But, Jon, How Do You Really Feel?

HuffPost Entertainment

‘You’re Such A Dick’: Jon Stewart Tells Tucker Carlson …’Really, Truly’

In response to online backlash over his criticism of Joe Biden last week, Jon studies Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin in Russia for a lesson in speaking “of course” to power. Plus, Michael Kosta reports from North Korea to demonstrate how nice life under a dictatorship can be.


56 thoughts on “But, Jon, How Do You Really Feel?”

  1. He Hasn’t Lost His Touch. (businessinsider.com)

    Jon Stewart and former Fox News personality Tucker Carlson go way back. And while Carlson is no stranger to being slammed, one does wonder if he was ready for as intense a roasting as he got from his old nemesis on Monday night.
    This isn’t the first time Stewart and Carlson have crossed swords. Back in October 2004, the two had a tense exchange on CNN’s “Crossfire,” where Stewart accused Carlson and his co-host Paul Begala of “hurting America” and being “partisan hacks.”

    “How old are you? And you wear a bow tie,” Stewart asked a then 35-year-old Carlson. “Listen, I’m not suggesting that you’re not a smart guy because those are not easy to tie.”

    Carlson did try to defend himself. At one point, Carlson told Stewart he’d thought they’d all get some laughs from having Stewart on as a guest.
    “Well, I thought you were going to be funny,” Carlson said. “Come on, be funny!”
    “No, I’m not going to be your monkey. I watch your show every day, and it kills me,” Stewart replied. “Oh, it’s so painful to watch.”
    And as they closed out a segment and went to a commercial break, Carlson couldn’t resist trying to get the last word in.
    “I do think you’re more fun on your show, just my opinion,” Carlson said.
    “You’re as big a dick on your show as you are on any show,” Stewart fired back.
    That roast may have taken place nearly 20 years ago, but it looks like Stewart hasn’t lost his touch at all — or forgotten what he told Carlson on “Crossfire.”
    “I know I’ve said this before,” Stewart said on Monday, responding to a comment Carlson made in Russia about homeless people in America. “You’re such a dick. Really, truly, like, a dick.”

  2. vlad dedicates a song to the tucker, the GOP house blwhards and to their dear leader the Loser:

    “you are the wind beneath my wings”

    accompanying visual:

    jobsanger: Putin's Dummy

  3. The video of carlson in the moscow grocery store are hilarious.  It is like the guy has never been in a grocery store or met fresh bread.  Wonder what puttie has on him?

  4. sturge, thanks for the KO de jour.

    for those (like me) who had problems pulling the link up, here’s part of it in writing:

    A-Block (1:44) SPECIAL COMMENT: How many times would YOU be permitted to threaten mass violence if you didn’t get your way before Homeland Security came and dragged your ass, off somewhere? I think Trump is now in triple digits. It’s time to drag him off. “All political prosecutions of your favorite president, me, must stop immediately… this is election interference and must be immediately stopped… Our country will not stand for it.”
    This is the by-now standard Trump stochastic threat: if the government does not bend to my will my supporters will kill you all. It’s megalomania and as often as he does it and as dulled as we become to it, it’s unspeakably dangerous. It is not just shouting fire in a crowded theater, it’s shouting fire in a crowded theater full of gun-crazed nutjobs. And I’ll go back to my first point here: how often would YOU get away with it? 

  5. “Wonder what puttie has on him?”

    BB, great minds think alike.

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi joins Jen Psaki to discuss Donald Trump’s belated statement on Alexei Navalny’s death and her conversation with Yulia Navalny at the Munich Security Conference. This clip is part of a longer conversation with Speaker Pelosi.

  6. I remember Stewart’s take down of Tucker. It was painful to watch, despite the justification. It seems Carlson will go the way of Alex Jones and Glenn Beck, make plenty of money streaming to his cult followers and hawking fake back pain remedies, but shunned by legitimate media.

