An Indecent Proposal or A Decent Proposition

John Oliver Tempts Clarence Thomas To ‘Get The F**k’ Off SCOTUS | HuffPost Entertainment

John Oliver returned to television on Sunday night with an offer for Clarence Thomas that the Supreme Court associate justice almost certainly will refuse.

But given Thomas’ history, it might be at least a little be tempting: Oliver is offering him $1 million a year plus a luxury motor coach worth $2.4 million.

“And all you have to do in return is sign the contract and get the fuck off the Supreme Court,” Oliver said.

Thomas has been under fire for a long history of accepting lavish gifts from wealthy benefactors who push conservative causes ― and then often failing to report those gifts.

His actions have fueled a growing call for ethical reform on the court, and some critics have demanded that Thomas step down.

The host of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight” took it a step further by offering him a cash incentive to quit.

“We have spoken to experts who all told us the best they could tell this is somehow legal,” Oliver said. “Which seems crazy to me, because it really feels like it shouldn’t be.”

He noted that the money wasn’t coming from HBO, but that he would pay it all personally.

“You can make me really regret this,” he said as he tried to tempt Thomas. “I could be doing standup tours to pay for your retirement for years.”

Oliver gave Thomas 30 days to accept.

“Let’s do this!” he declared, then wondered aloud: “How is this legal?”


67 thoughts on “An Indecent Proposal or A Decent Proposition”

  1. George Bernard Shaw and the best-ever prostitute joke | The Independent | The Independent

    He was at a party once and he told this woman that everyone would agree to do anything for money, if the price was high enough. `Surely not, she said.’ `Oh yes,’ he said. `Well, I wouldn’t,’ she said. `Oh yes you would,’ he said. `For instance,’ he said, `would you sleep with me for… for a million pounds?’ `Well,’ she said, `maybe for a million I would, yes.’ `Would you do it for ten shillings?’ said Bernard Shaw. `Certainly not!’ said the woman `What do you take me for? A prostitute?’ `We’ve established that already,’ said Bernard Shaw. `We’re just trying to fix your price now!’ “

  2. commenting on issues from last thread:

    Bink & Sturge had back and forths about whether the golden sneaks were meant to maga-Tize and entice young black males to vote for the loser.  IMO, the grift is to provide a mechanism slight of hand for mega dark money to flow in from the nether regions both foreign and domestic to pay off his legal fines and fees.

    BiD & BB also wondered about the various vlads.  imho, in the latest version with the tucker, those “chipmunk cheeks” were probably just botox enhancement.

  3. K Welker…..worse than Chuck Todd

    “The vast majority of Americans are saying they are ‘not feeling it’ when it comes to the economy.”

    What an ssshole. “OFF” went NBC.


  4. The Associated Press has done a package of stories on what we ought to call the American Taliban:

    Christian nationalism on the rise in some GOP campaigns

    Scholars generally define Christian nationalism as going beyond policy debates and championing a fusion of American and Christian values, symbols and identity — including opposition to abortion, same-sex marriage and transgender rights, and mistrust of immigrants and Muslims. Christian nationalism is emerging alongside and in some cases overlapping with other right-wing movements, such as the conspiratorial QAnon, white supremacy, and denialism over COVID-19 and the 2020 election. — Read More

    Many believe the founders wanted a Christian America. Some want the government to declare one now

    Christian nationalists believe the U.S. Constitution was inspired by God and that the federal government should declare the U.S. a Christian nation, advocate Christian values and stop enforcing the separation of church and state. — Read More

  5. Their next step as christians is wanting license to burn people again.  I think that, as a potential Burnee, that we should vote against that when it comes up.

  6. I need to return to my sneakers comment fro the prior thread.  The initial offering, which sold out quickly was a gross sale of $400,000. Compared to the MJs and LeBrons that dominate the sneaker market, it’s a pittance. but here’s a bit of perspective according to

    While Nike earns $3 million every 5 hours from MJ sales, they only earn about $347,222 every 5 hours from LeBron James Shoes. In comparison between total sales, Nike earns over $600 million every year in sales of the brand.

