“Something important is going on,” he said. The court has taken a wrong turn, he said, and it is not too late to turn back.
User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
“Something important is going on,” he said. The court has taken a wrong turn, he said, and it is not too late to turn back.
more from the good Justice
What Stephen Breyer’s new book says about key Supreme Court cases – The Washington Post
speaking of legal philosophies and their various applications, here’s a david horsey ‘toon and op ed a few days ago in the seattle times In this out-of-whack world, I would not be surprised if a corporate executive caught in criminal activity were to claim he was being unfairly targeted because cisgender white males are disproportionately represented among those being arrested for white-collar offenses. But it would be absurd, right? Corporate leaders who end up in jail are nearly all white guys because nearly all corporate leaders are white guys. Similarly, there are more poor, marginalized people inclined to steal from a grocery store because they are poor and marginalized. That is not so hard to figure out, is it? There is no question that various racial and economically disadvantaged groups have been abused or poorly served by the legal system or in public education throughout American history, but disproportionality is not, in all cases, an indication of bias, whether in policing, in our schools or in some other sector of our society. Sometimes, rather than proving bias, the numbers merely point to far larger problems. Recently, a serious gap was identified between the number of white and Asian students successfully passing eighth-grade algebra in the San Francisco School District and the number of Black and Latino students who were doing poorly. Logic would suggest that greater efforts should be made to improve the performance of the Black and Latino kids. Instead, because it became an ideology-driven issue of disproportionality, the school district stopped teaching algebra to any eighth graders. Talk about absurd. Consider another example of faulty reasoning driven by ideological ardor. Here in Washington, there has been a push in the Legislature to drastically reduce, if not eliminate, enforcement of jaywalking laws because homeless people are disproportionately represented among those being cited for crossing streets in the wrong place or at the wrong time. It does not seem to matter to those concerned about this disproportionality that homeless folks are also disproportionately represented among those being injured or killed in pedestrian accidents; they are more focused on their automatic assumption that the police are using jaywalking as an… Read more »
no colbert this week so here’s last night’s kimmel:
Jimmy’s son Billy had a list of things he was expecting for St. Patrick’s Day, the large orange leprechaun Donald Trump spent his weekend stewing over a joke Jimmy made about him at the Oscars, people all over are making “Isn’t it Past Your Jail Time?” merchandise, Trump’s lawyers told the court today that they can’t find anyone to put up the $454 million bond he needs to cover what he owes the state of New York, Donny made a stop in Dayton, Ohio where he made some disturbing remarks, his former Vice Poodle is not being a very good boy, and we sent a crew to a Trump rally in South Carolina to give those gathered a simple citizenship test.
Headline gave me a chuckle, that’s an old Richard Pryor line for what white people mean when they say “justice” — JUST-US
The article on Breyer is interesting. His critique of justices who “fetishize” original text is spot on. Wonder if his book touches on the ultimate fallacy of that approach — Does the Court really have the power to review legislation or executive orders? It’s not in the Constitution. The Court just assumed that power in Marbury vs. Madison.
Sturg, knowing your concern about flying on airlines that fly Boeing … from WaPo:
Forewarned is forearmed. Fly informed.
Well, I don’t care who makes it, if it’s an airplane it’s not something I’ll be getting into.
It’s against the law of gravity.
It’s not the flying part, it’s the landing part.
But you know, it’s not just flying; there’s a LOT of things u did when I was young and planning to live forever that I no longer will do. Like driving a car at 100 mph while inebriated, you know…stuff like that.
At times I hear from someone telling me that flying is so much safer than driving a car…..But all I think is that I HAVE to drive a car—why compound it by driving AND fluing. Anyway, my flying days are done.
My friend Elgin Wells was a musician and a pilot like his dad. He died when his plane crashed at an air show in China. (I’d stopped flying years before so his death had no bearing on my decision.)
Well, uno mas I guess, while I’m at it. Elgin and I were in the band behind Joe Savage, the Snake Man. A Thousand stories in that tour.
Sad story, Sturge, and a beautiful tribute. Never too late to recognize the lasting legacy of a good friend.
My mom died less than a month after your friend. One of her frequent sayings was particular to fear of flying: when your number’s up, your number’s up, no matter where you at. Among her few that I actually agreed with. Not that I would run out to do anything foolhardy or reckless just to test the theory.
When my number’s up it won’t be in a plane. I don’t have “fear of flying” per se…..I just at some point (1977 my last flight, Charleston to Newark) realized that the only way to be absolutely sure of not being in a plane crash was to avoid being in a plane. I’m cool wid dat.
Most car crashes are fairly instantaneous while with a plane crash I figure you have awhile to think about it.