    Former Republican consultant Stuart Stevens and co-founder of Lincoln Project put a pin in it: “I first met Carlson when he was writing for Tina Brown & desperate to be accepted as a serious writer. He failed. Then failed at MSNBC. Then failed at CNN. Then failed at Fox. Fox. How bad do you have to be to fail at Fox? Next stop: Moscow. It’s a classic pattern of resentment and anger at those he so wanted to accept him.”

  7. click here for

    Rachel Maddow looks at the increasingly aggressive danger Vladimir Putin poses to the world, from reckless treatment of a Ukrainian nuclear power plant to plans for launching nuclear weapons into space, and argues that the world needs Russia to change, so the world needs Russian dissidents even as Putin does his best to kill them off.

  8. Liz urges Supreme Court to deny Trump’s immunity bid: “Putin may be immune from Russian law—and thus able to freely kill dissidents—but it should be obvious to the Supreme Court that a U.S. President isn’t,” Cheney wrote on X

  9. I was working in a house, saw a tv remote and turned it on….just by chance it was on Crossfire with begala, Stewart, Carlson, and someone else so I saw that show that day.  Serendipitous. I loved it and dig Stewart no matter what Keef or anyone else says, even though I would have hated his saying the both sides part. But I didn’t see it .

  10. I’m wid you, sturg.  I think it’s good to remember that Jon is a comic commentator.  I liken him to Carlin in that regard – he could be brutal to both sides of our political world. The only bothsidism I was aware of from Jon was the joke about the ages of Biden and Dumbass, and I think he said something about the fact that they both have gaffes that may be related to their age – although in reality, both have been pretty gaffe prone over the years.  Here’s the difference IMHO – Joe knows what he’s talking about but misspeaks occasionally.  Dumbass don’t know shit, so when judging against reality his “misspeaks” are more often than not just made up bullshit (of course confusing Turkey with Hungary for Orban was probably his WAG about what country Orban leads.  Turkey, Hungary, both have so many common letters it would be easy to confuse the two. 🙄)

  11. https://abc7news.com/day-of-remembrance-japanese-internment-camps-executive-order-9066-world-ward-ii/14445965/

    “February 19, 1942, 82 years ago, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the order in response to the attack on Pearl Harbor.”

    “It led to the incarceration of more than 120,000 Japanese Americans.”

    “The red dirt and dust came up through the floorboards of the shoddily constructed barracks,” Nagai said. “They were subjected to extreme weather and the constant reminder that they were labeled as enemy aliens within their own country.”

  12. Pogo, interesting you compare Stewart and Carlin — I once saw an interview where he said Carlin was his number one icon in the business, his inspiration as a kid for becoming a comic

  13. I watched the Crossfire episode with Jon Stewart.  I too expected him to be funny… instead he lambasted the show.  Shortly afterwards..  it was canceled.
    I remember Carlson also being on a show on CNN at nighttime called “The Spin Room”.  He was on with Bill Press.  I wonder what Press thinks of his former colleague now…

  14. Biden got my vote today.  There were a lot of Dem candidates on the ballot for prez. Folks whose names I’ve never heard. How did they get enough signatures and money to run ?

  15. If you watched any of Jon Stewart’s testimony to Congress over the mistreatment of 9/11 first-responders and veterans, you know he is serious AF. He is angry, as are we all.  

  16. Biden heading to California today for a 3-day S10 million fundraising haul. Raised $40 million in January, now has $130 million cash on hand, almost five times Trump’s. Not bad for a senile old man.

  17. Poobah, I see both of them as being, or in George’s case having been, personally liberal but not blinded to the faults of politicians of their persuasion and willing to call a spade a spade for the sake of their craft. After all, funny is funny and when there is bothsideism that needs to be called out, it should be. I gotta say, however that I like to think that bothsideism thing is not all that common.

