beatles albums, asking listeners to send in Beatles albums and merchandise to burn in a special promotion.
    Alvin Benn, a longtime Alabama reporter who was a reporter for United Press International at the time, heard Charles and Layton’s show that day on the way to work and knew there was a story there.


  37. Based on their election results I think Cooper – although his name recognition is not as high as Beshear’s – would offer a decent chance to bring NC back to blue.  He won his last election there by over 200,000 votes – a margin 20 times what his first election as governor was.

    (This had a couple hours age on it before I posted, then went and read the comments from this morning. I agree about Mark Kelly – He’s got everything Cooper has to offer plus he has some name recognition from his NASA days and from the incident when Gabby was shot. On balance probably should be at the top of the heap of VP possibilities).

    Bink, LOL.

  38. I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians.  Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. 

    —Mahatma Gandhi

  39. Nancy just delivered the final nail into Joe’s last vestige. Joe, down with Covid19, reportedly furious with Nancy the past week for not vocalizing total support for his candidacy, now is going to govern off The Trail.  Nancy delivered a flowering statement of support for The Queen, the crown of the opponent of Trump.  Since Beshear , Newsom, Cooper, Shapiro and every other possible challenger to Queen Kamala have dropped back like Tour De France domestiques, supplying water bottles to their lead rider, the only battle left is the scramble for VP.  I like Beshear.  Cooper is 67, a good age I guess…and I don’t think The Queen will take on California’s best, Gavin…too much Cali. Shapiro, I love that guy, but Andy has appeal and is no goddam nonsense.  So, don’t worry, I am done as of this keystroke, no more calling Harris The Queen.  I am a Joe devotee and I just had to get it out of my system, as they say.

  40. Mark Cuban’s TikTok of Kamala Harris clips to a sped up soundtrack of Taylor Swift’s “Who’s Afraid of Little, Old Me?” is chef’s kiss of trolling Orange Adolf.   (He included a lot of clips of her laughing, too.) Now, open up that checkbook!

  41. please don’t take Andy. KY needs him to right now. in 2026 he can move on to take mitch’s senate seat.

    if there’s not a better suited female, then Roy does sound ideal altho not so sure he has the international chops necessary to augment kamala’s

    A short primer on NC Gov. Roy Cooper, who could be a Democratic VP contender (msn.com)


    Cooper, 67, is finishing out his second term as governor. North Carolina law prevents governors from serving more than two consecutive terms.

    He and Harris, both former state attorneys general, have known each other for years.

    Cooper has led the Democratic Governors Association, and he has been a frequent surrogate and champion for the Biden-Harris administration.

    He has worked well enough with Republicans who control the General Assembly to bring major new jobs to the state, from Apple to Toyota. The state often tops lists as the best places to do business.

    His major issues as governor have been public education funding and teacher raises, Medicaid expansion, expanding infrastructure, addressing climate change and leading the state’s response during the coronavirus pandemic. Most of the criticism he has received as governor has been over his administration’s handling of hurricane relief and restrictions he imposed during the pandemic.


  42. A friend was on a road trip with his wife last summer. They were visiting state capitols.  They came to Kentucky’s , walked in, gawking around, came to an open door, there sat Governor Beshear going over paperwork. They were startled and backed away when Andy smiled and exchanged pleasantries with them.  Bullshit? Yeah…but he made a video and I saw it.  Now with Andy’s name in the hat, that will never happen again.

  43. Mr. S, i don’t use the South African’s hate site, but in a browser, the bottom right icon with a tray and arrow up icon is the “share” button, then select “copy link”

    …might be different on the app which i will never install on my phone 🤷‍♂️

    Deport Elon

    (i’ll click on a direct link that exposes me to zero advertising so he don’t get a goddamned nickel from my use)

  44. Manchin was reminded that those running for president in the Democratic Party have to meet one important criteria, they must be a member of the Democratic Party.

  45. Would be a very good hire.. News: David Plouffe, a leading adviser to Barack Obama, has been approached by allies of @VP Kamala Harris to join a team of consultants atop her organization

  46. MSNBC probably won’t rudely cut him off again for Craig Melvin. I was surprised he stayed on the line after that, but he did. 

  47. I’m enjoying the large print headlines and that none of them are about the felon. 

  48. Ron DeSantis: “The presidency is not a job for someone that’s 80 years old…We need an energetic president…I think there’s going to be a lot of Americans that are going to want to see a generational passing of the torch.” (Sept. 2023)

  49. Why couldn’t God have just given the shooter car trouble before he left for the rally?
    Mysterious ways!

  50. 24 hours.  $81 million.  
    I love POTUS Joe and hope he’s on the mend in all ways.   

