Greenland startup begins shipping glacier ice to cocktail bars in the UAE | Greenland | The Guardian
Frozen daiquiri anyone? Drinking a cocktail on top of a Dubai skyscraper may seem decadent enough, but a Greenland entrepreneur wants to add ancient glacier ice scooped from the fjords to the glass, for the ultimate international thrill.
Arctic Ice harvests ice from the fjords of Greenland, and then ships them to the United Arab Emirates to sell to exclusive bars…..
The startup was launched in 2022, but only dispatched its first 20 metric tonnes of ice recently. It has been hit with a wave of criticism which has taken the founders by surprise. Social media commentators have been unflattering, making comments such as: “Shouldn’t you be worrying about the effects of global warming rather than selling glacier water?” or “What is this dystopia?”. [continues]
speaking of moral declines and being on the rocks to ruin, interesting op ed this summer by rev. dr. russell, an episcopal rector in houston TX CNN Opinion: GOP leaders backing Trump are in a moral abyss There’s a tragic scene in Thomas Hardy’s classic work “Far from the Madding Crowd,” and we see something very much like it being played out, right before our eyes, by the leadership of the Republican Party. In the novel, sheep farmer Gabriel Oak has faced one financial setback after another. For reasons that are never explained, one night one of Oak’s sheepdogs starts chasing the flock, which numbers hundreds of animals. As sheep do, the animals allow themselves to be blindly guided by the canine, which drives them off a cliff to their deaths. The dog meanwhile remains safely at the top of the precipice, impervious to the fact that it has destroyed everything his master has worked so hard to achieve. I can’t help but see parallels among key leaders of the GOP, who seem — either by design or default — intent on steering their adherents to certain ruin, without regard for the moral implications of their actions. (Before I go too much further, I should say that I am keenly aware that Democrats have their own moral troubles, but I am not a Democrat. I will leave their criticism to someone in their own house). For most of my life I have identified myself as a Republican and, with few exceptions, have voted the same. But I now find that the GOP leadership of today is unrecognizable when compared to the party I supported enthusiastically during the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. I was Bush’s minister for the last 11.5 years of his life, and had occasion to witness the rectitude with which he approached governing and that guided his views on politics. But men like him are in short supply. A GOP that once welcomed character, decency and morality is sinking quickly into an abyss. These days, the party values polls and raw power more than principle and… Read more »
stephen’s back
Nikki Haley left out some important details when describing the cause of the Civil War, Donald Trump is playing to the faithful ahead of the Iowa caucus, and Stephen describes a scary situation on a recent Boeing 737 flight.
The dictator meme is out there, will it matter?
There is a case no one includes in list of Trump’s January trials, but it survived motions to dismiss, the Trumps have done depositions and it is scheduled for trial in New York federal court starting Jan. 29, no sign it has been moved.
Lawsuit accuses Trump family of peddling phony get-rich schemes, alleges Trump and his children convinced consumers to invest in get-rich-quick schemes, while also accepting “large, secret payments” from the companies they were pitching.
MAGAs beware: he’s treasonous, he’s traitorous and he’s tricking you out of your money.
Greenland gets a new king and queen next week. Maybe they can fix that.
Soon-to-be-Queen Mary’s Texas roots are generally overlooked.
“A little-known secret about the princess: she attended Clear Lake City Elementary in 1974 and 1975. Bay Area Houston Magazine reports that she lived in Houston’s Bay Area when “her father, John Dalgleish Donaldson, a professor of applied mathematics, worked at the Johnson Space Center.”
Just to be a blah, blah, blah bringing good news – the world has been nice for many months now because we have not heard about or from Meagan and Harry and baby.
Poobah, the Doe v. Trump case sounds remarkably like the Trump U. case – Dumbass selling nonexistent BS for ridiculous amounts. I’d love to read the Complaint and see what kind of air he and his spawn were selling.
Poobah, the link you provided to the Doe v. Dumbass case led to a nonexistent Wiki page, but with a few clicks I ended up at the correct one. The link is
I don’t see the difference but mine takes me there and yours didn’t. Funny to me that unaired footage from The Celebrity Apprentice has already been ruled admissible as evidence. Popcorn, please.
“Today, 25% of U.S. adults identify with evangelical denominations, down less than one percentage point since 2007.”
“Today, just 15% of all U.S. adults identify with mainline Protestant churches, down from 18% in 2007.”
