58 thoughts on “The Heart of the Matter”

  1. Snowy weather may have suppressed turnout in New York’s special election to replace Rep. George Santos, Donald Trump wants to install his daughter-in-law as co-chair of the RNC, and there are new candy hearts for people in unconventional relationships. #Colbert #Comedy #Monologue

  2. happy valentine’s day, y’all!

    oh, and by the way, happy lent! speaking of which this year that’s what i’m a mind to give up…lent itself.  i’ll need all the comfort food handy just to get through nightly newscasts.

  3. New York special election: Tom Suozzi wins seat vacated by George Santos in boost for Biden | New York | The Guardian

    Democrat Tom Suozzi won the New York congressional seat vacated by the disgraced Republican George Santos on Tuesday night, in a boost for Joe Biden ahead of the presidential election.
    The victory narrows the slim Republican majority in the House and gives Democrats a much-needed win in New York City’s Long Island suburbs, where Republican candidates have shown strength in recent elections.
    The Associated Press called the result after 52% of votes were counted, with Suozzi on 59% compared with 41% for Republican candidate Mazi Pilip.
    “The people of Queens and Long Island are sick and tired of political bickering,” Suozzi said during a victory speech. “They want us to come together and solve problems.”
    The seat, in Long Island, was seen as a key indicator of voter sentiment before the expected Biden-Donald Trump election in November. Biden won the district in 2020, but the area swung Republican in the 2022 midterm elections, when Santos was elected.

  4. Patd, I’d love to think NY3 is a foretelling of November. It’s a ray of hope at least. If he was not the prior 3 term congressman before not seeking reelection in order to run for governor it might be a beacon.

  5. Suozzi another brick in the wall….a MASSIVE win for President Biden.

    Proclaim victory throughout the land

  6.  @da_wessel


    “Democratic voters who appeared at the polls in person on Tuesday felt confident about Mr. Biden’s chances of winning Pennsylvania… Most who spoke to CBS News dismissed concerns about the president’s age…”

  7. Tom Bonier
    A few hot NY 3 takes. It appears: – The polls had a pro-GOP bias, again – Immigration backfired for the GOP, esp in the context of their legislative failure – GOP turnout suffered, but not enough to explain these margins. Suozzi won a lot of Inds and a decent number of GOPs

  8. Jack E. Smith (not THAT Jack Smith)
    Some takeaways from Tom Suozzi’s resounding win in NY-03 last night: – Polls are garbage. – Trump’s popularity is smoke and mirrors. – More Americans are clueing into the fact that Republicans cannot govern.




    Santos won this seat by 7.5 points. MAGA Mike went in there. Stefanik went in there. They made the whole campaign about the border. And they got destroyed.

  10. Republicans can’t win an election so they’re hoping the russians can help steal some for them.

  11. Thanks to Republicans following Trump’s lead to sink border deal, Democrats have a shot at fighting this issue to a draw in crucial suburbs.

    New York Times: Tom Suozzi’s victory offered a model on one of the party’s thorniest challenges: immigration. When Ms. Pilip rejected a bipartisan Senate deal to boost deportations and fortify the border, Mr. Suozzi turned the tables, arguing that she was putting base politics above national security. Public opinion polls in the race’s final days suggested that Ms. Pilip still had an advantage among voters concerned about the border issue, but Mr. Suozzi narrowed the trust gap.

  12. Oh that was the problem, she wasn’t MAGA enough…

    Republicans just don’t learn, but maybe she was still a Democrat? I have an almost 99% Endorsement Success Rate in Primaries, and a very good number in the General Elections, as well, but just watched this very foolish woman, Mazi Melesa Pilip, running in a race where she didn’t endorse me and tried to “straddle the fence,” when she would have easily WON if she understood anything about MODERN DAY politics in America. MAGA, WHICH IS MOST OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, STAYED HOME – AND IT ALWAYS WILL, UNLESS IT IS TREATED WITH THE RESPECT THAT IT DESERVES. I STAYED OUT OF THE RACE, “I WANT TO BE LOVED!” GIVE US A REAL CANDIDATE IN THE DISTRICT FOR NOVEMBER. SUOZZI, I KNOW HIM WELL, CAN BE EASILY BEATEN!
    Feb 13, 2024, 11:17 PM

  13. @Tom_Suozzi
    I know Suozzi’s district well. I grew up there; worked there for decades. Folks in #NY03 don’t hate government — they just want it to work for them. They blame Republicans for DC dysfunction. The GOP’s big mistake was killing the border deal. They’ll learn that in November.
    —Jon Cooper

  14. It COULD be that the voters in District 3 were just a bit pissed at the gop first for putting up as candidate whom they KNEW to be a lying fraud (santos) and then hanging on to him even when it became widely evident that he was a liar and a fraud.

  15. Happy St Valentine’s Day.  Now that one major nutcase has been replaced by a Dem it is time to ponder many more important issues.

