44 thoughts on “Start Spreadin’ the News”

  1. from business insider last week:

    “We know that prices are still too high for too many things, that times are still too tough for too many families,” Biden said. “But we’ve made progress, but we have more work to do.”
    The president then issued a direct warning to companies: “Let me be clear: To any corporation that has not brought their prices back down — even as inflation has come down, even supply chains have been rebuilt — it’s time to stop the price gouging — giving the American consumer a break.” 

    give ’em hell, joe!

    perhaps a replay also of the ’48 campaign as recalled in politicaldictionary?

    In 1948, President Harry Truman was running for re-election. During a campaign stop in Bremerton, Washington, Truman delivered a rousing speech attacking the Republicans. One of Truman’s supporters called out, “give ‘em hell Harry!” Truman replied, “I don’t give them hell. I just tell the truth about them, and they think it’s hell.”
    The 1948 campaign was hard-fought – in fact, it was such a close contest that, at the last minute, some newspapers called the outcome the wrong way. A famous photo shows Truman, smiling triumphantly and holding up a two-day old copy of the Chicago Daily Tribune; the headline read, “Dewey Defeats Truman.” Truman, of course, had defeated Dewey.
    On the campaign trail, Truman faced massive dissent in his own party, with a group of Southern Democrats breaking away to form the Dixiecrat party. On the left, Henry Wallace and his new Progressive Party also threatened to siphon off votes from Truman. 

  2. what IS with the gauging at the grocery stores though?  don’t see the farmers getting the extra booty, more like getting the boot from the middleman.

    for instance yesterday while prepping for holiday fare, i noticed christmas goose had more than doubled*; but I bet the producing poultrymen weren’t the ones goosing the price, probably even lost money.


    *now $100 for 1 scrawny bird!

  3. speaking of not having goose for the holidays, 

    Fowl play: why A Christmas Carol meant our goose was cooked (theconversation.com)

    In Victorian London, when Dickens wrote the Carol, Christmas day was commonly celebrated by consuming, not a grand turkey, but rather a humble goose. At that time, the turkey was an exotic bird, too expensive for the common person to purchase.
    The act of Scrooge sending a gigantic prize turkey to the Cratchits represented a radical change in not only Scrooge’s character, from the cynical miser to the generous spendthrift, but also personified a radical socioeconomic transformation.
    A transformation from a more puritan capitalism focused on the accumulation of money to a more hedonistic consumerism focusing on maximising consumption.

  4. Musical number starring Jesse L. Martin as the Ghost of Christmas Present in A Christmas Carol The Musical (2004). Also starring Kelsey Grammer, Jane Krakowski and Jason Alexander.

  5. song Nothing to Do With Me lyrics from the musical “A Christmas Carol”

    Damn this silly season!
    Damn all humankind!
    Makes you lose your reason!
    Makes you lose your mind!
    Next thing you know
    I’ll be dancing in snow.
    Throwing coins to the poor,
    And the lame, and the blind!
    Well, I wish that the whole world
    Would just let me be!
    Let the whole world be damned!
    It has nothing to do with me!

    (Suddenly the Blind Old Hag is at his elbow again.)

    (whispers menacingly)
    “Look to yourself! You look to yourself, before it’s too late.”

    “Bah, Humbug!”

    source: https://www.lyricsondemand.com/soundtracks/c/christmascarollyrics/nothingtodowithmepart2lyrics.html

  6. https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/regulatory/white-house-senators-take-aim-corporate-greed-healthcare
    “The Biden-Harris Administration believes that the healthcare system should serve patients, not corporate profiteers,” the White House wrote in a fact sheet. “The Administration is concerned that our healthcare system is increasingly being financialized, with corporate owners like private equity firms and others maximizing their profits at the expense of patients’ health and safety, while increasing costs for patients and taxpayers alike.”
     “….a Senate Budget Committee investigation into reports that private equity ownership of healthcare providers has contributed to deteriorating care. Announced this morning by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), the committee’s ranking member and chair, the effort includes letters requesting financial relationships and operating practices sent to private equity firms and the providers they own.”

