Plan C

Attribution: Stubborn Biden Drags Democrats to Convention by R.J. Matson, CQ Roll Call

Before Drumpf jumped into the race to save himself from jail, Joe’s Plan A most likely was to step down from the Presidency right after the 2024 primaries to allow Kamala to go into the convention as President keeping his “bridge” promise in 2020. By that time she would be ensconced as a proven leader to the nation and to the world.

But the dangerous wannabe-dictator dove into the pool like a cannonball diver.

Ergo Plan B based on assumption of Dem unity repeating the 2020 victory against the dark forces. Alas, disunity ensued.

Thus, IMHO, Plan C (aka the Convention preceded by the virtual vote in August) wherein Joe waits until the Biden Harris ticket is official and the ballots are printed before passing the baton.


58 thoughts on “Plan C”

  1. however, best laid plans of mice and men (especially democrats) oft go astray

    Attribution: Democrats Are Split by Bob Englehart,

  2. President Biden’s good showing in front of NATO did little to quell concerns among Democratic lawmakers, George Clooney offered a roadmap for replacing Biden on the ticket, and the inventor of MyPillow wants Donald Trump to put him in charge of U.S. elections.

  3. in other news:

    Clarence Thomas accepted a free yacht trip to Russia and got flown out on a complimentary helicopter ride to Putin’s hometown, 2 Democratic senators say (

    Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon filed a letter to US Attorney General Merrick Garland on July 3, asking to open an investigation into the SCOTUS judge.
    The letter highlighted the “serious possibility of tax fraud” and accused Thomas of having “secretly accepted gifts and income potentially worth millions of dollars.”
    The letter’s appendix, which lists 35 undisclosed gifts, shows a “yacht trip to Russia and the Baltics” and a “helicopter ride to Yusupov Palace, St. Petersburg,” both listed under the year 2003.
    St. Petersburg is Putin’s birthplace and where he grew up. The president currently resides in Moscow.
    The appendix list is titled “Likely Undisclosed Gifts and Income from Harlan Crow and Affiliated Companies.” Harlan Crow is a real estate developer and the former chairman and CEO of the Trammell Crow Company.

    AOC files articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito (


  4. Something has to happen. The best case scenario is Biden aces today’s 5:30pm press conference and goes on to prove every day that his scary debate night was a one-off.

  5. Under a scenario where Biden steps down after getting the nomination, I think DNC rules say the chairman, Jaime Harrison, would name a nominee quickly followed by a vote of the full committee.

  6. ABC News: “Biden and Trump tied despite debate, but two-thirds of Americans – including a majority of Joe Biden’s own supporters – say he should step aside as his party’s presumptive nominee” — new ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll finds.

    Hey Pumpkin Head, two-thirds say your opponent should drop out but you are so awful you’re still tied with him??? Republicans have the wrong nominee.

  7. Urocklive1
    Can any journalist explain to me why not a single major media outlet is reporting on Trump being all over the Epstein court documents, and being accused of raping a minor? This seems like major news, no? So why no coverage? Are journalists being told not talk about this?

  8. Sturg, I too wondered about lack of coverage on the new Epstein documents so I dug into it several days ago and discovered: 

    — Trump’s name is not mentioned in the new release. However there is a code name that purportedly refers to him but unclear what that was about 

    — the rape of a minor allegation comes from a very old lawsuit that was covered years ago when it was filed, but the case was withdrawn and refiled three times, never even got to the discovery stage and never refiled. 

    Much as I would have liked to find something worth discussing, I didn’t. Ted Lieu really overstated the facts in that press conference this week.

  9. sturg, your 8:13 – I’ve been asking that since the grand jury documents were released. And Poobah clears it up. Correct, rats.

    Just a thought – a little forensic work looking at airplane manifests, stuff like that and matching up code names to real names might yield something.

  10. Republicans don’t care about trump’s dirt; mobilize, mobilize, mobilize
    GotV, protect ballot access

    Huge waste of energy trying to damage trump

  11. BB, in case you aren’t following it, Pagacar is in yellow after yesterday’s mountain stage and also is wearing polka dots.  He was outsprinted by Vingegaard in a photo finish on the final uphill stretch.  I can’t find any TV coverage of the race so I’m just following it on the LeTour.Fr site.  Pogacar hasa a 1’06” lead over Vingegaard at present through stage 11.  Today’s a flat stage so I don’t expect any movement in the top riders.

  12. i know guys like Meal Team 6 and the Gravy SEALs, and the guns they legally own would scare the shit out of you

    If you really want to see what the gun-nuts are up to, they like to show off on instagram, i surmise one may make some sobering discoveries

    Doing so will mess with your algorithm and you’ll start getting gun ads, which also is elucidating

  13. Trump in April giving keynote address at Project 2025 dinner:

    “This is a great group & they’re going to lay the groundwork & detail plans for exactly what our movement will do … when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America.”

    This morning…

    Donald J. Trump

    I know nothing about Project 2025. I have not seen it, have no idea who is in charge of it, and, unlike our very well received Republican Platform, had nothing to do with it. The Radical Left Democrats are having a field day, however, trying to hook me into whatever policies are stated or said. It is pure disinformation on their part. By now, after all of these years, everyone knows where I stand on EVERYTHING! DJT

    Jul 11, 2024, 12:24 AM

  14. BiD got the word out on Project 2025, nice one 🫡 

    Ok sorry, checking trailmix while i doomscroll Biden headlines that say nothing new, must stop

    Vote Blue and persuade one trumpy relative to write in RFK ✌️ 🇺🇸

  15. People trying to make them relevant that that maroon Carville and others even with less to add are having a wonderful time.  This is the worst. Can’t wait to hear Clooney say he is supporting RFKjr or maybe Trump will make him his vp. His anti Vaxer stand is perfect for Trump and his ilk.