    The article notes that LeBron sales are 11% the sales of MJs. if the shoes are a keystone item, after taxes Dumbass would net at most 40% of the gross revenue, so maybe $160K. I hardly think Dumbass can compete with the NBA GOATs when it comes to shoes among the Dumbass target demo.
    And I remain skeptical that his target audience will react as he hopes to a comic, political figure like himself who did nothing to improve the lot of their communities when he had the chance versus the MJs and LeBrons of the world.

  7. Here’s an interesting article from Forbes about the shoes. Goes a bit into the effect of prior endorsements from the hip hop and other black celebrity communities on voting. 

    Urban sneaker culture is just that – it’s cultural. It draws heavily from Black hip-hop artforms. Cultural influencers (especially rappers and basketball stars) often accelerate sales of new shoe drops. Most of them are Black and they usually live in cities. Trump didn’t need Kanye West, Sexyy Red, Ice Cube, Lil Wayne, or any of the other Black celebrities who’ve endorsed him in various ways over the years for an instant sellout of his sneakers. Interestingly, the influence of those high-profile celebrities hasn’t really turned out significant numbers of Black voters for Trump. Could they have gotten lots of Black consumers to buy his sneakers if there were a bigger first-run release? Unless this year’s GOP presidential frontrunner and his shoe manufacturer change their production plans, we’ll never know.

    And if this is right, there won’t be the groundswell of influence on the ground he might hope. 

    Only 1000 pairs will ever be released,” the Trump sneakers website indicates. Some of them may be spotted on the feet of loyalists at his campaign rallies between now and the November 2024 presidential election. Because they’re so rare, the shoes are likelier to be stored in display cases in the homes of lucky Trump supporters across the country. We probably won’t find them on the streets of Philadelphia, Atlanta, Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, and predominantly Black New York City neighborhoods. Even though they can’t buy the ‘Never Surrender High-Tops’ anywhere at this point, Trump lovers can purchase two other styles of footwear that are now available for pre-order on the website.

    At least I’m not the only yahoo who sees this as misguided attempt to make inroads into the young black urban voting demo. BTW, that article was written by Prof. Shaun Harper.  Here’s his bio.

  8. … and speaking of idiots… from WaPo:


    George Santos is suing Jimmy Kimmel over Cameo videos.

    Why? The disgraced former congressman claims the late-night host hid his identity while buying personalized videos from Santos — then used them to ridicule Santos on air.

    The videos: In one of 14 filmed for Kimmel, Santos congratulated a blind woman for passing a driving test. His lawsuit, filed Saturday, seeks over $150,000 in damages.

    Well, good luck with that.

  9. pogo, i repeat “the grift is to provide a mechanism slight of hand for mega dark money to flow in from the nether regions both foreign and domestic.”   any inroads (likely more like foot paths at the most) with young black urbans is just speculative icing for him.  the “blacks” he’s after are the dark dollars from his bffs like vlad, victor and the sauds .

  10. liz introduces us to the new GOP: the Grand Old “Putin-wing”

    Former Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney reacts to Donald Trump’s lack of response to the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny and labels her former party as “Putin-wing” Republicans.


    hopefully some enterprising journalists are dredging up all the russian connections with congresscritters & the loser during the last couple of elections. 

  11. “On the evening of March 21, 1864, the quiet of a small corner of the Army of the Potomac’s sprawling winter camp along the Rappahannock River near Beverly Ford, Va., was disturbed when a fight broke out in one of the mess tents between Union Army civilian employees Moses J. Robinette and John J. Alexander. The scuffle left Alexander bleeding from knife wounds, and Robinette was charged with attempted murder and incarcerated on a remote island near modern-day Florida. It would also cause an unexpected intersection in the histories of two American presidents, Lincoln and Biden — a story that has waited 160 years to be told.”

  12. I would prefer they call the “Christian Taliban”either the Chicken-fried Taliban or Vanilla Isis because 

    1) There is nothing Christian about them.  There is no “love they neighbor” present anywhere in their rhetoric or behavior.