There is also the republicans’ penchant for slashing regulations to consider.
prolly true. Me and Mr. Ivy had hairy one such out of LaGuardia last September. 😀
The only reason I ever skied was it felt so good when I stopped.
Skiing, flying – neither one’s killed me yet. although skiing helped hasten a shoulder operation and probably didn’t help the knee I had replaced either.
BTW, sturg, took delivery of a new guitar yesterday (pics of the model I bought are linked). Built by Denny Zager (of Zager & Evans – In the Year 2525 fame – the earwig song I heard 40,000 times while I was painting my uncle’s gutters and trim in 1969). Not an expensive one (I don’t do that), but really nice little acoustic. They market them as Easy Play – have a scosh more spacing between the strings than others, although I can’t really tell that. Still, very comfortable neck and the body isn’t oppressively large like most dreadnaughts. Gonna challenge LP to teach me how to play an acoustic beyond my aimless noodling. Maybe even learn another chord or two beyond the 7 I know now.
Elgin was a funny guy, loved to play chess and since I knew how the pieces move he was always after me to play a game with him…..on the road with a band you got a lot of motel time for stuff like that so we’d play and I would invariably lose, until this one time somehow I happened to win one. lol. He NEVER again asked me for a game. I used to egg him— hey how bout a game, and he’d always have something else he had to do. That was in ‘72. Sometimes wonders me how looking back from all these years, playing that silly show with The Snake Man was such a high point in our lives, what with all the stories and the laughs.
Joe Savage was from Brooklyn and became a captain in the Air Force stationed in Myrtle Beach….he got bit by the show-biz bug and was always coming into the joint wanting to sing. He was ok, not bad, but he was determined to be an entertainer. Getting out of the AF he put a band together and began to get along with it. He wasn’t making it until he decided to add the snakes. Then he had himself a snake show and started making it.
It was like Spinal Tap—the stories were constant and constantly hilarious. 8 months of walking on air.
Sounds like one of those guys you’d just kind of enjoy hanging with. Nice music, and I love that guitar he plays. Unique I’d say.
Will Peter have to be dragged in today kicking and screaming? Personally, I’d rather it be Bannon. And I don’t get why it isn’t.
Update – Asked and answered: “Before reporting to jail, Navarro spoke for 30 minutes at a gas station and called the case against him an “unprecedented assault on the constitutional separation of powers.” He claimed that the legal tactics that were used against him would be used against Trump: “I am pissed – that’s what I am feeling right now.” Navarro concluded: “God bless you all, see you on the other side.” (CNN)
Valid questions in this AI Age of Unreason.
Joe was in an existential battle with the snakes. He was dying to be another Sinatra, but his living well was tied to the snakes. Joe had several different shows—The War Show, The Peace Show, The Motown Show etc and the big wazoo, The Snake Sho, an extremely over-the/top show involving jungle music, flaming torches, strobe lights, a Smoke machine, a rooster on a perch cockadoodle doing his ass off while this bald-headed maniac is running around the room wearing an Alley Oop costume with two large snakes wrapped around him. Those snakes could electrify a room. So he didn’t do the snake show every night doing it maybe the 1st night of a 6-nighter and then saving it for the weekend. Except in New Bedford this one time when Rlgin handy made it back from Atlantabin time for the first night, he decided against doing the snakes……but his flunky who absolutely drooled over ANY excuse to get on stage went up, grabbed a mic and solemnly announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen, I regret to inform you that THERE WILL BE NO SNAKE SHOW TONIGHT.” He shouldnta done that.
We were all hanging out in the dressing room waiting to go back on when the huge cigar-chomping mafioso club owner comes in with a great door kick and yells: “whadda hell ya mean no fucking SNAKES?? I’m paying for SNAKES and I wanna see some fuckin’ SNAKES!”
To his credit, Joe refused and we had a week to enjoy the wonders of Massachusetts. The next week was Leominster, so I went up to Oxford and visited with an old coast guard buddy. But that’s a whole nother story.
That’s the bare bones of the short story “There Will Be No Snake Show Tonight” but there’s a lot more to it.
At last one minion is in prison, albeit for six months. He should do that on his head. Will he get solitary to keep his a* safe from others?
Hopefully someone will kick Garland to the street and replace him with a real DOJ leader. A leader who will get bannon in prison too.
With criminal/not criminal Manafort returning to the stage it should be easy to nail his butt as soon as he does one of his russian agent acts. That would take him out, and I doubt President Biden has it in his mind to pardon him.
it’s actually the other way around 😬
Extra-light gauge strings, Mr. P
Oh, and good news if you know 7 chords: you only need 3. And the truth 😉
Last time i flew, i passed one of our nations’s most contemptible GOP reps in the airport, and i wanted to make a little vocal protest at them, but there was too much sadness in their eyes
Bink – restraint is admirable. I have had the same urge, but decided another beer would be better than sitting in the basement hold cell and miss my flight.