  18. …listening to Olbermann, re: what putin might “have on” unhinged-guy-
    Can you blackmail someone who has no shame?  i’m guessing promises and threats are the operative motivators for compliance

    (the Olbermann embed you posted works well, patd, thx 👍)

    (actually i’m tired of him cutting down women every show, dude has issues)

  19. the idea of the “magic bullet” political ad is very 20th century, the game has changed
    THIS is that weird election you always knew was coming


  20. BiD…  primaries and elections are run state by state.  Anyone can get their name on a state’s ballot by paying the fee.  I don’t know what it cost to do this in Texas… but here in NH, you pay your $1000 and you can get your name on the primary ballot for either party.
    Getting your name on all 50 state’s ballots is an expensive proposition… which makes it harder for 3rd party candidates.  It is rigged for the 2 major parties.

  21. Pogo – you hit something that needs more shouting from hilltops, sfb is low intelligence and fights to stay that way.  No one has ever described him as smart or thinking.  Quite the contrary.  This is why all the things attributed to him that are more than looking at the sun without sunglasses, I find implausible. He says the last thing muttered in his ear. If it is mean, even better in his warped mush.  He is that mean kid who kills puppies and is going to the special school, until he is locked up in the special school to save puppies, except he has been backed by a lot of money and that keeps him out of the special school.
    He is a horrible person who should not have been let loose.  And, there is no way he can think of the convoluted, complicated and quite exhaustive things, like S. Miller.  Yeah.  Out of NATO because they won’t pay.  Easy, straightforeward.  Reports are he does not comprehend what NATO is and why.  But, saying something to get a response from the media is always good, so repeat it again and again.  Do that until someone says that no Ukraine they steal grain.  New simple slogan that is a lie, but easy to say and brings a rise out of the media.
    Simple statements for a simple oatmeal mush.

  22. SCOTUS tells Greene, Massie and Norman to fuck off.  Huffpo.

    The Supreme Court on Tuesday refused to revive a lawsuit from three House Republicans after their pay was docked for not complying with a pandemic-era mask requirement on the chamber floor. 

    In a brief order without any noted dissents, the court let stand a lower ruling that tossed the constitutional challenge filed by Reps. Thomas Massie(R-Ky.), Marjorie Taylor Greene(R-Ga.) and Ralph Norman(R-S.C.). 


    The blonde dumbass racked up fines of > $100,000 in her tenure marked by her abject stupidity.  I hope the appeal cost her shitloads more than that.

  23. Nikki not out. From her noon speech:

    “I feel no need to kiss the ring. And I have no fear of Trump’s retribution. I’m not looking for anything from him.”

    “We don’t anoint kings in this country. We have elections, and Donald Trump, of all people, should know we don’t rig elections.”

    Maybe No Labels will go after her. Get on the ballot in a battleground state or two and Trump is doomed

  24. BB, thanks.  Glad I hit on something noteworthy, regardless of how obvious it should be..  Occasionally I have a moment of clarity – of course that happens with less frequency as time marches on.

  25. I don’t call him a monster and things like that because he’d probably take that as a compliment.  But he is quite monstrous. 

    I’ve pretty much just settled on “loser”.

  26. That picture of the loser and Putz in Helsinki makes it plain to me that the Putz has blackmail on the loser and by extension on Lindsay as well.  All it took was 3 hours on a golf course for Lindsay to begin worshipping the loser.

  27. a glancing glimpse of a glimmer of good news

    Voters may at last be coming round to Biden’s sunny view of the economy | US economy | The Guardian

    While it’s not the only factor, pollsters have linked voters’ disapproval with Biden to the wave of price increases that peaked in June 2022 at levels not seen in more than four decades, and which have since been on the decline. An NBC News poll released this month showed Biden trailing Trump by about 20 points on the question of which candidate would better handle the economy, a finding echoed by other surveys.

    But new data appears to show Americans believe the economy has turned a corner. Late last month, the Conference Board reported its index of consumer confidence had hit its highest point since December 2021, while the University of Michigan’s survey of consumer sentiment has climbed to its highest level since July of that year.