    2) The can point to the word “Christian” to play victim, while they attack everyone else.

    Better yet, call them White Supremacists and see if idiots like Tim Scott peel off.

    “2 extremist groups behind Nashville ‘Nazi’ march, ADL says”

    “…following a demonstration in downtown Nashville Saturday involving swastika flags and a group of people described by multiple lawmakers as “Nazis.”

    “…the group was mostly composed of members of the extremist Blood Tribe group, but also had members of the Vinland Rebels, most likely to bolster numbers.”

    “She said the salutes, chants, and marching under swastikas were all signs indicative of the True Blood group. In addition, logos for both groups were reportedly visible.”

    But their faces weren’t visible; the cowards work black masks. (I’ll bet they’re anti-vaxers who were angered by the covid mask mandate, too.)

    And yeah, they probably went to church the next day, but there’s not a Christian in the bunch.

    Let’s unmask these goons and find out which police force, bank, or truck nut dealership they work for. Let’s see if those church-going good, old boys are shunned or embraced by others in their community claiming to be Christian.

    And then vote blue up and down the ticket, because although you can’t legislate hate away, you can make it harder for it to hide and thrive.

  14. So.. The Russian CEO that paid $9000 for Trump’s autographed shoes, Roman Sharf, is a former VP at Deutsche Bank? The world leader in money laundering. Shocker.

  15. BiD, that’s back to the 60s & 70s in the deep south – the only differences being black masks instead of white hoods and Nazi flags instead of KKK ones.

  16. patd,
    I think what you’re suggesting is probably more right than wrong.  It’s ALL about the grift.

  17. Marmel on Twitt
    Russian money pays for the shoes. Profit goes to Trump. We have already entered the money laundering portion of the show.

  18. it has nothing to do with the money
    you keep finding links that support your worldview, i’ll go make some Canadian friends 

  19. you got big problems with the youth vote and Gaza
    you can expend effort telling me why that’s not a problem or go talk some sense into a young voter
    i will be making friends with Canadians

  20. Someone on the twitter said that Clarence Thomas turned down John Oliver’s offer because it would be too drastic a pay cut. 

  21. Last week, he took credit for Taylor Swift’s career, now tRUMPsky is now comparing himself to Navalny.  

    This is something someone whispered in his ear.  He was quiet for too long (very unlike him) and he was waiting for advice from the Kremlin. 

    If he wants to make that comparison real, he’d better be careful around open windows and have an official taste tester.

    “Donald Trump has offered a belated acknowledgement of the purportedly sudden death of Alexei Navalny, three days after the Russian opposition leader collapsed in one of Russia’s penal colonies. But Trump failed to join with – or acknowledge – international outrage at Navalny’s political nemesis, the Russian president, Vladimir Putin.”

    “Separately, minutes before his Truth Social post about Navalny on Monday, Haley had appeared on Fox News and said: “It is amazing to me how weak in the knees [Trump] is when it comes to Putin.”

    tRUMPsky is still weak on Putin. He said nothing about Putin in his very belated post about Navalny’s murder. He didn’t offer condolences to Navalny’s wife, either. All he did was finally acknowledge it with the Kremlin’s spin on it. F**k tRUMPsky.

  22. A member of the United States Senate has to work very, very hard to be the most craven shitheel in the chamber at any given moment. God bless Lindsey Graham’s dedication to putting in the work at all times.

    Wonkett at her best


  23. Bink – I don’t know what we do about Israel firing wide at civilians, and about protesters actually blocking aid from getting to starving children.  

    President Biden should’ve called for a ceasefire weeks ago, IMO, and should do so even now.  

    * Yes, the US provides weapons to Israel, but that doesn’t require them to use those weapons against civilians.

    As for its impact in November, I don’t know if folks will look out for their own self-interest and vote against the loss of reproductive freedom, and for rampant access to assault rifles and the rise of fascism, or if the plight of Gazans will still be in their minds nine months from now. 

