“As Maine goes, so goes the nation” was once a maxim in United States politics. The phrase described Maine‘s reputation as a bellwether state for presidential elections. Maine’s September election of a governor predicted the party outcome of the November presidential election in 22 out of the 29 presidential election years from 1820 to 1932: namely 1820–1844, 1852, 1860–1880, 1888, 1896–1908 and 1920–1932; more importantly, as Maine was a generally Republican-leaning state, the margin of the September elections compared to expectations could predict national November results more than the identity of the winning party in Maine. A contest still won by the Republicans but with a narrower margin than usual would still predict good Democratic results nationally.
[Also see from the Library of Congress As Maine goes, so goes the nation (loc.gov)]
Bellwether Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster
Attribution: Presidential Campaign 2024 by Bruce Plante, PoliticalCartoons.com
jeers from the peanut gallery
Republicans bash Maine secretary of state for Trump ballot decision – POLITICO
cheers from dr. mary, the psychologist
Trump Being Kicked Off Maine Ballot ‘Huge Victory for Democracy’—Mary Trump (msn.com)
nikki making bellwether sounds which might just turn some of those non-maga GOPer sheep in NH primary to vote for christie instead of continuing to follow her. for example the slavery gaffe and this
the hill:
Thanks, Pat. Don’t know how much of a bellwether is Dr. Mary, but I always appreciate her point of view on her crazy uncle.
Was very impressed with the Maine Secretary of State on TV last night, she came across quite calm and reasonable, not the monstrous thug the MAGA mob portraying.
This AP article is a balanced overview of the issue but I don’t agree the Court must prevent “chaos”. They welcomed a chaos of contradictory state laws on abortion, why not this? – AP: “Until the high court rules, any state could adopt its own standard on whether Trump, or anyone else, can be on the ballot. That’s the sort of legal chaos the court is supposed to prevent.”
His most egregious act was his deliberate failure to act as his minions attacked.
Another notable bell-ringer was Ivan Pavlov.
Salivating (or retching), we’re increasingly conditioned one way or another in our response to the sound of the word trump.
possibly making things even more chaotic, congress critters are empowered in 2 sections of 14th amendment.
“The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”
hmmm the critters “shall have the power to enforce”??? consider their current state.
editorial cartoon in yesterday’s kennebec journal at centralmaine.com
Thomas Jefferson saw Trump coming:
— Letter to James Madison advocating term limits for the presidency
Aaron Burr could have been the first chump.
The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen.
—Tom Smothers
His supporters are in jail because of actions they did. It is much harder to prove that Trump was in anyway involved or an active participant. Advocating for a certain legal theory and working with others to advocate for it is not rebellion, it is speech and assembly. Both protected by the constitution. A political demonstration that got out of control and turned into a riot, also, is not rebellion. The fact that there were people in the mob who were engaged in an act of organized rebellion doesn’t mean that Trump or any of the other rioters were engaging in rebellion.
Although Trump walked right up to the edge, I suspect it will be hard to prove he was a rebel.
I believe this will be the escape route that the Court uses to avoid making the hard choices, they will punt and make no changes to existing law.
Do I think Trump lead, organized and approved of what happened Jan 6? Yes. Can it be proved? I’m doubtful.
neither of those rights are absolute
tape or testimony could prove his intent, i assume Smith has both
jack, don’t forget the latter half of “shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof” from section 3 of 14th amdmt.
he certainly aided and comforted them by not sending in troops to quell the rioting insurrectionists, telling them he loved them and comforting them even more by promising to pardon them.
Jack Smith is sitting on much more than we know. He’s got several trials to go thru yet. Theft and possible distribution of national intelligence secrets and such.
Like that Michigan electors phone call which popped up.
The central argument of Trump‘s legal defense is essentially that he’s too stupid to understand written English, but he says he’s a stable genius
One term, six years, no reelections.
Would solve a ton of problems.
ivy, sure glad that the loser was NOT in the WH for longer than he was… those 4 years were 4 years too much. just think of more harm he would have done knowing he didn’t have to campaign again. in that case, an impeachment conviction would have been imperative to ward off his plan to become dictator.
Pat, point well taken. Such a maniacal megalomaniac should never ever have been elected in the first place. We got him out in the nick of time – though too late for millions he destroyed – and by the skin of our teeth. It could have been so much worse, and I’m not sleeping easy knowing he can get in there again.
Bobo is not going to affect me. I get to vote for another good Joe. But all my relatives will be stuck with her. Some may like that; others won’t. But they’ve already gotten used to being Stuck with Buck. She may get primaried (let’s hope.)
I think she’s going to sink like a stone.
She’ll be gone quicker’n you can say “Gary Hart”.
Mr. Ivy got a jury summons. Guess we’re “on a roll” now.
SFB called the insurrectionists to DC/held a rally on the day of the count; he knew they were armed and that they weren’t there to hurt him; he said they were going to march to the Capitol, said “fight like hell,” and would’ve been there himself if the SS had allowed it; knew what was going on and that Pence was in danger; he sat on his tiny hands while his lackeys tried to carry out his plan to overthrow the government. Orange Adolf led the insurrection. He was their Commander-In-Thief.
No matter the outcome of 2024, it’s going to be difficult. As KO said in January of 2021, this was just a rehearsal.