“Evangelicals now constitute a clear majority of all Protestants in the U.S., with their share of the Protestant population having risen from 51% in 2007 to 55% in 2014.”
The Episcopal Pastor’s op-ed would be good news, if not for the high number of evangelicals. That fundie virus has spread to other denominations, too.
Add to that, splits within seemingly mainline churches, like the once-united Methodist, over LGBTQ rights, and Catholic doctrine about women’s bodily autonomy and contraception, and the op-ed just sounds like one man who cannot stomach the orange, racist, rapist, Christo-fascist liar talking to the wind and hoping other pastors will filter this down to their congregations.
Crazy windy here.
“Nebraska governor again rejects giving kids from low-income families $40 per month for food: ‘I don’t believe in welfare’
“…his rejection of $18 million in federal funding to help feed children who might otherwise go hungry while school is out.”
*I’ll bet he goes to church every Sunday.
“Neighboring Iowa is also opting out of the program, with Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds announcing that decision last week and saying, “An EBT card does nothing to promote nutrition at a time when childhood obesity has become an epidemic.”
*She should worry about the lax guns laws she signed off on. Well, maybe she thinks the more school shootings, the fewer hungry children. I’ll bet she makes sure she’s seen at church every Sunday, too.
today’s meme…
Judges don’t appear to be buying what Dumbass’ attorneys are selling. WaPo.
I guess his gamble on the deference he thinks he gets when he’s there in court in person doesn’t appear to be paying off. Maybe he shoulda gone to Iowa and practiced his lies.
pogo, he wasn’t going to go anywhere near iowa once they saw the weather forecasts. not exactly coincidental there were announcements then about his trial attendance being necessary.
good now and then to just watch something cute, inexplicable and strange
Mouse secretly filmed tidying man’s shed every night | Animals | The Guardian
someday in a far-off future, speculation will be made as to the strange ancient rituals of leaving tiny transportation for tiny bits of revered figures just like was done even earlier in the pyramid burials of egyptian pharaohs.
excerpt from Nasa Peregrine 1 has ‘no chance’ of landing on moon due to fuel leak | Space | The Guardian
Pat, maybe the brainy mouse can build us a better Trump Trap.
Blue Bronc, once upon a time I read this article by Harry’s ghost writer and gained an understanding of how challenging his and Meghan’s lives must be. You wouldn’t want to be them.
The state [AZ] is facing a $400 million shortfall in this current budget year and another $450 million deficit in the coming year. Those numbers are mainly due to the skyrocketing costs of a 2022 expansion of the voucher program and a 2021 tax cut that took full effect last year and reduced incoming tax revenues by about 30% from July through November.
“Massachusetts voters approved an additional tax on incomes of more than a million dollars.”
“Partly because of the millionaire’s tax, the state now ranks as the fifth worst for business-tax competitiveness, according to the foundation.”“At least one notable resident, former Boston Celtics player Grant Williams, cited the amendment as part of the reason he chose to relocate to Texas. He now plays for the Dallas Mavericks. “$54 million in Dallas is really like $58 million in Boston,” Williams said.
They will just move around the taxes. They will have to be eaten.
patd, I didn’t consider the weather in IA but it makes perfect sense. IA in January (30, snowy and windy with winter storm warnings today) ain’t as nice as it is in Palm Beach (78 and cloudy), or in DC for that matter (52 and rainy). (Edited weekend visit out – it was old news for the past weekend).
BID: those guys come up a dollar short on the enlightened part.,serve%20their%20own%20self%2Dinterest.
Yeah, that Massachusetts millionaire tax is killing the Celtics – they’ve dropped to 1st in the East with a 3 1/2 game margin over the Bucks and have the best record in the league overall. Grant’s playing for the Mavericks – 6th in the West and 4 games behind the Timberwolves, who would be 3 1/2 games behind Boston if they were in the East. That 4% surtax doesn’t appear to be driving the MA NBA players to Texas because, when you get there you are in Texas. 🙄
After reading accounts of the arguments and watching legal commentators who watched or listened to them the consensus appears to be that Dumbass & his lawyer’s arguments about immunity are just fucking bonkers.
They seemed skeptical of the sketchiness.
“The judges seemed incredulous when Mr. Sauer said a president could use the military to assassinate a political rival and be shielded from prosecution unless the Senate first convicted him at an impeachment proceeding.”