    If Netanyahu can not be stopped from attacking civilians by other world leaders calling for a ceasefire, then I don’t know if Biden can stop him, either. 

    As much as Hamas may have intertwined itself into the civilian population to hide, Netanyahu is hiding his non-military crimes and overall weakness with unnecessary military strikes.
    Heck, Obama got Bin Ladin over a decade after 9/11, and with little collateral damage.  Of course, there are comparisons to be drawn between US operations after 9/11 and what’s happening to Palestinians now.  Unfocused over-reaction instead of focused actually taking-care-of-business. 

    Roe v Gaza

    In November, women are going to vote for Biden, MAGAts will vote for SFB.  Will swing voters care more about Roe?  Are there any real swing voters anymore?


    “Born in the Soviet Union. Sharf now resides in Philadelphia and characterizes himself as “one of the world’s largest grey market watch dealers,” which trade expensive watches “without being authorised by the brand to do so on their behalf.”

    “After his arrival in the United States, Roman Sharf began working as a newspaper deliveryman, according to Later, at the age of 18, he opted to join the US Army. After serving in military, he joined Penn State University to study electrical engineering. However, he swiftly grew interest in computer science.”

    So, he’s a KGB embed?

    “He debuted in the banking business with Fleet. At the peak of his banking career, Sharf was elevated to vice president at *Deutsche Bank, where he was in charge of the local payment systems, which processed $40 billion in transactions every month.”

    “While the website claims it has no link to Trump’s campaign, his campaign officials have touted the appearance in online posts.”

  25.  Are there any real swing voters anymore?

    No.  It’s all about turnout, mobilization, and engagement  (suppressing black turnout for renazicans)
    i can’t mansplain Gaza to young women whose reproductive freedom is threatened (has already been taken in many states), trust me, i’ve tried.  i’m hoping mothers, grandmothers, aunts, coworkers and such can help to that end, though 🤞

    “Weiser argues in the suit that the Albertsons-Kroger merger should be blocked because it would “increase the likelihood of anticompetitive collusion.” He cited the alleged no-poach pact as one example, saying it “strengthened Kroger’s ability to resist union demands at the negotiating table.” 

    “…her union only became aware of the emails through Weiser’s lawsuit. She said the union immediately filed unfair labor practice charges against both companies with the National Labor Relations Board, which investigates union-busting allegations. The union is also considering suing, she said.”

    “We will never know what concessions we could have got from these employers” absent the alleged no-poach and no-solicitation pacts, Cordova said. “We did well [with our contracts] but we could have done even better.”

    And, since the non-union stores don’t pay a living wage, like employees of WalMart, some of their employees are relying on government assistance to make up the difference.    
    The CEOs are doing just fine.
    That’s another thing November will be about; corporate greed.     Not “Joe Biden’s” inflation.  Corporate greed.  Tax cuts for the wealthy.  Rolling back of child labor laws.  And, if nobody can afford to raise a child, then Roe figures into it, too.  And, no federal, paid maternity leave.  Increasingly worthless health insurance policies, and rising drug prices despite any negation on insulin for Medicare recipients.  

    It’s all broken, and it all stems from greed.  And what do the greedy need to stay in power?  Control, government subsidies and tax cuts, cheap labor, uneducated citizens, and a Russo-Republican chaos machine to sew division.

  27. Yulia Navalnaya vows to continue husband Alexei’s fight and says Putin killed him | Alexei Navalny | The Guardian

    Yulia Navalnaya has published a video address in which she vowed to continue her late husband’s political work and called on Russians to rally around her as Alexei Navalny’s family were told they would not get access to his body for another two weeks.

    “I will continue Alexei Navalny’s work … I want to live in a free Russia, I want to build a free Russia,” Navalnaya said in a powerful nine-minute video published on social media.


    “I call on you to stand with me. To share not only grief and endless pain … I ask you to share with me the rage. The fury, anger, hatred for those who dare to kill our future.”


    “I shouldn’t have been in this place, I shouldn’t be recording this video. There should have been another person in my place. But that person was killed by Vladimir Putin,” Navalnaya said, her voice occasionally trembling with emotion.