  51. Craig 

    Are you on Threads yet?  It seems to have become the jump to location for those sick of Elon’s tired bird.

  52. CNBC has it over $100M online promises for Harris.  
    Can they get a billion? Keep this auction rolling!

  53. This is the most fun I’ve had following Trump’s Truth Social feed since Day 1, reading every post. He’s totally losing it. Appears to be all he is doing today.

  54. Wow! Going into the vault to pull out Paul Ryan. Ha!   This is hurting Orange Adolf way more than that paper cut on his ear. 

  55. His cognitive decline includes increasingly lame nicknames.. 

    Donald J. Trump


    Wow, just watching the Fake News, and they’re doing their very best to turn the Worst President in the History of our Country into a “Brilliant and Heroic Leader” (He was heroic because he quit!), and to turn “Dumb as a Rock” Kamala Harris from a totally failed and insignificant Vice President into a future “Great” President. No, it just doesn’t work that way!

    Jul 22, 2024, 3:17 PM

  56. Donald J. Trump


    Somebody please explain to Rep. James Clyburn, not the brightest bulb in the House, that I am beating the Biden/Harris Prosecutors, like Deranged Jack Smith, whose case against me in Florida, “the biggest of them all” according to the Radical Left Lunatics, was just “thrown out” as being Unconstitutional. Now it is my time to sue them for illegally breaking into, and raiding, Mar-a-Lago. All of these Biden/Harris cases against me are a Weaponization of Justice against their Political Opponent, Me — Strictly Third World Country. MAGA2024!

    Jul 22, 2024, 1:29 PM

  57. In philosophyressentiment (/rəˌsɒ̃.tiˈmɒ̃/; French pronunciation: [ʁə.sɑ̃.ti.mɑ̃] ) is one of the forms of resentment or hostility. The concept was of particular interest to some 19th-century thinkers, most notably Friedrich Nietzsche. According to their use, ressentiment is a sense of hostility directed toward an object that one identifies as the cause of one’s frustration, that is, an assignment of blame for one’s frustration.[1]The sense of weakness or inferiority complexand perhaps even jealousy in the face of the “cause” generates a rejecting/justifying value system, or morality, which attacks or denies the perceived source of one’s frustration. This value system is then used as a means of justifying one’s own weaknesses by identifying the source of envy as objectively inferior, serving as a defense mechanism that prevents the resentful individual from addressing and overcoming their insecurities and flaws. The ego creates an enemy to insulate themselves from culpability.

  58. Biden?  Mr. C just posted he was listening in to a Kamala conference call.  Hopefully he is getting some much-deserved rest when not conducting the nation’s business

    …just heard his voice in a news clip, his sinuses are a little stuffy, sounds good otherwise

  59. David Axelrod: “If I was sitting in Trump headquarters watching that speech I would be very very concerned. Kamala Harris gave a perfectly conceived and well delivered reintroduction of herself”

  60. The Biden merch  store now has Harris branded items; Harris for President, Madam President. 

  61. Kamala is the Jack Smith of campaigning. I hope no one tells her she needs to soften it up. 

    We want justice.

    Justice and revenge are not the same things. Fritz would tell you.

  62. Refreshing to see a candidate who can hit her marks and get a tight message across in short order without detouring into half an hour of gibberish about cannibals and sharks. Suddenly Trump is so yesterday.

  63. Joe was looking very far into the future when he picked Kamala.  I’ll feel a lot better when she IS officially the nominee . I still fear some screwball might wanna fight, but I guess she’s ready…..ready’s anybody can be.

  64. Craig

    There are groups on both Twitter and thread of “single cat ladies” decidedly voting blue.  Single women with grown children and cats are petitioning for membership.  Some of the not nice things being said about Vance are hilarious.  

  65. Hitting the road tomorrow… Vice President Harris will hold a campaign event in Milwaukee on Tuesday — her first major event as the Democratic Party’s potential nominee.

  66. Guess this is why she’s going there tomorrow. Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler said 89 of the state’s 95 delegates had declared their support for Harris as of mid-afternoon on Monday. “The level of unity and energy is through the roof,” Wikler told reporters, saying he knows of “no delegate who plans to vote against Vice President Harris.”

  67. The California Democratic National Convention delegation voted UNANIMOUSLY to endorse Kamala Harris for President. Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi made the motion praising “the selflessness of Joe Biden and the excellence of Kamala Harris.”

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