  7. https://theconversation.com/dear-politicians-to-solve-our-food-bank-crisis-curb-corporate-greed-and-implement-a-basic-income-219086

    “Dear politicians: to solve our food bank crisis, curb corporate greed and implement a basic income…” -Canada


    “Study Shows Corporate Profiteering ‘Amplified’ Global Inflation”

    “The researchers estimated that the profits of major corporations, bolstered by a relatively small number of companies, were at least 30% higher at the end of last year than they were at the end of 2019, prior to the coronavirus crisis.”

  8. https://www.npr.org/2023/05/19/1177180972/economists-are-reconsidering-how-much-corporate-profits-drive-inflation

    “In the past, corporate profit growth accounted for maybe a third of inflation. But a report from the Kansas City Fed found that nearly 60% of inflation in 2021 was because of corporate profits.”

    “There is a formula for what causes inflation, and it’s very simple. It is costs plus corporate profits. That’s how you get inflation. If costs increase for a company because workers want higher wages or because the cost of raw materials go up, you can get inflation. If corporate profits go up, you can get inflation. Now, you may remember a lot of economists last year saying that corporations or corporate greed was not driving inflation, but corporate profits could be a driver of inflation. It’s right there in the inflation formula…”

    But, of course, they are blaming pay rises.

  9. Pumpkin Head must be worried the economy is getting better, gotta talk it down…

    Donald J. Trump

    Just three years ago, our economy was booming, the world was safe, and America was strong. Annual incomes went up by more than $6,000 under the Trump administration, and they went down by about $6,000 under the horrible Biden administration — the worst in the history of our country. The 30-year mortgage rate reached a record low of 2.65%. We had no inflation. We had gasoline down to $1.87 per gallon. … Under Crooked Joe Biden, the economy is in shambles and the world is going up in flames. Real incomes have gone down by $7,400 per family. … Cumulative inflation is nearly 20%. … We have war in Europe. We have wars in the Middle East. And we are stumbling into World War III.

  10. PatD, i’ve never tried cooking goose, you got me interested BUT at my Safeway an 8.5 pounder is $127!!! Back to chicken, or maybe I’ll splurge on a duck ($17 for 5 pounds).

  11. The inflation or high prices on everyday items is what people are complaining about.  I am now seeing complaints about the new contracts from last year and early this year being overwhelmed by grocery costs and everyday items such as clothes prices.  There is some relief on gas prices, but not energy prices.  The cost of electricity goes up, not down.  Cable prices, mine went from 120 to 180 and nothing changed (I have to cancel it again).  Diesel fuel is still nutso high, so trucking costs are high.
    The administration has had time to do something about this, although they do not have a lot of tools, they have the bully pulpit.  Jobs are great to have, unemployment is wonderful low. Wages are way low and have been since that actor was the president.
    We are almost to election season.  Even if sfb is not a candidate, there are hundreds of his cult ready to lie, cheat and steal to get a seat at all levels of government. The cost of living is going to be key in every speech.

  12. Because there is some bipartisan effort to control some drug prices, I’ve been seeing ads warning folks that “Bernie” wants the government to take over control of your healthcare.  They are pushing the “socialist” narrative, but are folks (even TX Republicans) stupid enough to believe that drug companies aren’t just in it for the money?   Companies, even drug companies, are primarily concerned with profits.  


    “Outside conservative groups are pushing Republican lawmakers to reject an effort in Congress to crack down on pharmacy benefit managers as a way to address the rising cost of prescription drugs.”

    “The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste unleashed its latest TV ad campaign against efforts by lawmakers such as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) to rein in pharmaceutical middlemen, arguing such a move would be “one step closer” toward nationalizing healthcare and actually raise drug prices as a result.”

  13. Ha! Gas was $1.87 because nobody needed gas during the pandemic.  Orange Adolf is delulu.

    POTUS Joe needs to crack down on corporate greed (it’s been called “greedflation”) to whatever level he is allowed.   