    Who could run, and win, instead of President Biden, in the 2024 presidential race?  I am thinking there might be internal pressures for him to step aside for someone younger.  So much to react to this year from the magat/russian party. All phony issues, hyped to make a small cohort of voters drooling to vote hate.  The biggest would be overcoming, again, gender and race, followed by how to beat a party determined to cheat or steal the election.

    Considering the concept of Biden ending his run for reelection within a few weeks, there is precedent.  President Johnson stating in a national address at the end of March 1968, that he was out and he would not accept the nomination even if the party gave it to him.  But, that left a good man, Hubert H. Humphrey as the primary candidate to take the nomination. He went against the last criminal president, Nixon.

  16. I’m no political strategists, and I understand that the biggest part of NY3 is LonGisland, geographically at least, running on an anti-immigrant platform in the district that includes art of the NYC borough that looks like this is just fucking nutz. Wiki.

    Coterminous with Queens County since 1899, the borough of Queens is the second-largest in population (behind Brooklyn), with approximately 2.3 million residents in 2013, approximately 48% of them foreign-born; Queens County is also the second most populous county in New York State, behind neighboring Kings County, which is coterminous with the borough of Brooklyn. Queens is the fourth-most densely populated county among New York City’s boroughs, as well as in the United States; and if each New York City borough were an independent city, Queens would also be the nation’s fourth most populous city, after Los Angeles, Chicago, and Brooklyn. Some say Queens is the most ethnically diverse urban area in the world.

  17. My sister lives in Queens.
    I usually give up religion for lent…  but I was recently reminded that I’m supposed to give up something I actually like.  So this year, I will give up football…
    Craig… I LOVE the hat!

  18. BB, I’d rather see precedent that had a favorable outcome. My guess is that only a serious medical problem that arises between now and the Dem convention would cause Joe to withdraw.  And Johnson, as you know all too well, had Vietnam as the millstone around his neck.

  19. Pogo – I forgot when Lent is.  I do remember great fish and chips, Michigan Great Lakes fishes, growing up. Kinda left that behind when I moved to where meat was available on Fridays. 
    With the NY election results showing once again that most voters do not care about the hyped up “illegal immigration” talking point of the magats, we can see a way to get them to see the good things of the Dems.  Once again voter dislike of politics and politicians is there.  But, as we have seen over the decades they also want some level of positive.  We have seen there are about thirty percent of the voters who love magat and the hate, white supremacy, anti-LGBTQA+, and so much more.  In other words the new common.
    Time to shut down, I get massive migraines and am going down in right now. Later

  20. And now a word from the Senate’s Putin Caucus…

    Did Russia actually write this for him?

    GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville: “We forced this issue. We kept forcing NATO all the way to Eastern Europe and Putin just got tired of it. He said, ‘Listen I do not want missiles on my border from the United States of America.’ It’d be like Russia coming to Mexico and putting missiles in Mexico. I can understand what he’s talking about. You can tell Putin is on top of his game. One thing he said that, it really rang a bell, is the propaganda media machine over here, they sell anything they possibly can to go after Russia.” (Alabama radio 2/13)

    On top of his game??? I guess so, if genocide is your game.

  21. Ironically, in Queens, 30% of the white population is non-Hispanic – That’s the Republican base in Queens.  

  22. BB, Lent begins when you wake up from your Mardi Gras stupor, or when your friend does if you abstained, and ends at Easter dinner.

  23. Longtime Republican TV ad wizard Stuart Stevens (who quit the party to co-found Lincoln Project):

    “Republicans who are asking why they keep losing elections are like the guy who walks into the ER with a nail in his head, asking why he has a headache. 

    A party led by a rapist that believes it can fix its problem with women by attacking Taylor Swift, with weird little creeps like Mike Johnson as a public face in Congress, that has no serious policy, that has decided to abandon decades of support for freedom in Europe to back a genocidal dictator, a party that is 85% white in a 59% white country, a party that has decided higher education is a gateway drug to Socialism, that believes public health policy should be set by random freaks on the internet and not doctors, a party that is still fighting cultural wars of gender politics the rest of America ended a decade ago, a party that has replaced American optimism with anger and fear of the future….

    Is there really any question why this party is losing?

  24. That Tuberville propaganda did originate in the Kremlin, but it was filtered through tRUMPsky: “You can tell Putin is on top of his game.” <- Orange-ified propaganda

    The MAGAts in Congress are now the Republican Politburo.

  25. What could this be?

    news cycle ain’t going so well for them, time for them to go to the old “use fear” playbook

  26. Wouldn’t it be ironic if pro-Palestine terrorists were coming in over the southern border that Republicans refused to cooperate to secure, because tRUMPsky ordered them to hold off? 

    Turner may not have been a “hot head” in the past, but MAGAt losses are piling up. Let’s face it, there’s always a threat from somewhere.

    This sounds like the Republican chaos machine at work, sewing fear and suspicion, further dividing folks.