    She said she knew “why exactly Putin killed Alexei three days ago”. “And we will tell you that soon,” she added.

    Navalnaya said that by “killing Alexei”, Putin had “killed half of me, half of my heart and my soul”.

    “But I still have the other half, and it tells me that I have no right to give up,” added Navalnaya, who last saw her husband two years ago.


    “All these years I have been by Alexei’s side,” Navalnaya said on Monday. “But today I want to be by your side, because I know that you have lost as much as I have.”

    Navalnaya lives in an undisclosed location abroad and said her main aim was to protect her two children from the fallout of her late husband’s political work. She did not comment on whether she planned to return to Russia, where she would probably face persecution.

    “Putin killed the father of my children. Putin took away the most precious thing I had, the closest person to me, and the person I loved most in the world,” she said.

    Navalny’s last message to the outside world was a Valentine’s Day note to his wife: “I feel that you are with me every second.”

  28. SNEAKY!
    The sneakers fine print above. This is what he’s done before with cheesy merch — take orders for a product he doesn’t have (no investment), then place a bulk order with the customer’s cash, and have the manufacturer ship it in 3-6 months.

  29. Craig – That’s pretty much par for the course on preorders.  They don’t want to over-produce and they want to get every sale possible, so the ordering window is for pretend product.
    The NFT/mugshot suit was the real “read the fine print” scam.  After paying $4,700 for all of the NFTs, you still might not get a scrap of his suit if there’s not enough to go around. Are there that many suckers with $5k to burn? Apparently.

    “Customers who buy 47 of the $99 apiece digital cards, Trump says, will receive a physical card containing a piece of the suit Trump is seen wearing in the photo.”

    “The $4,653 package also includes a dinner with Trump at his Mar-a-Lago club and residence in Palm Beach, Florida.”

    “There are also $9,900 “VIP Tickets” to the black-tie-optional dinner at Mar-a-Lago, which include access to a cocktail reception with Trump.”

    “The VIP ticket holders also get two physical cards: one with a piece of Trump’s suit from the mugshot, and a second autographed card containing a piece of Trump’s suit and tie.”

    “This offer is limited to 200 people, who must each buy 100 cards in one transaction, and pay by cryptocurrency, the site specifies.”

    “There is no date for the dinner, though the website says buyers will get at least 30 days’ notice to plan a trip to Florida. The gala dinner will include roughly 800 people, according to the terms and conditions.”

    “Attendees are responsible for all costs and expenses associated with the live event, including travel expenses and related charges, the site notes.”

  30. Liz Cheney: “Donald Trump still won’t condemn the Navalny killing or blame Putin. At the same time, Trump is claiming Putin- style tyrannical immunity in his US Supreme Court briefs. Seems like Trump thinks he needs Putin’s help with something and can’t risk angering him.”

  31. More Cheney: “We’ve now got a Putin wing of the Republican Party. The issue in this election cycle is making sure the Putin wing of the Republican party does not take over the West Wing and White House” (CNN)

  32. Jonah Goldberg: “I don’t think that Donald Trump would be an American Putin because Putin has a much better work ethic. Donald Trump is really lazy and it takes work to be an effective dictator. But you can come way short of being Vladimir Putin and still be really bad” (CNN)

  33. “…Donald Trump is really lazy…”

    He’s a shuffle butt with no idea where he’s going. 

  34. Bink, it’s possible that my take, your take and patd’s take on the sneaker launch all have merit. I don’t look for links to support my position.  I look, and if I find anything that seems legitimate I share a link to it.  Other than a scant article at Hotnewhiphop about Kanye remixing Dumbass’ rollout and another at HipHopWired about him being booed at Sneaker Con I didn’t see shit about Dumbass’ new shoes and the Hip Hop or more widely the urban black community that wasn’t more or less the same coverage in each of the major outlets.  Could be that Google doesn’t pick up the sources that support your take on it – I simply don’t know.  I’d love to see something that supports some link between SFB and the Atlanta black community or black community at all so I can understand how that might play out, but I haven’t found it. If you have, post a link.  

