Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major,
Performed by Netherlands Philharmonic, Ronald Brautigam [piano]
Like last week you will notice things that are familiar even if you have never heard the whole piece.
Enjoy, Jack
User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
thanks, Jack. to quoth the wiki:
it’s a puzzlement
multi times more ukrainians have been and are currently continuing to be killed by the on-going russian invasion than all the casualties of the hamas-israeli conflict. but yet such an uproar only about the middle east.
even to the point normally sane folk are ensuring the take over here of a demi-god wannabe dictator and promoting domestic unrest that potentially will culminate in another attempt to violently overthrow the current administration.
it’s a puzzlement
BBC news:
The Israel-Gaza war is “taking away the focus” from the conflict in Ukraine, the country’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has admitted.
He said this was “one of the goals” of Russia, which launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
Russia bombarded 118 Ukrainian towns and villages in 24 hours, more than on any other day this year, says Ukrainian Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko.
He said 10 of Ukraine’s 27 regions had come under attack and the onslaught had caused deaths and injuries.
Attribution: War War War by Monte Wolverton, Battle Ground, WA
lines from an old song by holly near are haunting
To show that killing people is wrong
What a foolish notion
That war is called devotion
When the greatest warriors are the ones that stand for peace
Ah, the first day of the animals waking me up an hour earlier than they used to, which is still an hour earlier than what I prefer.
PatD, it is correct to point out, but I think Gaza upstaging Ukraine is just a matter of the latest tragedy getting the air time. Ukraine genocide has almost been normalized. Really sad.
Craig, sad indeed. maybe not the beheadings, but the atrocities are the same except many more so and on-going by the russians against ukrainians than hamas’ against israelies.
is it our citizenry or the media that have become bored with ukraine’s horrorible tragedy (or accepting of putin being putin like we have about drumpf just being drumpf)?
our short attention spans clamoring for more and more excitement will one day do us in i fear.
BB, as I said to Ivy about what the cat that currently reigns supreme here thinks of the time:
Bodhi: “clocks? we don’t got no clocks. we don’t have to go by any stinking clocks.”
NYTimes poll: Trump Leads in 5 Critical States
“RFK Jr. pulls more votes from Trump than Biden in three-way race: Poll”
“A Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday showed Biden narrowly ahead of Trump by 1 point — 47 percent to 46 percent, within the margin of error — in a head-to-head matchup. But with Kennedy in a three-way race, Biden is ahead with 39 percent to Trump’s 36 percent and Kennedy’s 22 percent.”
“…he has appeared to shift to the right, especially since launching his independent run. Former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), a strong progressive and Kennedy’s original campaign manager, notably left his position just days after Kennedy announced he was switching affiliation.”
“Politico reported Wednesday that Kennedy has been receiving donations from former Trump donors at a much higher rate than from former Biden donors, possibly signaling the risk for Republicans with his candidacy.”
I don’t trust polls, but I do trust money.
I had hoped battleground state polls like today’s New York Times would show better numbers for Biden than national polls. But they’re actually worse. We are exactly one year out and I’m astonished — if I had to guess I’d say Biden loses to Trump if election this week. But so many things going forward can change that.
Good time for a self-reminder that Corporate Media is not on “our” side. The mogilizers know how to snip a little here and pad a little there in order to preserve the illusion of “journalistic integrity”
Pro quo bono polls showing close race?
I know the polls can be used to sway votes. I know the right, billionaires an all, have zero scruples. I remain convinced that a huge recurring story of the last decade has been:
“Oh my……Now how did all the polls get it so wrong?”
But they didn’t get it wrong, Sturg. If anything, Biden slightly underperformed his closing polls in 2020 election. And at this point in 2019 he was averaging 5-8 pts ahead in national polls, slightly above where he ended up, just under 4pts ahead.
So, tRUMPsky boasts that he can end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours if elected. BS unless Vlad would be satisfied with essentially having a seat in the WH…temporarily. Of course, he has his handler, Poo-tin, on speed dial. This seems like an admission of guilt; he is a tool of the Russian state.
“Zelensky, who joined NBC “Meet the Press” Kristen Welker, responded to Trump’s claims that he could end the war with Russia in 24 hours.”
“The Ukrainian president said he would need just 24 minutes instead of 24 hours to explain to Trump that he can’t end the war as easily as he thinks he could.”
“Zelensky added that peace can’t be negotiated with Russian President Vladimir Putin, even if Trump were to try.”
“He can’t bring peace because of Putin,” he said. “If he’s not trying and if he’s not ready to give our territory to this terrible man, to Putin, if you are not ready to give it, if you are not ready to give our independence, he can’t manage it.”
[ grumble grumble ]
Gotta believe this changes when people actually pay attention to Trump again and remember what a lunatic he is, especially since he’s even crazier now. Lack of coverage of his bizarre marathon rally rant-fests might actually be helping him.
Also hoping actual convictions matter more than indictments (which I wrongly would hurt him). Can imagine at least two jury convictions by election day — the second rape trial in January and the DC insurrection case in March.
Craig – What about RFK Jr. siphoning support (potential votes and real dollars) from tRUMPsky?
Craig – What about RFK Jr. siphoning support (potential votes and real dollars) from tRUMPsky?
“The poll, which was taken from Oct. 26 through Oct. 30, queried voters about a possible three-way race between RFK Jr., President Joe Biden, and former president Donald Trump.”
“It found Biden would come out on top in such a race, with 39% of the vote; Trump sat at 36% and RFK Jr. was at 22%.”