I’ve been in a good many car crashes and it seems now that they were all kind of happened in the blink of the old eye, but imagine those people in Sullenburer’s plane…,I think they had time to be thinking: I KNEW I shoulda took the damn train.
And movies like “The High and Mighty” didn’t help a bit—John Wayne or no John Wayne.
I know what willlie said about those 3 chords ( I think it was Willie but not totally sure—seems like it mighta been Billy Joe Shaver) but if you grew up in the fifties and sixties its mighty hard if you don’t have that 6-minor to toss in there.
Maurice was lying to her about that Mommie don’t mind part. And daddy don’t mind? Fahgeddaboutit.
Ah….three chords and the truth….Harlan Howard. I got to play with him once. That was fun.
Biden announces government funding deal that could avert shutdown (usatoday.com)
I do go with extra lights on the electrics – I think there are lights on the new one. My fingertips tell me I need extra lights, but I don’t feel the need to rush out and buy new ones just yet. Gonna lower the action until it buzzes then raise it until the buzzing stops. At that point I’ll know whether I need to replace the factory strings. They’re called custom lights so I expect they are an 11 – 52 set.
Three chords and the truth – yup. I do only know 3 at a time (in C & G) plus I know A but for the life of me can’t remember why.
There’s just some days when I got nothing better to do. lol
Trump lawyers just filed their brief in the immunity case, asserting his efforts to stop certification of the 2020 election were “based on voluminous information available to President Trump in his official capacity, that at the election was tainted by extensive fraud and irregularities”.– – Page 16, see link above
That is a lie.
I would not want to be the lawyer in oral arguments who will certainly be asked to defend and support that claim. Prosecutors will have fun with this in their response brief.
https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/19/politics/supreme-court-allows-texas-to-begin-enforcing-controversial-immigration-law/index.html “The Supreme Court on Tuesday cleared the way for Texas to immediately begin enforcing a controversial immigration law that allows state officials to arrest and detain people they suspect of entering the country illegally. The court’s three liberals dissented.” “Senate Bill 4, signed into law by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in December, makes entering Texas illegally a state crime and allows state judges to order immigrants to be deported. Immigration enforcement, generally, is a function of the federal government.” “The law immediately raised concerns among immigration advocates of increased racial profiling as well as detentions and attempted deportations by state authorities in Texas, where Latinos represent 40% of the population.” “White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Tuesday that “we fundamentally disagree” with the ruling. “S.B. 4 will not only make communities in Texas less safe, it will also burden law enforcement, and sow chaos and confusion at our southern border,” she said in a statement. “S.B. 4 is just another example of Republican officials politicizing the border while blocking real solutions.” “The law, Sotomayor wrote in her dissent, “upends the federal-state balance of power that has existed for over a century, in which the National Government has had exclusive authority over entry and removal of noncitizens.” “Texas can now immediately enforce its own law imposing criminal liability on thousands of noncitizens and requiring their removal to Mexico,” Sotomayor wrote. “This law will disrupt sensitive foreign relations, frustrate the protection of individuals fleeing persecution, hamper active federal enforcement efforts, undermine federal agencies’ ability to detect and monitor imminent security threats, and deter noncitizens from reporting abuse or trafficking.” ps – The professor who testified that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her and should not be seated on the SC, was on The View today. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/4542502-kavanaugh-accuser-was-surprised-by-kindness-of-some-gop-senators/ “Ford released a memoir this week titled “One Way Back” that describes her experience of testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee in September 2018 about her allegations brought against Kavanaugh.” “.. the professor wrote in her new book that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) would not make eye contact with her during the hearing.” “Her accusations became the center of the… Read more »
Biden campaign hits Trump for saying US Jews should be ashamed for voting Democrat: “He’s said the only people he wants counting his money are ‘short guys wearing yarmulkes,’ & praised neo-Nazis who chanted ‘Jews will not replace us’ as ‘very fine people'”
“…very fine people – on both sides…” Right, those very fine people chanting “Jews won’t replace us.?” Those people Dumbass defended? Why Jews wouldn’t be Jews unless they supported that. Stupid prick.
Despite certain reports to the contrary, shoplifting and its effect may be happening in front of suburban people’s eyes. My local Walmart was on virtual lockdown with all self-checkouts closed and ringed behind shopping cart barriers. The little old lady guarding the garden-center exit said they’d suffered a $3 million inventory loss at this one store. I’m an old retail HR manager myself. She had some gruesome personal stories. I left nervous for her, alone by that door, and for myself, wary, sad and depressed. People will vote on this issue.