    And, and, and do something about the cost of housing.   Landlords, unless under a larger corporate umbrella, may not be a visible villain, but they are guilty for much of the economic pain.  Folks can control which groceries they buy, and where, but they have to have a roof over their heads.   As a candidate from NY said years ago, “the rent is too damned high.”

  14. Factcheck.org on Trump econ record:

    The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%. Paychecks grew faster than inflation. Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 8.7% after inflation. After-tax corporate profits went up, and the stock market set new records. The S&P 500 index rose 67.8%. The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016. The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million. The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion. Home prices rose 27.5%, and the homeownership rate increased 2.1 percentage points to 65.8%. Illegal immigration increased. Apprehensions at the Southwest border rose 14.7% in 2021 compared with 2016. Coal production declined 26.5%, and coal-mining jobs dropped by 16.7%.

  15. Congress is too busy fistfighting and picking out their fabulous wardrobes to like “regulate capitalism” 😆 

  16. don’t forget nikki haley said when chastising the gopers this summer “Donald Trump added $8 trillion to our debt, and our kids are never going to forgive us for this.”

  17. https://www.newsweek.com/why-wall-street-falling-love-nikki-haley-1850473

    “Gary Cohn, former president of investment bank Goldman Sachs who served in the Trump administration, co-hosted a Haley fundraiser recently.”

    “…Haley also scored the endorsement of the influential conservative advocacy group connected with the billionaire brothers Charles Koch and the late David Koch.”

    At this week’s debate, Nikki also said something to the effect that RonDuh was just jealous of her because Wall Street is abandoning him and supporting her.

  18. https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/nikki-haley-fake-moderate-gop-debate/

    “Nikki Haley’s Fake Moderation Should Fool No One”

    “The favorite of plutocrats and the mainstream media is running a deeply deceptive campaign.”

    “Unlike Ramaswamy, whose strategy is to win over the alt-right, Haley is the candidate of the Republican establishment, treated with deference by the mainstream media and showered with donations by JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and other billionaires. Haley’s disinformation isn’t aimed at frothing Internet trolls; she caters to the fantasy life of comfortable suburbanites who fancy themselves moderates.”

    “The story Haley is presenting here, that Iran encouraged the Hamas massacre of October 7 as a birthday gift to Vladimir Putin, is as ludicrous as anything Ramaswamy said on the same stage.”

    “In reality, US intelligence assessments show that Iran was, like Israel itself, surprised by the Hamas massacre. Hamas was motivated by its own agenda, not that of any outside group. Further, the stalemate in Ukraine was working in Putin’s favor long before the massacre.”

    “Haley’s story makes no logical sense, although it has a political rational. Republican voters have tired of supporting Ukraine in its attempt to roll back the Russian invasion, having been swayed by the America First arguments that this isn’t a vital American issue. By contrast, support for Israel’s war remains popular with Republicans—far more than with Democrats and independents. By her nonsensical scenario, Haley hopes to use Israel’s popularity to revive Republican support for Ukraine. The only problem with this approach is that it’s based on a complete fiction.”

    “Haley’s lie about the Hamas massacre can stand as a synecdoche for her entire campaign, which is based on a pretense of moderation that has no factual grounding.”

    “She’s receiving massive funding not just from the familiar Republican plutocrats (Charles Koch and his network of like-minded rich friends) but also from nominally Democratic billionaires (such as LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman), who are under the illusion that she presents a path for the Republican Party’s returning to pre-Trump norms.”

    “…Haley is merely Trump-lite, Trump with a more soothing tone but the same policies. She served under Trump as United Nations ambassador and has said that if Trump is the nominee, she will support him. Maybe she hopes to be Trump’s vice presidential running mate—although even that daydream seems fanciful. After all, in 2016 Mike Pence at least brought with him a sizable chunk of the GOP base: evangelical Christians. Haley wouldn’t even offer Trump that and is tied to the establishment wing of the party he distrusts.”