  28. More Nikki: “He’s getting meaner and more offensive by the day…He’s gotten more unstable and more unhinged…He’s completely distracted…And everything is about him. He’s so obsessed with his demons in the past that he can’t focus on the future Americans deserve.”

  29. someone noted the PA mummers in re the loser’s newest rip-off grift.  found this about that

    Oh, Dem Golden Slippers – Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia (philadelphiaencyclopedia.org)

    Oh, Dem Golden Slippers,” the unofficial theme song of the Philadelphia Mummers Parade, is both an enduringly popular song and a revealing example of the complex, multilayered interplay between Black and white music in America. Written by African American songwriter James Bland (1854–1911) as a parody of a Negro spiritual, “Oh, Dem Golden Slippers,” published in 1879, enjoyed great popularity as a blackface minstrel song. It later became a staple of two very different, predominantly white, American musical traditions: bluegrass and the Philadelphia Mummers.
    Tradition holds that local minstrel man Charles Dumont (1884–1959) introduced “Oh, Dem Golden Slippers” to the Philadelphia Mummers around 1905. Charles Dumont was the nephew of Frank Dumont (1848–1919), a well-known minstrel performer who operated minstrel theaters in Philadelphia in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. However, “Oh, Dem Golden Slippers” was a hit song in the 1880s and it may have been during this earlier period that it entered the repertoire of the Mummers, whose music was heavily influenced by minstrelsy and whose performances were largely based on parody.
    The Mummers grew out of Christmas and New Year’s celebrations in Philadelphia dating back to colonial times in which various nationality groups observed the holidays by masquerading and reveling in the streets. These celebrations evolved over time into parades and other festivities with very elaborate costumes and unique styles of music and dancing. By the late nineteenth century, mummer celebrations had become quite large and raucous, particularly in South Philadelphia, the heart of the mummer tradition. In 1901 the City of Philadelphia established the annual New Year’s Day Mummers Parade, an organized parade up Broad Street featuring performances by various mummer clubs.
    How and when “Oh, Dem Golden Slippers” became the unofficial theme song of the Mummers Parade is difficult to determine. (No song was ever officially designated as the Mummers theme.) By the early twentieth century it was a mainstay of the music of the New Year’s Parade and over time emerged as the song most closely identified with the Mummers, who even began a tradition of painting their shoes gold as part of their costumes.
    Although its theme song was written by an African American, the Mummers Parade was largely an all-white event. A few Black clubs participated in the early twentieth century, but by the late 1920s they had dropped out due to the racially offensive nature of the performances, which continued to feature minstrel elements and often included provocative parodies of different ethnic groups. Blackface performers remained part of the parade until the 1960s. Efforts to make the parade more racially sensitive and diverse began in the late twentieth century and continued into the early twenty-first.

    Mummers Parade will be back in Philly New Year’s Day 2022 - WHYY

  30. I am starting to think Nikki has been promised some financial backing to stay in the race.  She has finally accepted the role of competitor to sfb and to not fear losing magats doing it.  However, she is still fairly competitive to Joe for many reasons.  I would think some Dems would stray to her camp, ignoring how far right nut job she really is.

  31. BB, could very well be. She’s a more palatable nutjob than Dumbass, but a nutjob nonetheless. Looking through a few polls at 538 today Nikki does better than Dumbass against Joe among RVs.  I didn’t see any LV polls in the battlegrounds, so not sure how that would play out in the event that a criminal judgment requiring jail time comes down before the election and he can’t make bail pending appeal.  I know… but a guy can dream.

  32. Just saw this snippet about the Smirnov lies at WaPo.

    However, people familiar with the Biden investigation, speaking on condition of anonymity to describe details they were not authorized to disclose, have long said that when Smirnov first made the Burisma-Biden allegations to the FBI in 2020, they were looked into and dropped later that year as unfounded.


    So WTF are Comer and Gym doing 4 years later?