  35. Rebranding forum for half of Congress: 
    Moscow MAGAts
    Commie Congressional рипубликанз
    Putin’s Patriots
    яepublicans (even though я isn’t an R sound) 
    Moving from tRUMPsky to Orange Adolf:
    The Turd Reich
    Un-American Scum
    Democracy’s Hitmen 
    The People Jesus Referred to as “Hypocrites”
    White Supremacists x Tim Scott 
    Please add more. 

  36. I don’t think cheap-looking shoes are going to win over the black community.  Is that what you’re thinking, Bink?  

    It’s about his diminishing brand (he needs to keep hawking stuff to be seen as relevant by his base) and you’re right,  the money is chump change.  What else are you thinking it means?

    Of course, it’s a distraction.  Everything is a distraction with him. 

    I will tell you that the black community is pissed about the treatment of Fani Willis last week. His lawyers were trying to postpone the trial with this little stunt, but they angered a lot of folks who WILL now show up at the polls to vote against him.

  37. And of all the viewpoints, this seems to support patd’s: Roman Sharf wins bid for a pair of the signed ones (there were 10) for $9000.
    Here’s an NYT article with a different take on it – to trivialize his situation.  That hadn’t occurred to me.

    What they offer is something else.

    Like Mr. Trump’s tendency to turn every courtroom appearance  into a form of entertainment  that can be used as a campaign op, his effort to commoditize his legal jeopardy is a long-term strategic play. In reducing his indictments to a slogan on a consumer good, he is reducing their gravity.

    It’s a form of insidious trivialization, the sort of tactic that plays perfectly in the landscape of late-stage capitalism in which everything is a product for sale. Oh, those old federal charges? They’re not serious; they’re a style choice. He’s transforming indictments into accessories, a language everyone speaks. The more product he sells, the more he makes a mockery of his situation. That’s where the real profit lies.

    Maybe, maybe so… (per Angelica)

  38. Shoe collabs?  You lost me. Beyond Ye, who is his own special brand of nut roll, who would set themselves up for complete ruin.?

    Everything tRUMPsky touches goes to sh/t. 
    If you’re talking about Tim Scott types, he is being “Uncle Tom” shamed.  

    Fani Willis and her father giving testimony last week, it did more to consolidate and energize black voters that SFB’s ~crack~ legal team know.

  39. Expressly:
    i am worried about right-wing provocateurs exploiting mainstream black influencers to sow electoral apathy among young potential voters, reaching a crescendo in months

    Hey, maybe it’s nothing to worry about 🤷‍♂️

  40. Is mocking the asshat OK?  If not, tell the Philadelphia Inquirer.
    Little known (to me) facts:


    Others around Philly, like well-known suburban TikToker Alex Pearlman, compared Trump’s gold shoes to spray-painted sneakers at the Mummers parade.

    Here’s what else to know about the sneaker drop.

    Who’s selling the Trump sneakers?

    The sneakers were available via a new website called which Trump announced at Sneaker Con.

    The website says it’s run by CIC Ventures LLC and that the products on the site are “registered trademarks and/or trademarks of CIC Ventures LLC.” It also says that “Trump Sneakers are not designed, manufactured, distributed or sold by Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization or any of their respective affiliates or principals.”

    But Trump reported owning CIC Ventures LLC in his 2023 financial disclosure.

    Where are the Trump sneakers made?

    Details on where the shoes are being produced are not disclosed on the company’s website. Manufacturing details have not been made available.

    Are the shoes being resold yet?

    Oh yeah. As of Monday morning, more than 30 pairs were listed on eBay for thousands of dollars. At least 50 pairs appear to have already been sold on eBay, though there’s no way to know if all the sales are authentic.

    The shoes also haven’t been distributed yet. They were only available for pre-sale with an estimated ship date of July. In turn, re-sales of the shoes are technically re-sales of pre-orders.
    The shoes are not yet available on sneaker resale sites StockX or GOAT yet because buyers do not have them in hand.

