House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and President Biden will meet Monday to resume talks on how to avoid a catastrophic debt default as the June 1 deadline looms.
McCarthy said Sunday that he had a “productive” call with Mr. Biden as the president returns from the G-7 conference in Japan. McCarthy told reporters that ahead of Monday’s meeting with Mr. Biden, he hopes the negotiating teams on Sunday can “walk through” their exact positions so they can accordingly explain them to Mr. Biden.
White House negotiators, including Steve Ricchetti, Shalanda Young and Louisa Terrell, arrived at the Capitol shortly before 6 p.m. Sunday to meet with Republican Reps. Garret Graves of Louisiana and Patrick McHenry of North Carolina. The White House negotiators left the Speaker’s offices around 8:30 p.m. Neither side provided reporters with any updates on the negotiations.
and as they work away today many others are getting away also facing roadblock challenges: vacation season officially begins with up-coming Memorial Day weekend.
Attribution: Memorial Commute by Frank Hansen,
brushing up on debt ceiling history, NPR back in 2017
It keeps on coming back like a bad penny: Congress’ fight over whether to raise the “debt ceiling.” That’s the limit on how much Congress can borrow to run the federal government. Where did the idea come from and how big is the debt now? NPR senior political editor and correspondent Ron Elving explains.
Tension Building (Sigur Ros: ‘Festival’)
There’s no song that quite mirrors the intensity of the buildup to the debt ceiling cliff as “Festival” by the Icelandic band Sigur Ros. After just 8 minutes, you feel like you’ve been rolled through the wringer, left breathless — and not quite free from danger.
Pulling Back From The Brink (Marion Williams: ‘It is Well’)
Near the end of this live performance from 1962, the incomparable gospel singer Marion Williams pushes her voice to its very limits — and then takes it one step farther. As she shakes and growls with emotion, clearly at the edge of the cliff, she quickly pivots 180 degrees to end the song on a sweet, soft note.
Unutterable Despair (Shostakovich ‘Largo’ from Symphony No. 5)
Sometimes thought of as a lament for the Soviet people, Shostakovich‘s ‘Largo’ from his 1937 Fifth Symphony, cast in thick clouds of gray, traces downtrodden lives and dashed hopes.
Deranged Frenzy (Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No. 1 with Sviatoslav Richter)
No one can play the closing pages of this Prokofiev concerto with the delirious abandon of Sviatoslav Richter. If you can’t wait for the music to reach its final ecstatic mayhem, cue the video to about 12:45 and be amazed at the (precise) finger-twisting chaos.
Anger (Motörhead: ‘Shoot You in the Back’)
Let’s face it. Many people in this country are ashamed and angry. The British metal veterans Motörhead take a page from Western movies where the good, bad and ugly routinely get ambushed from behind with the sting of a bullet.
Craig – I have been thinking about that ol’ Amendment and what the court, formerly known as supreme, might do to it. There is the remote possibility that as it is a written Amendment they would consider it original and provide a judgement, or possibly flick the writ of certiorari out the window leaving the gqp without a path to block its use.
All Uncle Joe has to do is order Treasury to pay our bills. A lawsuit surely ensues, but who has standing? That’d be an easy out for the courts, either that the plaintiff doesn’t have standing, or that it’s a purely political question between Executive and Legislative branches. Of course, plaintiffs could request an injunction against the president while courts resolve the issue, but that’d be a stretch, doubt courts would be keen on taking the blame for defaulting the naton. All in all it’s an interesting constitutional issue to test, especially if it has the effect of delaying default until courts decide.
The fault lies with Republicans, who are all to happy to hurt regular Americans in order to continue giving tax breaks to the wealthy/corporations who, in turn, regurgitate a bit into their gaping maw.
Every election, I hope they lose every election.
If you want to be told about "Manhood," Josh Hawley wrote a book about it. But if you want a Marine veteran fighting for you and everyday Missourians in the U.S. Senate, then join us:
sen Tim Scott announced for president today and Steve Schmidt said by july
he will be second to trump
i guess he doesn’t remember how goopers feel about black people
There had to be a “reason” for taking away so many boxes of classified material from the White House and then hiding them and refusing to give them up. What could that “reason” possibly be, for a gangster who measures his own self-worth totally in terms of MONEY. Hmmm. Mystery, right?
Tim S. is in a great position to stand up to the Monstrosity and still land at least the #2 spot. Goops will love him the same way they already love Uncle Clarence.
thread title could also be “hitch up your skivvies, boys, there’s work to be done”
Biden and McCarthy to resume talks Monday as debt default deadline looms – CBS News
and as they work away today many others are getting away also facing roadblock challenges: vacation season officially begins with up-coming Memorial Day weekend.
Attribution: Memorial Commute by Frank Hansen,
brushing up on debt ceiling history, NPR back in 2017
It keeps on coming back like a bad penny: Congress’ fight over whether to raise the “debt ceiling.” That’s the limit on how much Congress can borrow to run the federal government. Where did the idea come from and how big is the debt now? NPR senior political editor and correspondent Ron Elving explains.
in 2013, NPR also came up with
A Debt Ceiling Playlist: 5 Songs To Push Your Mind To The Brink : Deceptive Cadence : NPR
So, I’m hearing that Santos can “chew and walk gum” at the same time.
“Pulling Back From the Brink” ?
But Cicero is on record as saying that no nation ever has. Then again, Cicero was a twit.
Don’t guess I’ve ever heard a Motörhead song.
Sure looks like we’re gonna learn a lot more about the 14th Amendment. Might be the only way out of this.
Craig – I have been thinking about that ol’ Amendment and what the court, formerly known as supreme, might do to it. There is the remote possibility that as it is a written Amendment they would consider it original and provide a judgement, or possibly flick the writ of certiorari out the window leaving the gqp without a path to block its use.
All Uncle Joe has to do is order Treasury to pay our bills. A lawsuit surely ensues, but who has standing? That’d be an easy out for the courts, either that the plaintiff doesn’t have standing, or that it’s a purely political question between Executive and Legislative branches. Of course, plaintiffs could request an injunction against the president while courts resolve the issue, but that’d be a stretch, doubt courts would be keen on taking the blame for defaulting the naton. All in all it’s an interesting constitutional issue to test, especially if it has the effect of delaying default until courts decide.
The fault lies with Republicans, who are all to happy to hurt regular Americans in order to continue giving tax breaks to the wealthy/corporations who, in turn, regurgitate a bit into their gaping maw.
Every election, I hope they lose every election.
take that, joshie boy,
sen Tim Scott announced for president today and Steve Schmidt said by july
he will be second to trump
i guess he doesn’t remember how goopers feel about black people
There had to be a “reason” for taking away so many boxes of classified material from the White House and then hiding them and refusing to give them up. What could that “reason” possibly be, for a gangster who measures his own self-worth totally in terms of MONEY. Hmmm. Mystery, right?
There are certain things I don’t understand. One is HTF a black politician South of PA could possibly be a Republican.
Tim S. is in a great position to stand up to the Monstrosity and still land at least the #2 spot. Goops will love him the same way they already love Uncle Clarence.