    “Haley’s own policies don’t show evidence of moderation.”

    “Haley has little else but far-right positions and deeply conservative policies in her portfolio. She has supported granting fetuses civil rights, a pseudoscientific arrangement that once undergirded Ireland’s abortion laws, and that turned out great. She’s anti–gun control and wants metal detectors and law enforcement stationed at every school. She has said that Florida’s “Don’t say gay” bill “doesn’t go far enough,” she has pledged to fight any measure to limit police funding…”

  19. Ha, all this faux outrage at Hunter not paying taxes on money he used for prostitutes.

    WHAT ABOUTISM Alert: But not a peep over Trump deducting nearly $750,000 in bribes to sex partners as a business expense.

  20. Yep, faux outrage at Hunter…and he’s not the Biden running for President in 2024.  
    I mean, if Orange Junior got caught in a drug deal, that wouldn’t have anything to do with Orange Adolf.

  21. I glanced at wapo’s morning newsletter and found it amusing and irritating that they linked Hunters tax problems with his drug and party life style as if there was any relevant connection. When what they should have been doing was explaining the felony charges so we could properly evaluate how serious the charges were. But that would have taken work and well, why work when lazy gets you by.

  22. Variable rate credit cards are killing lower income households.  Their minimum monthly barely covers in interest payments.  There really needs to be a cap at no higher than 25%.  That’s more than enough profit for any lender.


  23. Jamie
    The hardest thing for low income folks to deal with is credit cards. They offer easy credit but it costs. When I first graduated from college the card applications were endless and the approval was easy. Having dealt with a local banker from the age of 16 I understood credit but I didn’t understand  how credit cards worked. I got in over my head and it took a while to get out. what I learned is if you are poor don’t  participate in the system. It is designed to screw poor folks to the advantage of people in my current situation. I use cards now, pay them all off at the end of the month and get 2% to 5% back on purchases. 
    Once I got out from under my CC debt, I quit using them so much so that when Mrs Jack and I borrowed money for our first rental it all went on her .name. Not because I had bad credit history, just that I had no credit history. I had been paying cash for years. Or doing without.
    There is an entire industry out there , payday loan ect designed to screw poor people. They have the lobbyist poor folks don’t so it isn’t getting better.

  24. Bink
    Back in the 70’s, when I borrowed  for the first time  from a local community bank that has since been bought  out by a large regional bank. There was a usury law in place that limited what a bank could charge.  With the high inflation rates of the late 70’s that law was removed. It never came back.
    You want to know if you live in a neighborhood going down hill, just count the number of payday loan, pawn shops, we finance Auto dealers. If you don’t see any you know you are in a good neighborhood, one or two you are going down hill. If they are the only thriving businesses, better move.

  25. what I learned is if you are poor don’t  participate in the system

    agree %100 but that goes out the window when people have kids, gotta provide by any means necessary 🤷‍♂️ 

    it’d be cool if there was a system that could be established to allow renters to build wealth, like a tax on rent-revenue that goes into a retirement account FOR THE RENTER

    i feel like i’m onto something there 🤔

    we could even take the same approach with all consumer debt


  26. ″‘Life is a game, boy. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules.‘”
    ‘Yes, sir. I know it is. I know it.’

    Game, my ass. Some game. If you get on the side where all the hot-shots are, then it’s a game, all right—I’ll admit that. But if you get on the other side, where there aren’t any hot-shots, then what’s a game about it? Nothing. No game.”
    —Holden Caulfield.  Fictional character of the week.

  27. Bink
    As I told my niece it is one foot at a time and eventually you go “how the fuck did this happen” Or at least that is my world. It is why I have offered to be her banker so she can become a home owner. It is also why I tell her I’m your asshole banker, not your nice friendly uncle

  28. https://watcher.guru/news/senator-elizabeth-warren-crypto-is-the-new-threat-out-there

    “Speaking on CNBC Thursday, US Senator Elizabeth Warren says that crypto is the latest threat facing the world today.”