    Are there knockoff Trump sneakers?

    Give it a few days. There’s already a similar pair of high tops listed on Temu for $18 without the American flag on the side. On Reddit, some users have suggested it would be easy to manipulate the pair to look like Trump’s.

    Between “spray-painted sneakers at the Mummers’ Parade” and $18 knockoffs at Temu, I’d have to say the trivializing part of the plan in the NYT article is well underway.

  41. I’d say that’s a legitimate concern.  Not sure how the ugly ripoff sneakers would be an avenue for that, but I suppose that’s possible.

  42. And in other (stupid) news – James Comer – WaPo 

    “We want to know which documents Joe Biden mishandled pertaining to Ukraine and China. Because we’ve, as you know, proven, tens of millions of dollars that the Bidens took in from these countries, we believe that one of the classified documents may be on an email that was in Hunter Biden’s laptop to Ukraine at a time when Hunter Biden was trying to prove his worth to Burisma.”
    — Comer, James Comer (R-Ky.), chair of the House Oversight Committee, in an interview on Newsmax, Feb. 14

    “Our concern is those documents, specifically the documents he mishandled from countries like Ukraine and China. Countries where the Bidens have taken in tens of millions of dollars. We need to know were those documents used as a central part of the Biden influence-peddling scheme, were these documents, documents that Hunter Biden was taking and sending and handing over to our enemies around the world in return for payment because we believe there’s a chance that that in fact happened. If you look at the emails on the laptop, Hunter Biden sent some suspicious emails especially to Ukraine that look like government documents, that meet the criteria of what would be considered a classified document, so this is why we are concerned about receiving the transcripts and the video.”
    —Comer, in an interview on Fox Business Network, Feb. 15

    In two interviews, Comer has suggested that two Ukraine-related documents referenced in special counsel Robert K. Hur’s reportconcerning Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents might have ended up informing or been part of emails found on the laptop that the president’s son Hunter left at a computer repair shop in Delaware. Comer, along two other House committee chairs, has demanded the Justice Department provide access to the documents, as well as other materials, by Monday.

    That sumbitch gives new meaning to the word stupid – takes it to a degree I never thought possible.

  43. team dipshit understands the lazy news-media likes shiny baubles and they literally gave them one
    if team dipshit understands something Team Democracy doesn’t, that’s a problem
    team dipshit will continue to escalate the nonsense by the week because a confused debate is better for them than defending their lack of coherent policy (see Ivy’s “frozen embryos are people” link, above) or disinterest in governing in good faith, or running the most irresponsible candidate imaginable…

    “Mr. Scott often speaks about race and America on the campaign trail, but he has honed a message of opportunity and resilience, while downplaying the role racism plays in impeding Black progress.”
    “That is a message that largely appeals to white voters and is “just so foreign and alien to most Black people,” according to Dr. W. Marvin Dulaney, the former head of the College of Charleston’s African American history center.”
    “Black people overwhelmingly do not support Republican politicians. That fact has bedeviled a Republican establishment that sees a group of socially conservative, church attending voters, with concerns about crime, and believes they should be Republicans, or at the very least they should not regularly support Democrats by 75 percentage points in national elections.”

    “…one of Mr. Scott’s supporters, 65-year-old Sal DeMarco, who is white, said he felt that African Americans do not support Republicans like Mr. Scott because Democrats “buy African American votes by throwing money at them, throwing money in welfare and food stamps.”
    Jesus, even Tim Scott’s supporters are blatantly racist. 

    Corporate welfare, that’s the reason the rest of us don’t have nice things.

    “As the 118th Congress has been dominated by deep dysfunction and bitter divisions inside the GOP, a number of Republicans – particularly from the so-called governing wing – are heading for the exits. So far, 23 GOP lawmakers have decided to not seek reelection or resigned early, including five committee chairs, though some have cited personal reasons or are seeking higher office.”
    Blue tsunami, please.  Let’s be more like Denmark. 

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