  27. Note:
    Republicans will go for broke, pulling out ALL the stops, come hell or high water, because if the Russian doesn’t win this election he’s done for. 

    They are so utterly desperate you can smell it through the internets.

  28. Well, I have to hand it to Shelley Moore Capito, Susan Collins, Joni Ernst and Lisa Murkowski – they all seem to have more balls than Dumbass’ ball licker – Lindsey.

  29. CNN: sources familiar and a US official tell CNN the threat is related to Russia. Multiple sources familiar with the intelligence characterized it as “very sensitive.” MSNBC: threat is a “Russian military capability”

  30. Does this have anything to go with their Zircon missile that hit Ukraine? It has a plasma cloud so it can’t be tracked and goes quick like a bunny.  

    They can’t stop the missiles but they can sink the ships carrying them.

  31. Nikki will be in Dallas tomorrow.  Just got an invite.  Who is Cindy?  She might want to go, but I do not.

  32. Saw one commentator on MSNBC this AM with the cross in ashes on his forehead.  Rather impressed no one said anything about it.  The assumption the audience recognized it was a positive unless they just assumed all questioners would get shot down on Twitter.



  33. “Does this have anything to go with their Zircon missile that hit Ukraine?”

    BID, heard that report this morning and, like you, wondered if there was a connection between the two announcements? 

  34. In which case, it ain’t all that classified.  The range, the cloak of invisibility, and the speed were all reported yesterday; see my post from late last night.   The article said we have no similar capabilities, nor any way to stop a Zircon in flight.  It gave the maximum range and suggested it was probably launched from a ship, and a Russian General boasted about missiles on ships but didn’t specify the breed.  
    Sink all Russian boats just in case.

  35. Here’s a hypothetical: If we were dealing with an imminent threat or if something had already transpired, would the Republican Politburo be able to support our country’s Commander In Chief, and actually live up to the oath of office they took? 

  36. “…be able to support our country’s Commander In Chief…?”
    Not unless “he” was republican. 

  37. My dad just called and told me about the shooting in KC.  

    Local, early news is all Valentine’s Day, Lent, and coyotes in the park. Not a peep.


    “One person has died after a shooting at the end of a celebration in Kansas City, Missouri, for the Super Bowl-winning Chiefs, according to the police chief.

    At least 14 people were injured, including three patients in critical condition, five in serious condition, and one with non-life-threatening injuries, a fire department official said.

    Police said two armed people were taken into custody.”

    “President Joe Biden has been briefed on a shooting in Kansas City, Missouri, at the end of a celebration for the Super Bowl-winning Chiefs, according to the White House.

    The White House also said they have been in touch with both state and local leaders and that federal law enforcement is on the scene assisting local law enforcement.”

  38. Best news I’ve heard all day.  There’s still the possibility of him being an orange, swole VP. 

  39. So, MAGAt Mike Johnson and the GQP had their little, fear-mongering stunt blow up in their faces.  Good. 
    POTUS Joe already knew and it sounds like he reached out to Turner/the committee, who then decided to make a public statement.
    Republican. Chaos. Machine.
    Since MAGAt Republicans are taking their cue from tRUMPsky, who is a tool of the Russian state, they are all untrustworthy. 
    How long before tRUMPsky says that he, and he alone can keep Putin from targeting our satellites with nukes?  

  40. MAGAt Mike Johnson says Suozzi win because he sounded like a Republican on border security.  


    Republicans were directed by tRUMPsky to sit in their hands, and that’s just what they did.  

    The border/immigration is now the fault of MAGAt Republicans.  

    When will they learn that everything tRUMPsky touches turns to sh/t?

  41. Seems like it would be a simple matter for Democrats to FLOOD THE ZONE with examples of republican perfidy and treachery   

    It’s time for them to be rollin’ and tumblin’, constantly on the defensive.

  42. i felt bad, thought maybe i had the guy wrong 🤷‍♂️ 
    Nope, ———- as suspected 👁️ 

  43. “I am mostly Finnish.”

    Blue Bronc, hope you’re feeling better sooner not later. Thanks for yesterday’s shout-out. I felt very at-home in Finland. They thought I was one of them thanks to my Swedish immigrant great-grandparents. I was addressed in Finnish or Swedish languages before my blank stares caused them to switch over to English. Even the children have three languages at least. Wonderful country. Should be on our list of consideration for emigration in case Canada is closed. 

  44. POTUS Joe’s answer to reporters about what he’s giving up for Lent:  “You guys.”
    Ha! I love him. 

  45. Okay weird – Just heard an ad on Youtube that was the same as one that is on a dog food ad.  It was the same.  Oh boy.  The second one was for a human food, not dog food.  That is really bad.

  46. Many of the local SC big influencers have Nikki signs.   It means the orange sludge will not win by as large a margin as has been suggested.   These certain people having Nikki signs indicate a seismic shift.

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