  33. WaPo helping answer my own question…

    Eric Schwerin, a key witness for House Republicans in their impeachment inquiry of President Biden, told them he was aware of no action by Biden — as a public official or private citizen — related to his son Hunter’s business activities. Rob Walker, another longtime associate of Hunter Biden, testified that the president was not involved in, did not profit from, and took no official actions related to his family’s business dealings.
    Mervyn Yan, who was involved with Hunter and the president’s brother James in a lucrative deal with a Chinese energy conglomerate, testified to the lawmakers that he had never met, spoken to, done business with— or even particularly liked —Joe Biden. Another witness said he had not talked to Joe Biden in more than 15 years, when he was still in the Senate.
    A review of nearly 2,000 pages of transcripts from recent witnesses before the House impeachment inquiry, many with deep knowledge of Hunter’s business affairs, suggests Republicans are still struggling to uncover firm evidence that Joe Biden benefited from the business pursuits of his son and his brother. If anything, the House Oversight and Judiciary committees have compiled an extensive record of sworn statements from firsthand witnesses saying the president was never involved.
    That raises the stakes for two high-profile witnesses appearing soon before the committees in closed-door sessions: James Biden is scheduled to sit for a deposition on Feb. 21, followed by Hunter Biden on Feb. 28. Their appearances could provide the Republicans with perhaps their last, best hope of obtaining testimony that would alter the trajectory of the inquiry.
    So far, the statements of even witnesses unsympathetic to the Bidens have been largely exculpatory. “President Biden — while in office or as a private citizen — was never involved in any of the business activities we pursued,” Walker told the lawmakers, according to the transcripts. “Any statement to the contrary is simply false.” The lawmakers summoned Walker because he was centrally involved in Hunter Biden’s pursuit of business in China and Romania.

    With that kind of evidence Comer’s fat head and idiotic folksy ramblings aren’t going to ring true with any but the most delusional MAGAts.

  34. i wonder what the cost to taxpayers for GOP sham “impeachment” efforts are 🤔 
    200 GOP reps not governing @ $146k per year x 4 years x 1.33 to account for their health care
    Ok, utilities for those hearings…
    (gonna be here a while)

    lawyers, staff costs…

    i’ll take the over on $200 mil cost to taxpayers for sham GOP impeachment efforts

  35. If he can’t sell enough golden shoes to pay up, Letitia James says she’ll ask to attach tRUMPsky’s assets.  

    Yes, some of the very properties whose values he inflated to get low-interest loans, which is why they may no longer be his.  


    “Letitia James says she’s prepared to seize Trump’s buildings if he can’t pay his $354M civil fraud fine”

    “Saying that she was “very confident” with the strength of her case on appeal, James reiterated that her office would not hesitate to seize one of Trump’s buildings — listing Trump’s 40 Wall Street skyscraper by name — if Trump is unable to find the case to cover the court-ordered disgorgement.”

    “James also rebuffed Trump’s allegation that the case will prompt a mass exodus of business activity from New York.”

    “Last I checked tourism is up. Wall Street is doing just fine,” James said.


  36. https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/alabama-high-court-rules-that-frozen-embryos-are-people-204581957639
    “Alabama high court rules that frozen embryos are people”
    “The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are essentially babies and should be protected. The case stemmed from a wrongful death suit by parents whose embryos were destroyed in an accident.”

    Is this about potential white babies, since it costs a lot of money to do IVF and it’s more likely that the majority are from white couples?
    Can Alabama snowflake parents get child tax credits?
    Are frozen eggs (not embryos) half-citizens?

  37. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/donald-trump-michigan-rally-legal-rulings-complaints-1234970666/

    “Donald Trump Claims His ‘Persecution’ Will Make the U.S. ‘Truly Become a Third World Country’

    “…on Saturday, Feb. 17, for a Get Out the Vote Rally in the crucial battleground state. He appeared wearing black gloves and a red MAGA baseball cap…”

    Gloves because it was cold (was the rally outside?) or gloves because he has weird marks on his hands, again?

    “Of being found liable for financial fraud, Trump quipped: “Judge Engoron just fined me $355 million for doing everything right.”