“The campaign finance data also suggests Kennedy may be sparking something new in the electorate: More than 60 percent of his large-dollar donors have no donation history on either ActBlue or WinRed, the two parties’ primary donation platforms, since the start of 2020.”
“That data shows more than 500 of Kennedy’s biggest donors gave to Trump’s 2020 campaign, more than three times the number of donors who gave to Biden in that race. And in this cycle, more than 160 donors have given to both Trump and Kennedy, while only a handful have given to both Biden and Kennedy.”
You’re also forgetting the Alito factor, Craig.
Also, the writers’ strike just ended. Folk get their spin on events from Colbert, Meyers, SNL, etc. Late night shows are back and it actually makes a difference, like it or not.
Blue, he has to get on ballots. That is not easy for an independent with no party affiliation — requires millions of dollars to gather petition signatures to meet onerous thresholds, plus costly verification rules and defending expensive legal challenges. And the rich Republican donors who kick started him thinking he would hurt Biden are walking away. My guess is RFK Jr is history by spring.
I’m not forgetting the Alito factor. But in these polls it is outweighed by Biden’s age and economic worries. Without abortion he would really be underwater.
Like I said above, lots of things can change this but I am happy the election is not this Tuesday.
Women. Unions. Cheney Reublicans, Minorities [Black, Latino, Jewish], Regular sane Voters.
Seems like a most powerful voting block which is somehow not showing up in those polls.
So they’re either not showing up on the polls because the votes aren’t there, or because the polls are flawed somehow. Either way media keeps running with them so……..blah
Just about every number in these subgroups shocks me.
I almost think Biden camp should dial back on his personal appearances. Do an Eisenhower — stable hand behind the scenes sort of thing. Every time I see him, especially that shuffling walk, I fear the age issue is reinforced.
And if your Sunday morning readings haven’t been depressing enough:
The article is here behind a paywall.
Wait, next year’s election is on Guy Fawkes Day? That oughta be a blast.
“because the polls are flawed somehow. Either way media keeps running with them so……..blah”
sturge, may i amend your statement to read “BAH” at the end? rubin was noting on velshi this a.m. that in addition to the polls being way too early to be reliable, a big segment (25%) of their respondents are folks (though registered) who didn’t vote in past elections and are unlikely to vote in the one being polled.
the horse race is life blood for media economic success and therefore existence.
Blah…….that was meant to be Bah, only with an “L” in it.
No, really.
lyrics should be reworded to “we’re lost sheep who’ve been led astray… BAH, BAH, BAH!” and blah blah blah as the case may be.
Women. Unions. LGBTQ, Cheney Reublicans, Minorities [Black, Latino, Jewish], Regular sane American Voters.
That’s a ass of people.
Polls are attempting to set up a possibility of THAT group somehow equaling out with—Chump supporters?
What’s wrong wit dis pitchah?
Wolfgang never fails to float my boat. Whatta guy. The instrument and the Orchestra.
He has arthritis in his spine. It’s ridiculous to hold that against him. He’s a great POTUS, capable, connected, and (this cannot to understated) sane.
In addition to bring the tool of a foreign state, tRUMPsky is either not mentally stable or just a dangerously monstrous POS. Flip a coin.
It does remind me that my grandmother, a Republican, said Reagan was too old for another term because HE WAS HER AGE. Age was not the problem with Ronny. Ageism is real and its perpetrators are not all young.
“Former President Donald Trump lashed out at Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds on social media Sunday, saying her pending endorsement of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will be “the end of her political career.”
“Despite all of this, Reynolds remained Neutral on Endorsements, and she is now America’s most Unpopular Governor, and Ron DeSanctimonious is Second,” Trump said, referencing a new Morning Consult poll showing that Reynolds is America’s least popular governor among registered voters. “That’s what happens when you are disloyal to those that got you there!”
Everyone in the GOP needs to dogpile on Orange Adolf and work to stop the orange mobster/monster. But, they had their chance to help by voting with Dems for Hakeem for SOTH, and picked MAGAt Mikey. Now, there’s nobody to protect the election in the US House.
Will they start to turn on him if his businesses actually get taken away and/or if the televised Georgia trial shows his 215+ pound carcass get convicted and sentenced?
What will it take for them to tell themselves the truth and do the right thing?
Republicans tearing at each others throats? Popcorn time! I don’t eat a lot of popcorn but I actually ran out last week and had to run out and buy some.
Can there be enough of a concerted movement amongst Dems to vote in Republican primaries for a specific candidate (who, I don’t know) and push Orange Adolf out? Can we get by with a little help from the LP?
If Colorado keeps him off the ballot, does he still have a path to the WH?
The Colorado law suite will be decided by the supreme court and I would suspect become law of the land whatever the decision. I can’t imagine that they would let chaos rule in a national election.
lol, they ain’t great at concerting
Article I Legislative Branch
Section 4 Congress
Clause 1 Elections Clause
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of choosing Senators.”
“Is there anything that could cause former President Trump to lose the allegiance of the White evangelicals who support him?”
“I think it would have to be something more pragmatic and political than theological or moral. If it got down to him versus Nikki Haley (the former South Carolina governor and 2023 Republican presidential contender), and it was clear in the polling that Trump would lose to a Democrat and Haley would beat the Democrat, many evangelicals would switch their support to Haley because they would want a Republican to win the presidency. People are often looking for some revelation that’s going to get people to stop supporting him (Trump) but I think we’re beyond that in most cases.”
Don’t tell the goopers but i think Haley performs well against Biden if the election were tomorrow 🤫