Next week is slowly slinking to the orange idiot. I am thinking the biggest issue is finding a property, physical real estate, owned by sfb. There is a lot of named uses, but it is looking like very little that you can touch with your finger. Crapland in Florida might be a winner. I think that might be physically owned by sfb or the mob.
First Ohio exit polls on CNN. Looks good for MAGA Senate candidate.
78% Trump approval.
Did Biden legitimately win? 62% No
When you have 6 employees running 180K sqft of retail space, no visible management anywhere, and then have customers check themselves out, people steal
Hire more people, Walmart
It’s Ohio, they elect people like Gym Jordan
That was my thought looking around. The place was a mess. It’s not easy, I know as a former hiring manager and working conditions are worse now. They’re competing with a new Bucee’s just down the road.
local governments should be getting firm employment commitments from these mega-retailers before they approve them completely dominating the town economy
it’s like the housing developments somebody complained about- Biden didn’t approve them, your local government did
Nikki got 14% of the vote and she’s not even running.
Even RonDuh and Chris Christie got votes.
A Florida protest vote against tRUMPsky?
Who will those 200,000 folks vote for in November?
“Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu operate in very different political systems, but all three aspire to tire and depress their people into submission through an endless campaign of lies…”
Interesting. In Netanyahu’s 2019 campaign, he used posters of himself with tRUMPsky and Putin.
Interesting. tRUMPsky’s nasty (and antisemitic) comment about Jewish folks who vote Dem “hating their religion,” comes just one day after Senator Schumer calls out Netanyahu.
Putin and tRUMPsky were living the heat President Biden was getting on aid to Israel/calls for a ceasefire in Gaza.
It’s almost like BeBe, Vlad, and Adolf are collaborating. Interesting.
It appears that Stump is suing ABC and George Steph over the interview with Mace
“Judge Lewis Kaplan, who oversaw the earlier defamation trial, said in a July 17 filing that the state’s technical meaning for rape before the law was changed is “far narrower than the meaning of ‘rape’ in common parlance, its definition in some dictionaries, in some federal and state criminal statutes and elsewhere.”
“The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape,’” Kaplan wrote.
Me thinks, tRUMPsky is desperate for funds and he’s decided defamation might pay pretty well. Based on Judge Kaplan’s words, he’s gonna lose.
“Trump has previously sued media outlets, including the New York Times and CNN, with no success.”
“Trump sued the New York Times over its investigation of his finances, which led to the recent New York civil court ruling that has him on the hook for $454 million. The suit was dismissed in March and Trump had to reimburse the newspaper’s legal costs.”
Matt McDermott
Holmes County has one of the largest Amish populations in the country. Are we witnessing a coordinated Amish vote against Trump?
Alex Cole
HOLY SHIT!!! nearly 20% of Republicans in Ohio say they will never vote for Trump in November, and 11% will vote for Biden!
Sturg – Moreno won his primary, and he’s the creep tRUMPsky endorsed. So, maybe some have lost their taste for him because of all of the baggage he carries, but he’s still a factor.
I was pleasantly surprised by today’s large protest vote in Florida.
“Former President Donald Trump told the Supreme Court on Tuesday that future presidents could be vulnerable to “de facto blackmail and extortion while in office” if the justices did not accept his sweeping view of immunity against special counsel Jack Smith’s election subversion charges.”
Is he telling on himself, again? What does Putin have on him?
“Jared Kushner has praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property” and suggested Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the strip.”
“Kushner also said he thinks Israel should move civilians from Gaza to the Negev desert in southern Israel.”
“He said that if he were in charge of Israel his number one priority would be getting civilians out of the southern city of Rafah, and that “with diplomacy” it could be possible to get them into Egypt.”
“But in addition to that, I would just bulldoze something in the Negev, I would try to move people in there,” he said. “I think that’s a better option, so you can go in and finish the job.”
Wow, JarJar sounds like a soulless goon.
What’s BeBe’s cut in this “waterfront property”?
Is anybody digging into JarJar’s $2 billion Saudi payout?
“A pregnant Arizona lawmaker who revealed in a speech at the state Senate that she was planning to get an abortion says she wanted to share with her colleagues and the public the practical effects of abortion restrictions passed over the years.”
Clip of her speech that she shouldn’t have had to make, explaining how things work, in link.
“A federal appeals court late Tuesday night put Texas’ controversial immigration law back on hold.”
“In a brief order, a three-judge panel at the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals said it voted 2-1 to wipe away a previous ruling from a different panel that had temporarily put the law, SB 4, into effect.”
“The panel of judges that issued Tuesday night’s order is already set to hear arguments Wednesday morning on Texas’ request to put the law back into effect pending the state’s appeal of a federal judge’s block on the law.”
Matt McDermott
Holmes County has one of the largest Amish populations in the country. Are we witnessing a coordinated Amish vote against Trump?