Jockeys Up

The race in earnest begins today.

Attribution: Common Ground by Dave Whamond, Canada,

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1 year ago

So, I’m hearing that Santos can “chew and walk gum” at the same time.  

“Pulling Back From the Brink” ?
But Cicero is on record as saying that no nation ever has. Then again, Cicero was a twit.

1 year ago

Don’t guess I’ve ever heard a Motörhead song.   

1 year ago

Sure looks like we’re gonna learn a lot more about the 14th Amendment. Might be the only way out of this.

Blue Bronc
1 year ago

Craig – I have been thinking about that ol’ Amendment and what the court, formerly known as supreme, might do to it.  There is the remote possibility that as it is a written Amendment they would consider it original and provide a judgement, or possibly flick the writ of certiorari out the window leaving the gqp without a path to block its use.

1 year ago

All Uncle Joe has to do is order Treasury to pay our bills. A lawsuit surely ensues, but who has standing? That’d be an easy out for the courts, either that the plaintiff doesn’t have standing, or that it’s a purely political question between Executive and Legislative branches. Of course, plaintiffs could request an injunction against the president while courts resolve the issue, but that’d be a stretch, doubt courts would be keen on taking the blame for defaulting the naton. All in all it’s an interesting constitutional issue to test, especially if it has the effect of delaying default until courts decide.

1 year ago

The fault lies with Republicans, who are all to happy to hurt regular Americans in order to continue giving tax breaks to the wealthy/corporations who, in turn, regurgitate a bit into their gaping maw. 
Every election, I hope they lose every election.  

Katherine Graham Cracker
1 year ago

sen Tim Scott announced for president today and Steve Schmidt  said by july
he will be second to trump
i guess he doesn’t remember how goopers feel about black people

1 year ago

There had to be a “reason” for taking away so many boxes of classified material from the White House and then hiding them and refusing to give them up.   What could that “reason” possibly be, for a gangster who measures his own self-worth totally in terms of MONEY.    Hmmm.  Mystery, right?

1 year ago

There are certain things I don’t understand. One is HTF a black politician South of PA could possibly be a Republican. 

1 year ago

Tim S. is in a great position to stand up to the Monstrosity and still land at least the #2 spot. Goops will love him the same way they already love Uncle Clarence.