31 thoughts on “Sunday Serendipity”

  1. Jack, thanks for the sublime. now for the ridiculous:

    I’m MTG! – A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

  2. Randy shoots. Randy scores!  

    BiD, Bink had good advice about getting pics of damage to your car. Combine his and my advice and you should be well prepared whether you use a lawyer or try to deal with the insurance companies yourself.  To get good pics go to a local service center and have them put it on a lift so you can take a bunch of photos. Get an oil change and tire rotation while you’re at it and they’ll probably be happy to help you out in documenting the damage. 

    So you don’t have to I peeked in at FauxSnooze this morning. They are busy rewriting history. Black is white, up is down, yes is no. SSDD

  3. blue-somewhere: congrats on your escape, let us know how it is in your new place. Good luck with your car situation. I’ll check with Mr. Ivy for his insurance-wiz, but that just does not sound right that they could disclaim responsibility for whatever damage they caused.

  4. blue

    Glad you made the move safely.  It sounds as if you are getting good trail advice on the car.  Send letter when you are settled.  



  5. Verdict: It was just flooded from being moved off & on the trailer several times.   Hard to believe it would shake like that, but now I know.  

  6. BiD, if it hadn’t been Sunday Serendipity time, I was gonna dedicate the thread to you getting the hell out of Dallas with songs like “Leavin’ on a Jet Plane” and this one for starters:

    sure glad you made your escape.  just in time too before the coming historically big hurricane season blows everything down that way away.

  7. Hurricane Rita blew through DFW.  It knocked over outdoor furniture & that was about it. Everything was cancelled, including a charity auction for my friend’s sister.  

    But Houston…

  8. Houston is a great place to experience hurricane season in the western Gulf of Mexico if you like lots of wind, rain, flooding and power outages during the hottest part of the summer. At least that’s what my niece who has lived there for 15 years tells me. 

  9. Yes, Houston. Lived there for 7 years. On two occasions had to abandon our car and walk home through flood waters, once carrying an infant. The other time had to crawl out through the car window when the bayou rose up suddenly across the only roadway into the development. 
    We located and visited that house and neighborhood just last week. All the memories came flooding back. We didn’t leave Houston because of the weather, but it didn’t hurt. 

  10. Texans are a weird lot.  They can have it and are welcome to it it’s very quaint in that Texas kinds way,  I mean they got nothing on SC or Panhandle Florida in Loons per square inch but Florida and SC are a different kind of Loon.  And, as many have said, possibly much loonier. My own personal Looniness to which I have grown accustomed accustomed.

  11. Ahhhhhhhh..::.(cough-cough) ….Strauss. .  
    Me midda exposed me to some mighty fine Strausinations

  12. Ah, the travels of D.C. Marion Barry.  I had just flown into D.C. area when this showed up on television.  It was him being elected again that was the surprise.  It is this that I think sfb is sure that being a criminal (convicted) is why he is convinced it makes him good with POC.  He is out of his freaking mind.  Oh, I hope we hear about his mental capacity exam during intake. A nice video, in crackling black and white, of him in his drawers was used as evidence. 

  13. When I think Strauss I think waltz. My parents did not do waltz so my familiarity with Strauss is minimal. I liked it though. 

  14. So, Rupert Murdoch married a Russian socialite, this weekend
    i know none of you need me to connect those dots for you 🕵️‍♂️ 

  15. https://people.com/donald-trump-barred-entering-37-countries-convicted-felon-8657038
    “Thirty-eight nations, counting the United States, bar felons from entry, according to World Population Review. Those bans stand regardless of whether someone is allowed to retain their passport after conviction.”
    “Countries that turn felons away include several of the United States’ strongest allies, like the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada — the final of which will host the G7 summit of world leaders in 2025. The list also includes a number of nations at the center of pressing foreign policy issues, such as China, Israel and Mexico.”
    So, does this mean he’s banned from visiting his golf course in Scotland? 

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