Matt wrote in 7: 15-20 that a tree is known by its fruit.
Behold the fruit of the Trump tree as depicted by and further described in Trump sons on the stand: Darcy cartoons –
Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump took the stand in the trial of the Trump organization for fraudulent appraisals.Jeff Darcy
Don Jr. mistaking G.A.A.P. accounting standards for the GAP clothing chain.Jeff Darcy
similarly, from another cartoonist
Attribution: Twumpydum Twumpydummer by Ed Wexler,
today is the rotted-to-the-core tree’s turn
Donald Trump testifies: What to expect when former president takes the stand – BBC News
speaking of reproduction and avoiding same with regard to election campaigns starting at approximately 17:45 in on video.
John Oliver discusses the ongoing fallout from the overturning of Roe v. Wade as the November elections approach.
They’re winning…….if only because after all this they haven’t lost yet.
🎵🎶. Fiddle De dee.
Some scary stuff going on in Trump world plans for another term. NYT and WAPO have recently laid it out.
NYT: “Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025 — The former president and his backers aim to strengthen the power of the White House and limit the independence of federal agencies.”
Washington Post: “Trump and allies plot revenge, Justice Department control in a second term. They are circulating plans to deploy the military to quell unrest in response to plans many critics call dangerous and unconstitutional.”
Trump’s transition team has a website detailing the takeover plans. Voters can’t say they couldn’t have known:
This is how autocrats take over governments and end democracy. Trump’s idol in Hungary is a good example. Initially Orban got elected (with Putin’s help) to “reform” government. Voters didn’t know that meant creating a dictator and by the time of the last election his opponent wasn’t allowed media coverage because Orban now controls the media.
An all out assault on democracy includes use of media…..and polls.
There is something that I have not heard in years, many years, going back to sometime in the Obama administration, assassination attempts. Is there some embargo on letting anyone know if there has been one by the Secret Service? I cannot imagine someone or some group has not tried to toss a bad french fry in the orange bloats fry pile. Or a flat tire on President Biden’s bicycle.
Now we’ve got at least two of the best Dem strategists around saying Biden should step aside, Carville and now David Axelrod, responding to yesterday’s NYT poll showing him behind in battleground states:
Well, I’ll be darned. It’s deja vu all over again.
Honestly, if POTUS Joe weren’t running, the only Dem that I can see everyone coalesce around is Michelle Obama.
The Dem bench is deep; Elizabeth Warren, Pete B, Amy K, Jon Ossoff, etc., but not everyone will be on board.
What does any other candidate offer that’s different than Biden? Exactly. It’s just ageism, folks.
Biden/Harris 2024
A whole year more of this, too!
Presidential meme for today:
Judge Engoron isn’t amused. WaPo.
But it is still early in the day.
deja vu
He needs to be locked up.
“…assassination attempts. Is there some embargo on letting anyone know if there has been one by the Secret Service?”
BB, don’t know whether there still are devotees of donald still in the SS but seems there were some that were reassigned away from WH detail (for good reason). During 1st 2 years joe was somewhat immune because kamala was next in line and kamala sorta protected from such mischief due to nancy being the next next in line. the magaTs couldn’t abide either one as prez. however, currently skullduggery would only require a simultaneous double hitter (so to speak) to allow maga mike to ascend. I suppose the plan then would be for mike to name you-know-who as his veep and then graciously step aside for the golden bullcalf to take the throne.
He should not be allowed to get away with this. It’s a bad example for the kids.
Wrapping up with the orange moron coming soon I am looking forward to the Ivanka testimony. Is the judge going to provide punishment from the bench? That would be fun, “hey stupid, you can’t be in NY anymore. Go away, and by the way leave the keys with the bailiff.”
Dramatic change in that NYT battleground poll when asked about conviction. Same poll, same respondents who gave Trump the lead without the conviction factor.
This guy articulates everything i’d rather not on a phone keyboard:
“Hey Democrats, Let’s Have a Serious Talk About Joe Biden
A New York Times poll shows Biden trailing Trump in five of six major swing states. Time to panic? Yes, sort of!
Michael Tomasky
November 6, 2023“
“For my part? I think Biden has been a great president. All—and I mean all—of my good friends agree. They all might not use the word “great,” but they’d concur that his accomplishments have been beyond expectations. He passed bipartisan bills on which Republicans agreed to spend money on public investments. He stood with autoworkers as they got their best contract in recent history. He’s been stalwart on abortion rights since Dobbs. His leadership on Ukraine has been, at times, nothing short of inspiring. My friends and I are more mixed on his handling of the current Middle East crisis, but that’s an almost impossible situation that isn’t his fault, and at least his current position in support of a two-state solution and for Israel to abandon the status quo in Gaza (or make it worse) is the right one. But overall, the assessments of him are very positive.
But the disgruntlement obviously isn’t limited to foreign affairs. Of course, it’s partly inflation. The inflation rate is way down. And those of us who read economic reports know that when it was bad, it was worse in the EU, and it largely wasn’t Biden’s fault (it was pandemic-related supply chain issues). But most people don’t understand that; they just know that their kids’ cereal went from $4.89 to $6.19.”
“Then there’s the border. And crime. Those two issues really lead us into a discussion about the media, because what we have in this country, as I’ve written repeatedly, are two medias—a mainstream media and a right-wing media—and they are not remotely balanced. That is, the mainstream media report on Biden’s victories and setbacks in the traditional way of Western journalism, while the right-wing media savage him every single day over every single thing.”
…the most important point:
-from same Tomasky piece
Bink, that is some keen analysis by Tomasky. Every time I think about Biden’s situation I get around to yearning for the Eisenhower vibe: competent and steady, boring and old but, darn it we really like him.
“The road apple doesn’t fall far from the horse’s patootie.”
At 19 minutes in, Old Berman addresses those polls.
Many salient points.