    “It is being used for terrorist financing, it is being used for drug trafficking, North Korea is using it to pay for about half of its nuclear weapons program,” Warren said. “We can’t allow that to continue.”

    “Senator Elizabeth Warren is pushing towards updating banking laws to include crypto enforcement. She has introduced new bills to strengthen crypto regulation and bank secrecy requirements for crypto assets.”

    “Furthermore, Warren’s argument echoes that of JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon. Dimon said in front of senators yesterday that he would close down crypto if he were a member of the government. The US Government is split on the future of crypto.”

  29. bId – you just posted one of the reasons the m party gets away with BS.  Sen. Warren is all into the worst thing in the world bitcoin.  Several of my cousins were going off on how much it is costing for making holiday meals for families, separate families not at one home.  Also, how much toys and other gifts have been priced out of reach.  They all have a B.A. or B.S. degree but there contracts are now out of date.
    Why are Dems so focused away from where we started?  The party leaders need to start focusing attention to the ground, not on something these people do not care about.  Again, low unemployment is great.  How about getting the anti-monopoly, anti-billionaire, and just for fun anti-trust, going?

  30. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4346435-white-house-announces-ready-to-deploy-march-in-rights-high-drug-prices/

    “Biden administration threatens seizure of US-funded drug patents if prices too high”

    “Under the Bayh–Dole Act of 1980, the government retains certain rights on any products produced through a public-private partnership using federal funding. This legislation allows federal agencies that provided the funding to compel companies that make such products to provide a “nonexclusive, partially exclusive, or exclusive” license to a “responsible applicant.”

    “If the company refuses to grant a license for its product, the government has the authority to grant the license itself.”

    “These are referred to as march-in rights, as they allow the federal government to “march in” and issue a license for a product on its own.”

    “American taxpayers pay more for research than any country in the world: hundreds of billions of dollars on research relevant to developing new drugs through the [National Institutes of Health] and other agencies. But at the same time, pharmaceutical companies charge Americans two to three times — and sometimes even more than that — for the same drugs than what they can charge in other countries,” White House domestic policy adviser Neera Tanden said in a briefing.

    “Throughout this year, lawmakers such as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) grumbled over the price hikes of coronavirus vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer, arguing the investment of taxpayer funds into these medicines was meant to promote public health and not corporate profits.”

    “In the pharmaceutical industry, the four largest companies control almost half of all revenues, leading to less competition and higher prices for American consumers,” Brainard said.

    And, here’s the BS from big pharma:

    “…Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) spokesperson Megan Van Etten issued a statement responding to the proposed framework, saying, “This would be yet another loss for American patients who rely on public-private sector collaboration to advance new treatments and cures.”

  31. If POTUS Joe keeps fighting corporations and standing up for average Americans and  unions, he will win easily.   The comparison to whichever  un-godly Republican runs against us will be glaring.  Yes, against us.  Republicans are running against most Americans.  They are authoritarian, anti-democracy, anti-freedom, corporate shills.

  32. https://gothamist.com/arts-entertainment/santacon-raises-money-for-charity-theyve-spent-a-lot-on-crypto-and-burning-man

    It looks like they put the con in SantaCon.

    “SantaCon raises money for charity. They’ve spent a lot on crypto and Burning Man.”

    “Organizers of the daylong bar crawl, during which tens of thousands of revelers in Santa costumes crowd bars and sidewalks across the city, have long defended against public pushback by saying that the event is a charity fundraiser.”

    “…from late 2014 through the end of 2022, and that less than a fifth of that money has gone to registered nonprofits.”

    “More than a third of the organization’s total giving during that period went to groups or individuals who appear connected to Burning Man…”

    “In 2018, it lost $17,498 worth of investments it made in cryptocurrencies – equal to about a third of its charitable giving that year.”

    “More than $832,000 of the money raised from SantaCon programming – or 59% – went to the nonprofit’s expenses, not including its charitable grants.”

    “That may seem expensive for an organization that does not list any full-time employees and whose most well-known activity is a one-day event.”

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