  16. Bink…  thanks…. but I think I’ll pass on looking up anything do with guns or gun-nuts.
    I’m enjoying summer despite all the crap being slung about…

  17. So weird, they’re just not listening to Joe’s vow to stay in.

    Former Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, asked if he supports Biden staying on the top of the ticket:

    “I think he’s gonna make a decision. I think he’s still working on that and we’ll see.”

    When told that Biden has explicitly said he’s staying in the race and has made a decision, Hoyer says “I don’t have any comment beyond what I just said.”

  18. Jeffries presser now: Biden discussions are “candid, clear-eyed, comprehensive” and “ongoing”.

    I think that’s what diplomats call a food fight.

    He didn’t take a side on whether Biden should drop out.

  19. Rep. Gerry Connolly (who got his first Capitol Hill job working for Biden) on whether Biden will be his candidate next week:

    “I don’t know. Events are unfolding very fast. I want to create space for the president and the White House to make a careful, reflective an patriotic decision.”

  20. Maybe Joe needs to tell these people who keep ignoring his vows to stay in what Pelosi told that reporter yesterday in the hallway: “Am I not speaking English to you”

  21. again I ask

    why are the white dem critters ignoring (downright dissing IMO) the unified stances taken by the black and hispanic caucuses in support of Joe?  do those minority folks not count anymore in the congressional districts of the white guys to be so blatantly written off?

  22. patD – And those same, white Dems sure sound like they want to bypass Harris, which would be an even bigger blunder.

  23. Guess I can’t blame Biden campaign for asking, but why risk getting caught at a time like this? Just feeds the narrative that his handlers run the show.

    Milwaukee radio station says it agreed to Biden campaign’s request to edit interview, cutting “I have more Blacks in my administration than any other president, all other presidents combined, and in major positions, cabinet positions.” —

  24. Pogo – thanks.  I have been going to the Tour de France site too.  A few years ago I used the power of VPN to watch from France, and I am thinking to doing that in the mountain stages.

  25. The Biden campaign is trying to calm nerves within its staff, saying in a memo obtained by Axios: “While there is no question there is increased anxiety following the debate, we are not seeing this translate into a drastic shift in vote share.

    Well, as long as it ain’t a “drastic shift” 🤦‍♂️ 

  26. I forgot to acknowledge the death of Shelly Duvall.  Wonderfully talented actress (actor I am still confused on this).  She was the perfect Olive Oyl in Robin Williams Popeye film. Even more important for me was her Faerie Tale Theatre series. She entertained my very young boys and helped them into childhood with the magic of imagination.  It was with a big monster, heavy duty, rental VHS machine that her magic entertained them and me.  R.I.P. Shelly

  27. Sturg – I’m afraid the writing is on the wall.  White Dems with money and power are nervous and they will push Biden out for 2024.

    Not sure if we expect an announcement during the MAGAt convention or after.  Timing.  

    If those powerful, wealthy, white Dems are also brazenly stupid enough to bypass VP Harris as the new candidate, our democracy is sunk.   There are many caucuses, and  many unaffiliated out in the general public, who would see that as a slap in the face on many levels.  


    Biden/Harris 2024
    Unions/Teachers/Medical/People of color/Women/Latinx/LGBTQ/everyone who isn’t a white supremacist masquerading as a Christian
    tRUMP/Project 2025 Never!

    ps – The MAGAts are lying when they say they are backing off of a federal abortion ban, just like they were lying when they promised to keep their hands off of Social Security and Medicare at the 2023 SOTU.  

  28. Although he stumbled and misspoke throughout, this is the strongest case Biden has been able to make for himself in substance and performance since the debate. But I don’t know that it’ll reassure skeptics enough to stem the tide moving against him within the Democratic Party.

  29. So we’re asked to believe that a “long time Biden advisor” is going to go and confide in that CNN shit weasel Jake tapper.   That’s worth about as much as used toilet paper.   

  30. Dang, i am going to have to watch what i say in my private text thread with Jake Tapper

  31. How do these people have no contingency plans?!
    The flubs are embarrassing, not gonna lie
    ok freeze me and wake me up in 100 years ✌️ 🧊 🪐 

  32. Can you imagine Dumbass doing the press conference Joe did after the NATO summit concluded?  When fat pigs fly. 

  33. If Dems would focus on the possibility of losing our democracy under ANY future Repug prez, instead of obsessing over ever slip of the lip…Dems need to get it together.  

    Go after tRUMPsky.
    Go after Project 2025.  
    Go after those who overturned Roe and who want to further erode our rights.
     Think where we would be if the conversations would’ve been held privately after the debate, if they had to happen at all. 

    Think of where we would be if they had figured out who to run with Kamala Harris, so as to avoid chaos, if it came to it.

    Think of where we would be if they had focused on Orange Adolf’s lies, nonsense about golf, and lack of answers on policy at the debate. 

    Biden/Harris 2024

  34. If the French can get it together and slap down the far-right in a week, why can’t Dems get past this?   It’s just weird.  There are ambitious asshats and nervous nellies who have undermined Biden.  For what? Chaos. 

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