    “He also claimed people will abandon the U.S. due to rulings like the ones that have been the result of what courts have found him to be guilty of perpetrating.”

    “Businesses are going to flee New York state, they already are taking with them tens of thousands of jobs because they can’t subject themselves to this,” he claimed. “And if this persecution of political opponents continues, no one will want to do business in the United States of America any longer.”

    “We will truly become a third world country, we are going to be. We are already in many ways.”

    Yeah, we don’t have universal healthcare, nor paid maternity leave, nor adequate and affordable housing, nor a tax structure that requires the wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share, not decent public transit systems, nor fully-funded schools that aren’t under attack from right-wing nut jobs.

    Of course, the Moscow MAGAts won’t fix any of those things, but they will tank Medicare and Social Security so seniors lose quality of life…and life.

  38. “Something about the recent indictment against the FBI informant Alexander Smirnov has been bothering me, mostly because the idea of the Justice Department (DoJ) opening a bogus investigation into Joe Biden for bribery is exactly what Trump tried to get President Zelenskyy to do in 2019. In fact, it’s what got him impeached.
    So here’s a whopper of a question: Did Trump try to use his own Justice Department to frame Biden, using the false Smirnov claims? 
    And is Bill Barr covering his tracks on this?
    When news of the new indictment dropped, we learned what Smirnov had told his FBI handler. He claimed that the CEO of Burisma had paid Joe Biden $5 million in bribes in order to call off an investigation by Ukraine’s top prosecutor—all of which was completely unfounded and untrue. We also saw that it was Special Prosecutor David Weiss—the one who charged Hunter Biden with tax evasion after the plea deal suddenly blew up—who brought the indictment against Smirnov. So that’s also a bit odd. The file was supposedly closed a long time ago, when the DoJ determined that Smirnov’s wild bribery claims about the Bidens were entirely made up. 
    And while mainstream media outlets talked primarily about how Smirnov’s indictment seriously undermines the GOP’s case for impeachment against Joe Biden, which of course is true, I was interested in the origin story of Smirnov and his claims. 
    Because an even bigger story than the fact that an informant lied and the GOP pounced on that lie is this: The Justice Department, at the urging of Trump, may have tried to frame Joe Biden, and now someone is covering up that fact.
    How did the false accusations become weaponized by the GOP in the first place? Was Rudy Giuliani, or Bill Barr, or Trump himself somehow behind all of this? Why, if it was clear that Smirnov was lying, did it take so long to prosecute? And why are there some glaring inconsistencies between what Bill Barr told reporters about the status of the investigation and what Weiss’s indictment of Smirnov actually says?
    That’s the subject of my conversation today with Marcy Wheeler, an independent legal writer of the EmptyWheel Newsletter, who has taken the deep dive necessary to get some of these questions answered—and to ask some even tougher ones. Warning: We get into the weeds on this, because it’s a bit difficult to untangle it all, so even though we’ve tried to remove a lot of the jargon, please read this carefully, as there are many names and events. Then we’ll see if you come away as troubled as we are.”
    – Jay Kuo, Substack


  39. https://fortune.com/2024/02/15/jeff-bezos-amazon-4-billion-money-miami-florida-taxes/

     “But Jeff Bezos and other ultrawealthy millionaires and billionaires are creating a new breed of taxbirds, flocking to states like Florida and Texas in their migration away from chillier fiscal regimes elsewhere in the country.”

    “Bezos is just one of a growing flock of taxbird billionaires who have fled blue states with high tax rates in favor of a sunnier home for their wallets. Amazon’s home state of Washington, which has no income taxes, started collecting a controversial 7% capital gains tax in 2023—a policy that’s ruffled its wealthiest citizens’ feathers, and, at least in Bezos’ case, sent them flying to greener financial pastures.”

  40. BiD, sometimes those guys also move to states with more friendly property distribution in divorces. none of that splitting the baby dollars down the middle stuff.   

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